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Exposure of male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) for 10 weeks to short photoperiod (SP) providing 10 hr light: 14 hr darkness (10:14 LD) produced a significant reduction in the weights of the reproductive organs, plasma thyroxine (T4) levels and free T4 index (FT4I) compared to the values of animals exposed to long photoperiod (LP, 14:10 LD). C57bl male house mice (Mus musculus) kept in SP (10:14 LD) had reproductive organ weights equivalent to those of mice kept in long days (14:10 LD) and lower T3 uptake (T3U) values. Male gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) exposed to 13 weeks of SP (10:14 LD) had lower body weights, testes and seminal vesicle weights and higher T3U values compared to LP (14:10 LD) controls. However, no effect was seen on plasma T4 and triiodothyronine (T3) values nor the FT4I and free T3 index (FT3I). White-footed male mice (Peromyscus leucopus) exposed to SP (8:16 LD) had significantly lower testes and seminal vesicle weights while plasma T4 and T3 levels were unaffected. Snell strain house mice (Mus musculus) exposed to SP (8:16 LD) had normal reproductive organ weights compared to the values of LP-exposed (16:8 LD) control animals. However, there was a significant depression in T3 and in the FT3I in the SP animals.  相似文献   
Melatonin, the chief hormone of the pineal gland, is produced and secreted into the blood in a circadian manner with maximal production always occurring during the dark phase of the light:dark cycle. Whereas the 24h rhythm of melatonin production is very robust in young animals including humans, the cycle deteriorates during ageing. The rhythm of melatonin can be substantially preserved during ageing by restricting the food intake of experimental animals; this same treatment increases the life span of the animals. The exogenous administration of melatonin to non-food restricted animals also reportedly increases their survival. Moreover, melatonin has been shown to have immunoenhancing effects and oncostatic properties. The implication of these studies is that melatonin may have both direct and indirect beneficial effects in delaying ageing processes or it may retard the development of processes (e.g., immunodeficiency and tumor growth) which contribute to a reduced life span.  相似文献   
Thyroxine 5'-deiodinase activity was studied in male rat Harderian gland homogenates. The reaction rate was proportional to the tissue content in the homogenate and dependent on pH, with an optimum pH of 7.0, and temperature, between 4-37 degrees C. 5'-deiodinase activity was increased by dithiothreitol (DTT) in a dose-dependent manner, and inhibited moderately by propylthiouracil (PTU) and strongly by iopanoic acid (IA). Thyroidectomy enhanced the enzymatic activity (30-fold above the control value) but this increase is totally prevented by the in vivo iopanoic acid treatment. Thyroxine 5'-deiodinase activity was also dependent on T4 concentration (Km = 3.3 nM; Vmax = 10 fmol 125I-released/mg protein/h) and exhibited a nyctohemeral rhythmicity with a maximal activity at 03.00 h (4-fold above basal values) and minimal activity between 12.00-21.00 h.  相似文献   
The paper deals with the direct experimental proof that human immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) contains a reactive disulfide bond that can be opened by 3,3'-dithiobis(6-nitrobenzoate) (DTNB) within 24 h by a SH-catalysed disulfide exchange reaction. These results were obtained with the purified IgG1 myeloma protein and confirm earlier indirect evidence based on correlation analysis of DTNB reactivity and quantitative IgG1 determination. The reactive disulfide bond is most likely the one between Cys235 of the heavy chains in the "hinge"-region, activated for the disulfide exchange by the protonated amino groups of Lys231 as turned out by analysis of IgG1. As with the whole molecule, one mol of reactive disulfide was found per mol of the Fc-fragment. 0.8 mol of labile S-S bonds was detected per mol of F(ab)2. After separation of the excess of reagent, the sedimentation pattern still corresponded with the dimer. The unaltered antigenic properties as well as the crystallizability speak against any severe conformational changes. Therefrom it was concluded that in approximately 80% of the F(ab)2 molecules one of the two inter heavy chain-bridges was opened. With the isolated F(ab)-fragment a reaction with DTNB was ascertained to an extent of 20%, which is probably due to an altered stability of the heavy-light chain-SS-bridge. However, no influence on the sedimentation pattern was observed. The intrachainar disulfide bonds of neither the heavy nor the light chain reacted with DTNB to a measurable extent.  相似文献   
Harderian gland (HG) weight and lysosomal enzyme activity were evaluated after 21-day-old female rats were singly caged in a long (LP; 14:10 LD) or short (SP; 8:16 LD) photoperiod and fed on one of two dietary regimens (fed ad libitum or 50% underfed) for 50 days; an additional fed and an underfed group of animals in LP were injected every afternoon with 100 micrograms melatonin. Absolute HG weights were significantly lower in all underfed groups compared to their respective fed controls or to the LP fed control group. Absolute HG weights of underfed rats in SP were significantly lower than the underfed rats in LP. Relative HG weights (mg/100 g body wt) were significantly higher in the underfed saline or melatonin-treated groups compared to their respective fed controls; however, HG of the underfed SP group were not different from SP-fed controls. No significant differences in HG acid