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Comparative assays were made in a spectrophotometer and a microcalorimeter for the reaction between acetylcholinesterase (EC and acetylthiocholine. The rate of light absorbance change and the rate of heat flow were measured from similar and simultaneous reactions in spectrophotometer and microcalorimeter, respectively. At the enzyme activity levels studied, i.e., 0.05–0.15 I.U. in calorimetry and 1–4 I.U. in spectrophotometry, the reaction rates were linear and showed first-order kinetics. A highly significant positive correlation was seen between the two methods (r = 0.997). More importantly, spectrophotometric assay with acetylthiocholine (which utilized a secondary reaction with chromagen, dithiobisnitrobenzoic acid) stood in highly significant positive correlation with calorimetric assays (which did not require a chromagen) either with the same substrate (r = 0.976) or with acetylcholine (r = 0.900). It appears that microcalorimetry can be used in preference to spectrophotometry for enzyme kinetic studies to overcome the complexity of reaction mixture and interference problems and with the advantage of using natural substrates.  相似文献   
The cis/trans isomerization of the peptide bond preceding proline residues in proteins can limit the rate at which a protein folds to its native conformation. Mutagenic analyses of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) from Escherichia coli show that this isomerization reaction can be intramolecularly catalyzed by a side chain from an amino acid which is distant in sequence but adjacent in the native conformation. The guanidinium NH2 nitrogen of Arg 44 forms one hydrogen bond to the imide nitrogen and a second to the carbonyl oxygen of Pro 66 in wild-type DHFR. Replacement of Arg 44 with Leu results in a change of the nature of the two slow steps in refolding from being limited by the acquisition of secondary and/or tertiary structure to being limited by isomerization. The simultaneous replacement of Pro 66 with Ala (i.e., the Leu 44/Ala 66 double mutant) eliminates this isomerization reaction and once again makes protein folding the limiting process. Apparently, one or both of the hydrogen bonds between Arg 44 and Pro 66 accelerate the isomerization of the Gln 65-Pro 66 peptide bond. The replacement of Arg 44 with Leu affects the kinetics of the slow folding reactions in a fashion which indicates that the crucial hydrogen bonds form in the transition states for the rate-limiting steps in folding.  相似文献   
Background Helicobacter pylori infection has been implicated strongly in the pathogenesis of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma, and gastric lymphoma, but the reasons for these widely different clinical outcomes are unknown. The aim of this study was to determine whether these differences could be due in part to mixed infection in the same individual, with bacteria having differences in pathogenic factors associated with ulcers.
Materials and Methods. The cagA gene of H. pylori was used to test for mixed infection because it is present in only some strains, and its presence has been associated with ulcers. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for the cagA gene were applied to H. pylori culture isolates and endoscopic gastric aspirates. Individual bacterial clones were tested for genetic similarity by random primer amplification and restriction endonuclease digestion of urease gene PCR products.
Results. The majority of H. pylori -positive patients had strongly cagA -positive culture isolates and endoscopic samples (62.5% and 69.6%, respectively). However, many of these patients had evidence of mixed infection with cagA negative and cagA positive strais in cultures isolates and endoscopic samples (25% and 17.4%, respectively). Mixed infection was found to be due to genetically unrelated strains in two patients in whom genetic analysis was performed.
