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In a recent publication the isolation and some characteristics of an anti-histone 3 monoclonal antibody, 1GB3 were described (Muller et al. FEBS Lett. 182: 459–464, 1985). We now report that the epitope recognized is phylogenetically conserved and located in the N-terminal part of H3, most likely between residues 40 and 50. Using the ELISA technique we found this region to be accessible in chromatin to the monoclonal antibody. The effect of non-ionic detergents on the adsorbtion of chromatin on microtiter plates was studied in this context.Immunological analysis of the reaction of the monoclonal antibody with chromatin by immunoinhibition and immunosedimentation shows that the H3 epitope is accessible in both folded and unfolded chromatin fibre as well as in high- and low-molecular weight oligonucleosomes.Abbreviations BSA Bovine srum albumin - mab Monoclonal antibody - PBS Phosphate buffered saline - PMSF Phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   
UV laser irradiation has been used to covalently crosslink histones to DNA in nuclei, chromatin and core particles and the presence of the different histone species in the covalently linked material was detected immunochemically. When nuclei were irradiated and then trypsinized to cleave the N- and C- terminal histone tails, no histones have been found covalently linked to DNA. This finding shows that UV laser-induced crosslinking of histones to DNA is accomplished via the non-structured domains only. This unexpected way of crosslinking operated in chromatin, H1-depleted chromatin and core particles, i.e. independently of the chromatin structure. The efficiency of crosslinking, however, showed such a dependence: whilst the yield of crosslinks was similar in total and H1-depleted chromatin, in core particles the efficiency was 3-4 times lower for H2A, H2B and H4 and 10-12 times lower for H3. The decreased crosslinking efficiency, especially dramatic in the case of H3, is attributed to a reduced number of binding sites, and, respectively, is considered as a direct evidence for interaction of nonstructured tails of core histones with linker DNA.  相似文献   
Mouse centromeric heterochromatin: Isolation and some characteristics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method is suggested for isolation of highly purified mouse centromeric heterochromatin. Treatment of mouse liver nuclei with decreasing concentrations of Ca2+ resulted in the gradual unraveling of chromatin in the nucleus and at 0.1 mM Ca2+ electron microscopy revealed several dense particles per nucleus, surrounded by decondensed chromatin. These particles, assumed to represent centromere regions of interphase chromosomes by in situ hybridization with radioactive mouse satellite DNA and by differential staining for centromere heterochromatin, were isolated in preparative amounts and their DNA and protein composition was analyzed. The preparation represented practically pure mouse centromere heterochromatin, since more than 90% of its DNA was satellite DNA.  相似文献   
The amounts of high-mobility-group proteins (HMG) 1 and 2 in different mouse T-cell populations are studied. It is shown that the quantity of HMG 1 and 2 is different in functionally distinct T-cells. The level of these proteins in thymus cells is higher than in cortisone-resistant thymocytes and peripheral T-cells; it increases in the cytotoxic cells generated in mixed lymphocyte culture. The quantity of HMG is negligible in memory T-cells and increases when the latter cells are stimulated again. The differences found in the levels of HMG 1 and 2 could be related to the rate of cell proliferation and to the changes in chromatin structure at each functional stage of differentiating T-cells.  相似文献   
The presence of histones H1 and H4 at the sites of actual DNA synthesis has been studied with Ehrlich ascites tumour cells, pulse labeled for different times with 3H-thymidine and then treated with formaldehyde to crosslink histones to DNA. The fixed chromatin fragments were sonicated to reduce the size of DNA, purified in a CsCl gradient and immunoprecipitated with antibodies to histones H1 and H4. Determination of specific radioactivity in precipitated probes showed that both histones have been associated with nascent DNA even upon 1 min pulse with 3H-thymidine, thus indicating their presence near the replication fork.  相似文献   
