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Since the first North Sea Conference (1984, Bremen), all countries bordering the North Sea made commitments to reduce discharge of hazardous substances into the North Sea. From Belgium and The Netherlands, large reductions (upto 90) in heavy metal emissions from land-based sources have been reported between 1985 and 2000. Recently, some studies in the Western Scheldt estuary (WS) have shown that total metal concentration in the water, sediments and suspended particles have decreased compared to levels in the 70s. However, data on aquatic organisms is still very limited and it is therefore difficult to confirm whether the reductions in pollution input and generally improving water quality in the WS have a corresponding impact on the levels of heavy metals in aquatic organisms. The current study measured metal concentrations in the soft tissues of mussels, Mytilus edulis (known to be good indicators of environmental metal pollution) during the period 1996–2002. Spatial (salinity and pollution gradients), temporal and seasonal variations were also studied. Results showed a down-stream decreasing trend for the metals studied (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) during all sampling campaigns. There was also a significant seasonal effect on tissue metal concentrations, with a peak observed around spring in both WS and the nearby less polluted Eastern Scheldt (ES). On temporal trends, a clear drop of metals in mussels was observed in the early 80s coinciding with the start of the efforts to reduce chemical pollution input into the North Sea. Since those early reductions, metal concentrations in mussels generally remained unchanged upto mid 90s. However, in recent times metal concentration in mussels have increased significantly, for example Cd in 2002 was almost 10 times the values in 1983 and similar to levels seen during the peak in the 70s. Other metals also increased in the 90s also reaching levels seen in the 70s. As there is no indication of recent increase in metal input into the estuary, we suggest that increased metal concentrations observed in mussels in recent years especially in the upper estuary are most likely a result of changes in physical and chemical speciation and metal bioavailability. Such changes may be caused by changes in some water quality parameters in the estuary (i.e. increased dissolved oxygen, concentration of organic matter), resulting in conditions that favour releases of sediment-bound metals into the water column. The relationship between metal content and season showed very similar annual profiles in the polluted WS and less polluted ES. Thus, seasonal variations in metal concentrations appear to be largely controlled by biological processes, while total body burdens are dependent on environmental levels and bioavailability.  相似文献   
The effects of radiation on the kinetics of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) production and utilization by mononuclear cells (MNCs) were studied. Mononuclear cells from normal, healthy individuals were subjected to various doses of radiation ranging from 0 to 2,000 rad and cultured in the presence of PHA. Supernatants from these cultures were harvested at various periods and their IL-2 contents determined by both the standard bioassay and ELISA. A radiation dose of 800 rad and higher had a marked effect on both IL-2 production and consumption. Although the supernatants from both the irradiated and non-irradiated MNCs contained maximal concentrations of IL-2 between 8 and 24 h of culture, the former had three times as much IL-2 as the latter. An increase in IL-2-mRNA levels was also noticed in irradiated, PHA-stimulated cells. Moreover, the supernatants from irradiated MNCs collected as late as 72 h after the initiation of culture contained more than 30% of the total IL-2 produced compared to less than 8% in supernatants from non-irradiated cells. Supernatants from non-irradiated cells incubated further with irradiated cells contained relatively higher quantities of IL-2 than those incubated continuously with non-irradiated cells. Supernatants from co-cultures of irradiated and non-irradiated MNCs contained less than expected amounts of IL-2 in two of the three subjects. Despite a difference in both the production and consumption of IL-2 between the irradiated and non-irradiated cells, there was no difference in their ability to generate IL-2 receptors. The results indicate that inactivation of radiosensitive suppressor T cells is associated with superinduction of IL-2 mRNA, increased production and decreased consumption of IL-2 by MNCs, thereby resulting in increased accumulation of IL-2.  相似文献   
