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Genetic susceptibility to multiple sclerosis (MS) in Caucasians was previously shown to be correlated to the presence of given alleles at the HLA-DR and Gm loci. We now demonstrate that the humoral immune response in MS central nervous system (CNS) is modulated by both loci: the levels of IgG1 subclass and IgG1 allotypes in cerebrospinal fluid of MS patients depend on both their Gm genotype and their HLA-DR2 or HLA-DR7 phenotype. That HLA-DR molecules may either participate in a preferential recruitment of IgG1 allotype-producing B cells in MS CNS or act after such a selective homing is discussed. These results demonstrate that both HLA and Gm loci are synergistically involved in the modulation of the humoral immune response.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: IgE/anti-IgE immune complexes (IgE-IC) induce the release of multiple mediators from monocytes/macrophages and the monocytic cell line U937 following the ligation of the low-affinity Fc epsilon receptors (Fc epsilon RII/CD23). These effects are mediated through an accumulation of cAMP and the generation of L-arginine-dependent nitric oxide (NO). Since high IgE levels predict more rapid progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, we attempted to define the effects of IgE-IC on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) production in monocytes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two variants of HIV-1 chronically infected monocytic U1 cells were stimulated with IgE-IC and virus replication was quantified. NO and cAMP involvement was tested through the use of agonistic and antagonistic chemicals of these two pathways. RESULTS: IgE-IC induced p24 production by U1 cells with low-level constitutive expression of HIV-1 mRNAs and extracellular HIV capsid protein p24 levels (U1low), upon their pretreatment with interleukin 4 (IL-4) or IL-13. This effect was due to the crosslinking of CD23, as it was reversed by blocking the IgE binding site on CD23. The IgE-IC effect could also be mimicked by crosslinking of CD23 by a specific monoclonal antibody. p24 induction by IgE-IC was then shown to be due to CD23-mediated stimulation of cAMP, NO, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) generation. In another variant of U1 cells with > 1 log higher constitutive production of p24 levels (U1high), IgE-IC addition dramatically decreased all cell functions tested and accelerated cell death. This phenomenon was reversed by blocking the nitric oxide generation. CONCLUSIONS: These data point out a regulatory role of IgE-IC on HIV-1 production in monocytic cells, through CD23-mediated stimulation of cAMP and NO pathways. IgE-IC can also stimulate increased cell death in high HIV producing cells through the NO pathway.  相似文献   
PVC-211 murine leukemia virus (MuLV) causes neurodegenerative disease following inoculation of neonatal, but not adult, mice and rats. It was previously shown that tropism for brain capillary endothelial cells (CEC) was a determinant of the viral neuropathogenicity. In this study, we demonstrate that host age-dependent replication of PVC-211 MuLV in vivo occurs in CEC in the brain as well as in other organs, such as the liver, kidney, and heart. In contrast, primary explant cultures of CEC derived from brains and livers of adult and neonatal rats could be infected by PVC-211 MuLV, suggesting that the age-dependent susceptibility was abrogated in vitro. Although CEC were generally less susceptible to MuLV-mediated gene transduction than fibroblasts, treatment of CEC with 2-deoxyglucose followed by inoculation of a PVC-211 MuLV-pseudotyped vector in the absence of heparin improved the transduction efficiency. These observations support the possibility that PVC-211 MuLV may be useful for establishing models of CEC gene transduction.  相似文献   
The effects of recombinant murine macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 beta and MIP-2 on the suppressive activity of MIP-1 alpha were tested using colony formation by human and murine bone marrow burst-forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E), colony-forming unit-granulocyte erythroid macrophage, megakaryocyte (CFU-GEMM), and colony-forming unit-granulocyte macrophage (CFU-GM) progenitor cells. MIP-1 beta, but not MIP-2, when added with MIP-1 alpha to cells, blocked the suppressive effects of MIP-1 alpha on both human and murine BFU-E, CFU-GEMM, and CFU-GM colony formation. Similar results were observed regardless of the early acting cytokines used: human rGM-CSF plus human rIL-3, and two recently described potent cytokines, a genetically engineered human rGM-CSF/IL-3 fusion protein and MGF, a c-kit ligand. The more potent the stimuli, the greater the suppressive activity noted. Pulse treatment of hu bone marrow cells with MIP-1 alpha at 4 degrees C for 1 h was as effective in inhibiting colony formation as continuous exposure of cells to MIP-1 alpha, and the pulsing effect with MIP-1 alpha could not be overcome by subsequent exposure of cells to MIP-1 beta. Also, pulse exposure of cells to MIP-1 beta blocked the activity of subsequently added MIP-1 alpha. For specificity, the action of a nonrelated myelosuppressive factor H-ferritin, was compared. MIP-1 alpha and H-ferritin were shown to act on similar target populations of early BFU-E, CFU-GEMM, and CFU-GM. MIP-1 beta did not block the suppressive activity of H-ferritin. Also, hemin and an inactive recombinant human H-ferritin mutein counteracted the suppressive effects of the wildtype H-ferritin molecule, but did not block the suppressive effects of MIP-1 alpha. These results show that MIP-1 beta's ability to block the action of MIP-1 alpha is specific. In addition, the results suggest that MIP-1 alpha and MIP-beta can, through rapid action, modulate early myeloid progenitor cell proliferation.  相似文献   
