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INTESTINAL CAPILLARIES : I. Permeability to Peroxidase and Ferritin   总被引:28,自引:14,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Horseradish peroxidase (mol. diam. 50 A) and ferritin (mol. diam. 110 A) were used as probe molecules for the small and large pore system, respectively, in blood capillaries of the intestinal mucosa of the mouse. Peroxidase distribution was followed in time, after intravenous injection, by applying the Graham-Karnovsky histochemical procedure to aldehyde-fixed specimens. The tracer was found to leave the plasma rapidly and to reach the pericapillary spaces 1 min post injection. Between 1 min and 1 min 30 sec, gradients of peroxidase reaction product could be demonstrated regularly around the capillaries; their highs were located opposite the fenestrated parts of the endothelium. These gradients were replaced by even distribution past 1 min 30 sec. Ferritin, followed directly by electron microscopy, appeared in the pericapillary spaces 3–4 min after i.v. injection. Like peroxidase, it initially produced transient gradients with highs opposite the fenestrated parts of the endothelium. For both tracers, there was no evidence of movement through intercellular junctions, and transport by plasmalemmal vesicles appeared less efficient than outflow through fenestrae. It is concluded that, in the blood capillaries of the inintestinal mucosa, the diaphragms of the endothelial fenestrae contain the structural equivalents of the small pore system. The large pore system seems to be restricted to a fraction of the fenestral population which presumably consists of diaphragm-free or diaphragm-deficient units.  相似文献   
Emerging diseases caused by both native and exotic pathogens represent a main threat to forest ecosystems worldwide. The two invasive soilborne pathogens Phytophthora cinnamomi and Phytophthora × cambivora are the causal agents of ink disease, which has been threatening Castanea sativa in Europe for several centuries and seems to be re-emerging in recent years. Here, we investigated the distribution, causal agents, and infection dynamics of ink disease in southern Switzerland. A total of 25 outbreaks were identified, 19 with only P. cinnamomi, 5 with only P. × cambivora, and 1 with both species. Dendrochronological analyses showed that the disease emerged in the last 20–30 years. Infected trees either died rapidly within 5–15 years post-infection or showed a prolonged state of general decline until death. Based on a generalized linear model, the local risk of occurrence of ink disease was increased by an S-SE aspect of the chestnut stand, the presence of a pure chestnut stand, management activities, the proximity of roads and buildings, and increasing annual mean temperature and precipitation. The genetic structure of the local P. cinnamomi population suggests independent introductions and local spread of the pathogen.  相似文献   
Schwanniomyces castellii and Endomycopsis fibuligera Produced extracellular amylase(s) when grown on various carbon sources and at different pH values. Both yeast species showed significant amylase synthesis in the presence of either maltose or soluble starch. On the other substrates tested (glucose, cellobiose, sucrose, trehalose, melezitose, raffinose, ethanol, glycerol) differences were found regarding growth and amylase production. Free glucose in the culture medium apparently inhibited enzyme synthesis. The pH range allowing maximal growth and amylase production was 4.5–6.0 for E. fibuligera and 5.5–7.0 for S. castellii.  相似文献   
The ligand-binding properties of hemoglobins from two homozygote phenotypes (AA and BB) of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) have been characterized by equilibrium and kinetic techniques. In the case of the BB phenotype, the two constituent hemoglobins have been purified and separately analysed. Buffalo hemoglobins display the reduced sensitivity to organic phosphates characteristic of ruminant hemoglobins, their physiological effector probably being the chloride ion. In contrast to the other known hemoglobins from ruminants, all the hemoglobins from the water buffalo display a significant temperature sensitivity, the delta H for oxygen binding in the presence of physiological effectors approaching that of human hemoglobin (delta H = -30.5 kJ/mol O2). This discrepancy with the other ruminant hemoglobins (e.g. ox, delta H = -10.4 kJ/mol O2), whose primary structure is very similar to that of buffalo, hemoglobins might be correlated to the different habitat and phylogenetic history of the two subfamilies (Bos and Bubalus) of Bovidae.  相似文献   
We present a systematic structural and energetic characterization of phosphate(OP)–nucleobase anion…π stacking interactions in RNAs. We observed OP–nucleobase stacking contacts in a variety of structural motifs other than regular helices and spanning broadly diverse sequence distances. Apart from the stacking between a phosphate and a guanine or a uracil two-residue upstream in specific U-turns, such interactions in RNA have been scarcely characterized to date. Our QM calculations showed an energy minimum at a distance between the OP atom and the nucleobase plane centroid slightly below 3 Å for all the nucleobases. By sliding the OP atom over the nucleobase plane we localized the optimal mutual positioning of the stacked moieties, corresponding to an energy minimum below -6 kcal•mol−1, for all the nucleobases, consistently with the projections of the OP atoms over the different π-rings we observed in experimental occurrences. We also found that the strength of the interaction clearly correlates with its electrostatic component, pointing to it as the most relevant contribution. Finally, as OP–uracil and OP–guanine interactions represent together 86% of the instances we detected, we also proved their stability under dynamic conditions in model systems simulated by state-of-the art DFT-MD calculations.  相似文献   
