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Take-all is a world-wide root-rotting disease of cereals. The causal organism of take-all of wheat is the soil-borne fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var tritici (Ggt). No resistance to take-all, worthy of inclusion in a plant breeding programme, has been discovered in wheat but the severity of take-all is increased in host plants whose tissues are deficient for manganese (Mn). Take-all of wheat will be decreased by all techniques which lift Mn concentrations in shoots and roots of Mn-deficient hosts to adequate levels. Wheat seedlings were grown in a Mn-deficient calcareous sand in small pots and inoculated with four field isolates of Ggt. Infection by three virulent isolates was increased under conditions which were Mn deficient for the wheat host but infection by a weakly virulent isolate, already low, was further decreased. Only the three virulent isolates caused visible oxidation of Mn in vitro. The sensitivity of Ggt isolates to manganous ions in vitro did not explain the extent of infection they caused on wheat hosts. In a similar experiment four Australian wheat genotypes were grown in the same Mn-deficient calcareous sand and inoculated with one virulent isolate of Ggt. Two genotypes were inefficient at taking up manganese and were very susceptible to take-all, one was very efficient at taking up manganese and was resistant to take-all, and the fourth genotype was intermediate for both characters. All genotypes were equally resistant under Mn-adequate conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Seed of maize, tomato, and wheat was inoculated with cultures of Azotobacter, Clostridium, and a nitrogen-fixing facultative Bacillus and grown in a nutrient-deficient sand and a highly fertile silt loam.In sand, wheat showed a significant positive response to inoculation with Azotobacter and Clostridium but maize and tomato were unaffected by inoculation.When inoculated seed was planted in Lima silt loam there were significant increases in the growth of maize, tomato, and wheat to treatment with Clostridium, inoculated maize and wheat responded to Azotobacter inoculation while only wheat responded to inoculation with the facultative Bacillus.In pure-culture studies of the ability of these cultures to establish upon plant roots it was shown that Azotobacter did not colonize the roots of lucerne, maize, tomato, or wheat to any great extent. Bacillus and Clostridium were moderate colonizers of plant roots reaching from 1 to 20 per cent the levels reached byPseudomonas fluorescens on the same plants.The author held a Fulbright Travel Grant for the 1961–1962 academic year.Agronomy Paper No. 595. Supported in part by funds provided by Regional Research Project NE 39.  相似文献   
Disinhibition of the cortex (e.g., by GABA -receptor blockade) generates synchronous and oscillatory electrophysiological activity that propagates along the cortex. We have studied, in brain slices of the cingulate cortex of mice (postnatal age 14–20 days), the propagation along layer 2/3 as well as the interhemispheric propagation through the corpus callosum of synchronous discharges recorded extracellularly and evoked in the presence of 10 μM bicuculline by electrical stimulation of layer 1. The latency of the responses obtained at the same distance from the stimulus electrode was longer in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC: 39.53 ± 2.83 ms, n = 7) than in retrosplenial cortex slices (RSC: 21.99 ± 2.75 ms, n = 5; p<0.05), which is equivalent to a lower propagation velocity in the dorso-ventral direction in ACC than in RSC slices (43.0 mm/s vs 72.9 mm/s). We studied the modulation of this propagation by serotonin. Serotonin significantly increased the latency of the intracortical synchronous discharges (18.9% in the ipsilateral hemisphere and 40.2% in the contralateral hemisphere), and also increased the interhemispheric propagation time by 86.4%. These actions of serotonin were mimicked by the activation of either 5-HT1B or 5-HT2A receptors, but not by the activation of the 5-HT1A subtype. These findings provide further knowledge about the propagation of synchronic electrical activity in the cerebral cortex, including its modulation by serotonin, and suggest the presence of deep differences between the ACC and RSC in the structure of the local cortical microcircuits underlying the propagation of synchronous discharges.  相似文献   
Family 16 carbohydrate active enzyme members Bacillus licheniformis 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase and Populus tremula x tremuloides xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET16-34) are highly structurally related but display different substrate specificities. Although the first binds linear gluco-oligosaccharides, the second binds branched xylogluco-oligosaccharides. Prior engineered nucleophile mutants of both enzymes are glycosynthases that catalyze the condensation between a glycosyl fluoride donor and a glycoside acceptor. With the aim of expanding the glycosynthase technology to produce designer oligosaccharides consisting of hybrids between branched xylogluco- and linear gluco-oligosaccharides, enzyme engineering on the negative subsites of 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase to accept branched substrates has been undertaken. Removal of the 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase major loop and replacement with that of XET16-34 to open the binding cleft resulted in a folded protein, which still maintained some β-glucan hydrolase activity, but the corresponding nucleophile mutant did not display glycosynthase activity with either linear or branched glycosyl donors. Next, point mutations of the 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase β-sheets forming the binding site cleft were mutated to resemble XET16-34 residues. The final chimeric protein acquired binding affinity for xyloglucan and did not bind β-glucan. Therefore, binding specificity has been re-engineered, but affinity was low and the nucleophile mutant of the chimeric enzyme did not show glycosynthase activity to produce the target hybrid oligosaccharides. Structural analysis by X-ray crystallography explains these results in terms of changes in the protein structure and highlights further engineering approaches toward introducing the desired activity.  相似文献   

The marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana grown under air (0.04% CO2) and 1 and 5% CO2 concentrations was evaluated to determine its potential for CO2 mitigation coupled with biodiesel production. Results indicated that the diatom cultures grown at 1 and 5% CO2 showed higher growth rates (1.14 and 1.29 div day−1, respectively) and biomass productivities (44 and 48 mgAFDWL−1 day−1) than air grown cultures (with 1.13 div day−1 and 26 mgAFDWL−1 day−1). The increase of CO2 resulted in higher cell volume and pigment content per cell of T. pseudonana. Interestingly, lipid content doubled when air was enriched with 1–5% CO2. Moreover, the analysis of the fatty acid composition of T. pseudonana revealed the predominance of monounsaturated acids (palmitoleic-16:1 and oleic-18:1) and a decrease of the saturated myristic acid-14:0 and polyunsaturated fatty acids under high CO2 levels. These results suggested that T. pseudonana seems to be an ideal candidate for biodiesel production using flue gases.