Conclusion. Mixed infection with differences in substrain pathogenic factors might occur in H. pylori infection and might contribute to differences in clinical outcome.  相似文献   
Blood platelets from 10 normal human subjects have been examined with a sensitive differential interference contrast (DIC) microscope. The entire transformation process during adhesion to glass is clearly visible and has been recorded cinematographically, including the disk to sphere change of shape, the formation of sessile protuberances, the extension and retraction of pseudopodia, and the spreading, ruffling, and occasional regression of the hyalomere. The exocytosis of intact dense bodies can be observed either by DIC microscopy, or by epifluorescence microscopy in platelets stained with mepacrine. Details of fluorescent flashes indicate that the dense bodies usually release their contents extracellularly, may do so intracytoplasmically under the influence of strong, short wavelength light on some preparations of mepacrine-stained platelets. The release of one or more dense bodies leaves a crater of variable size on the upper surface of the granulomere. Such craters represent the surface component of the open canalicular system and their formation and disappearance can be directly observed. Because these techniques permit quantitation of several parameters of motility which are not readily observable by other techniques, it is suggested that high extinction DIC microscope examination may become a rapid and useful method of studying congenital and acquired platelet disorders. Many features of platelet transformation have been confirmed and extended by scanning electron micrographs. These can in turn be interpreted by reference to time-lapse films of living platelets.  相似文献   
The metaphase chromosome transfer system of McBride and Ozer (1973) has been adapted to a haploid, euploid, frog cell line. Genes coding for a deoxypyrimidine kinase and an enzyme responsible for a thymidine-specific saturable transport system have each been transferred at frequencies between 10(-6) and 10(-5) transferents per cell treated. Revertants for each of these two genes were observed at frequencies between 10(-8) and 10(-7) revertants per cell tested. Selfing controls showed no transferents. Two colonies were obtained in which cotransfer of both genes may have occurred. Activities of the transferred genes were assayed by incorporation of [3H]thymidine into alkali-stable, acid-precipitable material. Growth properties of 13 transferents in various media were also determined and presence of the appropriate enzymes inferred. These transferents were tested for stability early (25 generations) after transfer and were found to be stable. All 13 transferents possess the normal haploid number of chromosomes (n = 13) with no cytologically detectable chromosomal fragments.  相似文献   
CD2 (T11, the T cell E receptor), a nonpolymorphic 47- to 55-kDa glycoprotein, is a T cell-specific surface protein that plays an important role in T lymphocyte adhesion, signal transduction, and differentiation. A natural ligand of CD2 is lymphocyte function associated Ag-3 (LFA-3 (CD58)), a widely expressed glycoprotein of 50 to 70 kDa. The physiologic interaction of CD2 with LFA-3 functions to increase intercellular adhesion and plays a role in T cell activation. This interaction, however, in the absence of other stimuli, has not previously been shown to induce intracellular signals such as Ca2+ mobilization or IL-2 production. To investigate whether cAMP may play a role in ligand-triggered CD2-mediated signal transduction, we have studied the ability of purified LFA-3 and anti-CD2 mAb to induce changes in intracellular cAMP content in murine Ag-specific T cell hybridomas that stably express wild-type and mutated human CD2 molecules. By using a RIA sensitive to the femtomolar range and specific for cAMP, we demonstrate that purified LFA-3, like anti-CD2 mAb, is capable of inducing marked, transient increases in the intracellular concentration of cAMP. Presentation of purified LFA-3, like anti-CD2 mAb, is capable of inducing marked, transient increases in the intracellular concentration of cAMP. Presentation of purified LFA-3 alone to CD2-expressing hybridoma cells, however, did not stimulate phosphatidylinositol turnover nor IL-2 production. The cytoplasmic domain of CD2 is necessary for these ligand-induced cAMP changes, demonstrating that LFA-3 binding to CD2 transduces a signal to the cell. Experiments using the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine showed that CD2-mediated regulation of cAMP levels occurs primarily by the stimulation of cAMP production rather than by the inhibition of cAMP degradation. These results demonstrate that the interaction of LFA-3 with CD2, in the absence of other stimuli, is capable of initiating intracellular biochemical changes and suggest that CD2/LFA-3 interactions may regulate T cell function at least in part through the generation of intracellular cAMP.  相似文献   
