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The yeast ribosome contains three acidic proteins, L44, L44', and L45, closely related from a structural point of view, that seem to play a functional role similar to that of proteins L7 and L12 in the bacterial ribosome. By screening a cDNA bank in lambda gt11 with specific polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, recombinant phages expressing each one of the acidic proteins have been cloned. A unique copy of each gene is detected using the phage cDNA inserts as probes in nitrocellulose blots of yeast DNA digested with different restriction enzymes. The inserts were subcloned in the plasmid pUC19, and their physical maps and nucleotide sequences were determined. By using the cDNA inserts as probes in genomic DNA banks, DNA fragments carrying the acidic protein genes have been cloned, characterized, and sequenced. The results conclusively show that the three yeast acidic proteins are coded by independent genes and are not the result of a post-translational modification of the product of a unique gene, as in bacteria. Like most ribosomal protein genes, the gene for protein L44' has an intron and two upstream stimulatory boxes (UASrpg) fitting closely to the consensus sequence. The genes coding for proteins L44 and L45 lack introns and seem also exceptional in other characteristics of their sequences. Proteins L44 and L45 have amino acid sequences with about 80% similarity. Protein L44' is only 63% similar to the other two polypeptides. The three proteins have highly conserved carboxyl termini comprising the last 30 amino acids, and the first 10 amino acids of L44 and L45 are identical. The results cast doubts about the possibility of a similar role for the different acidic ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

Several different species of freshwater Bryozoa, belonging to the genera Plumatella, Rumarcanella and Fredericella, were detected within the Northern Mallee Pipeline (NMP) system in Victoria, Australia, that required definitive identification. These organisms produce asexual buds called statoblasts, with valves composed of sclerotised chitin that bear minute micro-ornamentations of considerable taxonomical significance. Imaging and analysis of these distinctive micro-ornamentations using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is often employed for species identification. Meticulous preparation of statoblast samples is therefore required that necessitates the removal of adhering debris, dehydration and drying—whilst mitigating specimen damage and distortion. This technical note describes an approach whereby each of these three steps have been individually designed to be as benign as possible, using mild detergent/sonication to remove debris, a gradual and gentle dehydration procedure using ethanol, and critical point drying. For the overall process, these methods are chosen to optimise control and to minimise the use of harsh and hazardous chemicals.  相似文献   


The three trypanosomatids pathogenic to men, Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major, are etiological agents of Chagas disease, African sleeping sickness and cutaneous leishmaniasis, respectively. The complete sequencing of these trypanosomatid genomes represented a breakthrough in the understanding of these organisms. Genome sequencing is a step towards solving the parasite biology puzzle, as there are a high percentage of genes encoding proteins without functional annotation. Also, technical limitations in protein expression in heterologous systems reinforce the evident need for the development of a high-throughput reverse genetics platform. Ideally, such platform would lead to efficient cloning and compatibility with various approaches. Thus, we aimed to construct a highly efficient cloning platform compatible with plasmid vectors that are suitable for various approaches.  相似文献   
Histone H2B ubiquitination is a dynamic modification that promotes methylation of histone H3K79 and H3K4. This crosstalk is important for the DNA damage response and has been implicated in cancer. Here, we show that in engineered yeast strains, ubiquitins tethered to every nucleosome promote H3K79 and H3K4 methylation from a proximal as well as a more distal site, but only if in a correct orientation. This plasticity indicates that the exact location of the attachment site, the native ubiquitin-lysine linkage and ubiquitination cycles are not critical for trans-histone crosstalk in vivo. The flexibility in crosstalk also indicates that other ubiquitination events may promote H3 methylation.  相似文献   
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors represent a relatively new therapeutic approach in the field of antiplatelet therapy. Following the development of abciximab a number of small molecule GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors have been introduced such as tirofiban and eptifibatide. In this fast-moving field the interventional cardiologist needs a framework to guide decision-making for the individual patient. This review covers the efficacy and safety data from the clinical trials of GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors in the context of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for unstable angina/non-Q-wave myocardial infarction. There is an increasing body of evidence to support the efficacy of GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors in reducing the risk of adverse ischemic events in high and low risk patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. A number of unresolved efficacy and safety issues remain, including the duration of treatment before and after intervention; whether a reduction in the heparin dose would further decrease the risk of hemorrhage without affecting the periprocedural thrombotic rate in patients undergoing PTCA with adjunctive GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors; and the cost-effectiveness of this therapy. When a thorough analysis of cost-effectiveness has been made, it will be easier to advocate the widespread use of these agents in all patients undergoing coronary intervention.  相似文献   