Activation of innate immune cells by Trypanosoma cruzi-derived molecules such as GPI anchors and DNA induces proinflammatory cytokine production and host defense mechanisms. In this study, we demonstrate that DNA from T. cruzi stimulates cytokine production by APCs in a TLR9-dependent manner and synergizes with parasite-derived GPI anchor, a TLR2 agonist, in the induction of cytokines by macrophages. Compared with wild-type animals, T. cruzi-infected Tlr9(-/-) mice displayed elevated parasitemia and decreased survival. Strikingly, infected Tlr2(-/-)Tlr9(-/-) mice developed a parasitemia equivalent to animals lacking MyD88, an essential signaling molecule for most TLR, but did not show the acute mortality displayed by MyD88(-/-) animals. The enhanced susceptibility of Tlr9(-/-) and Tlr2(-/-)Tlr9(-/-) mice was associated with decreased in vivo IL-12/IFN-gamma responses. Our results reveal that TLR2 and TLR9 cooperate in the control of parasite replication and that TLR9 has a primary role in the MyD88-dependent induction of IL-12/IFN-gamma synthesis during infection with T. cruzi.  相似文献   
Sphingolipids-enriched rafts domains are proposed to occur in plasma membranes and to mediate important cellular functions. Notwithstanding, the asymmetric transbilayer distribution of phospholipids that exists in the membrane confers the two leaflets different potentials to form lateral domains as next to no sphingolipids are present in the inner leaflet. How the physical properties of one leaflet can influence the properties of the other and its importance on signal transduction across the membrane are questions still unresolved. In this work, we combined AFM imaging and Force spectroscopy measurements to assess domain formation and to study the nanomechanical properties of asymmetric supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) mimicking membrane rafts. Asymmetric SLBs were formed by incorporating N-palmitoyl-sphingomyelin (16:0SM) into the outer leaflet of preformed 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC)/Cholesterol SLBs through methyl-β-cyclodextrin–mediated lipid exchange. Lipid domains were detected after incorporation of 16:0SM though their phase state varied from gel to liquid ordered (Lo) phase if the procedure was performed at 24 or 37 °C, respectively. When comparing symmetric and asymmetric Lo domains, differences in size and morphology were observed, with asymmetric domains being smaller and more interconnected. Both types of Lo domains showed similar mechanical stability in terms of rupture forces and Young's moduli. Notably, force curves in asymmetric domains presented two rupture events that could be attributed to the sequential rupture of a liquid disordered (Ld) and a Lo phase. Interleaflet coupling in asymmetric Lo domains could also be inferred from those measurements. The experimental approach outlined here would significantly enhance the applicability of membrane models.  相似文献   
Tetraploid (2n = 4x = 40) races of Paspalum notatum Flüggé are important natural forage grasses for the tropical and subtropical areas of the Americas. Almost all natural accessions reproduce by obligate aposporous apomixis. Previous work on the species allowed the identification of several molecular markers completely linked to apospory, one component of apomictic reproduction. Moreover, after a fingerprinting characterization of a germplasm collection, 11 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers exclusive to apomictic accessions were detected. The objectives of this work were (1) to validate the presence of molecular markers linked to apospory in tetraploid races of different geographic origins, (2) to determine if markers specific to apomictic accessions were associated with the mode of reproduction, and (3) to develop single-locus markers of apospory that can be used for marker-assisted selection. Thirteen natural apomictic accessions were analyzed. Moreover, the parental plants Q4188 (non-aposporous) and Q4117 (aposporous) and 44 F1 progenies (36 non-aposporous, 8 aposporous) derived from them were used as a validation population. Nine markers [two random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and seven AFLP] 100% linked to apospory in Q4117 were tested. Amplification reactions with the corresponding primers showed that all markers were present in the 13 aposporous (apomictic) accessions, but were absent in the non-aposporous controls. On the other hand, linkage analysis of the 11 AFLP markers specific to the apomictic accessions showed that all of them were linked in coupling to apospory (r = 0.00, LOD 13.245). Based on one AFLP (E36M37c), two sequence characterized amplification region (SCAR) markers (SPNA1 and SPNA2) co-segregating with the trait and present in the 13 apomictic accessions were developed. The presence of markers associated with apospory was conserved among tetraploid accessions of different geographic origins. Moreover, the single-locus markers SPNA1 and SPNA2 could be used for routine marker-assisted selection in hybrid populations segregating for apospory and to facilitate the isolation of apospory-related genes.  相似文献   
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