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Norovirus protease is an essential enzyme for proteolytic maturation of norovirus nonstructural proteins and has been implicated as a potential target for antiviral drug development. Although X‐ray structural studies of the protease give us wealth of structural information including interactions of the protease with its substrate and dimeric overall structure, the role of protein dynamics in the substrate recognition and the biological relevance of the protease dimer remain unclear. Here we determined the solution NMR structure of the 3C‐like protease from Norwalk virus (NV 3CLpro), a prototype strain of norovirus, and analyzed its backbone dynamics and hydrodynamic behavior in solution. 15N spin relaxation and analytical ultracentrifugation analyses demonstrate that NV 3CLpro is predominantly a monomer in solution. Solution structure of NV 3CLpro shows significant structural variation in C‐terminal domain compared with crystal structures and among lower energy structure ensembles. Also, 15N spin relaxation and Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG)‐based relaxation dispersion analyses reveal the dynamic properties of residues in the C‐terminal domain over a wide range of timescales. In particular, the long loop spanning residues T123–G133 show fast motion (ps‐ns), and the residues in the bII–cII region forming the large hydrophobic pocket (S2 site) undergo conformational exchanges on slower timescales (μs–ms), suggesting their important role in substrate recognition.  相似文献   
The HI loop is a prominent domain on the adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid surface that extends from each viral protein (VP) subunit overlapping the neighboring fivefold VP. Despite the highly conserved nature of the residues at the fivefold pore, the HI loops surrounding this critical region vary significantly in amino acid sequence between the AAV serotypes. In order to understand the role of this unique capsid domain, we ablated side chain interactions between the HI loop and the underlying EF loop in the neighboring VP subunit by generating a collection of deletion, insertion, and substitution mutants. A mutant lacking the HI loop was unable to assemble particles, while a substitution mutant (10 glycine residues) assembled particles but was unable to package viral genomes. Substitution mutants carrying corresponding regions from AAV1, AAV4, AAV5, and AAV8 yielded (i) particles with titers and infectivity identical to those of AAV2 (AAV2 HI1 and HI8), (ii) particles with a decreased virus titer (1 log) but normal infectivity (HI4), and (iii) particles that synthesized VPs but were unable to assemble into intact capsids (HI5). AAV5 HI is shorter than all other HI loops by one amino acid. Replacing the missing residue (threonine) in AAV2 HI5 resulted in a moderate particle assembly rescue. In addition, we replaced the HI loop with peptides varying in length and amino acid sequence. This region tolerated seven-amino-acid peptide substitutions unless they spanned a conserved phenylalanine at amino acid position 661. Mutation of this highly conserved phenylalanine to a glycine resulted in a modest decrease in virus titer but a substantial decrease (1 log order) in infectivity. Subsequently, confocal studies revealed that AAV2 F661G is incapable of efficiently completing a key step in the infectious pathway nuclear entry, hinting at a possible perturbation of VP1 phospholipase activity. Molecular modeling studies with the F661G mutant suggest that disruption of interactions between F661 and an underlying P373 residue in the EF loop of the neighboring subunit might adversely affect incorporation of the VP1 subunit at the fivefold axis. Western blot analysis confirmed inefficient incorporation of VP1, as well as a proteolytically processed VP1 subunit that could account for the markedly reduced infectivity. In summary, our studies show that the HI loop, while flexible in amino acid sequence, is critical for AAV capsid assembly, proper VP1 subunit incorporation, and viral genome packaging, all of which implies a potential role for this unique surface domain in viral infectivity.  相似文献   
The role of prophenoloxidase (proPO) system in recognition and phagocytosis of yeast cells by hemocytes was examined in vitro using whole plasma and proPO system isolated from the plasma of the marine mussel, Perna viridis. The proPO was isolated from the plasma by ammonium sulphate precipitation and gel filtration. The final proPO preparation was homogeneous in native PAGE, and could be activated by trypsin, α-chymotrypsin and pronase-E. Laminarin (a polymer of β-1, 3-glucan) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from diverse bacterial species effectively activated the isolated proPO, demonstrating the ability of this proenzyme to interact directly with microbial surface components. The susceptibility of proPO activation to inhibition by serine protease inhibitors such as soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) or p-nitrophenyl-p′-guanidinobenzoate (p-NPGB), indicates that the isolated fraction may contain an integral serine protease domain in an inactive state. The presence of laminarin- or LPS-activated whole plasma of P. viridis facilitated adherence of yeast cells to hemocyte surface as well as eventually stimulated phagocytic uptake of the target cells by hemocytes, and no such hemocytic response was recorded with STI controls. This and other results strongly suggest that the intermediary factors generated during activation of plasma proPO system by non-self molecules play a key role in recognition and opsono-phagocytosis by hemocytes. However, the proPO system isolated from P. viridis plasma, after activation with microbial surface components, failed to show an opsonic effect.  相似文献   
