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The most complement (C)-sensitive type of erythrocytes (E) occurring in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (type III PNH E) have previously been found to exhibit approximately twofold to fourfold greater lysis than normal human E when exposed to isolated human C5b6, C7, C8, and C9 (reactive lysis), in the absence of a known source of C3- or C5-convertases or fluid-phase C3. In further studies on the mechanism of this phenomenon, we now report that C5b6-dependent binding of 125I-C7 to two samples of PNH E (greater than 95% type III) is equal to that found with normal human E at each of several C5b6 inputs tested. Lysis developed by excess C8 and C9, however, was consistently greater for the PNH E. Thus, the exaggerated sensitivity of type III PNH E to reactive lysis cannot be explained by abnormally high uptake of C5b6 or C7 from the fluid phase. Rather, the data indicate that cell-bound C5b67 sites are converted to effective hemolytic sites with greater efficiency on type III PNH E than on normal human E, assuming that the distribution of cell-bound C7 throughout both cell populations is similar. In related studies we have addressed the proposal by other investigators that C3b putatively bound to PNH E in vivo might account for their increased sensitivity to reactive lysis in vitro, by analogy to prior observations on C3b-potentiated reactive lysis of sheep E. The latter hypothesis was made more appealing by the recent discovery that type III PNH E lack an integral membrane protein, decay-accelerating factor (DAF), which in normal E accelerates the decay of membrane-bound C3 convertases. Against this hypothesis, however, is our present finding that preincubation of PNH E with four different goat or rabbit polyclonal antibodies to human C3 failed to inhibit the subsequent reactive lysis of these cells. Under these same conditions, the C3b-dependent increment in reactive lysis of sheep EAC4b3b was abrogated by pretreatment with similar dilutions of these anti-C3 antibodies, generally in association with agglutination. Furthermore, sheep EAC4b3b displayed increased 125I-C7 binding in proportion to augmented lysis, in contrast to the findings with PNH E. Therefore, deficiency of DAF in type III PNH E does not adequately explain their supranormal sensitivity to reactive lysis unless DAF can modulate the terminal lytic steps by a mechanism distinct from its effect on C3 convertase decay. Alternatively, type III PNH E could have a more general abnormality in which DAF deficiency is one manifestation and increased sensitivity to reactive lysis is another.  相似文献   
Temporal Profiles of Proteins Responsive to Transient Ischemia   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The responses of long and short half-lived proteins to ischemia were measured in rat brain during 6 days of recovery from 30 min of transient forebrain ischemia produced by four-vessel occlusion. At the end of the ischemic interval, the neocortical activities of four vulnerable enzymes [ornithine (ODC) and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMDC) decarboxylases, and RNA polymerases I and II] were unchanged, but within 30 min of reperfusion, their activities dropped by 25-50%. The loss of substance P in the striatum and substantia nigra was slower, reaching about 50% by 12 h. On the other hand, the activities of 5 long half-lived enzymes did not change in the neocortex at 5 and 15 h of reperfusion and regional protein concentrations were essentially unaffected over 6 days survival. The rate and extent of normalization of the amounts or activities of the vulnerable proteins varied. RNA polymerase II and ODC activities were restored within 4 h, and ODC showed a biphasic increase in activity, with peaks at 10 h and 2-3 days. RNA polymerase I and SAMDC activities were restored by 18 h and 5 days, respectively, whereas substance P concentrations did not completely recover, even at 6-15 days. The greater the regional reduction of blood flow during ischemia, the larger the net change (gain or loss) of SAMDC or ODC activity and the longer the time required to normalize the activities of these enzymes. The average rate of proteolysis, assessed by measuring the rate of clearance of 14C from protein prelabeled with [14C]bicarbonate, was abnormal during the first 2 days of reperfusion. Postischemic changes in both protein synthesis and degradation could affect the amounts of some of the proteins responsive to transient ischemia.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody (2C5) raised against rat liver lysosomal membranes was used to identify a 78-kD glycoprotein that is present in the membranes of both endosomes and lysosomes and, therefore, is designated endolyn-78. In cultures of rat hepatoma (Fu5C8) and kidney cells (NRK), this glycoprotein could not be labeled with [35S]methionine or with [32P]inorganic phosphate but was easily labeled with [35S]cysteine and [3H]mannose. Pulse-chase experiments and determinations of endoglycosidase H (endo H) sensitivity showed that endolyn-78 is derived from a precursor of Mr 58-62 kD that is processed to the mature form with a t1/2 of 15-30 min. The protein has a 22-kD polypeptide backbone that is detected after a brief pulse in tunicamycin-treated cells. During a chase in the presence of the