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Two varieties of grain sorghum were harvested at 10 intervals from 35–189 days post planting. Leaf, stem and head portions were separated before being prepared for chemical analysis or ensiled for 30 days in 1-1 silos with or without preservatives. The taller variety (FS-1b) accumulated 60% more dry matter than ORO-T with advancing plant maturity, while whole plant crude protein content decreased from near 20 to less than 7% for both varieties. Dry matter ensiling loss (DMEL) was different (P < 0.05) for each plant portion, but was lower and less variable after the 77-day harvest. Immature leaves and heads resulted in the greatest average DMEL of 31 and 24%, respectively. Propionic acid decreased DMEL, while an ammonia solution was ineffective when compared to control leaf, stem and heads. The DMEL of leaves was influenced (P < 0.05) by a varietal × modulus of fineness interaction while the stem exhibited an interaction with plant maturity × modulus of fineness. Modulus of fineness was not associated with levels of organic acid production in silages, but plant maturity significantly influenced acetic, propionic and butyric acid production in heads. These data indicated that numerous combinations of silage preservation techniques affected DMEL of sorghum plant portions at different maturities.  相似文献   
A total of 66 plants in 50 species were inoculated with eggs and juveniles of soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines. Roots were stained and observed for penetration and development of the nematode. Twenty-six plants were not penetrated; twenty-three were penetrated, but there was no development of the nematode; eight were penetrated with some nematode development; two were penetrated and had considerable nematode development, but few nematodes, if any, matured; and seven were penetrated with many nematodes maturing. The penetration of nonhosts may imply some susceptibility and that populations eventually would build up on the penetrated plants. Plants not penetrated may be useful as rotation plants because no reproduction would occur.  相似文献   
The extracellular hemoglobin of Lumbricus terrestris comprises four major heme-containing chains, a, b, c, and d in equal proportions. We have determined the amino acid sequences of chains a, b, and c which form a disulfide-linked trimer. Chains a, b, and c have 151, 145, and 153 residues and calculated molecular weights of 17,525, 16,254, and 17,289, respectively. The sequence of chain b, reported previously (Garlick, R. L., and Riggs, A. F. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 287, 9005-9015) has been completely redetermined and found to contain 12 fewer residues than originally reported. Chains a and c both contain unusual, highly polar NH2-terminal extensions of 7 residues before the A helix. These segments must be close together because they are joined by a disulfide bond. We suggest that this structure, with seven negatively charged groups, may be part of a functionally important Ca2+-binding site in the trimer. Comparison of the sequences of chains a, b, and c with those of chain d (Shishikura, F., Snow, J. W., Gotoh, T., Vinogradov, S. N., and Walz, D. A. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 3123-3131) and the four chains of the hemoglobin of Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus (Suzuki, T., and Gotoh, T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 9257-9267) shows that the number and positions of the cysteinyl residues are all conserved. This suggests that the extracellular hemoglobins from both the Oligochaeta and Polychaeta have the same number and configuration of disulfide bonds within the molecule. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that gene duplication first generated an intracellular hemoglobin branch and an extracellular hemoglobin branch. DNA coding for a signal peptide would have been acquired by the extracellular globin gene after this event. At least two further gene duplications are required to account for the present four polypeptide chains.  相似文献   
Depression of lung endothelial cell metabolic function may be an early and sensitive indicator of lung damage. When such functions are measured in vivo, substrates injected usually must be limited to "trace" doses due to the significant hemodynamic effects of high doses of substrate. Under first-order conditions (i.e., trace doses) the enzyme or transport system rate constant Vmax/Km may be calculated, but independent estimates of each variable (Vmax and Km) are not available. We therefore used multiple indicator-dilution methods and higher substrate concentrations to apply a mathematical model, based on saturable kinetics that yield independent estimates of the apparent kinetic parameters Vmax and Km for pulmonary angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). We used the ACE substrate, [3H]benzoyl-phenylalanyl-alanyl-proline ([3H]BPAP) and made these measurements and also estimates of serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] removal, before and after acute lung injury induced by intratracheal administration of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). PMA significantly depressed the percent 5-HT removal (62 +/- 