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We use a model of modern baboon socio-ecology to explore the behavioral ecology and biogeography of the extinct Plio-Pleistocene baboons (genera Parapapio, Gorgopithecus, Dinopithecus, and Papio). The model is based on the way climate affects the baboons’ time budgets, and focuses on intersite variability in behavior rather than on species-typical patterns of behavior, as most previous approaches have done. We use climate estimates for individual fossil sites based on matching modern habitats using faunal profiles and estimates of individual species’ body masses given in the literature. The model allows us to examine the minimum and maximum sizes of groups that individual species would have been able to support at particular localities, and hence the biogeography of a species on a continental scale. In doing so, the model allows us to examine which variables are most responsible for limiting a species’ ecological and biogeographic flexibility, and through this to explore a species’ capacity for coping with climate change. Feeding time is identified as the main constraint. In general, large-bodied species would have had more difficulty surviving in as wide a range of habitats as smaller-bodied species, and this may explain the limited geographical distribution of large-bodied baboons such as Gorgopithecus and Dinopithecus.  相似文献   
Data from an Ethiopian population of Colobus guerezashow that territory size is fixed by the high density of the population. Groups undergo fission when their size results in fewer than 10 trees per individual within the group’s territory. The daughter groups produced by fission emigrate into suboptimal habitat, which acts as a demographic sink. Comparative analyses using data from other East African populations demonstrate that mean territory size is inversely related to population density and that density, in turn, is a function of the size of the forest block. Since both group size and reproductive rates can be shown to be positively correlated with type of forest, it is concluded that this relationship reflects the fact that local population densities reach their ceiling more rapidly in small forest blocks because the animals’ access to alternative territories is limited. The number of males in a colobus group is shown to be a function of the number of females in it. Multimale groups have lower reproductive rates than one-male groups, probably because the stress generated by competition among the males causes temporary infertility among the females.  相似文献   
Species composition, relative abundance, distribution and physical habitat associations of submerged aquatic macrophytes in the main channel border (MCB) habitat of Pool 5A, Upper Mississippi River (UMR) were investigated during the summers of 1980 and 1983. The submerged aquatic macrophytes in Pool .5A MCB were a small and stable component of the river ecosystem. Submerged plants occurred primarily in small, monospecific clumps. Clumps in close proximity to each other formed plant patches. Plant patches were stable in location and number between 1980 and 1983; 82.5% of the patches first observed in 1980 were present in 1983. Submerged macrophytes covered about 10–12 ha of the 201 ha MCB in Pool 5A. Submerged plants were most common in the lower two-thirds of the pool. Ten species of aquatic macrophytes occurred on rock channel-training structures and eleven occurred on non-rock substrates in the MCB. The most common submerged plants, in order of abundance, were Vallisneria americana Michx., Heteranthra dubia Jacq., Potamogeton pectinatus L., Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Potamogeton americanus C. & S.  相似文献   
Comparisons between duplicated genes have shown that gene conversions play an important role in the evolution of multigene families. Previous comparisons have documented in the recently duplicated gamma-fetal globin genes of catarrhine primates, over 15 separate conversions affecting extensive stretches of coding and noncoding sequences. In the present study, delta- and beta- globin genes from a lower primate Tarsius syrichta, and the delta-globin gene of the Asian great ape, Pongo pygmaeus, have been isolated and sequenced. Comparisons of these sequences with other primate delta and beta sequences confirmed a previously reported conversion in an anthropoid ancestor and revealed additional conversions in basal primate, stem haplorhine, tarsier, and early lemur lineages. Conversions found between primate delta- and beta-globin genes contrast with those found in the gamma-genes in that delta-beta conversions appear much less frequently and are more restricted to regions conserved by selection (i.e. coding and 5'-regulatory sequences). These differences indicate that soon after a duplication occurs, conversions can be quite frequent and encompass extensive portions of the duplicated region. With time, sequence differences accumulate, particularly in noncoding regions, and limit both the frequency and size of the conversions. Sequences conserved by selection accumulate differences more slowly and are therefore subject to gene conversions for a longer period of time. Both unconverted and converted sequences were consistent in supporting the placement of tarsier with anthropoids.  相似文献   
