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Nœss  B.  Korvald  B.  Sandvik  O. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1977,18(4):566-568
Microbial heat stable endotoxins comprise part of most animal feedstuffs. These components have become the subject of considerable interest in later years because of the demonstration of acute toxicity, intravascular coagulation and generalized Shwartzman’s reaction in connection with intravenous injections of endotoxins (Nordstoga 1976). Endotoxins are normally present in the intestine of man and animals, but seem only to be absorbed under special conditions. Of particular interest is the “sudden infant death syndrome” which has been described for infants receiving cow milk (Di Luzio & Friedmann 1973). Absorption of endotoxins may also occur in adults e.g. in connection with γ-irradiation, immunosuppression, transplantations, severe traumatic lesions and burns (Nordstoga). It is supposed that endotoxins play an important role in the development of shock under these conditions (Nordstoga). Fine (1972) reported that exogenously administered endotoxins may break down the defence mechanisms and lead to continuous absorption of endotoxins from the intestine.  相似文献   
Responses in flounder (Platichthys flesus) towards benzo [a]pyrene (BaP), 2,3,3′,4,4′,5-hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB-156), and cadmium (Cd) were investigated in time-course and dose-response studies of selected biomarkers. Measurements of biliary fluorescent BaP metabolites and hepatic concentrations of PCB-156 and cadmium showed that the injected toxicants were rapidly m obilized from the muscle to the liver, but a depot effect was indicated in the highest dose groups of BaP and PCB-156 (12 mg kg-1 bodyweight). Clearest biomarker responses were found in the induction of hepatic cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) enzymes as a response towards BaP and PCB-156 exposure. Maximum induction of CYP1A dependent 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity was observed after 2 and 8 days in BaP and PCB-156-treated flounder, respectively. Positive dose-effect relationships were observed towards both compounds, but the CYP1A induction was more persistent with PCB exposure than with BaP exposure. In Cd-exposed fish, the hepatic level of metallothionein responded more slowly with highest levels observed after 16 days in the time-study. In the combined BaP + Cd treatment, the CYP1A induction was only slightly suppressed. Aspartate aminotransferase in serum appeared to be responsive towards BaP, but also towards the acetone vehicle in controls in the first part of the exposure period. Hematocrit as well as hepatic activities of aldrin epoxidase, glutathione S-transferase, and UDP-glucuronyl transferase were not responsive to any treatm ent in the present study. In general, the results demonstrate that selected biom arkers in flounder are responsive to PAH, PCB, and heavy metal pollutant exposure, indicating the applicability of this species in future environmental pollution monitoring programmes.  相似文献   
Recent studies from mountainous areas of small spatial extent (<2500 km2) suggest that fine‐grained thermal variability over tens or hundreds of metres exceeds much of the climate warming expected for the coming decades. Such variability in temperature provides buffering to mitigate climate‐change impacts. Is this local spatial buffering restricted to topographically complex terrains? To answer this, we here study fine‐grained thermal variability across a 2500‐km wide latitudinal gradient in Northern Europe encompassing a large array of topographic complexities. We first combined plant community data, Ellenberg temperature indicator values, locally measured temperatures (LmT) and globally interpolated temperatures (GiT) in a modelling framework to infer biologically relevant temperature conditions from plant assemblages within <1000‐m2 units (community‐inferred temperatures: CiT). We then assessed: (1) CiT range (thermal variability) within 1‐km2 units; (2) the relationship between CiT range and topographically and geographically derived predictors at 1‐km resolution; and (3) whether spatial turnover in CiT is greater than spatial turnover in GiT within 100‐km2 units. Ellenberg temperature indicator values in combination with plant assemblages explained 46–72% of variation in LmT and 92–96% of variation in GiT during the growing season (June, July, August). Growing‐season CiT range within 1‐km2 units peaked at 60–65°N and increased with terrain roughness, averaging 1.97 °C (SD = 0.84 °C) and 2.68 °C (SD = 1.26 °C) within the flattest and roughest units respectively. Complex interactions between topography‐related variables and latitude explained 35% of variation in growing‐season CiT range when accounting for sampling effort and residual spatial autocorrelation. Spatial turnover in growing‐season CiT within 100‐km2 units was, on average, 1.8 times greater (0.32 °C km?1) than spatial turnover in growing‐season GiT (0.18 °C km?1). We conclude that thermal variability within 1‐km2 units strongly increases local spatial buffering of future climate warming across Northern Europe, even in the flattest terrains.  相似文献   


In inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), genetic susceptibility together with environmental factors disturbs gut homeostasis producing chronic inflammation. The two main IBD subtypes are Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). We present the to-date largest microarray gene expression study on IBD encompassing both inflamed and un-inflamed colonic tissue. A meta-analysis including all available, comparable data was used to explore important aspects of IBD inflammation, thereby validating consistent gene expression patterns.


