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Two-hundred and fifteen isolates ofMycobacterium tuberculosis were evaluated with the BACTEC 460 radiometric method for susceptibility to isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and streptomycin (SM); a revised protocol for inoculum preparation was used. Fresh clinical isolates were subcultured into 7H9 broth and then photometrically adjusted to the equivalent of a 0.5 McFarland standard, one-half the recommended inoculum density. This method produced an overall 98.3% correlation with a conventional agar method. The sensitivity of this procedure was good for all drugs tested except for the lowest concentration of SM (2 g/ml). Specificity was excellent for all drugs tested. After repeat testing, only four discrepancies were found, yielding a 99.8% correlation between the two systems. The time required for susceptibility tests averaged 4.6 days. This method for inoculum preparation effectively minimized the number of susceptibility tests exceeding the threshold value before the fourth day of incubation. This allowed for definite trends of the growth index values to become established before interpretation of results.  相似文献   
The known action of uridine triphosphate (UTP) to contract some types of vascular smooth muscle, and the present finding that it is more potent than adenosine triphosphate in eliciting an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in aortic smooth muscle, led us to investigate the mode of action of this nucleotide. With this aim, cultured bovine aorta cells were subjected to patch-clamp methodologies under various conditions. Nucleotide-induced variations in cytosolic Ca2+ were monitored by using single channel recordings of the high conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (Maxi-K) channel within on-cell patches as a reporter, and whole-cell currents were measured following perforation of the patch. In cells bathed in Na+-saline, UTP (>30 nm) induced an inward current, and both Maxi-K channel activity and unitary current amplitude of the Maxi-K channel transiently increased. Repetitive exposures elicited similar responses when 5 to 10 min wash intervals were allowed between challenges of nucleotide. Oscillations in channel activity, but not oscillation in current amplitude were frequently observed with UTP levels > 0.1 m. Cells bathed in K+ saline (150 m) were less sensitive to UTP (5-fold), and did not show an increase in unitary Maxi-K current amplitude. Since the increase in amplitude occurs due to depolarization of the cell membrane, a change in amplitude was not observed in cells previously depolarized with K+ saline. The enhancement of Maxi-K channel activity in the presence of UTP was not diminished by Ca2+ entry blockers or by removal of extracellular Ca2+. However, in the latter case, repetitive responses progressively declined. These observations, as well as data comparing the action of low concentrations of Ca2+ ionophores (<5 m) to that of UTP indicate that both agents elevate cytosolic Ca2+ by mobilization of this ion from intracellular pools. However, the Ca2+ ionophore did not cause membrane depolarization, and thus did not change unitary current amplitude. The effect of UTP on Maxi-K channel activity and current amplitude was blocked by pertussis toxin and by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), but was not modified by okadaic acid, or by inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC). Our data support a model in which a pyrimidinergic receptor is coupled to a G protein, and this interaction mediates release of Ca2+ from intracellular pools, presumably via the phosphatidyl inositol pathway. This also results in activation of membrane channels that give rise to an inward current and depolarization. Ultimately, smooth muscle contraction ensues. PKC does not appear to be directly involved, even though the UTP response is blocked by low nm levels of PMA. While the latter data implicate PKC in diminishing the UTP response, agents that inhibit either PKC or phosphatase activity did not prevent abolition of UTP responses by PMA, nor did they modify basal channel activity.  相似文献   
Theβ-galactosidase fromThermoanaerobacterium thermosulfurigenes EM1 was found to be a dimer with a monomer molecular weight of about 85,000. It lacks theα-peptide and an importantα-helix that are both needed for dimer-dimer interaction and there is no homology in other important dimer-dimer interaction areas. These differences in structure probably account for the dimeric (rather than tetrameric) structure. Only 0.19 Mg2+ bound per monomer and Mg2+ had only small effects on the activity and heat stability. The absence of residues equivalent to Glu-416 and His-418 (two of the three ligands to Mg2+ in theβ-galactosidase fromEscherichia coli) probably accounts for the low level of Mg2+ binding and the consequent lack of response to Mg2+. Both Na+ and K+ also had no effect on the activity. The enzyme activity witho-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyanoside (ONPG) was very similar to that withp-nitrophenyl-β-D-β-D-galactopyranoside (PNPG) and the ONPG pH profile was very similar to the PNPG pH profile. These differences are in contrast to theE. coli β-galactosidase, which dramatically discriminates between these two substrates. The lack of discrimination by theT. thermosulfurigenes β-galactosidase could be due to the absence of the sequence equivalent to residues 910-1023 of theE. coli β-galactosidase. Trp-999 is probably of the most importance. Trp-999 of theE. coli β-galactosidase is important for aglycone binding and ONPG and PNPG differ only in their aglycones. The suggestion that the aglycone site of theT. thermosulfurigenes β-galactosidase is different was strengthened by competitive inhibition studies. Compared toE. coli β-galactosidase, D-galactonolactone was a very good inhibitor of theT. thermosulfurigenes enzyme, while L-ribose inhibited poorly. These are transition-state analogs and the results indicate thatT. thermosulfurigenes β-galactosidase binds the transition state differently than doesE. coli β-galactosidase. Methanol and glucose were good acceptors of galactose, and allolactose was formed when glucose was the acceptor. Allolactose could not, however, be detected by TLC when lactose was the substrate. The differences noted may be due to the thermophilic nature ofT. thermosulfurigenes.  相似文献   
