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Summary A 20.5-month study was undertaken to determine detrital processing of the halophytesSpartina anglica, Elytrigia pungens, andHalimione portulacoides in three different habitats of an estuarine salt marsh in the South-West Netherlands. Decomposition was measured using litter-bags of three different mesh sizes to partition the effects of different faunal groups on decomposition. From April 1980 through October 1981 litter-bags were sampled regulary from a creek, the upper marsh, and from a plant-debris belt on the higher marsh. Dry weights and nutritive values were measured and animals were counted. Mainly rates of loss are reported here. Zonal differences were significant. At first, decomposition in the creek was most rapid. After two months the processes in the creek slowed down because of the trapping of silt by the bags, which probably simulated the natural course of the decomposition process in the water. Decomposition on the marsh followed the most regular pattern, while in the plant-debris belt the pattern was very irregular. Population dynamics of microfaunal organisms supported these findings. In the plant-debris belts loss rates seem to be higher than on the marsh, because of the influence of detritivorous macrofaunal organisms. The loss rates of the three plant species differed significantly.Halimione decomposed fastest, especially in the beginning, and in the plant-debris habitat. On the upper marsh and in the plant-debris belt the loss rates ofSpartina seem to be a little higher than those ofElytrigia.Communication No. 233, Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands.  相似文献   
Eight experimental ditch mesocosms were used to study the effect of eutrophication over four years. The experimental ditches had a sand or clay bottom. The ditches were treated with additions of phosphorus, phosphorus and nitrogen, or without additions (controls). Oligochaetes were sampled by deploying trays with substratum for colonization over twenty weeks. Both the important variables phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen as well as the oligochaete species and numbers are presented. The effects of nutrient additions on phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen concentrations were described together with changes in oligochaete species composition and numbers. The results were further analyzed by redundancy analysis (RDA). In the clay-lined ditches nutrient addition coincided with fluctuation in oxygen concentration. The higher the nutrient addition levels the longer the period of oxygen depletion became. During oxygen depletion the number of oligochaetes was strongly reduced or even became zero. The low nutrient status of the sandy bed in the sand-lined ditches slowed down the rate of colonization. Only a few tubificids were collected. Eutrophication effects were only observed at the highest nutrient addition level. Considerable variation is attributed to stochastic factors in the sand-lined ditches. Whether oligochaete species were present was related to the length of the colonization period. The substratum composition and food together with oxygen regime decided whether they become more or less abundant in ditches. Large-scale mesocosm experiments require time to develop. Only after the first colonization period variables of species presences and abundances can be employed to detect changes associated with eutrophication. Oligochaetes can be used to measure colonization as well as eutrophication processes.  相似文献   
A survey was carried out at 156 sites, situated in streams in the province of Overijssel (The Netherlands), to describe the macroinvertebrate assemblages and their environments. Fifty-six environmental variables were measured once at each sampling site. The main aim was to describe a typology of stream for this region.Different multivariate analysis techniques (clustering and ordination) were used in combination with ecological information on individual taxa to derive and describe site groups in terms of taxonomic composition and mean environmental conditions. The resulting site groups were termed cenotypes.Eleven cenotypes were distinguished. Differences between cenotypes were attributed to (combinations of) environmental key factors, namely, dimensions (width and depth), morphological (profile shape) and hydraulic stream characteristics, duration of drought and load of organic material.The typology offers a basis to be used for regional stream management and nature conservation. Efforts to improve stream ecosystems should be directed at the physical and hydraulic conditions.Typological studies are needed (especially in semi-natural landscapes) if we are to better understand, manage and conserve freshwater biota.  相似文献   
A survey was carried out at 157 sites, situated in pools and small lakes in the province of Overijssel (The Netherlands), to describe the macro-invertebrate community and their environment. A total of 61 environmental viriables was measured at each sampling site. The main aim was to described a regional ecological typology of ponds and small lakes. Multivariate analysis techniques are appropriate in data analysis for typological purposes. Different multivariate analysis techniques (FLEXCLUS, NODES, DCCA, PCA) were used in combination with ecological information on individual taxa to derive and describe site groups in terms of taxon composition and mean environmental conditions. The resulting site groups were termed cenotypes. Nine cenotypes were distinguished among the ponds and small lakes. The main differences between the cenotypes were related to duration of drought, acidity, morphology and nutrient load. In particular, the four cenotypes within the group of stagnant, pH-neutral ponds/lakes showed an overlap in taxon composition. These cenotypes represent a web-shaped continuum dominated by dimensions (relation of width to depth), nutrient load, and bottom composition (especially mesotrophic peat). The most important anthropogenic processes are acidification, eutrophication, and changes in the original hydrology.  相似文献   
Exogenously applied natural juvenile hormones (JH) and some synthetic JH mimetic substances resulted in dose-related gonadotropic responses and were able to fully substitute for the absence of endogenous JH in a moth and a cockroach. Aliphatic methyl and ethyl esters, thio esters, and amides were most active. Some aromatic JH mimics with high activity in morphogenetic assays on a variety of insects showed little activity in the gonadotropic bioassay. This suggests that the ovaries of the moth Manduca sexta and the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea respond primarily to the intrinsic JH activity of the test substances.  相似文献   