ME26 virus, which was generated by inserting the coding region of the acute avian leukemia-inducing virus E26 into a murine retrovirus vector, encodes a 135-kDa gag-myb-ets fusion protein. Amphotropic murine leukemia virus pseudotypes of ME26 virus induce a high incidence of erythroleukemia 2 to 4 months after injection into newborn NFS/N mice. Spleen cells from the majority of these mice proliferate to high levels in the presence of the erythroid hormone erythropoietin (Epo) and can easily be established as permanent Epo-dependent cell lines. The cell lines contain multiple copies of ME26 viral DNA and express viral message and protein. An Epo receptor mRNA of normal size can be detected in these cells, and binding studies reveal a single class of lower-affinity Epo receptor with an affinity for Epo that is in the range of that previously reported for erythroid cells. The ME26 virus-induced Epo-dependent cell lines, however, appear more immature than previously described erythroid cell lines and more closely resemble early hematopoietic precursor cells, suggesting that the virus may be activating the Epo receptor in hematopoietic cells that do not normally express it. Consistent with this idea, we are able to infect an interleukin-3-dependent myeloid cell line, FDC-P2, with ME26 virus and convert it to Epo dependence. The ME26 virus-infected FDC-P2 cells, even before growth on Epo, showed a large increase in the amount of Epo receptor mRNA. However, no ME26 viral integrations can be detected adjacent to the Epo receptor gene, indicating that the virus is not activating the Epo receptor gene by promoter/enhancer insertion. Our results are more consistent with the hypothesis that the gag-myb-ets-encoded viral fusion protein, which is known to bind DNA, is directly or indirectly activating the expression of the Epo receptor gene in these cells.  相似文献   
PVC-211 murine leukemia virus (MuLV) is a replication-competent, ecotropic type C retrovirus that was isolated after passage of the Friend virus complex through F344 rats. Unlike viruses in the Friend virus complex, it does not cause erythroleukemia but causes a rapidly progressive hind limb paralysis when injected into newborn rats and mice. We have isolated an infectious DNA clone (clone 3d) of this virus which causes neurological disease in animals as efficiently as parental PVC-211 MuLV. The restriction map of clone 3d is very similar to that of the nonneuropathogenic, erythroleukemogenic Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV), suggesting that PVC-211 MuLV is a variant of F-MuLV and that no major structural alteration was involved in its derivation. Studies with chimeric viruses between PVC-211 MuLV clone 3d and wild-type F-MuLV clone 57 indicate that at least one determinant for neuropathogenicity resides in the 2.1-kb XbaI-ClaI fragment containing the gp70 coding region of PVC-211 MuLV. Compared with nonneuropathogenic ecotropic MuLVs, the env gene of PVC-211 MuLV encodes four unique amino acids in the gp70 protein. Nucleotide sequence analysis also revealed a deletion in the U3 region of the long terminal repeat (LTR) of PVC-211 MuLV clone 3d compared with F-MuLV clone 57. In contrast to the env gene of PVC-211 MuLV, particular sequences within the U3 region of the viral LTR do not appear to be required for neuropathogenicity. However, the changes in the LTR of PVC-211 MuLV may be responsible for the failure of this virus to cause erythroleukemia, because chimeric viruses containing the U3 region of F-MuLV clone 57 were erythroleukemogenic whereas those with the U3 of PVC-211 MuLV clone 3d were not.  相似文献   
We have described the isolation of a replication-defective murine leukemia virus from a culture of AKR lymphoma cells [Rein et al., Nature (London) 282:753-754, 1979]. To facilitate the characterization of this murine leukemia virus, we transmitted it to mink cells and analyzed its genome by restriction mapping of the mink cellular DNA. This genome resembled the Akv genome quite closely, but it had an additional KpnI cleavage site at 1.3 kilobase pairs from the 5' end of the provirus and a small (approximately 50-base-pair) deletion between 1.8 and 3.0 kilobase pairs from the 5' end. When we tested these mink cells by immune precipitation or by competition radioimmunoassay, we found that they synthesized gPr82env, but contained no detectable gag or pol proteins. It seems likely that the KpnI cleavage site at 1.3 kilobase pairs reflects an abnormal sequence at or near the beginning of the gag gene, which prevents gag or pol translation by introducing a frameshift or termination codon into this region.  相似文献   
NFS/N mice inoculated at birth with an ecotropic murine leukemia virus (Cas-Br-MuLV) obtained from wild mice developed hind limb paralysis beginning at 7 weeks of age and nonthymic lymphomas beginning at more than 20 weeks of age. Studies of 1- to 7-week-old Cas-Br-M MuLV-infected mice showed the following: (i) a marked increase in nonecotropic MuLV-related antigens on spleen cells but not thymocytes beginning at 2 weeks; (ii) the appearance of dual-tropic mink cell focus-forming (MCF) MuLV-related gp70 in spleen but not thymus or brain cells at 4 weeks; and (iii) the isolation of infectious MCF MuLV from spleen cells of 7-week-old mice. A role for MCF MuLV in Cas-Br-M MuLV-induced nonthymic lymphomas is indicated by these studies, and a role for recombinant MuLV in neurological disease is considered.  相似文献   
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