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Sexually selected infanticide is an important source of infant mortality in many mammalian species. In species with long-term male-female associations, females may benefit from male protection against infanticidal outsiders. We tested whether mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) mothers in single and multi-male groups monitored by the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund’s Karisoke Research Center actively facilitated interactions between their infants and a potentially protective male. We also evaluated the criteria mothers in multi-male groups used to choose a preferred male social partner. In single male groups, where infanticide risk and paternity certainty are high, females with infants <1 year old spent more time near and affiliated more with males than females without young infants. In multi-male groups, where infanticide rates and paternity certainty are lower, mothers with new infants exhibited few behavioral changes toward males. The sole notable change was that females with young infants proportionally increased their time near males they previously spent little time near when compared to males they had previously preferred, perhaps to encourage paternity uncertainty and deter aggression. Rank was a much better predictor of females’ social partner choice than paternity. Older infants (2–3 years) in multi-male groups mirrored their mothers’ preferences for individual male social partners; 89% spent the most time in close proximity to the male their mother had spent the most time near when they were <1 year old. Observed discrepancies between female behavior in single and multi-male groups likely reflect different levels of postpartum intersexual conflict; in groups where paternity certainty and infanticide risk are both high, male-female interests align and females behave accordingly. This highlights the importance of considering individual and group-level variation when evaluating intersexual conflict across the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   
A bending technique was used to infer the spatial distributions of rheological properties within the growth zone of the root of corn, Zea mays. “Bending modulus” (ratio of stress to strain, calculated from engineering theory of bending) falls from 20 MPa near the root tip (3 mm from the tip) to 6 MPa at the location 6 mm from the tip and then remains uniform through the basal region of the growth zone. Where growth stops, at 11–12 mm, there is a sharp rise in bending modulus. The profile of bending moduli is not changed by root incubation temperature during the growth period prior to bending, but it is shifted to the left in roots growing more slowly than the average at either of two temperatures (19 and 29 C). The spatial distribution of “compliance” (reciprocal of bending modulus and a measure of tissue extensibility) resembles the distribution of swelling in response to osmotic perturbation. The distribution of compliance does not parallel that of growth rate. Attempts to explain the discrepancy between compliance and growth rate lead us to examine the theoretical basis for the calculations and to suggest that the dependence of compliance on rate of stretching is physiologically important.  相似文献   
In the range 16 to 29°C, increases in temperature caused large (two-to threefold) increases in growth velocity, growth strain rate, and biomass deposition rate in primary roots of maize, Zea mays L. Temperature had small effects on root diameter, fresh weight density, and dry weight density, and negligible effects on length of the growth zone and growth strain at particular positions.  相似文献   
A technic is described for high resolution intracellular autoradiography in the electron microscope. Cultures of LLC-MK2 monkey kidney cells were incubated for 72 hours in a medium containing 0.4 µcurie per ml of thymidine-H3. After labeling, the cells were fixed with osmium tetroxide and embedded in methacrylate. Ultrathin sections of the labeled tissue were taken up on Formvar-coated and carbon-stabilized electron microscope grids. A 150 to 450 A layer of silver metal was then evaporated onto the tissue. The coated grids were exposed to bromine vapor for 1.5 to 2 minutes under red light, allowed to dry for 1 minute, and then covered with a thin film of 1 per cent aqueous gelatin applied by means of a fine wire loop lowered over the grid supported on a glass peg. For autoradiographic exposure, the grids were stored 50 days in a light-proof container at 4°C with calcium chloride desiccant. Development was carried out for 5 minutes at 20°C in Promicrol (May and Baker, England) diluted 1:1 with water, followed by a 1 minute water wash and fixation for 2.5 minutes in 15 per cent aqueous sodium thiosulphate. After removal of the gelatin by immersion for 16 hours in water at 37°C, the autoradiograms were dried and examined in the electron microscope. Ultrastructural detail was fairly well defined and the cytoplasm of each labeled cell was covered with an electron opaque deposit of silver, suggesting that a polynucleotide containing thymidine may be synthesized in the cytoplasm. The matter is discussed.  相似文献   