3 to 44 +/- 4%) and BPAP percent metabolism (74 +/- 2 to 66 +/- 2), when trace amounts of either compound were injected as a bolus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The outer membrane of the hepatitis B virus consists of host lipid and the hepatitis B virus major (p25, gp28), middle (gp33, gp36), and large (p39, gp42) envelope polypeptides. These polypeptides are encoded by a large open reading frame that contains three in-phase translation start codons and a shared termination signal. The influence of the large envelope polypeptide on the secretion of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) subviral particles in transgenic mice was examined. The major polypeptide is the dominant structural component of the HBsAg particles, which are readily secreted into the blood. A relative increase in production of the large envelope polypeptide compared with that of the major envelope polypeptide led to profound reduction of the HBsAg concentration in serum as a result of accumulation of both envelope polypeptides in a relatively insoluble compartment within the cell. We conclude that inhibition of HBsAg secretion is related to a hitherto unknown property of the pre-S-containing domain of the large envelope polypeptide.  相似文献   
Fourteen fragments have been isolated from hemocyanin component II of Limulus polyphemus by cleavage with CNBr. The amino acid sequence of the largest fragment, CNBr Ia has been reported (Yokota, E., and Riggs, A. F. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 4739-4749). The amino acid sequence of the 12 smaller fragments is reported in an accompanying paper (Moore, M. D., Behrens, P. Q., and Riggs, A. F. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 10511-10519). We have determined the amino acid sequence of the second largest fragment, CNBr Ib. The fragment contains 142 residues and has a molecular weight of 16,095.  相似文献   
The effects of deleting DNA sequences upstream from the phytohemagglutinin-L gene of Phaseolus vulgaris have been examined with respect to the level of gene product produced in the seeds of transgenic tobacco. Our studies indicate that several upstream regions quantitatively modulate expression. Between -1000 and -675, a negative regulatory element reduces expression approximately threefold relative to shorter deletion mutants that do not contain this region. Positive regulatory elements lie between -550 and -125 and, compared with constructs containing only 125 base pairs of upstream sequences (-125), the presence of these two regions can be correlated with a 25-fold and a 200-fold enhancement of phytohemagglutinin-L levels. These experiments were complemented by gel retardation assays, which demonstrated that two of the three regions bind cotyledon nuclear proteins from mid-mature seeds. One of the binding sites maps near a DNA sequence that is highly homologous to protein binding domains located upstream from the soybean seed lectin and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor genes. Competition experiments demonstrated that the upstream regions of a bean beta-phaseolin gene, the soybean seed lectin gene, and an oligonucleotide from the upstream region of the trypsin inhibitor gene can compete differentially for factor binding. We suggest that these legume genes may be regulated in part by evolutionarily conserved protein/DNA interactions.  相似文献   
The aim of these experiments was to test whether incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into DNA affects DNA methylation. Rat hepatoma (HTC) cells in culture were labeled for two generations with [14C]bromodeoxyuridine and [3H]thymidine to yield DNA which was 2.1, 20.6, 52.6, and 95.0% bromodeoxyuridine-substituted in the newly made strands. The DNA then was fractionated into highly repetitive, moderately repetitive, and single copy sequences. As determined by a comparison of 14C and 3H counts per min, the percentage of substitution with bromodeoxyuridine was found to be the same in each repetition class. The 5-methylcytosine content of each fraction was determined using high pressure liquid chromatography. It was found that bromodeoxyuridine, even at a level of substitution into newly mad DNA of 95%, has no effect on the 5-methylcytosine content of DNA. At all levels of bromodeoxyuridine substitution, highly repetitive DNA has slightly more 5-methylcytosine (3.0% of total cytosine) than does single copy DNA or moderately repetitive DNA (2.3%). The 5-methylcytosine content of whole HTC DNA is the same as that of rat liver DNA (2.4%).  相似文献   
A permanent tissue-cultured cell line (designated OK) has been established from kidney tissue of an adult American opossum. The OK line has been characterized with respect to morphology, chromosome constitution, tissue-culture requirements, and attainable mitotic arrest. The cells are epithelial-like with a stable nondiploid chromosomal modal number of 23. Cells grown in Eagle's minimal essential medium with 10% fetal bovine serum have a mean doubling time of 18 hr. The cell line OK is potentially useful for the isolation and purification of the mammalian X chromosome because of the size differential between the smaller X's and the larger autosomes.  相似文献   
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