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Collagens as multidomain proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M van der Rest  R Garrone 《Biochimie》1990,72(6-7):473-484
The number of proteins known to contain collagen-like triple helical domains is rapidly increasing. The functions of these domains are to provide molecular rods that separate spatially non-triple helical domains with varied properties and structures and to permit lateral interactions between molecules. Two-thirds of the amino acids of the triple helical domains have their side-chains at the surface of the protein. The triple helix is also a structure that is easily predictable from the primary structure. The structure of several recently discovered collagens are discussed in terms of domains and functions. The triple helical domains have sizes varying from 33 to over 1,000 amino acid residues. The longest uninterrupted triple helices are involved in the formation of the classical quarter-staggered fibrils. Other triple helical domains permit varied molecular aggregates. A very broad spectrum of non-triple helical or globular domains are interspersed by triple helices. Only those located at the extremities of the molecules are large in size, sometimes several hundred kDa, while the domains separating 2 triple helices are small (less than 50 amino acids) and provide the molecules with hinges, proteolytic cleavage sites or other specialized functions like a glycosaminoglycan attachment site. If the assembly of the 3 chains required for the triple helix formation can be controlled in vitro, collagen-like molecules offer an as yet unexploited potential for protein engineering.  相似文献   
Human type V collagen was purified from placenta and found to contain alpha 1(V), alpha 2(V), and alpha 3(V) chains in varying ratios. Using any of three independent nondenaturing methods (phosphocellulose chromatography, high-performance ion-exchange chromatography on IEX-540 DEAE, and ammonium sulfate precipitation), this preparation could be resolved into two fractions. Analysis of the two fractions by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that one fraction contained alpha 1(V) and alpha 2(V) in a 2:1 ratio and the other contained alpha 1(V), alpha 2(V), and alpha 3(V) in a 1:1:1 ratio. When the crude placental type V collagen was electrophoresed under nondenaturing conditions, two bands were observed, one co-migrating with purified (alpha 1(V]2 alpha 2(V) and the other co-migrating with the fractions containing alpha 1(V), alpha 2(V), and alpha 3(V) chains in a 1:1:1 ratio. Electrophoresis in a second dimension under denaturing conditions confirmed that the fast-migrating band contained (alpha 1(V]2 alpha 2(V) and that the slow-migrating band contained the three chains in equimolar ratio. CD spectra of the two fractions and resistance to trypsin-chymotrypsin digestion confirmed that the two fractions contain triple helical collagen. Thermal denaturations were monitored by the changes in CD signal at 221 nm. The two fractions purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation melted at 39.1 and 36.4 degrees C for the (alpha 1(V]2 alpha 2(V) and alpha 1(V) alpha 2(V) alpha 3(V) fractions, respectively. Trypsin cleavage of these two native fractions at temperatures near melting produced completely different fragmentation patterns, indicating different partial unwinding sites of the alpha 1(V) and alpha 2(V) chains in the two preparations and thus different molecular assemblies. Our data demonstrate the existence of two different molecular assemblies of type V collagen in human placenta consisting of (alpha 1(V]2 alpha 2(V) and alpha 1(V) alpha 2(V) alpha 3(V) heterotrimers.  相似文献   
Three overlapping cDNAs encoding alpha 1 (XII) collagen have been isolated and sequenced. The DNAs define five sequence domains within the chain. Three domains are nontriple-helical; two are relatively short triple-helical regions. The amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides derived from 16- and 10-kDa pepsin-resistant fragments isolated from tendon extracts are in full agreement with the deduced sequences of the triple-helical regions. Two of the five sequence domains in alpha 1 (XII), one triple-helical and one nontriple-helical, show a high degree of similarity to regions in type IX collagen chains. In addition, examination of seven exons in the alpha 1 (XII) gene shows that the gene is, in part, similar to the structure of type IX collagen genes. Therefore, collagen types IX and XII are partially homologous. The alpha 1 (XII) sequence data predict an asymmetric structure for type XII collagen molecules, fully consistent with the rotary shadowing images. These images show a triple-helical 75-nm tail attached through a central globule to three finger-like structures, each 60 nm long (Dublet, B., Oh, S., Sugrue, S. P., Gordon, M. K., Gerecke, D. R., Olsen, B. R., and van der Rest, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 13150-13156).  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of collagen by the A204 cell line was examined using polyclonal antibodies raised against collagen type V and type XI. The study of the pepsin-digested collagen showed that it is composed mainly of alpha 1(XI) and alpha 2(V) collagen chains in an apparent 2:1 ratio, suggesting the formation of heterotypic molecules [alpha 1(XI)]2 alpha 2(V). The existence of this chain stoichiometry was further demonstrated by immunoprecipitation of the molecule with an antibody recognizing alpha 2(V) but not alpha 1(XI) collagen chains. Electron microscopy analyses of 24-h cultures showed that this matrix is composed of thin fibrils, that can be decorated with immunogold-labelled anti-(type-V collagen) IgG, but not with anti-(type-XI collagen) IgG. The collagen matrix laid down by A204 cells is highly insoluble. In the presence of beta-aminopropionitrile, an inhibitor of lysyl oxidase, only a small proportion of intact collagen could be extracted without proteolytic treatment. Immunoblotting of intact medium collagen from cultures performed in the presence of beta-aminopropionitrile showed four distinct bands with each antibody. The migration of the bands, stained with anti-(type-V collagen) IgG, had apparent molecular masses of 127, 149, 161 and 198 kDa (compared to globular standards) while the bands stained with anti-(type-XI collagen) IgG had apparent masses of 145, 182, 207 and 225 kDa. These data indicate that type-V and type-XI collagen chains can assemble in heterotypic isoforms. In this system, the synthesized isoforms are able to aggregate into a highly cohesive matrix and they undergo a proteolytic processing closely similar to that of other fibrillar collagens.  相似文献   
