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Summary Gramineae pollination from a pollen monitoring station located in the eastern suburb of Perugia and meteorological correlations are reported. The data refers to the year 1989. Grass pollen peak pollination was from May to July; in this period the influence of relative humidity and of temperature on pollen concentration was very high. Phenological observations, to identify the time of maximum stamen extension in the most common genera in the area, are also reported. During the period of investigation the counts of pollen grains over four-hour periods showed a regular diurnal rhythm with peaks of concentration in the four-hour period 16.00–20.00. Aerosporological data and meteorological data related to four-hour periods were correlated following different criteria.  相似文献   
Biogeographical analyses are applied to skipper (Hesperioidea) presence/absence data from the Western Mediterranean mainland and the three largest islands (Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily) in order to identify potential conservation issues. The analyses performed on species, both collectively and individually, indicate that regional species richness and occurrence in the Mediterranean zone are largely predicted by latitude and area but that islands have impoverished faunas. Several species, predicted to be present on these islands from logistic regression of their continental distributions, are actually absent. The number of species predicted to be present from logistic regression analyses for each island, closely matched the number of species predicted to occur in regional-focused multiple regression analysis. This suggests that missing species have been identified. When compared with species that occur in Sicily and Corsica, the missing species are shown to differ for ecological traits, mainly those linked to altitudinal tolerance. No ecological distinctions were disclosed for Sardinian skippers suggesting a mainly stochastic colonisation. These results, and those from an analogous study carried out on Papilionoidea, point to Hesperioidea having (i) overall more impoverished faunas on islands and (ii) being subject to stochastic or historical colonisation events more than Papilionoidea. Species not predicted to occur on islands based on their mainland distributions and ecological traits, are foci for conservation attention. However, as many species becoming extinct on the islands may be irreplaceable, all species, in particular the Sardinian ones, deserve to be conserved.  相似文献   

We propose a study of the main species belonging to the genus Quercus in Italy, characterized and identified by means of leaf surface observation, with special attention devoted to waxes, trichomes and stomata. Comparing our results with the classification proposed by SCHWARZ (1984), we find that species belonging to Schwarz's subgenus Quercus are recognizable because their waxes are structured in vertical scales; the two other subgenera (Sclerophyllodrys and Cerris) present smooth wax structures, their distinctive feature being the shape of the stomatal rima, which is roundish in Sclerophyllodrys and elliptical in Cerris. The study characterizes Quercus pubescens Willd. and Quercus petraea Liebl. by analyzing some morphometric traits; but the authors feel that further research is needed on these critical taxonomic entities. Lastly, the study examines forms of was degeneration correlated to the phenomenon known as oak decline.  相似文献   
Galactose-grown cells of the heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus buchneri transported methyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (TMG) by an active transport mechanism and accumulated intracellular free TMG when provided with an exogenous source of energy, such as arginine. The intracellular concentration of TMG resultant under these conditions was approximately 20-fold higher than that in the medium. In contrast, the provision of energy by metabolism of glucose, gluconate, or glucosamine promoted a rapid but transient uptake of TMG followed by efflux that established a low cellular concentration of the galactoside, i.e., only two- to fourfold higher than that in the medium. Furthermore, the addition of glucose to cells preloaded with TMG in the presence of arginine elicited a rapid efflux of the intracellular galactoside. The extent of cellular TMG displacement and the duration of the transient effect of glucose on TMG transport were related to the initial concentration of glucose in the medium. Exhaustion of glucose from the medium restored uptake and accumulation of TMG, providing arginine was available for ATP generation. The nonmetabolizable sugar 2-deoxyglucose elicited efflux of TMG from preloaded cells of L. buchneri but not from those of L. brevis. Phosphorylation of this glucose analog was catalyzed by cell extracts of L. buchneri but not by those of L. brevis. Iodoacetate, at a concentration that inhibits growth and ATP production from