phosphatase, hexosaminidase, and beta-glucuronidase activities were observed in any of the treatment groups maintained in LP. Acid phosphatase, hexosaminidase, and beta-glucuronidase activities were significantly elevated in HG of underfed animals maintained in SP compared to their respective fed controls or to the LP-underfed group. Both the underfed control and the underfed-melatonin treated groups had lower pineal protein values than their respective fed groups; underfed animals in 8:16 LD had similar pineal protein values compared to those of the fed control group in SP. Significant effects of photoperiod and underfeeding with no interaction between these variables were observed on pineal acid phosphatase. The fed group maintained in 8:16 LD had significantly higher acid phosphatase activity than the fed group kept in 14:10 LD. In conclusion, underfeeding resulted in severely reduced body weights and absolute Harderian gland weights. Increased activity in certain lysosomal enzymes occurred in both the pineal and Harderian gland and in some instances this was dependent upon the light cycle and dietary regimen to which the animals were exposed.  相似文献   
In young adult male rats bearing a donor anterior pituitary gland grafted for 3 weeks under a kidney capsule, serum prolactin (PRL) concentrations were elevated and exhibited a rhythm with the highest values in the light phase. Serum PRL in control animals did not exhibit a significant rhythm. Eutopic pituitary PRL content, manifesting a biphasic (12-hr) rhythm with crests during the day and night in controls, exhibited a similar pattern in grafted rats though an overall reduction in pituitary PRL content was seen in the grafted animals. Neither the normal biphasic serum testosterone rhythm nor the normal 24-hr rhythm (nocturnal surge) of pineal N-acetyltransferase activity and melatonin content were altered in the hyperprolactinemic rats. Serum thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) and their free indices (FT4 I, FT3 I) and serum thyrotropin (TSH) were highest during the day in controls and grafted rats and a 12-hr rhythmic component was detected in data for these variables. In the grafted animals, the 12-hr component was reflected in an additional peak at night detectable by testing of means. The overall serum T4 FT4 I, and TSH levels were lower in grafted rats though overall T3 and FT3I levels did not differ between grafted and controls. T3 uptake (T3 U) values were similar between controls and grafted rats, in both cases exhibiting a fall during the night. Changes in serum thyronines could not be explained by changes in serum binding as assessed by the T3U3 and thus may represent changes in thyroidal secretion of T4. The rhythm in serum PRL of grafted rats suggests the presence of rhythmic circulating factor(s) capable of influencing ectopic lactotrophs. The reduced eutopic pituitary PRL content suggests a role for PRL in influencing eutopic lactotrophs in the pituitary-grafted hyperprolactinemic male rat model. Though circulating testosterone and pineal melatonin synthesis were not altered in this model, thyroid function appeared to be so.  相似文献   
In recent years, there has been a great deal of publicity concerning the possible health effects of electric and/or magnetic field exposure. One of the most frequently reported observations after the exposure of animals to either electric or magnetic fields relates to alterations in the metabolism of serotonin (5HT) to melatonin within the pineal gland. This review summarizes these results particularly in animals exposed to intermittently inverted, non-time varying magnetic fields, i.e., pulsed static magnetic fields. When exposure occurs at night, the conversation of 5HT to melatonin is typically depressed, not unlike that after light exposure at night. The mechanisms by which pulsed magnetic fields alter the ability of the pineal to convert 5HT to the chief pineal hormone melatonin remains unknown but may involve effects on any or all of the following: the retinas, the suprachiasmatic nuclei, the peripheral sympathetic nervous system, and the pinealocytes. Results to date suggest that induced electrical currents (eddy currents) produced by the pulsed magnetic fields are particularly detrimental to pineal indoleamine metabolism and may be an important causative factor in the metabolic changes measured. The physiological consequences of perturbations in the melatonin rhythm induced by magnetic field exposure remain unknown.  相似文献   
In light of recent studies demonstrating stress-induced changes in pineal indoleamine metabolism, we tested the effect of acute cold stress on pineal biosynthetic function. Adult male rats were subjected to 30, 60, or 120 min of cold exposure (Ta = 2 degrees C) during either the light or dark phase of the daily photoperiodic cycle. Controls were kept at room temperature (22 +/- 2 degrees C). Animals were killed by decapitation and pineals were analyzed by radioimmunoassay for melatonin content and by radioenzymeassay for the activity of N-acetyltransferase (NAT). Cold exposure during the day elicited no significant changes in pineal indoleamine metabolism. Exposure to cold for 1 hr during the second hour after lights off slightly increased pineal melatonin content, without a concomitant change in NAT activity. Rats exposed to 2 hr of cold beginning 2 hr after lights off, however, displayed a 50% reduction in NAT activity, whereas pineal melatonin content remained unchanged. The paradoxical response of pineal NAT activity and melatonin content are not uncommon when rats are exposed to adverse stimuli.  相似文献   
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