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Résumé Nos méthodes expérimentales permettent l'isolement d'une larve de sexe déterminé par hôte de l'ectoparasite grégaire Dinarmus vagabundus et du solaitire, D. basalis. Des hôtes porteurs de 3 à 8 larves par hôte de D. vagabundus sont aussi isolés. Dans ces conditions la quantité de nourriture disponible est la même pour toutes les densités larvaires étudiées.Les larves élevées en solitaire des deux espèces assimilent une quantité de nourriture significativement supérieure à celle assimilée par les . Ceci conduit à des adultes de poids moyen supérieur à celui des . Le poids moyen des et des de D. vagabundus diminue significativement aux fortes densités larvaires. L'intensité de la liaison entre la quantité de nourriture assimilée et la biomasse produite s'affaiblit au fur et à mesure que la densité larvaire par hôte augmente.Les de D. vagabundus de poids moyen (0,42 mg) engendrent deux fois et demi plus de descendants que les lilliputiennes (0,20 mg) émergées d'hôtes à forte densité larvaire. Celles de D. basalis (0,65 g) sont moins prolifiques que les de D. vagabundus.  相似文献   
In Africa, the seeds and/or pods ofVigna unguiculata andVigna radiata (Papilionacea) are attacked in fields and storage structures by bruchid beetlesCallosobruchus maculatus andBruchidius atrolineatus, on which parasitoid communities can develop. One of these parasitoids is the solitary ectoparasitoidEupelmus vuilleti (Eupelmidae). The storage conditions ofV. unguiculata andV. radiata favor the overlapping of all host stages during several months. These conditions suggest that female parasitoids would vary the sex ratio of their offspring according to the different sizes or developmental stages of hosts. The sex ratio ofE. vuilleti was strongly related to the developmental stage of the hostC. maculatus. Under our experimental conditions, where superparasitism is rare, the proportion of daughters varied between 5 and 25% on the third larval stage but reached 70 to 90% on the pupae. The increase in the proportion of daughters was also observed in the absence of superparasitism. In this case, there was an absolute coincidence between the sex ratio of eggs laid and that of emerged adults. Manipulation of the sex of the egg by the females seems to take place at the time of the egg's fertilization. The relation between host weight and egg sex showed that the male eggs are preferentially laid on lighter host larvae and the female eggs on heavier ones.  相似文献   
In the two parasitoid wasps, Diadromus collaris and Eupelmus orientalis, the satellite DNAs were each found to consist wholly or largely of a single family (5%-7% of the genome). Several clones of each family were obtained and sequenced. The repeat unit in each species is characterized by both the repetition of a basic motif and the presence of an inserted sequence. Sequence comparisons with satellite DNA from D. pulchellus and E. vuilleti provide plausible scenarios for the evolution of the satellite DNA in each genus. Palindromes and A-rich tracts in each consensus sequence suggest the formation, in vivo, of hairpin structures and bend centers that may play a role in heterochromatin condensation in insects. The insertions in the repeat units of each species also contain these structural features, suggesting that maintenance of these insertions requires constraints similar to those pertaining to the rest of the satellite- DNA unit.   相似文献   
In Chile and Uruguay, the gregarious Pteromalidae (Monoksa dorsiplana) has been discovered emerging from seeds of the persistent pods of Acacia caven attacked by the univoltin bruchid Pseudopachymeria spinipes. We investigated the potential for mass rearing of this gregarious ectoparasitoid on an alternative bruchid host, Callosobruchus maculatus, to use it against the bruchidae of native and cultured species of Leguminosea seeds in South America.The mass rearing of M. dorsiplana was carried out in a population cage where the density of egg-laying females per infested seed was increased from 1:1 on the first day to 5:1 on the last (fifth) day. Under these experimental conditions egg-clutch size per host increased, and at the same time the mortality of eggs laid also increased. The density of egg-laying females influenced the sex ratio which tended towards a balance of sons and daughters, in contrast to the sex ratio of a single egg-laying female per host (1 son to 7 daughters). The mean weight of adults emerging from a parasitized host was negatively correlated with the egg-clutch size, i.e. as egg-clutch size increased, adult weight decreased.All these results show that mass rearing of the gregarious ectoparasitoid M. dorsiplana was possible under laboratory conditions on an alternative bruchid host C. maculatus. As M. dorsiplana is a natural enemy of larval and pupal stages of bruchidae, the next step was to investigate whether the biological control of bruchid C. maculatus was possible in an experimental structure of stored beans.  相似文献   
Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) is a tropical beetle (Coleoptera Bruchidae) that develops during the larval and pupal stages in the seeds of a legume Vigna unguiculata (Walp). Two species of Hymenoptera, Dinarmus basalis (Rond) and Eupelmus vuilleti (Craw), solitary ectoparasitoids of the larvae and pupae of B. atrolineatus, were introduced successively in the presence of their hosts, varying the interval between the two introductions. When D. basalis females were introduced 24 h, 3 days or 7 days after E. vuilleti, multiparasitism was low. The females had low fecundity, and their eggs were not distributed randomly over the different available hosts. When E. vuilleti females were introduced second, they oviposited on the different hosts availabe and did not avoid multiparasitism. The presence of hosts already parasitised by D. basalis increased the reproduction of E. vuilleti, and the fecundity of the females was higher than in control batches with E. vuilleti alone. E. vuilleti seems capable of detecting the ovipositor shafts drilled by the D. basalis females, and by introducing its own ovipositors killing the D. basalis eggs or larvae. When interspecific competition was occurring the number of E. vuilleti adults emerging from the seeds was no different from that observed in control batches with E. vuilleti alone, and there were always fewer D. basalis adults than in control batches (D. basalis alone). This interspecific competition reduces the influence of the two parasitoids in the biological control of bruchid populations.  相似文献   
Eupelmus vuilleti is a primary and solitary ectoparasitoid of the larval stages of Bruchids (Callosobruchus maculatus, Bruchidius atrolineatus). In a context of intense competition for healthy hosts, E. vuilleti displays ovicide and larvicide behaviours towards the Pteromalid D. basalis during its development (kleptoparasitism), and in an extreme expression of kleptoparasitism the E. vuilleti females hyperparasitize the final larval stage (L5 stage) of D. basalis. In this study, we compared the variability of reproductive success in males that had developed in the context of hyperparasitism to that in males that had developed on primary hosts. The adaptation capacity of the males when 24 h old was analysed in terms of their weight, of the quantity of spermatozoids stored in the seminal vesicles, of the quality of insemination determined from the quantity of spermatozoids stored in the spermatheca of the females after the first mating, and of the number of daughters produced. Adults of E. vuilleti, the larvae of which had developed as hyperparasitoids, are smaller than those that have developed on primary hosts, but they keep all the abilities required to parasite a population of primary hosts once the competitive pressure is reduced.  相似文献   
Sex determination in the order Hymenoptera is based on arrhenotoky, hymenopteran males are usually haploid and females diploid. Males of the Ichneumonidae Diadromus pulchellus, solitary endoparasitoid of A Acrolepiopsis assectella pupae, are normally haploid, but diploid males are present in a natural population and can be obtained in an experimental population. The future of an ovocyte laid by mated females of the solitary endoparasitoid D. pulchellus was characterised by six probabilities related to the sex and development of the ovocyte. The probabilities of fertilisation of female ovocyte (k1) or non-fertilisation (k3) showed that an inseminated female functioned as a unmated female for half of the time (since k1 = 0.492 and k3 = 0.455) with the probability of fertilisation of male ovocyte, k2, equal to 0.053. The survival probabilities of each type of ovocyte showed that an ovocyte had a high probability of developing up to the adult stage, although the difference between the calculated sex ratios at laying (males/females = 1.032) and at emergence (0.90) revealed a slight reduction in the number of haploid sons. The probabilities of fertilisation and of viability of all the ovocytes laid by each of the 33 mated females were analysed by an ascending hierarchical classification of Euclidean distances and by an analysis of their principal components. The 33 mothers were distributed into four distinct sub-groups characterised by a sex ratio varying from an exclusive presence of females to an exclusive presence of males. Our hypothesis was that this distribution in four sub-sets could not simply result from the random nature of the sample.  相似文献   
Coexistence of two solitary ectoparasitoids of bruchids may be the result of counter-balanced competition. Some strategies in interspecific competition at the extrinsic level of female behaviour are identified.Dinarmus basalis (Rondani) (Hymenoptera; Pteromalidae) has adapted an evasion strategy to avoid competition. Females ofD. basalis show interspecific discrimination against hosts parasitized byEupelmus vuilleti Crawford (Hymenoptera; Eupelmidae) and lay fewer eggs in the presence of females or hosts parasitized by the latter.Eupelmus vuilleti has adapted an aggressive strategy. In contrast toD. basalis, E. vuilleti concentrates her ovipositions on hosts already parasitized byD. basalis. Females ofE. vuilleti preferably use oviposition holes made by other parasitoids, and are able to kill eggs and larvae ofD. basalis selectively by thrusts of their ovipositor (ovicide and larvicide). Furthermore,E. vuilleti can act as a facultative hyperparasitoid on older larvae ofD. basalis. The number ofE. vuilleti offspring is not affected by the presence ofD. basalis on a host. Our study does not provide insight in the process of larval competition.
