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We show here that the pvr2 locus in pepper, conferring recessive resistance against strains of potato virus Y (PVY), corresponds to a eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) gene. RFLP analysis on the PVY-susceptible and resistant pepper cultivars, using an eIF4E cDNA from tobacco as probe, revealed perfect map co-segregation between a polymorphism in the eIF4E gene and the pvr2 alleles, pvr2(1) (resistant to PVY-0) and pvr2(2) (resistant to PVY-0 and 1). The cloned pepper eIF4E cDNA encoded a 228 amino acid polypeptide with 70-86% nucleotide sequence identity with other plant eIF4Es. The sequences of eIF4E protein from two PVY-susceptible cultivars were identical and differed from the eIF4E sequences of the two PVY-resistant cultivars Yolo Y (YY) (pvr2(1)) and FloridaVR2 (F) (pvr2(2)) at two amino acids, a mutation common to both resistant genotypes and a second mutation specific to each. Complementation experiments were used to show that the eIF4E gene corresponds to pvr2. Thus, potato virus X-mediated transient expression of eIF4E from susceptible cultivar Yolo Wonder (YW) in the resistant genotype YY resulted in loss of resistance to subsequent PVY-0 inoculation and transient expression of eIF4E from YY (resistant to PVY-0; susceptible to PVY-1) rendered genotype F susceptible to PVY-1. Several lines of evidence indicate that interaction between the potyvirus genome-linked protein (VPg) and eIF4E are important for virus infectivity, suggesting that the recessive resistance could be due to incompatibility between the VPg and eIF4E in the resistant genotype.  相似文献   
To infect plants, viruses rely heavily on their host's machinery. Plant genetic resistances based on host factor modifications can be found among existing natural variability and are widely used for some but not all crops. While biotechnology can supply for the lack of natural resistance alleles, new strategies need to be developed to increase resistance spectra and durability without impairing plant development. Here, we assess how the targeted allele modification of the Arabidopsis thaliana translation initiation factor eIF4E1 can lead to broad and efficient resistance to the major group of potyviruses. A synthetic Arabidopsis thaliana eIF4E1 allele was designed by introducing multiple amino acid changes associated with resistance to potyvirus in naturally occurring Pisum sativum alleles. This new allele encodes a functional protein while maintaining plant resistance to a potyvirus isolate that usually hijacks eIF4E1. Due to its biological functionality, this synthetic allele allows, at no developmental cost, the pyramiding of resistances to potyviruses that selectively use the two major translation initiation factors, eIF4E1 or its isoform eIFiso4E. Moreover, this combination extends the resistance spectrum to potyvirus isolates for which no efficient resistance has so far been found, including resistance‐breaking isolates and an unrelated virus belonging to the Luteoviridae family. This study is a proof‐of‐concept for the efficiency of gene engineering combined with knowledge of natural variation to generate trans‐species virus resistance at no developmental cost to the plant. This has implications for breeding of crops with broad‐spectrum and high durability resistance using recent genome editing techniques.  相似文献   
Agrobacterium rhizogenes induces root formation and inserts a fragment of its plasmid into the genome of infected plants. A part of the transferred region (TL-region) of the Ri plasmid of A. rhizogenes strain A4 was cloned in pBR322. Insertions of the Escherichia coli lacZ coding region into the hybrid plasmids were made in vivo using mini-Mu-duction. Two mini-Mus were used, one with the Mu A and B transposase genes (MudII1681) and the other without (MudII1734). Two inserts which result in E. coli lacZ expression where shown to be located in the T-DNA region. This indicates that portions of the T-DNA are capable of expression in bacteria. When these two hybrid plasmids were transformed into Agrobacterium only the one harboring MudII1734 insert gave transformants which correspond to homologous recombination. These results indicate that gene fusion and insertion directed mutagenesis can be simultaneously obtained with this mini-Mu and could be used to study Agrobacterium gene expression.  相似文献   
Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum plants expressing the TGBp1 movement protein of potato virus X (PVX) were studied to investigate the effects caused by this protein on plant physiology and development. TGBp1 caused consistent reductions of size and weight in different organs of these plants; however shoot-to-root ratios were similar to those of control plants. Transgenic seedlings showed smaller root meristems and calli derived from TGBp1 leaves grew at a slower rate through successive subcultures. Microscopic observations of TGBp1 plants revealed flattened chloroplasts containing plastoglobuli-like bodies. Further analyses showed a considerable reduction in photosynthetic rate, lower starch levels in leaves and roots, higher nitrate accumulation in leaves and induction of pathogenesis-related (PR) protein genes. Since these changes were not observed when other PVX sequences were expressed in tobacco, we postulate that TGBp1 is an important symptom contributor in PVX infections.  相似文献   
In the rat, fibrillar centers (nucleolar organizers) of neurons in superior cervical ganglia are small during light period whereas quite giant ones are observed during dark period. Stereological analysis demonstrates that mean volume of fibrillar centers which is 11.9 x 10(-2) micron 3 in light period increases up to 159 x 10(-2) micron 3 in dark period. So, the more or less development of fibrillar centers in these interphasic nuclei is a circadian phenomenon.  相似文献   
A novel Arabidopsis DHDPS gene named DHDPS2 was found through identification of a mutant by promoter trapping. The mutation promotes a reduction of growth resulting from combination of a defect in lysine biosynthesis and accumulation of a toxic level of threonine or derived products. The mutant also modifies the amino acid composition issuing from the pyruvate and aspartate pathways, affecting mainly the root compartment. These data are in accordance with the expression of DHDPS2 in the root apex as visualized by expression of the GUS reporter gene. This suggests that a large proportion of the amino acids derived from pyruvate and aspartate are synthesized in this organ.  相似文献   


The eukaryotic TOR pathway controls translation, growth and the cell cycle in response to environmental signals such as nutrients or growth-stimulating factors. The TOR protein kinase can be inactivated by the antibiotic rapamycin following the formation of a ternary complex between TOR, rapamycin and FKBP12 proteins. The TOR protein is also found in higher plants despite the fact that they are rapamycin insensitive. Previous findings using the yeast two hybrid system suggest that the FKBP12 plant homolog is unable to form a complex with rapamycin and TOR, while the FRB domain of plant TOR is still able to bind to heterologous FKBP12 in the presence of rapamycin. The resistance to rapamycin is therefore limiting the molecular dissection of the TOR pathway in higher plants.  相似文献   
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