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The fecundity reduction with aging is referred as the reproductive aging which comes earlier than that of chronological aging. Since humans have postponed their childbearing age, to prolong the reproductive age becomes urgent agenda for reproductive biologists. In the current study, we examined the potential associations of α‐ketoglutarate (α‐KG) and reproductive aging in mammals including mice, swine, and humans. There is a clear tendency of reduced α‐KG level with aging in the follicle fluids of human. To explore the mechanisms, mice were selected as the convenient animal model. It is observed that a long term of α‐KG administration preserves the ovarian function, the quality and quantity of oocytes as well as the telomere maintaining system in mice. α‐KG suppresses ATP synthase and alterations of the energy metabolism trigger the nutritional sensors to down‐regulate mTOR pathway. These events not only benefit the general aging process but also maintain ovarian function and delay the reproductive decline. Considering the safety of the α‐KG as a naturally occurring molecule in energy metabolism, its utility in reproduction of large mammals including humans deserves further investigation.  相似文献   
Limited proteolysis by pancreatic elastase (EC and chymotrypsin (EC was used to study the domain structure and active site of beta-galactosidase (EC (Escherichia coli). Treatment with elastase resulted in a rapid cleavage between residues Ala-732 and Ala-733. No inactivation accompanied this cleavage suggesting that this bond is in a hinge region of the protein. Some slow cleavages beyond the initial one were observed to occur and were accompanied by inactivation. Treatment of beta-galactosidase with chymotrypsin resulted in cleavages first between Trp-585 and Ser-586 and then between Phe-601 and Cys-602. The first of these cleavages resulted in total inactivation of beta-galactosidase. The presence of monovalent ions or isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside protected against the cleavages but when Mg2+ or Mn2+ was present in the reaction mixture, the bond between Trp-585 and Ser-586 was more susceptible to the action of chymotrypsin. These data demonstrate that the conformation of beta-galactosidase around Trp-585 and Ser-586 is dramatically affected by the binding of ions and isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside. The mutant M15 beta-galactosidase, which is missing residues 11 through 41 and is an inactive dimer rather than an active tetramer, was found to be much more labile to proteases than native beta-galactosidase, but the same initial cleavages were found to occur. In addition, trypsin cleaved the M15 protein between Arg-431 and Trp-432 while native beta-galactosidase was stable to trypsin.  相似文献   
糙叶败酱挥发油镇静作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文观察了败酱科植物糙叶败酱(Patrinia scabra Bunge)根和根茎中制得的挥发油的镇静作用,井与黄花败酱挥发油做了比较。结果表明,此油灌胃给予数组小鼠,剂量0.45ml/kg,显示如下的作用:[1]能显著延长由于腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠(50mg/kg)引起的小鼠睡眠时间,但其作用强度弱于黄花败酱挥发油。(2)一次灌胃给予小鼠大剂量10.46g/kg的糙叶败酱挥发油,连续观察10天,动物外观正常,无一死亡,体重增加与对照组相似。  相似文献   
武汉东湖的鲢(Hypophthalmichthy molitrix)鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)在天然条件下摄食强度具季节性变化。摄食强度高峰处于夏季,低谷处于冬季。在实验条件下,按周年采样期间水温变化范围,测定鱼的肠管排空率。食物通过鱼肠管时间(Y_p—h)与水温(X_t—℃)的关系为: 鲢Y_p=270.63 X_t~(0.6408) 鳙Y_p=280.46 X_t~(0.6642) 根据修正后Bajkov公式(D=C (24.A)/n),估算鱼的日粮。鱼日粮(Y_D)与水温(X_t)关系为: 鲢Y_D=0.2683e~(0.1503X_t) 鳙Y_D=0.0075X_t~(2.2715) 计算鱼在天然条件下周年月粮及年粮。鲢、鳙对天然饵料年消耗量分别为18.924公斤及17.39公斤,饵料系数分别为18.02及13.38。  相似文献   
“引黄济青”是国家“七五”重点工程,由黄河下游博兴县境内打渔张闸引水,在渠首沉沙后,再经惠民、东营、潍坊和青岛的10个县区约253km的明渠输送,到达唠山县棘洪滩蓄水库蓄存,实现向青岛市日供水3.0×10~5m~3。明渠输水过程中,来白沿线的营养物质会污染水体,加之输水在库中滞留时间长,会不会发生富营养化,这是社会普遍关注的问题。  相似文献   
可育的抗除草剂溴苯腈转基因小麦   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
报道了采用微粒轰击(Microprojectile bom bardm ent) 幼胚将除草剂抗性基因导入小麦(Triticumaestivum L.)的转化研究。实验共使用了13 个小麦品种, 从开花后14~18 d 的籽粒中剥取幼胚, 植物表达质粒含有CaMV 35S启动子控制的除草剂溴苯腈抗性基因bxn 以及筛选标记基因NTPⅡ。采用高压放电基因枪,用质粒DNA 包被的钨粒轰击预培养3 d 的幼胚。在含有卡那霉素类似物geneticin G418sulphate 的MS培养基上, 经过多步骤筛选和分化, 从800 多个幼胚中获得了16 株转化苗。除草剂抗性鉴定和Southern 杂交分析证明, 其中4 株为转基因植物,具有溴苯腈抗性, 并且自交可育。转化工作从分离幼胚到转化苗鉴定完毕, 最短时间为6 个月, 因此, 该方法是一项快速有效的基因导入技术  相似文献   
苏云金芽孢杆菌δ-内毒素基因穿梭质粒的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在农业生产中长期使用化学农药已对环境和生态平衡造成一定破坏作用,同时有不少害虫也逐渐产生抗药性从而引起某些害虫的大流行,给农业生产带来巨大损失。应用苏云金杆菌杀虫蛋白基因(Bt基因)可构建具有抗虫作用的抗虫工程菌,这样通过拌种或植物叶面喷雾可达到快速、经济、有效的防治虫害的目的。国际上抗虫工程菌研究应用很快,如美国将BI基因转入到一种正常情况下定居在植物组织中的棒杆菌,将这种工程菌拌玉米种子,这样随植物生长该菌在植物体内大量繁殖,当玉米螟在茎和叶取食时,即因食用表达苏云金杆菌毒蛋白的工程菌而死亡。 田颖川等已克隆了苏云金芽孢杆菌内毒素基因CryIA(b)和CryIA(c)。本文将Bt基因CryIA(c)插入到大肠-枯草穿梭载体pBE-2中构建成Bt毒蛋白基因穿梭质粒pAMY,利用电穿孔法转人大肠杆菌DH5a,枯草芽孢杆菌B.subtilis BR151,IA511,野生型蜡状芽孢杆菌B.cereusa-47,短芽孢杆菌B.brevis A-5和枯草芽孢杆菌90-8,获得了具有较高杀虫活性的工程菌克隆。  相似文献   
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