Résumé La coexistence de deux ectoparasito?des solitaires de Bruchidés peut resulter de compétition contrebalancée (Zw?lfer, 1971). Quelques stratégies en situation de compétition interspécifique ont été indentifiées au niveau (extrinsèque) du comportement de femelles.Dinarmus basalis (Rondani) (Hymenoptera; Pteromalidae) a développé une stratégie d'évitement de la compétition. Les femelles deD. basalis montrent une capacité à reconna?tre les h?tes parasités parEupelmus vuilleti Crawford (Hymenoptera; Eupelmidae), et pondent moins d'œufs en présence des femelles d'E. vuilleti ou des h?tes parsités par cette espèce.Eupelmus vuilleti a adapté une stratégie aggressive. Au contraire deD. basalis, E. vuilleti concentre sa ponte sur les h?tes déjà parasités parD. basalis. Les femelles d'E. vuilleti utilisent préférentiellement les orifices de ponte pratiqués par les autres parasito?des. Elles sont alors capables de tuer grace à l'ovipositeur les œufs et les larves deD. basalis (ovicide et larvicide). De plus,E. vuilleti est capable d'hyperparasiter les larves de dernier stade deD. basalis. Le nombre de descendants d'E. vuilleti n'est pas affecté par la présence deD. basalis sur un h?te. Notre étude expérimentale n'a pas permis l'étude du mécanisme de la compétition larvaire.
Résumé L'activité maximale de ponte des femelles vierges de Diadromus pulchellus Wsm., pourvues en hôtes 24 h après leur émergence, est atteinte au 9ème jour. Comme les femelles inséminées, les femelles vierges ont tendance à concentrer les pontes sur un même hôte car dans nos conditions expérimentales, un tiers des hôtes parasités ont été superparasités. Ce superparasitisme entraîne une perte de 31,1% des ufs émis. Les maximum d'hôtes parasités et superparasités sont atteints au moment de la plus forte activité de ponte.L'équivalence des effectifs des descendances théoriques (calculées à partir du nombre d'ufs sains émis) et des descendances réelles de femelles vierges, signifie d'une part, que, comme chez tous les hyménoptères à parthénogénèse arrhénotoque, les larves mâles issues d'ufs infertilisés sont hautement viables et d'autre part, que la larve victorieuse du combat larvaire atteint dans la majorité des cas le stade adulte libre.
Summary This study of the egg-laying behaviour of virgin females of D. pulchellus shows the relations between fecundity, superparasitism and the number of progeny.The highest egg-laying activity of the D. pulchellus virgin females, allowed access to their hosts (Acrolepiopsis assectella) 24 hr after emergence, was observed on the 9th day. In our experimental conditions, where each female was allowed access to five hosts, renewed daily, for 25 days, three quarters of the hosts available were actually parasitised. As with the fertilized females, the virgins tend to concentrate their eggs on the same host, so that a third of the parasitised hosts were superparasitised, causing a loss of 31,1% of the eggs laid.The greatest numbers of parasitised and superparasitised hosts were reached during the period of maximum oviposition.The equivalence of the theoretical number of progeny (based on the number of healthy eggs laid) and the actual progeny, shows that the survivors of larvae, competing in the same host, generally reach the free imaginal state.
With an automatic image analysis device, we studied the temporal distribution of the locomotor activity of E. orientalis and E. vuilleti during 24 h, and over several days to know whether the activity rhythms of these two Eupelmidae play a role in their competitive interactions. The analysis of locomotor activity rhythms of E. orientalis and E. vuilleti shows that the locomotor activity of both species presents daily cyclic variations. These two Eupelmidae have similar activity rhythms. Displacements of these parasitoids essentially take place during the photophase. But the activity of E. vuilleti is earlier, because the individuals of this species start their activity on average 4 to 5 h earlier than those of E. orientalis. E. vuilleti begins its displacements several hours before the onset of lighting, whereas E. orientalis is active only in the presence of the light. This shift of starting activity is thus a factor allowing these concurrent species to minimize their interactions during the cohabitation period in traditional granaries after the harvests of cowpea.  相似文献   
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