Collagen family of proteins   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Collagen molecules are structural macro-molecules of the extracellular matrix that include in their structure one or several domains that have a characteristic triple helical conformation. They have been classified by types that define distinct sets of polypeptide chains that can form homo- and heterotrimeric assemblies. All the collagen molecules participate in supramolecular aggregates that are stabilized in part by interactions between triple helical domains. Fourteen collagen types have been defined so far. They form a wide range of structures. Most notable are 1) fibrils that are found in most connective tissues and are made by alloys of fibrillar collagens (types I, II, III, V, and XI) and 2) sheets constituting basement membranes (type IV collagen), Descemet's membrane (type VIII collagen), worm cuticle, and organic exoskeleton of sponges. Other collagens, present in smaller quantities in tissues, play the role of connecting elements between these major structures and other tissue components. The fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices (FACITs) (types IX, XII, and XIV) appear to connect fibrils to other matrix elements. Type VII collagen assemble into anchoring fibrils that bind epithelial basement membranes and entrap collagen fibrils from the underlying stroma to glue the two structures together. Type VI collagen forms thin-beaded filaments that may interact with fibrils and cells.  相似文献   
To facilitate efficient allelic exchange of genetic information into a wild-type strain background, we improved upon and merged approaches using a temperature-sensitive plasmid and a counter-selectable marker in the chromosome. We first constructed intermediate strains of Escherichia coli K12 in which we replaced wild-type chromosomal sequences, at either the fimB-A or lacZ-A loci, with a newly constituted DNA cassette. The cassette consists of the sacB gene from Bacillus subtilis and the neomycin (kanamycin) resistance gene of Tn5, but, unlike another similar cassette, it lacks IS1 sequences. We found that sucrose sensitivity was highly dependent on incubation temperature and sodium chloride concentration. The DNA to be exchanged into the chromosome was first cloned into derivatives of plasmid pMAK705, a temperature-sensitive pSC101 replicon. The exchanges were carried out in two steps, first selecting for plasmid integration by standard techniques. In the second step, we grew the plasmid integrates under non-selective conditions at 42 degrees C, and then in the presence of sucrose at 30 degrees C, allowing positive selection for both plasmid excision and curing. Despite marked locus-specific strain differences in sucrose sensitivity and in the growth retardation due to the integrated plasmids, the protocol permitted highly efficient exchange of cloned DNA into either the fim or lac chromosomal loci. This procedure should allow the exchange of any DNA segment, in addition to the original or mutant allelic DNA, into any non-essential parts of the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   
A survey of Haemophilus influenzae strains indicated that around one-third of capsular strains and over two-thirds of non-typeable strains included sialic acid in their lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Mutation of the CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase gene (siaB) resulted in a sialylation-deficient phenotype. Isogenic pairs, wild type and siaB mutant of two non-typeable strains were used to demonstrate that sialic acid influences resistance to the killing effect of normal human serum but has little effect on attachment to, or invasion of, cultured human epithelial cells or neutrophils. We determine for the first time the site of attachment of sialic acid in the LPS of a non-typeable strain and report that a small proportion of glycoforms include two sialic acid residues in a disaccharide unit.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of chain selection and assembly of type IX collagen, a heterotrimer 1(IX)2(IX)3(IX), must differ from that of fibrillar collagens since it lacks the characteristic C-propeptide of these latter molecules. We have tested the hypothesis that the information required for this process is contained within the C-terminal triple helical disulfide-bonded region (LMW). The reassociations of the purified LMW fragments of pepsinized bovine type IX collagen were followed by the formation of disulfide-bonded multimers. Our data demonstrate that only three triple helical assemblies form readily, (1)3, (2)3, and 123. The information required for chain selection and assembly is thus, at least in part, contained in the studied fragments. Molecular stoichiometries different from the classical heterotrimer may thus also form under certain conditions.  相似文献   
Brucella abortus British strain 19 transported glucose with an apparent K(m) of 0.16 mM and an apparent V(max) of 250 nmol per min per mg of N. The only common glucose analogue transported was 2-deoxyglucose (2-DOG), with an apparent K(i) of 0.73 mM. Alpha- or beta-methyl glucosides and 3-O-methylglucose were not transported. Transport was linear for 70 to 90 s, depending on the concentration of substrate used. 2-Deoxyglucose was transported as the free sugar and was not further metabolized once inside the cell. There was no glucose phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system (PEP-PTS) present, and there were no inhibitors present in Brucella cell-free extract that inhibited the Escherichia coli glucose PEP-PTS. N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM) and p-chloromercuribenzoate (pCMB) completely inhibited transport of glucose and 2-DOG. Glutathione, dithiothreitol, and beta-mercaptoethanol reversed the effects of pCMB but not of NEM. A pH optimum of 7.2 and a temperature optimum of 37 to 45 C were observed for both K(m) and V(max). The glucose transport system appeared to be constitutive for glucose transport in cells grown on fructose, galactose, erythritol, or glucose. The electron transfer inhibitors carbonyl cyanide, m-chlorophenylhydrazone, NaN(3), 2,4-dinitrophenol, and KCN inhibited 2-DOG transport to a greater extent than did the metabolic energy inhibitors NaAsO(4), iodoacetate, KF, and 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, an inhibitor of membrane-bound adenosine triphosphatases, inhibited transport by 100%.  相似文献   
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