Colon pinch biopsies from IBD patients were analysed using Illumina whole genome gene expression technology. Differential expression (DE) was identified using LIMMA linear model in the R statistical computing environment. Results were enriched for gene ontology (GO) categories. Sets of genes encoding antimicrobial proteins (AMP) and proteins involved in T helper (Th) cell differentiation were used in the interpretation of the results. All available data sets were analysed using the same methods, and results were compared on a global and focused level as t-scores.


Gene expression in inflamed mucosa from UC and CD are remarkably similar. The meta-analysis confirmed this. The patterns of AMP and Th cell-related gene expression were also very similar, except for IL23A which was consistently higher expressed in UC than in CD. Un-inflamed tissue from patients demonstrated minimal differences from healthy controls.


There is no difference in the Th subgroup involvement between UC and CD. Th1/Th17 related expression, with little Th2 differentiation, dominated both diseases. The different IL23A expression between UC and CD suggests an IBD subtype specific role. AMPs, previously little studied, are strongly overexpressed in IBD. The presented meta-analysis provides a sound background for further research on IBD pathobiology.  相似文献   
The effect of a dietary phosphorus regime in freshwater on vertebra bone mineralization was assessed in diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Fish were fed either a low phosphorus (LP) diet containing 10.5 g kg−1 total phosphorus or a normal phosphorus (NP) diet containing 17.4 g kg−1 total phosphorus from ∼3 to ∼65 g (day 126) in body weight. Two further groups were fed the NP diet from ∼3 g in body weight, but were then switched to the LP diet after 38 (∼10 g in body weight) or 77 (∼30 g in body weight) days. Growth, vertebral ash content (% ash) and radiologically detectable vertebra pathologies were assessed. Triploids were initially smaller than diploids, and again on day 77, but there was no ploidy effect on days 38 or 126. Vertebral ash content increased with increasing body size and those fish fed the NP diet had higher vertebral ash content than those groups fed the LP diet during the intervening time period, but this diet effect became less apparent as fish grew, with all groups having relatively equal vertebral ash content at termination. In general, triploids had lower vertebral ash content than diploids on day 38 and this was most evident in the group fed the LP diet. On day 77, those triploids fed the LP diet during the intervening time period had lower vertebral ash content than diploids. At termination on day 126, the triploids had the same vertebral ash content as diploids, irrespective of diet. There was a ploidy × diet interaction on vertebral deformities, with triploids having higher prevalences of fish with ≥1 deformed vertebra in all dietary groups except continuous NP. In conclusion, between days 0 and 77 (3–30 g body size), triploids required more dietary phosphorus than diploids in order to maintain similar vertebral ash content. A possible link between phosphorus feeding history and phosphorus demand is also discussed.  相似文献   
Introduced species can alter the topology of food webs. For instance, an introduction can aid the arrival of free-living consumers using the new species as a resource, while new parasites may also arrive with the introduced species. Food-web responses to species additions can thus be far more complex than anticipated. In a subarctic pelagic food web with free-living and parasitic species, two fish species (arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus) have known histories as deliberate introductions. The effects of these introductions on the food web were explored by comparing the current pelagic web with a heuristic reconstruction of the pre-introduction web. Extinctions caused by these introductions could not be evaluated by this approach. The introduced fish species have become important hubs in the trophic network, interacting with numerous parasites, predators and prey. In particular, five parasite species and four predatory bird species depend on the two introduced species as obligate trophic resources in the pelagic web and could therefore not have been present in the pre-introduction network. The presence of the two introduced fish species and the arrival of their associated parasites and predators increased biodiversity, mean trophic level, linkage density, and nestedness; altering both the network structure and functioning of the pelagic web. Parasites, in particular trophically transmitted species, had a prominent role in the network alterations that followed the introductions.  相似文献   