drug, this is converted into an O-glycosylated product of 46 kD that despite the absence of N-linked oligosaccharides is effectively transferred to lysosomes. This demonstrates that the delivery of endolyn-78 to this organelle is not mediated by the mannose-6-phosphate receptor (MPR). Immunocytochemical experiments showed that endolyn-78 is present in the limiting membranes and the interior membranous structures of morphologically identifiable secondary lysosomes that contain the lysosomal hydrolase beta-glucuronidase, lack the MPR, and could not be labeled with alpha-2-macroglobulin at 18.5 degrees C, a temperature which prevents appearance of endocytosed markers in lysosomes. Endolyn-78 was present at low levels in the plasma membrane and in peripheral tubular endosomes, but was prominent in morphologically diverse components of the endosomal compartment (vacuolar endosomes and various types of multivesicular bodies) which acquired alpha-2-macroglobulin at 18.5 degrees C, and frequently contained substantial levels of the MPR and variable levels of beta-glucuronidase. On the other hand, the MPR was very rarely found in endolyn-containing structures that were not labeled with alpha-2-macroglobulin at the low temperature. Thus, the process of lysosomal maturation appears to involve the progressive delivery of lysosomal enzymes to various types of endosomes that may have already received some of the lysosomal membrane proteins. Although endolyn-78 would be one of the proteins added early to endosomes, other lysosomal membrane proteins may be added only to multivesicular endosomes that represent very advanced stages of maturation.  相似文献   
Human neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) is a member of the nerve growth factor (NGF) family of neurotrophic factors, and the recombinant protein is being developed as a therapeutic for neurodegenerative diseases. The final product purity and lot-to-lot variation are monitored routinely by peptide mapping. However, only the N-terminal region of NT-3 was susceptible to proteolysis under native conditions. Complete digestion required that the protein be chemically modified by reduction and S-alkylation prior to proteolysis. Complete proteolytic degradation of the protein was achieved simply by an intial denaturation of NT-3 in 6 M guanidinium chloride (pH 6) for 2 hr at 37°C, followed by a tenfold dilution with the digestion buffer (0.1 M Tris-HCl, 1 mM CaCl2 at pH 7.0) and immediate addition of chymotrypsin at 1% by weight. Direct comparison of the peptide map with an identical aliquot that had been reduced and alkylated also allowed the establishment of the cystine linkages present in NT-3: Cys14 to Cys79, Cys57 to Cys108, and Cys67 to Cys110. This disulfide structure is homologous to the NGF family of neurotrophic factors.  相似文献   
Using a dual-task paradigm with an oddball secondary task, P300 amplitude and latency were studied as a function of factorially manipulated oddball probability (low = .22, high = .44) and primary task type. In addition to a Baselinecondition (oddball task only), three primary tasks were used: (1) Pure Sensory;watching a movie; (2) Pure Motor (manipulating a flashlight); and (3) Sensory/Motor(using the flashlight to trace the outlines of characters in a movie). The findings included the usual significant effects of probability on amplitude. There was also a significant effect of task type on amplitude, and a significant interaction of oddball probability with task type. In the low but not high probability condition, a pure Sensory task depressed P300 amplitude. In both probability conditions, the Sensory/motortask depressed P300 amplitude. Only task type had a significant effect on P300 latency. The results confirm the ability of other labs (using Sensory/motor primary tasks) to demonstrate P300 depression at high oddball probability, in view of the difficulty in our lab of achieving P300 depression with pure sensory tasks and high oddball probabilities. The results are discussed in terms of partial overlap of processing resource pools. A preliminary report of these data was presented at the 1990 meetings of the Society for Psychophysiological Research.  相似文献   
The relationship between membrane lipid fluidity and expression of HLA-DR and cALL (CALLA) antigens was studied in a human non T non B acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (Reh). The membrane fluidity was modulated by treatment with cholesteryl hemisuccinate or phospholipids (e.g. egg lecithin) and monitored by fluorescence polarization. HLA-DR and CALLA expression was measured in an indirect immunofluorescence test with a Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter (FACS 440), on 24, 48, 72 and 96 hour-cultured cells. Significant antigenic modulation was obtained with cholesteryl hemisuccinate treatment on 48 hour-cells where a slight increase in HLA-DR and a marked decrease in CALLA were observed. In contrast no antigenic modification was observed on lecithin-treated cells.  相似文献   
Summary A new way of detecting neuraminidase activity on the surface of neuraminidase-treated cells is described. It consists of an enzymatic assay with radiolabelled cells as substrate. It shows that the enzyme borne by one cell is able to cleave sialic acid to another cell.  相似文献   
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