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The apo 1.3S subunit of transcarboxylase contains the sequence Ala-87-Met-88-Lys-89-Met-90, and it is Lys-89 that is biotinated. This sequence is highly conserved in all the biotin enzymes that have been sequenced (with the exception of acetyl-CoA carboxylase from chicken liver, which has Val in place of Ala). The role of Met-88 and Met-90 in specifying Lys-89 for biotination by synthetase was examined by site-directed mutagenesis. Genes of the 1.3S subunit coding for Thr-88, Leu-88, or Leu-90 were generated by oligonucleotide-directed in vitro mutagenesis and expressed in Escherichia coli. The mutated apo 1.3S subunits were isolated and the biotination by homogeneous synthetase from Propionibacterium shermanii was compared with that of the apo wild-type subunit. The Vmax for the apo mutants was the same as that for the apo wild type, but when Leu was substituted for Met-88 or Met-90, the Km for the mutant was lower than that of the wild-type or mutant Thr-88. The activity of the synthetase of E. coli was determined by an in vivo assay. During the early log phase of growth, a smaller portion of mutants Thr-88 and Leu-90 was biotinated than with the wild-type or mutant Leu-88. When the cultures progressed to stationary phase, mutants and the wild type were biotinated to the same extent. The overall results show that Met-88 and Met-90 are not required for biotination of the apo 1.3S subunit by the synthetases.  相似文献   
Automated carboxy-terminal sequence analysis of peptides.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Proteins and peptides can be sequenced from the carboxy-terminus with isothiocyanate reagents to produce amino acid thiohydantoin derivatives. Previous studies in our laboratory have focused on solution phase conditions for formation of the peptidylthiohydantoins with trimethylsilylisothiocyanate (TMS-ITC) and for hydrolysis of these peptidylthiohydantoins into an amino acid thiohydantoin derivative and a new shortened peptide capable of continued degradation (Bailey, J. M. & Shively, J. E., 1990, Biochemistry 29, 3145-3156). The current study is a continuation of this work and describes the construction of an instrument for automated C-terminal sequencing, the application of the thiocyanate chemistry to peptides covalently coupled to a novel polyethylene solid support (Shenoy, N. R., Bailey, J. M., & Shively, J. E., 1992, Protein Sci. I, 58-67), the use of sodium trimethylsilanolate as a novel reagent for the specific cleavage of the derivatized C-terminal amino acid, and the development of methodology to sequence through the difficult amino acid, aspartate. Automated programs are described for the C-terminal sequencing of peptides covalently attached to carboxylic acid-modified polyethylene. The chemistry involves activation with acetic anhydride, derivatization with TMS-ITC, and cleavage of the derivatized C-terminal amino acid with sodium trimethylsilanolate. The thiohydantoin amino acid is identified by on-line high performance liquid chromatography using a Phenomenex Ultracarb 5 ODS(30) column and a triethylamine/phosphoric acid buffer system containing pentanesulfonic acid. The generality of our automated C-terminal sequencing methodology was examined by sequencing model peptides containing all 20 of the common amino acids. All of the amino acids were found to sequence in high yield (90% or greater) except for asparagine and aspartate, which could be only partially removed, and proline, which was found not be capable of derivatization. In spite of these current limitations, the methodology should be a valuable new tool for the C-terminal sequence analysis of peptides.  相似文献   
The supply of sucrose to leaf segments from light-grown bean seedlings caused a substantial increase in substrate inducibility of in vivo and in vitro nitrate reductase activity but only a small increase in total protein. Cycloheximide and chloramphenicol inhibited the increase in enzyme activity by nitrate and sucrose. The in vivo decline in enzyme activity in nitrate-induced leaf segments in light and dark was protected by sucrose and nitrate. The supply of NADH also protected the decline in enzyme activity, but only in the light. In vitro stability of the extracted enzyme was, however, unaffected by sucrose. The size of the metabolic nitrate pool was also enhanced by sucrose. The experiments demonstrate that sucrose has a stimulatory effect on activity or in vivo stability ' of nitrate reductase in bean leaf segments, which is perhaps mediated through increased NADH level and/or mobilization of nitrate to the metabolic pool.  相似文献   