We describe a modified nuclear emulsion coating technique for both electron and light microscopic autoradiography. We propose that by reversing the application of formvar film so that it adheres to and covers thin sections placed on grids, we have developed a technically accessible methodology that produces optimal conditions for the tracing of specific nuclear activity. A smooth, continuous base is formed over the sections on which a monolayer of evenly packed silver halide crystals can be applied by dip-coating. The same principle is applied to pre-stained 1-micron plastic sections of glass slides. We suggest that the application of formvar film over thin sections does not impede or interfere with the exposure of the emulsion by the labeled tissue. On the contrary, it virtually eliminates contamination and background radiation, enhancing the specificity and quality of resolution at even low magnifications. This technical modification, which facilitates the application of the emulsion, could render electron microscopic autoradiography a routine laboratory procedure, allowing for easily reproducible results and quantitative evaluation. At the light microscopic level, this technique prevents chemical fogging caused by certain stains, and thus allows routine pre-staining before coating with emulsion.  相似文献   
Summary Recently techniques have been developed for the long-term growth of cytotoxic T-lymphoid cells in vitro with T cell growth factor (TCGF). We have investigated the use of these in vitro-expanded T cells for the immunotherapy of a disseminated syngeneic murine FBL-3 lymphoma. In this model, mice with disseminated tumor were treated on day 5 with 180 mg cytoxan/kg and then 5 h later were given lymphoid cells IP. In vivo-immunized lymphocytes resulted in significantly improved survival in three of three experiments, curing 52% of 38 animals, compared with treatment with cytoxan alone (0 of 31 cured) or cytoxan plus unimmunized cells (0 of 40 cured) (P<0.0005). In vivo-immunized lymphocytes were re-exposed to FBL-3 tumor in vitro for 5 days in complete medium (CM) or lectin-free TCGF (LF-TCGF). Both groups showed significantly improved survival in six of six experiments. Cytoxan cured 17% of 66 animals, while cytoxan plus normal lymphocytes after IVS cured 6% of 47 animals. In vivo-immunized cells resensitized in vitro to FBL-3 in CM or LF-TCGF cured 82% of 50 animals (P<0.001) and 72% of 61 animals (P<0.001), respectively. Cells from in vivo- and in vitro-sensitized lymphocytes exhibited no cytotoxicity in our in vitro 51Cr-release assay; expansion of these cells resulted in significant specific lysis of fresh FBL-3 targets. Adoptive transfer of immune lymphocytes resensitized to FBL-3 tumor in vitro and expanded in LF-TCGF conferred a significant survival benefit (P<0.001, curing 7 of 27 animals) compared with all controls. These expanded cells were then continuously grown in LF-TCGF for 2 1/2 months. Again, in vivo-immunized lymphocytes resensitized to FBL-3 tumor and expanded in LF-TCGF for 2 1/2 months cured 56% of the animals with disseminated tumor, significantly prolonging survival over that recorded in any control group (P<0.0002). Irradiation of these same cells totally abolished their efficacy. Clones were generated from IVS and continuously grown in LF-TCGF. Two of these clones were very cytotoxic for fresh FBL-3 (>4,000 lytic units/106 cells). When adoptively transferred to mice in this chemoimmunotherapy model these cytotoxic clones significantly enhanced survival over that recorded following treatment with cytoxan alone (P<0.00001), though prolongation of survival was small. Implications of these results for application of these techniques to other less antigenic tumors and human cancers are discussed.  相似文献   
An isolation procedure has been developed which yielded five clones of haploid frog cells which are sensitive to ultraviolet light. This procedure employed a conventional mutagenesis, followed by time for phenotypic expression and then an enrichment for UV-sensitive mutants. The enrichment relies upon the uptake of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) by repairing cells following UV-induced damage, rendering repair-proficient cells differentially sensitive to photolysis by black light. The photolysis is potentiated by use of the bisbenzimidazole dye Hoechst 33258. The enriched population was screened for radiation-sensitive isolates resulting in 5 sensitives from 96 tested. No mutants were obtained from 300 isolates tested from a population which had not undergone enrichment.  相似文献   
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