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近年来,常用未经丙酮固定的、由丁酸和巴豆油激活的B95-8细胞或P3HR-1细胞为靶细胞,检测人血清中EB病毒IgA/MA抗体以早期诊断鼻咽癌,效果良好。但由于B95-8细胞含有多种EB病毒抗原,不能用丙酮固定,需多次离心沉淀,在浮悬状态下检测,技术比较复杂。  相似文献   
HAU3是寄主范围很广的放线菌噬菌体。Southern杂交实验表明,HAU3可以整合到吸水链霉菌应城变种10-22和变铅青链霉菌66的突变体ZX1的染色体中,形成溶原,其溶原菌自发释放HAU3,不受热激和紫外线照射的诱导。通过比较HAU3衍生噬粒pIJ8300的DNA酶切片段在加热前、后电泳带谱的区别,将HAU3的cos位点在pIJ8300的图谱上得到了定位。还利用Southern杂交的方法定位了HAU3与宿主形成溶原时附着位点(attP),并利用脉冲电泳技术定位了在变铅青链霉菌ZX7和吸水链霉菌应城变种10-22中形成溶原的附着位点(attB)。这些信息均有利于以HAU3为基础的载体的发展和优化。  相似文献   
Quantifying and optimizing the polyphenol content of Phyllanthus maderaspatensis was accomplished using a single-solvent HPTLC system. Analyzing hydroalcoholic extracts for kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid, we simultaneously quantified and optimized their concentration. In the experiment, the methanol to water ratio (%), temperature (°C), and time of extraction (min) were all optimized using a Box-Behnken statistical design. Kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid were among the dependent variables analyzed. In the HPTLC separation, silica gel 60F254 plates were used, and toluene, ethyl acetate, and formic acid (5:4:1) made up the mobile phase. For kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid, densitometric measurements were carried out using the absorbance mode at 254 nm. Hydroalcoholic extract of P. maderaspatensis contains rutin (0.344), catechin (2.62), gallic acid (0.93), ellagic acid (0.172), quercetin (0.0108) and kaempferol (0.06). Further, it may be affected by more than one factor at a time, resulting in a varying degree of reaction. A negative correlation was found between X1 (extraction time (min)) and X2 (temperature), as well as X1 and X3 (solvent ratios). Taking these characteristics into consideration, the method outlined here is a validated HPTLC method for measuring kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid.  相似文献   


Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS), which is defined by recurrent stereotypical episodes of nausea and vomiting, is a relatively-common disabling condition that is associated with migraine headache and mitochondrial dysfunction. Co-enzyme Q10 (Co-Q) is a nutritional supplement that has demonstrated efficacy in pediatric and adult migraine. It is increasingly used in CVS despite the complete lack of studies to demonstrate its value in treatment  相似文献   
The nitrogen (N) cycle is essentially 'leaky'. The losses of small amounts of nitrate to waters and of ammonia and nitrous oxide to the atmosphere are a part of the global biogeo-chemical N cycle. However, intensive agricultural production, industry and vehicle use have more than doubled the amount of 'reactive' N in the environment, resulting in eutrophication, ecosystem change and health concerns. Research has identified agricultural practices that cause large losses of N and, in some cases, developed solutions. This paper discusses the problems of maintaining productivity while reducing N losses, compares conventional with low input (integrated) and organic farming systems, and discusses wider options. It also looks at the need to integrate studies on N with other environmental impacts, set in the context of the whole farm system, to provide truly sustainable agricultural systems.  相似文献   
1. Colour polymorphisms are common across animals and are often the result of complex selection regimes. Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae) shows a widely studied dorsal colour polymorphism with several described phenotypes whose variation in their occurrence and frequency, as well as their maintenance across time, have been reported. Several selective influences have been suggested to play a role, but the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of this polymorphism are still poorly understood. 2. To explore the adaptive significance of the colour polymorphism of P. spumarius, an experiment was conducted in captivity under semi‐natural conditions to measure survival, reproductive success, and duration of egg maturation. 3. It was found that there was higher longevity, a higher number of oviposition events, and a higher number of eggs laid by trilineatus phenotype females than by typicus and marginellus, supporting previous reports of an increase in trilineatus frequency during the season. The duration of egg maturation did not differ among phenotypes. 4. The higher longevity and fertility of the trilineatus phenotype may compensate, for example, the higher rate of attack by parasitoids and/or higher solar radiation reflectance in this phenotype, which have already been reported in previous studies, constituting a possible mechanism for the maintenance of this polymorphism.  相似文献   
There are major concerns over both the security of energy supplies (declining supplies and political control) and the environmental costs associated with energy generation and use.The global consumption of carbon-containing fossil fuels for  相似文献   
Willows (Salix spp.) are a very diverse group of catkin-bearing trees and shrubs that are widely distributed across temperate regions of the globe.Some species respond well to being grown in short rotation coppice (SRC) cycles,which are much shorter than conventional forestry.Coppicing reinvigorates growth and the biomass rapidly accumulated can be used as a source of renewable carbon for bioenergy and biofuels.As SRC willows re-distribute nutrients during the perennial cycle they require only minimal nitro...  相似文献   
本研究通过用农药农蒙特(25×10~(-6))和氯氰菊酯(20×10~(-6))处理,采用生命表技术和控制效应来评判农药亚致死剂量对田间小菜蛾和优姬蜂种群动力学的影响。结果表明,农蒙特和氯氰菊酯对优姬蜂种群的控制效应大于对小菜蛾种群的控制效应,寄生在农蒙特处理的小菜蛾幼虫体内的优姬蜂幼虫的死亡率显著地高于氯氰菊酯处理的和对照的,表现出农蒙特对寄生蜂影响的深远性。  相似文献   
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