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Aplanospores ofHaematococcus pluvialis MUR 145 contained 0.7% carotenoids (dry wt. basis) consisting of β,β-carotene (5% of total carotenoid), echinenone (4%), canthaxanthin (4%), (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin diester (34%), (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin monoester (46%), (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin (1%) and (3R,3′R,6′R)-lutein (6%). The astaxanthin esters were examined by TLC and HPLC and VIS,1H NMR and mass spectra recorded. Their chirality was determined by the camphanate method (Vecchi & Müller, 1979) after anaerobic hydrolysis. The tough cell wall of the aplanospores required enzymatic treatment prior to pigment extraction. The potential use of this microalga as a feed ingredient in aquaculture is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
The properties and characteristics of oligonucleotide adaptors for use in a simplified procedure for the construction of cDNA and genomic DNA libraries are described. The adaptors are suitable for joining to blunt ended cDNA or sheared genomic DNA, and then to the cohesive ends of restriction sites in vectors. Each adaptor consists of two oligonucleotides with complementary but nonpalindromic sequences that include an internal restriction site, a 5' phosphorylated blunt end, and an overlapping or staggered 5' hydroxylated end corresponding to a restriction endonuclease site in a vector of choice. Ligation of the blunt end to high molecular weight target DNA proceeds efficiently and there is no tandem concatenation of the adaptor. Insertion into the appropriate vector only requires ligation of the cohesive ends. There is no requirement for methylation, restriction enzyme cleavage, G-C tailing, or denaturation after ligation of the adaptor to the target DNA, all characteristics of other procedures.  相似文献   
Subconfluent bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells on rigid substrates were exposed to 1.5–15 cm H2O sustained hydrostatic pressure for up to 7 days and exhibited elongation, cytoskeletal rearrangement, increased cell proliferation, and bilayering. The role of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the mechanism(s) of these endothelial cell responses to sustained hydrostatic pressure was investigated. Evidence that bFGF was released from endothelial cells exposed to sustained hydrostatic pressure or compression was provided by the following experimental results: (1) Cells exposed to control (3 mm H2O) pressure displayed intense nuclear and cytoplasmic bFGF staining by immunocytochemical techniques; this staining was absent in cells exposed to 10 cm H2O for 7 days. (2) Conditioned medium from endothelial cells exposed to 10 cm H2O for 7 days contained at ansferable, growth-promoting activity exhibiting heparin-Sepharose affinity, lability to both heat and freeze/thawing, and neutralization by anti-bovine bFGF. (3) Suramin (0.1 mM), a growth-factor receptor inhibitor, abrogated the proliferative and morphological responses of endothelial cells exposed to sustained hydrostatic pressure. Endothelial cells exposed to elevated hydrostatic pressure demonstrated no detectable decrement in cell viability as assessed by Trypan blue exclusion. The results of the present study indicate that hydrostatic pressure or compression can induce bFGF release from endothelial cells independent of cell injury or death; bFGF is subsequently responsible for the morphological, proliferative, and bilayering responses of endothelial cells to hydrostatic pressure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Previous studies have examined the effect of ethnicity on obesity, concerns about shape and weight, and attitudes about eating. We hypothesized that geographical location would also influence these variables, and that students growing up in the northern part of the United States and attending northern colleges would differ from students from the South. To examine this, we studied a random sample of 275 African-Americans (AA) and 224 white college students in the entering class of two northern colleges (University of Pittsburgh or University of Massachusetts) or two southern colleges (Augusta or Paine College). All subjects were weighed and completed the Revised Restraint Scale and the EAT-26. AA women were heavier than white women, with no differences due to geographical location. Despite being thinner, white women reported more dietary restraint than AA women. This difference between AA and white women was apparent in both northern and southern college students. In contrast, geographical location was the strongest determinant of bulimic attitudes; both men and women at northern colleges reported higher bulimia scores than those at southern schools. Thus ethnicity appears to be a major determinant of body weight and attitudes about shape and dieting, whereas geographical location appears to exert greater influence on bulimic attitudes.  相似文献   
Rat dentin contains a major sialic acid-rich glycoprotein, DSP, with an overall composition similar to that of bone sialoproteins but whose biological role in dentinogenesis is unknown. Using polyclonal affinity-purified antibodies to rat DSP and four immunohistochemical methods of detection, we studied the cell and tissue localization of DSP and the time course of its appearance during odontoblast differentiation. DSP first appeared within young odontoblasts concomitant with early secretion of pre-dentin matrix and before the onset of mineralization but was absent in pre-odontoblasts. DSP immunostaining also localized within secretory odontoblasts and was intense in odontoblastic processes. Early pre-dentin stained positive for DSP, in contrast to more mature pre-dentin, where immunoreactivity was less intense and more restricted to odontoblastic processes. In the zone of mineralized dentin matrix, a moderate and uniform staining pattern was evident. Intense immunostaining was also seen within the cells and matrix of dental pulp during dentinogenesis. Other cells and tissues within the tooth organ and those surrounding it were non-reactive. These findings suggest that DSP is developmentally expressed in cells of the odontoblastic lineage and may be a biochemical marker of odontoblastic activity.  相似文献   
The 5′-untranslated regions of all gammaretroviruses contain a conserved “double-hairpin motif” (ΨCD) that is required for genome packaging. Both hairpins (SL-C and SL-D) contain GACG tetraloops that, in isolated RNAs, are capable of forming “kissing” interactions stabilized by two intermolecular G-C base pairs. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of the double hairpin from the Moloney murine leukemia virus ([ΨCD]2, 132 nt, 42.8 kDa) using a 2H-edited NMR-spectroscopy-based approach. This approach enabled the detection of 1H-1H dipolar interactions that were not observed in previous studies of isolated SL-C and SL-D hairpin RNAs using traditional 1H-1H correlated and 1H-13C-edited NMR methods. The hairpins participate in intermolecular cross-kissing interactions (SL-C to SL-D′ and SLC′ to SL-D) and stack in an end-to-end manner (SL-C to SL-D and SL-C′ to SL-D′) that gives rise to an elongated overall shape (ca 95 Å × 45 Å ×  25 Å). The global structure was confirmed by cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), making [ΨCD]2 simultaneously the smallest RNA to be structurally characterized to date by cryo-ET and among the largest to be determined by NMR. Our findings suggest that, in addition to promoting dimerization, [ΨCD]2 functions as a scaffold that helps initiate virus assembly by exposing a cluster of conserved UCUG elements for binding to the cognate nucleocapsid domains of assembling viral Gag proteins.  相似文献   
Cleavage of Notch by furin is required to generate a mature, cell surface heterodimeric receptor that can be proteolytically activated to release its intracellular domain, which functions in signal transduction. Current models propose that ligand binding to heterodimeric Notch (hNotch) induces a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM) proteolytic release of the Notch extracellular domain (NECD), which is subsequently shed and/or endocytosed by DSL ligand cells. We provide evidence for NECD release and internalization by DSL ligand cells, which, surprisingly, did not require ADAM activity. However, losses in either hNotch formation or ligand endocytosis significantly decreased NECD transfer to DSL ligand cells, as well as signaling in Notch cells. Because endocytosis-defective ligands bind hNotch, but do not dissociate it, additional forces beyond those produced through ligand binding must function to disrupt the intramolecular interactions that keep hNotch intact and inactive. Based on our findings, we propose that mechanical forces generated during DSL ligand endocytosis function to physically dissociate hNotch, and that dissociation is a necessary step in Notch activation.  相似文献   
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