This short paper summarises the information developed in the EU funded research project STAR on autecology databases, metrics, multimetrics and community approaches. For Europe the WFD implementation gave an important stimulus for the development of ecology based assessment techniques. Along with the development of metrics and multimetrics indices taxalists and autecological information were strongly improved. Recommendations are given to further develop ecological assessment in European streams and rivers.  相似文献   
This study compares the relative influences of physiography and anthropogenic pressures on river biota at catchment, riparian corridor, and reach scales. Environmental data, catchment and riparian corridor land use, anthropogenic modifications and biological data were compiled for 301 French sites sampled from 2005 to 2008. First, relationships between anthropogenic pressures and fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages were analysed using redundancy analysis. Second, the influences of physiography and the three scales of human pressures on biological assemblages were measured using variance partitioning. Distributions of fish and macroinvertebrate taxa along the pressure gradients agreed with bio-ecological knowledge. At the reach scale, assemblage variability among the 301 French sites was related to the presence of an impoundment and to poor water quality, while at larger scales it was linked to a gradient from forest to agricultural covers. In addition, a large proportion of the explained variability in assemblage composition was related to complex interactions among factors (~40%) and to physiographic variables (~30%). Furthermore, our results highlight that catchment land use better reflects local water quality impairments than hydromorphological degradations. Finally, this study supports the idea that human pressure effects on river communities are linked at several spatial scales and must be considered jointly.  相似文献   
Hip implants heat up due to friction during long lasting, high loading activities like walking. Thermal damage in the surrounding soft and hard tissues and deteriorated lubrication of synovial fluid could contribute to implant loosening. The goal of this study was to determine the implant temperatures in vivo under varying conditions. Temperatures and contact forces in the joints were measured in seven joints of five patients using instrumented prostheses with alumina ceramic heads and telemetry data transmission. The peak temperature in implants with polyethylene cups rose up to 43.1 degrees C after an hour of walking but varied considerably individually. Even higher temperatures at the joints are probable for patients with higher body weight or while jogging. The peak temperature was lower with a ceramic cup, showing the influence of friction in the joint. During cycling the peak temperatures were lower than during walking, proving the effect of force magnitudes on the produced heat. However, no positive correlation was found between force magnitude and maximum temperature during walking. Other individual parameters than just the joint force influence the implant temperatures. Based on the obtained data and the available literature about thermal damage of biological tissues a detrimental effect of friction induced heat on the stability of hip implants cannot be excluded. Because the potential risk for an individual patient cannot be foreseen, the use and improvement of low friction implant materials is important.  相似文献   
Regular exercise is positively associated with health. It has also been suggested to exert anti-inflammatory effects. In healthy subjects, a single exercise session results in immune cell activation, which is characterized by production of immune modulatory peptides (e.g. IL-6, IL-8), a leukocytosis and enhanced immune cell functions. Upon cessation of exercise, immune activation is followed by a tolerizing phase, characterized by a reduced responsiveness of immune cells. Regular exercise of moderate intensity and duration has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects and is associated with a reduced disease incidence and viral infection susceptibility. Specific exercise programs may therefore be used to modify the course of chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases such as cystic fibrosis (CF).Patients with CF suffer from severe and chronic pulmonary infections and inflammation, leading to obstructive and restrictive pulmonary disease, exercise intolerance and muscle cachexia. Inflammation is characterized by a hyper-inflammatory phenotype. Patients are encouraged to engage in exercise programs to maintain physical fitness, quality of life, pulmonary function and health.In this review, we present an overview of available literature describing the association between regular exercise, inflammation and infection susceptibility and discuss the implications of these observations for prevention and treatment of inflammation and infection susceptibility in patients with CF.  相似文献   
Ochlerotatus triseriatus, the eastern treehole mosquito, reaches its northernmost range limit in the extreme southeast of Canada. As a known vector of West Nile and La Crosse encephalitis viruses and a potential vector of eastern equine encephalitis, its population biology is of interest. In southern Ontario, high larval densities occur in urban woodlots within sugar maple and American beech treehole communities comprising rotifers, nematode worms, mites, other dipterans, and scirtid beetles. Treehole water was characterized by low dissolved oxygen levels and seasonally variable pH and temperature, with the latter being most influential on local populations. Densities were significantly higher (up to 503 larvae 100 ml(-1)) in tree holes close to the forest floor (<1 m) and in experimental tree holes seeded with autumn-shed maple leaves as opposed to leaves of black oak and beech. In this locality, weekly sampling showed Oc. triseriatus to be multivoltine, with mass egg hatching beginning under coldwater (<10 degrees C) conditions in March/April, and thereafter producing three successful generations with a possible, less successful fourth in late summer. Some 1st instar larvae were present in water as cold as 0.7 degree C. Compared with larval psychodids living in the same tree hole, population losses of Oc. triseriatus due to washout during major rainfall events were negligible despite high flowthrough of water derived from stemflow.  相似文献   
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