Biogas production is becoming significantly viable as an energy source for replacing fossil‐based fuels. The further development of the biogas production process could lead to significant improvements in its potential. Wastewater treatment currently accounts for 3% of the electrical energy load in developed countries, while it could be developed to provide a source of nitrogen and phosphorus, in addition to energy. The improvement of anaerobic digestion (AD) detection technologies is the cornerstone to reach higher methane productivities and develop fully automatized processes to decrease operational costs. New sensors are requested to automatically obtain a better interpretation of the complex and dynamical internal reactor environment. This will require detailed systematic detection in order to realize a near‐optimal production process. In this review, optical fiber‐based sensors will be discussed to assess their potential for use in AD. There is currently a disparity between the complexity of AD, and online detection. By improving the durability, sensitivity, and cost of dissolved H2 (as well as H2S, acetic acid, ammonia, and methane) sensor technology, further understanding of the AD process may allow the prevention of process failure. The emergence of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing with optical fibers coupled with the H2‐sensitive metal palladium, allows detection of dissolved hydrogen in liquid. By implementing these SPR sensors into AD, improvements to the biogas production process, even at small scales, may be achieved by guiding the process in the optimum direction, avoiding the collapse of the biological process. This review intends to assess the feasibility of online, cost‐effective, rapid, and efficient detection of dissolved H2, as well as briefly assessing H2S, acetic acid, ammonia, and methane in AD by SPR.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of a single dose of intravenously administered sodium 2,3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulfonate (DMPS) on the essential elements copper, zinc, and selenium in human blood and urine. The possible role of dental amalgam was also addressed. Eighty individuals, divided in four groups according to the presence or absence of dental amalgam fillings and symptoms self-related to such fillings, were given DMPS (2 mg/kg body wt) and 500 mL Ringer’s acetate intravenously. Urine and blood were collected prior to the injection, and thereafter at intervals over a 24-h period. Cu, Zn, and Se concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry methods. A statistically significant increase in the concentrations of Cu and Zn in urine was observed 30 and 120 min after the DMPS injection compared to the preinjection concentrations. The concentrations of Se were not affected. The cumulated excretion over 24 h after DMPS injection constitutes only from 0.1% to 0.7% of the body content of these elements. There was no effect of different amalgam statuses on Cu and Zn excretion. We found a temporary decrease (4–7%) in the concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Se in blood 15 and 30 min after DMPS, but this seems to be the result of dilution factors. Administration of a single dose of DMPS does not affect the body stores of the essential elements Cu, Zn, and Se.  相似文献   
Morten Sandvik 《Biomarkers》1998,3(6):399-410
Absorption and tissue distribution of benzo\[ a ]pyrene (BaP)-derived radioactivity were studied in juvenile rainbow trout following dietary or waterborne exposure. In order to compare the bioavailability of BaP, the fish were exposed to 1.5 mCi 3H-BaP kg-1 fish, either in the diet or in the water as a 2 days static exposure. Furthermore, tissue levels of BaP-derived radioactivity bound to macromolecules in different tissues were studied in non-induced fish, and in fish induced by additional treatment with unlabelled BaP (corresponding to 5 mg kg-1 fish) in the water. Absorption and tissue distribution of 3H BaP were studied by liquid scintillation counting and whole-body autoradiography. BaPderived radioactivity bound to macromolecules in different tissues was studied by autoradiography of solvent-extracted whole-body sections. The hepatic CYP1A induction was measured as EROD activity. Exposure to unlabelled BaP resulted in a marked induction of hepatic EROD activity in rainbow trout 2 days after the start of the exposure. Significant higher concentrations of radiolabelled compound were observed in waterborne-exposed fish, in contrast to dietary-exposed fish. High concentrations of radiolabelling were observed in the gills, liver, bile, intestines, olfactory organ, kidney and the skin of the waterborne-exposed fish. In the dietary-exposed fish, high levels of radioactivity were observed in the intestines and the bile, whereas lower concentrations were present in the liver. Only traces of radioactive compound were observed in the gills. In contrast to waterborne-exposed fish, no radioactivity was detected in the olfactory organ or skin. In autoradiograms of sections extracted with a series of polar and non-polar solvents, a large fraction of radioactivity was still present in the gills, olfactory organ, liver, kidney, skin and intestinal mucosa of the waterborne-exposed fish, indicating that reactive BaP intermediates formed by CYP1A-mediated metabolism were bound to macromolecules in these tissues.  相似文献   
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