Mice bearing the H-2 bhaplotype are susceptible to the development of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG), induced by acetylcholine receptor (AChR) autoimmunity. One of the genes influencing EAMG susceptibility has been mapped to the A blocus of the major histocompatibility complex, and the A chain has been implicated in the pathogenesis. Mice of the H-2 bhaplotype, including C57BL/10 (B10), have a genomic deletion of the E gene and therefore fail to express the E molecule on their cell surface. To test the hypothesis that failure to express the cell surface E molecule in B10 mice contributes to EAMG pathogenesis, E inf supk transgenic B10 mice expressing the T molecule were examined. Expression of the E molecule in E inf supk transgenic B10 mice partially prevented the development of EAMG.  相似文献   
In previous studies, we demonstrated that NK cells and lymphokine-activated killer cells were inactivated early in the lytic process by susceptible but not by resistant target cells (TC). We examined the functional status of human MHC-restricted CTL, after interaction with sensitive TC. Two CTL lines were generated in vitro by stimulation with irradiated PAMO, an EBV-transformed cell line. CTL were incubated for up to 4 h with an equal number of PAMO, then separated by a SRBC rosette assay. CTL lost greater than 60% of their lytic activity during the first 30 min of incubation, and greater than 90% by 4 h as assessed by their inability to lyse fresh TC. Inactivated CTL had 35% less serine esterase activity than did control CTL. IL-2 restored the lytic potential and serine esterase activity to normal values within 72 h. Exposure of CTL to PAMO for 4 h induced the modulation of 22 to 44% of TCR/CD3, CD4/CD8, and class I Ag from the cell surface. In contrast, the expression of CD69, and class II Ag increased and there was no change in the expression of CD2, CD28, or LFA-1 Ag. Furthermore, early metabolic events that usually follow CTL-ligand interaction such as phosphatidylinositol metabolism and transient increase in intracellular calcium, did not occur in inactivated CTL upon challenge with PAMO. PMA and the calcium ionophore A23187, restored cytolytic activity, indicating that protein kinase C can be activated and translocated in inactivated CTL. Our data suggest that TC-induced inactivation of CTL may be due to the modulation of key membrane molecules and the lack of certain secondary messengers involved in signal transduction.  相似文献   
To evaluate the regulation of adenine nucleotide metabolism in relation to purine enzyme activities in rat liver, human erythrocytes and cultured human skin fibroblasts, rapid and sensitive assays for the purine enzymes, adenosine deaminase (EC, adenosine kinase (EC, hyposanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC 2.4.28), adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC and 5'-nucleotidase (EC were standardized for these tissues. Adenosine deaminase was assayed by measuring the formation of product, inosine (plus traces of hypoxanthine), isolated chromatographically with 95% recovery of inosine. The other enzymes were assayed by isolating the labelled product or substrate nucleotides as lanthanum salts. Fibroblast enzymes were assayed using thin-layer chromatographic procedures because the high levels of 5'-nucleotidase present in this tissue interferred with the formation of LaCl3 salts. The lanthanum and the thin-layer chromatographic methods agreed within 10%. Liver cell sap had the highest activities of all purine enzymes except for 5'-nucleotidase and adenosine deaminase which were highest in fibroblasts. Erythrocytes had lowest activities of all except for hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase which was intermediate between the liver and fibroblasts. Erhthrocytes were devoid of 5'-nucleotidase activity. Hepatic adenosine kinase activity was thought to control the rate of loss of adenine nucleotides in the tissue. Erythrocytes had excellent purine salvage capacity, but due to the relatively low activity of adenosine deaminase, deamination might be rate limiting in the formation of guanine nucleotides. Fibroblasts, with high levels of 5'-nucleotidase, have the potential to catabolize adenine nucleotides beyond the control od adenosine kinase. The purine salvage capacity in the three tissues was erythrocyte greater than liver greater than fibroblasts. Based on purine enzyme activities, erythrocytes offer a unique system to study adenine salvage; fibroblasts to study adenine degradation; and liver to study both salvage and degradation.  相似文献   