The ribosomal stalk is involved directly in the interaction of the elongation factors with the ribosome during protein synthesis. The stalk is formed by a complex of five proteins, four small acidic polypepties and a larger protein which directly interacts with the rRNA at the GTPase center. In eukaryotes, the acidic components correspond to the 12 kDa P1 and P2 proteins, and the RNA binding component is protein P0. All these proteins are found to be phosphorylated in eukaryotic organisms. Previousin vitro data suggested this modification was involved in the activity of this structure. To confirm this possibility a mutational study has shown that phosphorylation takes place at a serine residue close to the carboxyl end of proteins P1, P2 and P0. This serine is part of a consensus casein kinase II phosphorylation site. However, by using a yeast strain carrying a temperature sensitive mutant, it has been shown that CKII is probably not the only enzyme responsible for this modification. Three new protein kinases, RAPI, RAPII and RAPIII, have been purified and compared with CKII and PK60, a previously reported enzyme that phosphorylates the stalk proteins. Differences among the five enzymes have been studied. It has also been found that some typical effects of the PKC kinase stimulate thein vitro phosphorylation of the stalk proteins. All the data available suggest that phosphorylation, although it is not involved in the interaction of the acidic proteins with the ribosome, affects ribosome activity and might participate in some ribosome regulatory mechanism. Presented at theSymposium on Regulation of Translation of Genetic Information by Protein Phosphorylation, 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology, Hradec Králové (Czech Republic), September 6–10, 1998.  相似文献   
In Spain, 85% of patients with genetic hemochromatosis (GH) are homozygous for the C282Y mutation of the HFE gene. H63D and S65C mutations of HFE may also play some role in the disease. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of C282Y, H63D, and S65C mutations of the HFE gene in newborns in Catalonia, Spain. One thousand one hundred forty-six newborn screening cards were selected randomly. DNA from these cards was extracted and HFE mutations were analyzed with the LightCycler equipment (Roche Diagnostics Gmbh, Mannheim, Germany). Sufficient DNA sample was obtained to screen for the three mutations in 1,043 cases (91%). The allelic frequencies of C282Y, H63D, and S65C mutations were 0.03 (IC 95% 0.022-0.037), 0.2 (IC 95% 0.19-0.22), and 0.01 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.006-0.015), respectively. The frequency of C282Y homozygous newborns was 0.001 (95% CI 0.0005-0.0014). The frequencies of newborns doubly heterozygous for C282Y/H63D and C282Y/S65C were 0.01 (95% CI 0.005-0.02) and 0.002 (95% CI 0.0002-0.01), respectively. The allelic frequency of C282Y mutation is similar to that observed in Southern France, in the Czech Republic and in some areas of Italy. The allelic frequency of H63D mutation in Catalonia is the highest reported to date. Nevertheless, S65C is infrequent. These data should be kept in mind when designing hemochromatosis genotypic screening programs in Catalonia.  相似文献   
The stalk proteins P1 and P2, which are fundamental for ribosome activity, are the only ribosomal components for which there is a cytoplasmic pool. Accumulation of these two proteins is differentially regulated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by degradation. In the absence of P2, the amount of P1 is drastically reduced; in contrast, P2 proteins are not affected by a deficiency in P1. However, association with P2 protects P1 proteins. The half-life of P1 is a few minutes, while that of P2 is several hours. The proteasome is not involved in the degradation of P1 proteins. The different sensitivity to degradation of these two proteins is associated with two structural features: phosphorylation and N-terminus structure. A phosphorylation site at the C-terminus is required for P1 proteolysis. P2 proteins, despite being phosphorylated, are protected by their N-terminal peptide. An exchange of the first five amino acids between the two types of protein makes P1 resistant and P2 sensitive to degradation.  相似文献   
The eukaryotic acidic P1 and P2 proteins modulate the activity of the ribosomal stalk but playing distinct roles. The aim of this work was to analyze the structural features that are behind their different function. A structural characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisaie P1 alpha and P2 beta proteins was performed by circular dichroism, nuclear magnetic resonance, fluorescence spectroscopy, thermal denaturation, and protease sensitivity. The results confirm the low structure present in both proteins but reveal clear differences between them. P1 alpha shows a virtually unordered secondary structure with a residual helical content that disappears below 30 degrees C and a clear tendency to acquire secondary structure at low pH and in the presence of trifluoroethanol. In agreement with this higher disorder P1 alpha has a fully solvent-accessible tryptophan residue and, in contrast to P2 beta, is highly sensitive to protease degradation. An interaction between both proteins was observed, which induces an increase in the global secondary structure content of both proteins. Moreover, mixing of both proteins causes a shift of the P1 alpha tryptophan 40 signal, pointing to an involvement of this region in the interaction. This evidence directly proves an interaction between P1 alpha and P2 beta before ribosome binding and suggests a functional complementation between them. On a whole, the results provide structural support for the different functional roles played by the proteins of the two groups showing, at the same time, that relatively small structural differences between the two stalk acidic protein types can result in significant functional changes.  相似文献   
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