The effect of steady-state nitrogen limitation on photo-synthetic characteristics and growth efficiency was examined in the marine haptophyte Isochrysis galbana Green. Nitrate limited chemostats were maintained at nine dilution rates, ranging from 0.18-0.96 d?1, under continuous irradiance levels of 175 μmole quanta·m?2·s?1, an irradiance level which saturated photosynthesis at all growth rates. Nitrogen limitation led to an overall reduction in pigmentation and a decrease in the cellular concentration of reaction centers; however, the optical absorption cross section, normalized to Chl a, increased. Moreover, Chl c/a ratios were higher in nitrogen-limited cells: the change in Chl c/a ratios were correlated with an increase in the functional size of Photosystem II. Both light saturated photosynthetic rates normalized per cell and specific respiratory losses were positively linearly correlated with growth rate. Light saturated photosynthetic rates normalized to Chl a remained relatively insensitive to the rate of nitrogen supply. The minimum quantum requirement for gross photosynthetic oxygen evolution increased from 12.4 to 17.0 quanta/O2. At the growth irradiance, the quantum requirement increased 88%, from 19.9 to 37.5 quauta/O2 Photosynthesis/respiration ratios remained relatively constant at dilution rates greater than 35% of the maximum relative growth rate. Consequently, net growth efficiency, defined as the ratio of the specific growth rate, μ, to specific gross photosynthesis, P, also remained relatively constant over this range of growth rates averaging 85 ± 3%.  相似文献   
We report DNA sequence variation in 861 bp of the mitochondrial cytochromeb gene from 10 species of the dasyurid marsupial subfamily Phascogalinae (including the New Guinean genusMurexia) and an outgroup planigale (Planigale ingrami). Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences indicate that (1) the subfamily consists of three major clades corresponding to (a)Phascogale, (b) AustralianAntechinus, and (c) New Guinean Antechinus andMurexia; (2) Antechinus habbema constitutes the earliest branch of the New Guinean clade; and (3); Antechinus melanurus and A. naso are sister species within the New Guinean clade. Among Australian antechnuses,A. stuartii andA. swainsonii are more closely related to each other than either is toA. flavipes, a result that is seemingly at odds with all previous systematic studies. Although resolution is limited, it appears thatAntechnius andMurexia species form a clade to the exclusion ofPhascogale. This relationship suggests that male semelparity is not a strong synapomorphy for Australian antechinuses and phascogales, despite its apparent physiological similarity in the two groups.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
Studies were carried out to determine the effects of cryopreservation on the mitogen-induced proliferative and immunoglobulin-producing abilities of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) of patients with lung cancer and normal controls. One-half of each sample of cells was tested fresh, while the other half was frozen, thawed immediately, and cultured at the same time. The responses of each sample of cryopreserved cells were compared to the responses of fresh cells from the same individual in simultaneous assays. The cryopreserved mononuclear cells of most of the lung cancer patients showed significantly enhanced plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses after stimulation with pokeweed mitogen (PWM). No such significant differences were observed between the proliferative responses of cryopreserved and fresh cells against phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or PWM stimulation. The cryopreserved MNC of some of the normal controls also showed a similar increase in the PFC responses, although to a lesser extent. Coculture of cryopreserved B cell-enriched populations of cells with fresh T cell-enriched fractions obtained from these patients also resulted in the generation of a higher number of PFCs as compared to the number of PFCs observed after coculture of fresh B and T cell-enriched populations. The results indicate that the suppressor activities of monocytes/macrophages and other non-T cells (NK cells) are sensitive to cryopreservation. The results also show that the MNC of patients with lung cancer can be cryopreserved and used for subsequent B and T cell assays.  相似文献   
Bacillus gibsonii Alkaline Protease (BgAP) is a recently reported subtilisin protease exhibiting activity and stability properties suitable for applications in laundry and dish washing detergents. However, BgAP suffers from a significant decrease of activity at low temperatures. In order to increase BgAP activity at 15°C, a directed evolution campaign based on the SeSaM random mutagenesis method was performed. An optimized microtiter plate expression system in B. subtilis was established and classical proteolytic detection methods were adapted for high throughput screening. In parallel, the libraries were screened for increased residual proteolytic activity after incubation at 58°C. Three iterative rounds of directed BgAP evolution yielded a set of BgAP variants with increased specific activity (Kcat) at 15°C and increased thermal resistance. Recombination of both sets of amino acid substitutions resulted finally in variant MF1 with a 1.5‐fold increased specific activity (15°C) and over 100 times prolonged half‐life at 60°C (224 min compared to 2 min of the WT BgAP). None of the introduced amino acid substitutions were close to the active site of BgAP. Activity‐altering amino acid substitutions were from non‐charged to non‐charged or from sterically demanding to less demanding. Thermal stability improvements were achieved by substitutions to negatively charged amino acids in loop areas of the BgAP surface which probably fostered ionic and hydrogen bonds interactions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 711–720. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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