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Dual oxidase (DUOX) enzymes support a wide variety of essential reactions, from cellular signaling to thyroid hormone biosynthesis. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the DUOX system (CeDUOX1/2) plays a crucial role in innate immunity and in stabilizing the cuticle by forming tyrosine cross-links. The current model suggests that superoxide generated by CeDUOX1 at the C-terminal NADPH oxidase domain is rapidly converted to H(2)O(2). The H(2)O(2) is then utilized by the N-terminal peroxidase-like domain to cross-link tyrosines. We have now created a series of mutations in the isolated peroxidase domain, CeDUOX1(1-589). One set of mutations investigate the roles of a putative distal tyrosine (Tyr(105)) and Glu(238), a proposed covalent heme-binding residue. The results confirm that Glu(238) covalently binds to the heme group. A second set of mutations (G246D and D392N) responsible for a C. elegans blistering cuticle phenotype was also investigated. Surprisingly, although not among the catalytic residues, both mutations affected heme co-factor binding. The G246D mutant bound less total heme than the wild type, but a higher fraction of it was covalently bound. In contrast, the D392N mutant appears to fold normally but does not bind heme. Molecular dynamics simulations of a CeDUOX1(1-589) homology model implicate displacements of the proximal histidine residue as the likely cause. Both enzymes are structurally stable and through altered heme interactions exhibit partial or complete loss of tyrosine cross-linking activity, explaining the blistering phenotype. This result argues that the CeDUOX peroxidase domain is primarily responsible for tyrosine cross-linking.  相似文献   
The ribosome is a large macromolecular machine, and correlated motion between residues is necessary for coordinating function across multiple protein and RNA chains. We ran two all-atom, explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations of the bacterial ribosome and calculated correlated motion between residue pairs by using mutual information. Because of the short timescales of our simulation (ns), we expect that dynamics are largely local fluctuations around the crystal structure. We hypothesize that residues that show coupled dynamics are functionally related, even on longer timescales. We validate our model by showing that crystallographic B-factors correlate well with the entropy calculated as part of our mutual information calculations. We reveal that A-site residues move relatively independently from P-site residues, effectively insulating A-site functions from P-site functions during translation.  相似文献   
Coevolving residues in a multiple sequence alignment provide evolutionary clues of biophysical interactions in 3D structure. Despite a rich literature describing amino acid coevolution within or between proteins and nucleic acid coevolution within RNA, to date there has been no direct evidence of coevolution between protein and RNA. The ribosome, a structurally conserved macromolecular machine composed of over 50 interacting protein and RNA chains, provides a natural example of RNA/protein interactions that likely coevolved. We provide the first direct evidence of RNA/protein coevolution by characterizing the mutual information in residue triplets from a multiple sequence alignment of ribosomal protein L22 and neighboring 23S RNA. We define residue triplets as three positions in the multiple sequence alignment, where one position is from the 23S RNA and two positions are from the L22 protein. We show that residue triplets with high mutual information are more likely than residue doublets to be proximal in 3D space. Some high mutual information residue triplets cluster in a connected series across the L22 protein structure, similar to patterns seen in protein coevolution. We also describe RNA nucleotides for which switching from one nucleotide to another (or between purines and pyrimidines) results in a change in amino acid distribution for proximal amino acid positions. Multiple crystal structures for evolutionarily distinct ribosome species can provide structural evidence for these differences. For one residue triplet, a pyrimidine in one species is a purine in another, and RNA/protein hydrogen bonds are present in one species but not the other. The results provide the first direct evidence of RNA/protein coevolution by using higher order mutual information, suggesting that biophysical constraints on interacting RNA and protein chains are indeed a driving force in their evolution.  相似文献   
A major limitation to yeast aging study has been the inability to track mother cells and observe molecular markers during the aging process. The traditional lifespan assay relies on manual micro-manipulation to remove daughter cells from the mother, which is laborious, time consuming, and does not allow long term tracking with high resolution microscopy. Recently, we have developed a microfluidic system capable of retaining mother cells in the microfluidic chambers while removing daughter cells automatically, making it possible to observe fluorescent reporters in single cells throughout their lifespan. Here we report the development of a new generation of microfluidic device that overcomes several limitations of the previous system, making it easier to fabricate and operate, and allowing functions not possible with the previous design. The basic unit of the device consists of microfluidic channels with pensile columns that can physically trap the mother cells while allowing the removal of daughter cells automatically by the flow of the fresh media. The whole microfluidic device contains multiple independent units operating in parallel, allowing simultaneous analysis of multiple strains. Using this system, we have reproduced the lifespan curves for the known long and short-lived mutants, demonstrating the power of the device for automated lifespan measurement. Following fluorescent reporters in single mother cells throughout their lifespan, we discovered a surprising change of expression of the translation elongation factor TEF2 during aging, suggesting altered translational control in aged mother cells. Utilizing the capability of the new device to trap mother-daughter pairs, we analyzed mother-daughter inheritance and found age dependent asymmetric partitioning of a general stress response reporter between mother and daughter cells.  相似文献   
Ca2+-triggered membrane fusion is the defining step of exocytosis. Isolated urchin cortical vesicles (CV) provide a stage-specific preparation to study the mechanisms by which Ca2+ triggers the merger of two apposed native membranes. Thiol-reactive reagents that alkylate free sulfhydryl groups on proteins have been consistently shown to inhibit triggered fusion. Here, we characterize a novel effect of the alkylating reagent iodoacetamide (IA). IA was found to enhance the kinetics and Ca2+ sensitivity of both CV-plasma membrane and CV–CV fusion. If Sr2+, a weak Ca2+ mimetic, was used to trigger fusion, the potentiation was even greater than that observed for Ca2+, suggesting that IA acts at the Ca2+-sensing step of triggered fusion. Comparison of IA to other reagents indicates that there are at least two distinct thiol sites involved in the underlying fusion mechanism: one that regulates the efficiency of fusion and one that interferes with fusion competency.  相似文献   