Bioluminescence in beetles is found mainly in the Elateroidea superfamily (Elateridae, Lampyridae and Phengodidae). The Neotropical region accounts for the richest diversity of bioluminescent species in the world with about 500 described species, most occurring in the Amazon, Atlantic rainforest and Cerrado (savanna) ecosystems in Brazil. The origin and evolution of bioluminescence, as well as the taxonomic status of several Neotropical taxa in these families remains unclear. In order to contribute to a better understanding of the phylogeny and evolution of bioluminescent Elateroidea we sequenced and analyzed sequences of mitochondrial NADH2 and the nuclear 28S genes and of the cloned luciferase sequences of Brazilian species belonging to the following genera: (Lampyridae) Macrolampis, Photuris, Amydetes, Bicellonycha, Aspisoma, Lucidota, Cratomorphus; (Elateridae) Conoderus, Pyrophorus, Hapsodrilus, Pyrearinus, Fulgeochlizus; and (Phengodidae) Pseudophengodes, Phrixothrix, Euryopa and Brasilocerus. Our study supports a closer phylogenetic relationship between Elateridae and Phengodidae as other molecular studies, in contrast with previous morphologic and molecular studies that clustered Lampyridae/Phengodidae. Molecular data also supported division of the Phengodinae subfamily into the tribes Phengodini and Mastinocerini. The position of the genus Amydetes supports the status of the Amydetinae as a subfamily. The genus Euryopa is included in the Mastinocerini tribe within the Phengodinae/Phengodidae. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Involvement of rabphilin-3A-like (RPH3AL), or Noc2, the potential effector of Ras-associated binding proteins Rab3A and Rab27A in the regulation of exocytotic processes in the endocrine pancreas has been demonstrated in experimental models. Noc2 expression together with other regulatory molecules of the exocytotic machinery in human tissues, however, has not been studied. We evaluated immunohistochemical expression of the key molecules of the exocytotic machinery, Noc2, Rab3A, Rab27A, and RIM2, together with the characteristic islet cell hormones, insulin and glucagon in normal and endocrine tumor tissues of human pancreas. Normal pancreatic islets were stained for all of these proteins and showed strong cytoplasmic localization. A similar pattern of strong cytoplasmic expression of these proteins was observed in the majority of endocrine tumors. By contrast, the exocrine portions of normal appearing pancreas completely lacked Rab27A staining and showed decreased expression of the proteins, Noc2, Rab3A, and RIM2. The staining pattern of Noc2 and Rab27A was similar to the staining pattern of glucagon-producing cells within the islets. The concomitant expression of Noc2 with these molecules suggests that Noc2 may serve as an effector for Rab3A and Rab27A and that it is involved in the regulation of exocytosis of the endocrine pancreas in humans.  相似文献   
The ability to discriminate between galactose and N- acetylgalactosamine, observed in some lectins, is crucial for their biological activity as well as their usefulness as tools in biology and medicine. However, the molecular basis of differential binding of lectins to these two sugars is poorly understood. Peanut agglutinin (PNA) is one of the few galactose-specific legume lectins which does not bind N- acetylgalactosamine at all and is, therefore, ideal for the study of the basis of specificity towards C-2 substituted derivatives of galactopyranosides. Examination of the three-dimensional structure of PNA in complex with lactose revealed the presence of both a longer loop and bulkier residues in the region surrounding the C-2 hydroxyl of the galactopyranoside ring, which can sterically prevent the accommodation of a bulky substituent in this position. One such residue, is a glutamic acid at position 129 which protrudes into the binding site and perhaps directly obstructs any substitution at the C-2 position. Two mutants in bacterially expressed PNA were therefore constructed. These were E129D and E129A, in which Glu129 was replaced by Asp and Ala, respectively. The specificity of the mutants for galactose, galactosamine, and N- acetylgalactosamine was examined through observing the inhibition of hemagglutination and binding of the lectin to immobilized asialofetuin. The results showed that the affinity of E129A and E129D for C-2-substituted derivatives of the galactose varies. The mutant E129D showed significant binding towards N- acetylgalactosamine, suggesting that the residue Glu 129 is crucial in imparting exclusive galactose-specificity upon PNA. This study not only attempts to provide an explanation for the inability of PNA to accommodate C-2-substituted derivatives at its primary subsite, but also seeks to present a basis for engineering lectins with altered specificities.   相似文献   
A picosecond UV laser was used to cross-link proteins to DNA in nuclei, whole cells and reconstituted nucleohistone. Irradiation of the nucleohistone resulted in crosslinking 15-20% of bound histones to DNA in a very short time (one or several picosecond pulses), the efficiency of crosslinking to single stranded DNA being higher than to double stranded DNA. All histones as well as high mobility group 1 proteins were identified in the covalently linked protein-DNA complexes upon irradiation of isolated nuclei and whole cells. A method is suggested for isolation of crosslinked material from cells and nuclei in amounts sufficient for further analysis. Experiments with reconstituted nucleohistones showed that upon irradiation at a constant dose the efficiency of crosslinking depended on the intensity of the light, thus suggesting a two-quantum process is involved in the reaction.  相似文献   
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