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The F2 generations from two maize crosses were used to compare the ability of RAPD and RFLP marker systems to create a genetic linkage map. Both RFLPs and RAPDs were shown to provide Mendelian-type markers. Most of the RFLPs (80%) could be placed with a good level of certainty (LOD>4) on the genetic linkage map. However, because of their dominant nature, only between 37% and 59% of the RAPDs could be placed with such a LOD score. The use of combined data from RFLPs and RAPDs increases the level of information provided by RAPDs and allows the creation of a combined RFLP/RAPD genetic linkage map. Thus, the RAPD technique was found to be a powerful method to provide improved probes coverage on a previously created RFLP map and to locate markers linked to chromosomal regions of interest.  相似文献   
A study was initiated to determine the number, chromosomal location, and magnitude of effect of QTL (quantitative trait loci or locus depending on context) controlling protein and starch concentration in the maize (Zea mays L.) kernel. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed on 100 F3 families derived from a cross of two strains, Illinois High Protein (IHP), X Illinois Low Protein (ILP), which had been divergently selected for protein concentration for 76 generations as part of the Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment. These families were analyzed for kernel protein and starch in replicated field trials during 1990 and 1991. A series of 90 genomic and cDNA clones distributed throughout the maize genome were chosen for their ability to detect RFLP between IHP and ILP. These clones were hybridized with DNA extracted from the 100 F3 families, revealing 100 polymorphic loci. Single factor analysis of variance revealed significant QTL associations of many loci with both protein and starch concentration (P < 0.05 level). Twenty-two loci distributed on 10 chromosome arms were significantly associated with protein concentration, 19 loci on 9 chromosome arms were significantly associated with starch concentration. Sixteen of these loci were significant for both protein and starch concentration. Clusters of 3 or more significant loci were detected on chromosome arms 3L, 5S, and 7L for protein concentration, suggesting the presence of QTL with large effects at these locations. A QTL with large additive effects on protein and starch concentration was detected on chromosome arm 3L. RFLP alleles at this QTL were found to be linked with RFLP alleles at the Shrunken-2 (Sh2) locus, a structural gene encoding the major subunit of the starch synthetic enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. A multiple linear regression model consisting of 6 significant RFLP loci on different chromosomes explained over 64 % of the total variation for kernel protein concentration. Similar results were detected for starch concentration. Thus, several chromosomal regions with large effects may be responsible for a significant portion of the changes in kernel protein and starch concentration in the Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment.  相似文献   
RFLP marker data from an F23 population derived from a cross between a sugary1 (su1) and a sugary enhancer1 (su1, sel) inbred were used to construct a genetic linkage map of maize. This map includes 93 segregating marker loci distributed throughout the maize genome, providing a saturated linkage map that is suitable for linkage analysis with quantitative trait loci (QTL). This population, which has been immortalized in the form of sibbed F23 families, was derived from each of the 214 F2 plants and along with probe data are available to the scientific community. QTL analysis for kernel sucrose (the primary form of sugar) concentration at 20 days after pollination (DAP) uncovered the segregation of seven major QTL influencing sucrose concentration; a locus linked to umc36a described the greatest proportion of the variation (24.7%). Since maltose concentration has previously been reported to be associated with the se1 phenotype, an analysis of probe associations with maltose concentration at 40 DAP was also conducted. The highly significant association of umc36a with maltose and sucrose concentrations provided evidence that this probe is linked to se1. Phenotypic evaluation for the se1 genotype in each F23 family enabled us to map the gene 12.1 cM distal to umc36a. In contrast to previous work where se1 was reported to be located on chromosome four, our data strongly suggest that the sugary enhancer1 locus maps on the the distal portion of the long arm of chromosome 2 in the maize genome.  相似文献   
Dissection of the insulin-sensitizing effect of liver X receptor ligands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The liver X receptors (LXRalpha and beta) are nuclear receptors that coordinate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Treatment of insulin-resistant mice with synthetic LXR ligands enhances glucose tolerance, inducing changes in gene expression expected to decrease hepatic gluconeogenesis (via indirect suppression of gluconeogenic enzymes) and increase peripheral glucose disposal (via direct up-regulation of glut4 in fat). To evaluate the relative contribution of each of these effects on whole-body insulin sensitivity, we performed hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps in high-fat-fed insulin-resistant rats treated with an LXR agonist or a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand. Both groups showed significant improvement in insulin action. Interestingly, rats treated with LXR ligand had lower body weight and smaller fat cells than controls. Insulin-stimulated suppression of the rate of glucose appearance (Ra) was pronounced in LXR-treated rats, but treatment failed to enhance peripheral glucose uptake (R'g), despite increased expression of glut4 in epididymal fat. To ascertain whether LXR ligands suppress hepatic gluconeogenesis directly, mice lacking LXRalpha (the primary isotype in liver) were treated with LXR ligand, and gluconeogenic gene expression was assessed. LXR activation decreased expression of gluconeogenic genes in wild-type and LXRbeta null mice, but failed to do so in animals lacking LXRalpha. Our observations indicate that despite inducing suggestive gene expression changes in adipose tissue in this model of diet-induced insulin resistance, the antidiabetic effect of LXR ligands is primarily due to effects in the liver that appear to require LXRalpha. These findings have important implications for clinical development of LXR agonists as insulin sensitizers.  相似文献   