The proximal accessory flexor (PAF) of the myochordotonal organ (MCO) in the meropodite of crayfish walking legs contains two populations of muscle fibers which are distinguishable by their diameters. The large accessory (LA) fibers are 40-80 micrometer in diam and are similar in ultrastructure to other slow crustacean fibers. The small accessory (SA) fibers are 1-12 micrometer in diam and have a unique myofilament distribution at normal body lengths. There is extensive double overlap of thin filaments at these lengths, and some of them form bundles that may extend the length of the sarcomere. In the middle of the sarcomeres, thick and thin filaments are totally segregated from each other. When the fibers are stretched to lengths beyond double overlap length, the myofilament patterns are conventional. The segregated pattern is reestablished when stretched fibers are allowed to shorten passively. The length-tension relationship of the SA fibers is described by a linear ascending branch, a plateau, and a linear descending branch. The ascending branch encompasses normal body lengths from slack length (Ls) with maximum double overlap to the length at which double overlap ceases (1.8 X Ls). The descending phase is comparable to that of other skeletal muscles. That is, tension decreases in proportion with the reduction in thick-thin filament interdigitation (2 X Ls to 3 X Ls).  相似文献   
Glucose metabolism in splenocytes from the BB rat was studied for the presence of abnormalities in [14C] 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-dGlc) uptake, [U-14C]glucose conversion to 14CO2, and the production of lactate and pyruvate. Cells were studied freshly isolated ("resting"), and following culture both unstimulated (control) and stimulated with concanavalin A (ConA) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) + ionomycin. Both resting and control cells from diabetic (BBd) and diabetes-prone (BBdp) rats transported more (p less than 0.05) 2-dGlc than did cells from nondiabetes-prone (BBn) rats. Consistent with prior in vivo activation, sustained in vitro, lactate production was higher (p less than 0.05) under control conditions in BBd and BBdp than in BBn cells. Lactate production increased less with ConA and PMA + ionomycin in both BBd and BBdp than in BBn cells. PMA + ionomycin increased 2-dGlc uptake as much in BBd and BBdp cells as in BBn cells. Elevated rates of pyruvate production were observed in BBd cells under resting, control, and (especially) ConA conditions, suggesting an abnormality in pyruvate conversion to lactate. Few changes were observed in 14CO2 production. The presence of similar abnormalities in BBdp cells to those of the BBd cells suggests that the diabetic state is not causal, and the absence of an in vitro effect of 15 mmol/liter glucose in BBn cells further tends to exclude hyperglycemia as a cause of these alterations.  相似文献   
In a search for crystallizing conditions for the ternary complex EF-Tu.GTP.valyl-tRNAval, the influence of various salts on its stability has been examined by measuring the rate of deacylation of the aminoacyl-tRNA in the complex. The most striking result is the general higher stability in solutions of ammonium salts and, in particular, the enhancement of this effect by sulphate and citrate. Thus sodium sulphate and citrate lead to destabilization of the complex, as expected from conventional considerations of adding salt, whereas the corresponding ammonium salts stabilize the complex as shown, for example, by an increase in the half-life of the valyl-tRNAval in the complex from about 20 hours to at least 300 hours in the presence of 1.2 M ammonium sulphate. These results suggest that ammonium sulphate and ammonium citrate might be very suitable precipitants for crystallization studies of the ternary complex.  相似文献   
Retinoic acid reduces the growth rate of mouse S91 melanoma cells in culture and increases the proportion of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Because of the integral role protein synthesis has been shown to play in growth control we studied the effect of retinoic acid on the protein synthesis machinery with a cell-free system developed from the melanoma cells. This system was capable of translating endogenous mRNA, exogenous globin mRNA, and the synthetic template poly(U). Of the above activities of the protein synthesis system only the translation of endogenous mRNA was reduced significantly in the cell-free system prepared from retinoic acid-treated cells. Analyses of the amount and function of RNA revealed that treatment with retinoic acid leads to reductions in total RNA content, in the proportion of ribosomes in polysomes, in the amount of poly(A)RNA, and in the amount of polysome-associated mRNA. All these effects of retinoic acid contribute to the decrease in protein synthesis activity of treated cells. Two-dimensional electrophoresis anlaysis of L-[35S]methionine-labeled proteins produced by untreated and treated cells revealed only a few quantitative differences. We suggest that retinoic acid-induced suppression of protein synthesis activity may be the cause for growth inhibition.  相似文献   
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