The tempo at which a protein evolves depends not only on the rate at which mutations arise but also on the selective effects that those mutations have at the organismal level. It is intuitive that proteins functioning during different stages of development may be predisposed to having mutations of different selective effects. For example, it has been hypothesized that changes to proteins expressed during early development should have larger phenotypic consequences because later stages depend on them. Conversely, changes to proteins expressed much later in development should have smaller consequences at the organismal level. Here we assess whether proteins expressed at different times during Drosophila development vary systematically in their rates of evolution. We find that proteins expressed early in development and particularly during mid–late embryonic development evolve unusually slowly. In addition, proteins expressed in adult males show an elevated evolutionary rate. These two trends are independent of each other and cannot be explained by peculiar rates of mutation or levels of codon bias. Moreover, the observed patterns appear to hold across several functional classes of genes, although the exact developmental time of the slowest protein evolution differs among each class. We discuss our results in connection with data on the evolution of development.This revised article was published online in June 2005 with the final version of the content.Jerel C. Davis and Onn Brandman contributed equally to this work. Reviewing Editor: ManYuan Long  相似文献   
The conformational dynamics of cytochrome P450 enzymes are critical to their catalytic activity. In this study, the correlated motion between residues in a 200 ns molecular dynamics trajectory of the thermophilic CYP119 was analyzed to parse out conformational relationships. Residues that are structurally related, for example residues within a helix, generally have highly correlated motion. In addition, clusters of non-adjacent residues that show correlated motion (“hot spots”) are seen in various regions, including at the base of the F and G helices that make up the most dynamic region of the enzyme. A modified k-means algorithm that clusters residues based on their correlated motion indicates that functionally related residues are in the same cluster (e.g., the catalytic threonines and the heme). Tightly coupled clusters form a solvent-exposed “shell” around the enzyme, whereas less coupling between clusters is seen in regions that are critical to ligand interactions, redox partner interactions, and catalysis. Most notably, we find that residues in the active site move independently from the rest of the enzyme, effectively insulating the catalytic machinery from other regions of the protein.  相似文献   
Lethal congenital contractural syndrome (LCCS) is a severe form of arthrogryposis. To date, two autosomal recessive forms of the disease (LCCS and LCCS2) have been described and mapped to chromosomes 9q34 and 12q13, respectively. We now describe a third LCCS phenotype (LCCS3)--similar to LCCS2 yet without neurogenic bladder. Using 10K single-nucleotide-polymorphism arrays, we mapped the disease-associated gene to 8.8 Mb on chromosome 19p13. Further analysis using microsatallite markers narrowed the locus to a 3.4-Mb region harboring 120 genes. Of these genes, 30 candidates were sequenced, which identified a single homozygous mutation in PIP5K1C. PIP5K1C encodes phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, gamma (PIPKI gamma ), an enzyme that phophorylates phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate to generate phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)). We demonstrate that the mutation causes substitution of aspartic acid with asparagine at amino acid 253 (D253N), abrogating the kinase activity of PIPKI gamma . Thus, a defect in the phosphatidylinositol pathway leading to a decrease in synthesis of PIP(2), a molecule active in endocytosis of synaptic vesicle proteins, culminates in lethal congenital arthrogryposis.  相似文献   
Xie Z  Zhang Y  Zou K  Brandman O  Luo C  Ouyang Q  Li H 《Aging cell》2012,11(4):599-606
Budding yeast has served as an important model organism for aging research, and previous genetic studies have led to the discovery of conserved genes/pathways that regulate lifespan across species. However, the molecular causes of aging and death remain elusive, because it is very difficult to directly observe the cellular and molecular events accompanying aging in single yeast cells by the traditional approach based on micromanipulation. We have developed a microfluidic system to track individual mother cells throughout their lifespan, allowing automated lifespan measurement and direct observation of cell cycle dynamics, cell/organelle morphologies, and various molecular markers. We found that aging of the wild-type cells is characterized by an increased general stress and a progressive lengthening of the cell cycle for the last few cell divisions; these features are much less apparent in the long-lived FOB1 deletion mutant. Following the fate of individual cells revealed that there are different forms of cell death that are characterized by different terminal cell morphologies, and associated with different levels of stress and lifespan. We have identified a molecular marker - the level of the expression of Hsp104, as a good predictor for the lifespan of individual cells. Our approach allows detailed molecular phenotyping of single cells in the process of aging and thus provides new insight into its mechanism.  相似文献   
Onn Brandman  Jen Liou  Wei Sun Park  Tobias Meyer 《Cell》2007,131(7):1327-1339
Deviations in basal Ca2+ levels interfere with receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling as well as endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondrial function. While defective basal Ca2+ regulation has been linked to various diseases, the regulatory mechanism that controls basal Ca2+ is poorly understood. Here we performed an siRNA screen of the human signaling proteome to identify regulators of basal Ca2+ concentration and found STIM2 as the strongest positive regulator. In contrast to STIM1, a recently discovered signal transducer that triggers Ca2+ influx in response to receptor-mediated depletion of ER Ca2+ stores, STIM2 activated Ca2+ influx upon smaller decreases in ER Ca2+. STIM2, like STIM1, caused Ca2+ influx via activation of the plasma membrane Ca2+ channel Orai1. Our study places STIM2 at the center of a feedback module that keeps basal cytosolic and ER Ca2+ concentrations within tight limits.  相似文献   
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