glucose, did not prevent efflux of cellular TMG elicited by glucose. The results suggested that a phosphorylated metabolite(s) at or above the level of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate was required to evoke displacement of intracellular TMG from the cells. Counterflow experiments suggested that glucose converted the active uptake of TMG in L. brevis to a facilitated diffusion mechanism that allowed equilibrium of TMG between the extra- and intracellular milieux. The means by which glucose metabolites elicited this vectorial regulation is not known, but similarities to the inducer expulsion that has been described for homofermentative Streptococcus and Lactobacillus species suggested the involvement of HPr, a protein that functions as a phosphocarrier protein in the phosphotransferase system, as well as a presumptive regulator of sugar transport. Indeed, complementation assays wit extracts of Staphylococcus aureus ptsH mutant revealed the presence of HPr in L. brevis, although this lactobacillus lacked a functional phaosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphortransferase system for glucose, 2-deoxyglucose, or TMG.  相似文献   
omega-Hydroxylation of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) has been reported in human and rodent polymorphonuclear leukocytes; preliminary information indicates that this metabolism is cytochrome P-450 dependent. Therefore, these studies were initiated to characterize the cytochrome P-450-dependent metabolism of LTB4 in other tissues. LTB4 was metabolized by rat hepatic microsomes to two products, 20-hydroxy(omega)-LTB4 and 19-hydroxy(omega-1)-LTB4. The formation of these metabolites was both oxygen and NADPH dependent indicating that a monooxygenase(s) was responsible for these reactions. The apparent Km and Vmax for LTB4 omega-hydroxylase were 40.28 microM and 1202 pmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. In contrast, the apparent Km and Vmax for LTB4 (omega-1)-hydroxylase were 61.52 microM and 73.50 pmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. Both LTB4 omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxylases were inhibited by metyrapone in a concentration-dependent fashion. However, SK&F 525A inhibited LTB4 (omega-1)- but not omega-hydroxylase. In contrast, alpha-naphthoflavone decreased LTB4 omega- but not (omega-1)-hydroxylase activities. The differences in the Km apparent for substrate as well as the differential inhibition by inhibitors of cytochrome P-450 suggest that the omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxylations of LTB4 in hepatic microsomes are mediated by different isozymes of P-450. Furthermore, several additional characteristics of LTB4 hydroxylases indicate that these isozymes of P-450 may be different from those which catalyze similar reactions on medium-chain fatty acids, such as laurate and prostaglandins.  相似文献   
Modulation of the NMDA receptor by polyamines.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Results of recent biochemical and electrophysiological studies have suggested that a recognition site for polyamines exists as part of the NMDA receptor complex. This site appears to be distinct from previously described binding sites for glutamate, glycine, Mg++,Zn++, and open-channel blockers such as MK-801. The endogenous polyamines spermine and spermidine increase the binding of open-channel blockers and increase NMDA-elicited currents in cultured neurons. These polyamines have been termed agonists at the polyamine recognition site. Studies of the effects of natural and synthetic polyamines on the binding of [3H]MK-801 and on NMDA-elicited currents in cultured neurons have led to the identification of compounds classified as partial agonists, antagonists, and inverse agonists at the polyamine recognition site. Polyamines have also been found to affect the binding of ligands to the recognition sites for glutamate and glycine. However, these effects may be mediated at a site distinct from that at which polyamines act to modulate the binding of open-channel blockers. Endogenous polyamines may modulate excitatory synaptic transmission by acting at the polyamine recognition site of the NMDA receptor. This site could represent a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of ischemia-induced neurotoxicity, epilepsy, and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
The rheological properties of aqueous solutions of hydroxyethyl guar gum, a synthetic derivative of guar gum, have been studied under continuous and oscillatory shear flow conditions. Data obtained from both experimental techniques were satisfactorily fitted according to Cross-type models. The effect of polymer concentration, molecular weight and temperature on the rheological behavior of hydroxyethyl guar gum systems have been investigated and discussed in terms of rheological parameters like the zero-shear viscosity η0 and the characteristic times λ and λ′.  相似文献   
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