Roots growing under low water potential commonly exhibit a marked decrease in growth rate and in diameter. Using median longitudinal sections of fixed maize (Zea mays L. cv WF9 × Mo 17) seedling roots, we investigated the cellular basis for these effects. Cortical cells in the shortened elongation zone of water stressed roots were longer than cortical cells in the comparable location of well-watered roots. Nearly twofold differences in cell length were seen in the region 2 to 4 millimeters behind the root apex. The shortened growth zone, however, leads to a final mean cortical cell length approximately 30% shorter in the stressed roots. These differences were present regardless of the age of the control roots. These data, and the slower growth rate seen in water-stressed roots, suggest that the water deficit causes a significant reduction in the rate of cell supply to the cortical cell files.  相似文献   
In many salt-sensitive species, elevated concentrations of Ca in the root growth media ameliorate part of the shoot growth reduction caused by NaCl stress. The physiological mechanisms by which Ca exerts protective effects on leaf growth are still not understood. Understanding growth inhibition caused by a stress necessitates locating the leaf expansion region and quantifying the profile of the growth reduction. This will enable comparisons and correlations with spatial gradients of probable physiologically inhibiting factors. In this work we applied the methods of growth kinematics to analyze the effects of elevated Ca concentrations on the spatial and temporal distributions of growth within the intercalary expanding region of salinized sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench, cv NK 265) leaves. NaCl (100 mM) caused a decrease in leaf elongation rate by shortening the leaf growing zone by 20%, as well as reducing the peak value of the longitudinal relative elemental growth rate (REG rate). Increasing the Ca concentrations from 1 to 10 mM restored the length of the growing zone of both emerged and unemerged salinized leaves and increased the peak value of the REG rate. The beneficial effects of supplemental Ca were, however, more pronounced in leaves after their appearance above the whorl of encircling older leaf sheaths. Elevated Ca then resulted in a peak value of REG rate higher than in the salinized leaves. The peak value of unemerged leaves was not increased, although it was maintained over a longer distance. The duration of elongation growth associated with a cell during its displacement from the leaf base was longer in salinized than control leaves, despite the fact that the elongation zone was shorter in salinity. Although partially restoring the length of the elongation region, supplemental Ca had no effect on the age of cessation of growth. Elongation of a tissue element, therefore, ceased when a cellular element reached a certain age and not a specific distance from the leaf base.  相似文献   
Uronide Deposition Rates in the Primary Root of Zea mays   总被引:12,自引:11,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The spatial distribution of the rate of deposition of uronic acids in the elongation zone of Zea mays L. Crow WF9 × Mo 17 was determined using the continuity equation with experimentally determined values for uronide density and growth velocity. In spatial terms, the uronide deposition rate has a maximum of 0.4 micrograms per millimeter per hour at s = 3.5 mm (i.e., at the location 3.5 mm from the root tip) and decreases to 0.1 mg mm−1 h−1 by s = 10 mm. In terms of a material tissue element, a tissue segment located initially from s = 2.0 to s = 2.1 mm has 0.14 μg of uronic acids and increases in both length and uronic acid content until it is 0.9 mm long and has 0.7 μg of uronide when its center is at s = 10 mm. Simulations of radioactive labeling experiments show that 15 min is the appropriate time scale for pulse determinations of deposition rate profiles in a rapidly growing corn root.  相似文献   
One hundred and eighteen patients with normal gastrointestinal function were randomly allocated to one of three feeding regimens in a double blind study to determine the relation between the tonicity of the diet and gastrointestinal side effects related to the diet and to evaluate the efficacy of "starter" regimens in reducing gastrointestinal side effects during enteral nutrition. Patients received a hypertonic diet with an osmolality of 430 mmol (mosmol)/kg (group 1), the same diet but with the osmolality increasing from 145 to 430 mmol/kg over the first four days (group 2), or an isotonic diet (300 mmol/kg) (group 3). All diets were prepared aseptically and administered by 24 hour nasogastric infusion. The mean daily nitrogen intake in group 1 was significantly greater (p less than 0.05) than that in both groups 2 and 3, and the mean overall daily nitrogen balance was significantly better (p less than 0.05) in group 1 than groups 2 and 3. The incidence of side effects related to the diet was similar in all three groups, but diarrhoea was significantly (p less than 0.001) associated with concurrent treatment with antibiotics. These findings show that undiluted hypertonic diet results in significantly better nitrogen intake and balance, that starter regimens reduce nutrient intake but not symptoms, and that diarrhoea is significantly related to treatment with antibiotics and not to administration of an undiluted hypertonic polymeric diet.  相似文献   
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