ET-1[16-Phe] and ET-1[12-Pro] were prepared in order to investigate the importance of secondary structure of ET-1 for receptor binding and function. ET-1[16-Phe] displayed the greatest binding and contractile potency of the ET-analogs tested in rabbit pulmonary artery, rat aorta, and rat left atria. ET-1[12-Pro] also exhibited low nanomolar binding in these tissues but showed less contractile activity than ET-1[16-Phe] or ET-1. The results indicate that the helical region between residues Lys9 and Cys15 of ET-1 is not critical for receptor binding and functional activity. However, replacement of His16 with Phe altered the charge characteristics of the C-terminal region of ET-1 producing the most potent ET-1 analog yet reported.  相似文献   
Most depth recorders used to study the diving behaviour of polar marine endotherms record depth data at specific time intervals. The length of recording interval can have potentially profound implications for the interpretation of the data. We used data acquired on the diving behaviour of king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus, to examine the validity of various analyses routinely conducted on depth data. In our experiments, increasing the sampling interval led to an underestimation of the number of dives performed, an overestimation in mean dive duration and substantial changes in the form of the dive profile. Our analysis indicates that depth data should be recorded at a minimum rate corresponding to 10% of the total dive duration and that conventional dive profile categorization may be inappropriate. Alternatives that are less subjective, and based on curve fits of dive depth versus time, are proposed.  相似文献   
Characterization of porcine zona pellucida antigens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study was designed to explore the composition of the equine zona pellucida (EZP) by one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D- and 2D-PAGE), silver staining and immunoblotting techniques. Antral follicles palpable on frozen-thawed equine ovaries were aspirated with a needle and syringe, and the resultant follicular fluid, cellular material and oocytes were pooled. Oocytes were placed in Petri dishes, moved by narrow-bore pipette to droplets of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and mechanically cleaned of cumulus cells. The EZP from these collected oocytes was solubilized, and then analysed by 1D- and 2D-PAGE. Silver stained 2D-PAGE of the EZP revealed the presence of three EZP glycoprotein families of apparent molecular mass ranges of 93-120 kDa, 73-90 kDa and 45-80 kDa. Immunoblot analysis of EZP glycoproteins resolved by 2D-PAGE using rabbit antisera against pig zonae pellucidae (R alpha HSPZ) confirmed the presence of three EZP glycoprotein families and established the existence of common epitopes between equine and porcine ZP glycoproteins. Further immunodetection using 2D-PAGE-separated glycoproteins illustrated that the 45-80 kDa family is recognized by the monoclonal antibody R5, developed against the porcine ZP glycoprotein of molecular mass 55-120 kDa. Guinea-pig antiserum against endo-beta-galactosidase-treated rabbit ZP 55 kDa glycoprotein (R55K), which specifically recognizes the rabbit ZP glycoprotein with the lowest molecular mass, also recognized the EZP 45-80 kDa glycoprotein family. Guinea-pig polyclonal antisera developed against total heat-solubilized rabbit ZP (GP alpha HSRZ) recognized the 73-90 kDa EZP glycoprotein family exclusively. After heat solubilization and treatment of EZP with endo-beta-galactosidase to remove polylactosaminoglycans, silver stained 1D-PAGE again demonstrated the presence of three glycoproteins with apparent molecular masses of 60, 75 and 90 kDa. The partially deglycosylated 60 kDa equine glycoprotein is recognized on immunoblot by the monoclonal antibody R5; the 75 kDa EZP glycoprotein is recognized by GP alpha HSRZ; and all three EZP glycoproteins separated by 1D-PAGE are recognized by R alpha HSPZ. These data add further support to the concept of cross-species zona pellucida glycoprotein antigenicity.  相似文献   
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