The significant threat posed by biological agents (e.g. anthrax, tetanus, botulinum, and diphtheria toxins) (Inglesby, T. V., O'Toole, T., Henderson, D. A., Bartlett, J. G., Ascher, M. S., Eitzen, E., Friedlander, A. M., Gerberding, J., Hauer, J., Hughes, J., McDade, J., Osterholm, M. T., Parker, G., Perl, T. M., Russell, P. K., and Tonat, K. (2002) J. Am. Med. Assoc. 287, 2236-2252) requires innovative technologies and approaches to understand the mechanisms of toxin action and to develop better therapies. Anthrax toxins are formed from three proteins secreted by fully virulent Bacillus anthracis, protective antigen (PA, 83 kDa), lethal factor (LF, 90 kDa), and edema factor (EF, 89 kDa). Here we present electrophysiological measurements demonstrating that full-length LF and EF convert the current-voltage relationship of the heptameric PA63 ion channel from slightly nonlinear to highly rectifying and diode-like at pH 6.6. This effect provides a novel method for characterizing functional toxin interactions. The method confirms that a previously well characterized PA63 monoclonal antibody, which neutralizes anthrax lethal toxin in animals in vivo and in vitro, prevents the binding of LF to the PA63 pore. The technique can also detect the presence of anthrax lethal toxin complex from plasma of infected animals. The latter two results suggest the potential application of PA63 nanopore-based biosensors in anthrax therapeutics and diagnostics.  相似文献   
Noninvasive sampling methods for studying intestinal microbiomes are widely applied in studies of endangered species and in those conducting temporal monitoring during manipulative experiments. Although existing studies show that noninvasive sampling methods among different taxa vary in their accuracy, no studies have yet been published comparing nonlethal sampling methods in adult amphibians. In this study, we compare microbiomes from two noninvasive sample types (faeces and cloacal swabs) to that of the large intestine in adult cane toads, Rhinella marina. We use 16S rRNA gene sequencing to investigate how microbial communities change along the digestive tract and which nonlethal sampling method better represents large intestinal microbiota. We found that cane toads' intestinal microbiota was dominated by Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Firmicutes and, interestingly, we also saw a high proportion of Fusobacteria, which has previously been associated with marine species and changes in frog immunity. The large and small intestine of cane toads had a similar microbial composition, but the large intestine showed higher diversity. Our results indicate that cloacal swabs were more similar to large intestine samples than were faecal samples, and small intestine samples were significantly different from both nonlethal sample types. Our study provides valuable information for future investigations of the cane toad gut microbiome and validates the use of cloacal swabs as a nonlethal method to study changes in the large intestine microbiome. These data provide insights for future studies requiring nonlethal sampling of amphibian gut microbiota.  相似文献   
The cyanobacterial circadian clock can be reconstituted in vitro by mixing recombinant KaiA, KaiB and KaiC proteins with ATP, producing KaiC phosphorylation and dephosphorylation cycles that have a regular rhythm with a ca. 24-h period and are temperature-compensated. KaiA and KaiB are modulators of KaiC phosphorylation, whereby KaiB antagonizes KaiA's action. Here, we present a complete crystallographic model of the Synechococcus elongatus KaiC hexamer that includes previously unresolved portions of the C-terminal regions, and a negative-stain electron microscopy study of S. elongatus and Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 KaiA-KaiC complexes. Site-directed mutagenesis in combination with EM reveals that KaiA binds exclusively to the CII half of the KaiC hexamer. The EM-based model of the KaiA-KaiC complex reveals protein-protein interactions at two sites: the known interaction of the flexible C-terminal KaiC peptide with KaiA, and a second postulated interaction between the apical region of KaiA and the ATP binding cleft on KaiC. This model brings KaiA mutation sites that alter clock period or abolish rhythmicity into contact with KaiC and suggests how KaiA might regulate KaiC phosphorylation.  相似文献   
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