In one of the longest-running experiments in biology, researchers at the University of Illinois have selected for altered composition of the maize kernel since 1896. Here we use an association study to infer the genetic basis of dramatic changes that occurred in response to selection for changes in oil concentration. The study population was produced by a cross between the high- and low-selection lines at generation 70, followed by 10 generations of random mating and the derivation of 500 lines by selfing. These lines were genotyped for 488 genetic markers and the oil concentration was evaluated in replicated field trials. Three methods of analysis were tested in simulations for ability to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL). The most effective method was model selection in multiple regression. This method detected approximately 50 QTL accounting for approximately 50% of the genetic variance, suggesting that >50 QTL are involved. The QTL effect estimates are small and largely additive. About 20% of the QTL have negative effects (i.e., not predicted by the parental difference), which is consistent with hitchhiking and small population size during selection. The large number of QTL detected accounts for the smooth and sustained response to selection throughout the twentieth century.  相似文献   
Genetic and QTL analysis of maize tassel and ear inflorescence architecture   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Maize (Zea mays L.) ear inflorescence architecture is directly relevant to grain yield components, and tassel architecture is relevant to hybrid seed production. The objectives of this study were to (1) determine heritabilities and correlations of a comprehensive set of tassel and ear inflorescence architecture traits in a set of (Illinois Low Protein×B73) B73 S1 families, (2) identify chromosomal positions of QTL affecting tassel and ear architecture, and (3) identify possible candidate genes associated with these QTL. For tassel traits, the number of detected QTL ranged from one to five, and explained between 6.5 and 35.9% of phenotypic variation. For ear traits, the number of detected QTL ranged from one to nine and phenotypic variation explained by those QTL varied between 7.9 and 53.0%. We detected QTL for tassel architecture traits that required calculation of ratios from measured traits. Some of these calculated traits QTL were detected in regions that did not show QTL for the measured traits, suggesting that calculation of ratios may reveal developmentally relevant patterns of tassel architecture. We detected a QTL on chromosome 7 for tassel branch number near the gene ramosa1 (ra1), which is known to control tassel branch number, making ra1 a candidate gene for tassel branch number. We detected QTL for several traits on chromosomes 6, 8, and 9, where no inflorescence architecture genes have been mapped, thus providing initial information towards new gene discovery for control of inflorescence architecture.  相似文献   
Vitamin E refers to eight distinct compounds collectively known as tocochromanols and can be further divided into two classes, tocotrienols and tocopherols. Tocochromanols are the major lipid-soluble antioxidants in maize (Zea mays L.) grain. Enhancing vitamin E content of maize through plant breeding has important implications for human and animal nutrition. Four inbred lines exhibiting unique variation for tocochromanol compounds were chosen from the Goodman maize diversity panel to construct two biparental mapping populations (N6xNC296 and E2558xCo125). The N6xNC296 population was developed to analyze segregation for α-tocopherol and α-tocotrienol content. The E2558WxCo125 population was developed to analyze segregation for the ratio of total tocotrienols to tocopherols. The tocochromanol variation in two replicates of each population was quantified using liquid chromatography-diode array detection. Using high-density linkage mapping, novel quantitative trait loci (QTL) in the N6xNC296 population were mapped using tocopherol ratio traits. These QTL contain the candidate gene homogentisate phytyltransferase (ZmVTE2) within the respective support intervals. This locus was not mapped in a previous genome-wide association study that analyzed tocochromanols in the Goodman diversity panel. Transgressive segregation was observed for γ- and α-tocochromanols in these populations, which facilitated QTL identification. These QTL and transgressive segregant families can be used in selection programs for vitamin E enhancement in maize. This work illustrates the complementary nature of biparental mapping populations and genome-wide association studies to further characterize genetic variation of tocochromanol content in maize grain.  相似文献   
High-oil maize as a product of long-term selection provides a unique resource for functional genomics. In this study, the abundant soluble proteins of early developing germs from high-oil and normal lines of maize were compared using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) in combination with mass spectrometry (MS). More than 1100 protein spots were detected on electrophoresis maps of both high-oil and normal lines by using silver staining method. A total of 83 protein spots showed significant differential expression (>two-fold change; t-test: P < 0.05) between high-oil and normal inbred lines. Twenty-seven protein spots including 25 non-redundant proteins were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Functional categorization of these proteins was carbohydrate metabolism, cytoskeleton, protein metabolism, stress response, and lipid metabolism. Three such proteins involved in lipid metabolism, namely putative enoyl-ACP reductase (ENR), putative stearoyl-ACP desaturase (SAD) and putative acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (ACA), had more abundant expressions in high-oil lines than in normal. At the mRNA expression level, SAD, ENR and ACA were expressed at significantly higher levels in high-oil lines than in normal. The results demonstrated that high expressions of SAD, ENR and ACA might be associated to increasing oil concentration in high-oil maize. This study represents the first proteomic analysis of high-oil maize and contributes to a better understanding of the molecular basis of oil accumulation in high-oil maize.  相似文献   
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