The capsid proteins of adeno-associated viruses (AAV) have five conserved cysteine residues. Structural analysis of AAV serotype 2 reveals that Cys289 and Cys361 are located adjacent to each other within each monomer, while Cys230 and Cys394 are located on opposite edges of each subunit and juxtaposed at the pentamer interface. The Cys482 residue is located at the base of a surface loop within the trimer region. Although plausible based on molecular dynamics simulations, intra- or inter-subunit disulfides have not been observed in structural studies. In the current study, we generated a panel of Cys-to-Ser mutants to interrogate the potential for disulfide bond formation in AAV capsids. The C289S, C361S and C482S mutants were similar to wild type AAV with regard to titer and transduction efficiency. However, AAV capsid protein subunits with C230S or C394S mutations were prone to proteasomal degradation within the host cells. Proteasomal inhibition partially blocked degradation of mutant capsid proteins, but failed to rescue infectious virions. While these results suggest that the Cys230/394 pair is critical, a C394V mutant was found viable, but not the corresponding C230V mutant. Although the exact nature of the structural contribution(s) of Cys230 and Cys394 residues to AAV capsid formation remains to be determined, these results support the notion that disulfide bond formation within the Cys289/361 or Cys230/394 pair appears to be nonessential. These studies represent an important step towards understanding the role of inter-subunit interactions that drive AAV capsid assembly.  相似文献   
Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) belonging to a group of optic neuropathies, result from interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Study of associations with quantitative traits (QTs) is one of the successful strategies to understand the complex genetics of POAG. The current study attempts to explore the association of variations near/in genes like ATOH7, SIX1/SIX6 complex, CDKN2B, CARD10, and CDC7 with POAG and its QTs including vertical cup to disc ratio (VCDR), central corneal thickness (CCT), intra ocular pressure (IOP), and axial length (AL). Case-control study design was carried out in a sample size of 97 POAG cases and 371 controls from South India. Model-based (additive, recessive, dominant) association of the genotypes and their interaction was carried out between cases and controls using chi-square, linear and logistic regression methods. Nominal significance (P<0.05) was observed for QTs like i) VCDR with SNPs rs1900004 (ATOH7); rs1192415 (CDC7); rs10483727 (SIX1/SIX6), rs9607469 (CARD10); ii) CCT with rs1192415; iii) IOP with rs1900004 and iv) AL with rs1900004 and rs1063192 (CDKN2B). We were able to replicate previously known interactions between ATOH7-SIX6 and SIX6-CDKN2B along with few novel interactions between ATOH7CDC7 and SIX6 with genes including CARD10 and CDC7. In summary, our results suggest that a probable interaction among the candidate genes for QTs, play a major role in determining the individual’s susceptibility to POAG.  相似文献   
The bacterial CRISPR endoribonuclease Csy4 has recently been described as a potential RNA processing tool. Csy4 recognizes substrate RNA through a specific 28-nt hairpin sequence and cleaves at the 3′ end of the stem. To further explore applicability in mammalian cells, we introduced this hairpin at various locations in mRNAs derived from reporter transgenes and systematically evaluated the effects of Csy4-mediated processing on transgene expression. Placing the hairpin in the 5′ UTR or immediately after the start codon resulted in efficient degradation of target mRNA by Csy4 and knockdown of transgene expression by 20- to 40-fold. When the hairpin was incorporated in the 3′ UTR prior to the poly(A) signal, the mRNA was cleaved, but only a modest decrease in transgene expression (∼2.5-fold) was observed. In the absence of a poly(A) tail, Csy4 rescued the target mRNA substrate from degradation, resulting in protein expression, which suggests that the cleaved mRNA was successfully translated. In contrast, neither catalytically inactive (H29A) nor binding-deficient (R115A/R119A) Csy4 mutants were able to exert any of the effects described above. Generation of a similar 3′ end by RNase P-mediated cleavage was unable to rescue transgene expression independent of Csy4. These results support the idea that the selective generation of the Csy4/hairpin complex resulting from cleavage of target mRNA might serve as a functional poly(A)/poly(A) binding protein (PABP) surrogate, stabilizing the mRNA and supporting translation. Although the exact mechanism(s) remain to be determined, our studies expand the potential utility of CRISPR nucleases as tools for controlling mRNA stability and translation.  相似文献   
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