Fasting causes insulin resistance in liver and fat, and increases insulin sensitivity in muscle. We studied the response in vitro and in vivo to insulin of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase in muscle and liver from 72 h fasted and control rats. Insulin was injected intraperitoneally together with glucose, and blood and tissue samples were obtained 0, 5, 15 and 30 min later. Basal serum glucose and insulin levels were significantly higher in control than in fasting rats. Serum glucose rose to approximately 300 mg/dl at 5 min and then progressively declined without hypoglycaemia. Receptors were prepared from whole tissue by wheat germ lectin affinity chromatography. 125I-insulin binding to purified receptors was increased by fasting in both muscle (18%) and liver (50%). In untreated fasting and control animals, muscle and liver insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity was stimulated to similar levels by insulin added in vitro. With only insulin treatment in vivo, muscle receptor tyrosine kinase behaved similarly in fasting and control animals with maximal activation at 15 min post injection. In liver, insulin in vivo stimulated receptor tyrosine kinase activity maximally at 5 min post injection in both fasting and control, but in fasting animals the treatment in vivo caused a significantly larger and more prolonged activation of the enzymic activity, possibly due to a decrease in the rate of dephosphorylation and deactivation of the beta subunits.  相似文献   
Heme oxygenase catalyzes the degradation of heme to biliverdin, iron, and carbon monoxide. Here, we present crystal structures of the substrate-free, Fe3+-biliverdin-bound, and biliverdin-bound forms of HmuO, a heme oxygenase from Corynebacterium diphtheriae, refined to 1.80, 1.90, and 1.85 Å resolution, respectively. In the substrate-free structure, the proximal and distal helices, which tightly bracket the substrate heme in the substrate-bound heme complex, move apart, and the proximal helix is partially unwound. These features are supported by the molecular dynamic simulations. The structure implies that the heme binding fixes the enzyme active site structure, including the water hydrogen bond network critical for heme degradation. The biliverdin groups assume the helical conformation and are located in the heme pocket in the crystal structures of the Fe3+-biliverdin-bound and the biliverdin-bound HmuO, prepared by in situ heme oxygenase reaction from the heme complex crystals. The proximal His serves as the Fe3+-biliverdin axial ligand in the former complex and forms a hydrogen bond through a bridging water molecule with the biliverdin pyrrole nitrogen atoms in the latter complex. In both structures, salt bridges between one of the biliverdin propionate groups and the Arg and Lys residues further stabilize biliverdin at the HmuO heme pocket. Additionally, the crystal structure of a mixture of two intermediates between the Fe3+-biliverdin and biliverdin complexes has been determined at 1.70 Å resolution, implying a possible route for iron exit.  相似文献   
As part of the almond breeding programme at IRTA, we investigated the S genotypes of several cultivars using a combination of RNase zymograms, testcrosses, pollen-tube growth analysis and molecular identification by PCR analysis. For some of the cultivars examined, discrepancies appeared between their S alleles as reported in the literature and those found in this investigation, leading to a re-evaluation of their S genotypes. Analysis of the stylar ribonucleases (RNases), which are known to correlate with S alleles, of cvs. Achaak, Ardechoise, Desmayo Largueta, Ferrastar, Gabaix, Garbí, Glorieta, Languedoc, Primorskiy and Texas revealed inconsistencies with respect to the S5 and S10 alleles. However, PCR with the conserved primer pair AS1II/AmyC5R failed to detect any of these inconsistencies. When the S alleles from Desmayo Largueta, Gabaix, Primorskiy and Texas were sequenced, Texas and Primorskiy were found to carry the reported S5 allele, while Desmayo Largueta and Gabaix carried a new allele, which has been tentatively denoted as S25 This new S allele, previously reported to be S10, was also identified in Achaak, Ardechoise and Ferrastar. The proposed new S genotypes are Achaak (S2S25), Ardechoise (S1S25), Desmayo Largueta (S1S25), Ferrastar (S2S25) and Gabaix (S10S25). The S alleles of Garbí, Glorieta, Languedoc, Texas and Primorskiy remain as reported in the literature. Testcrosses in the field and laboratory confirmed the new S genotypes. One cultivar (Gabaix) could be assigned to the existing cross-incompatibility group O of unique genotypes, and two new groups were established (XVI and XVII) consisting of two cultivars each. The clarification of these S alleles will be useful in almond breeding programmes and for planning new commercial orchards in the future.  相似文献   
Invasive aspergillosis has become the leading cause of death after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This is partially due to the lack of a prompt diagnosis. Recently the detection of Aspergillus galactomannan antigen by means an ELISA technique in serum has been described. The objective of this study was to validate its usefulness in the allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation setting.  相似文献   
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