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Recombinant human insulin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insulin is a well-characterized peptide that can be produced by recombinant DNA technology for human therapeutic use. A brief overview of insulin production from both traditional mammalian pancreatic extraction and recombinant bacterial and yeast systems is presented, and detection techniques, including electrophoresis, are reviewed. Analytical systems for insulin separation are principally based on reversed-phase chromatography, which resolves the deamidation product(s) (desamido insulin) of insulin, proinsulin, and insulin. Process-scale separation is a multistep process and includes ion exchange, reversed-phase, and size exclusion chromatography. Advantages and/or disadvantages of various separation approaches, as described by the numerous literature references on insulin purification, are presented.  相似文献   
Summary Three strains ofPichia stipitis and three ofCandida shehatae were compared withPachysolen tannophilus in their abilities to ferment xylose at concentrations as high as 200 g/L when subjected to both aerobic and microaerophilic conditions. Evaluations based on accumulated ethanol concentrations, ethanol productivities, xylose consumption, and ethanol and xylitol yields were determined from batch culture time courses. Of the strains considered,P.stipitis NRRL Y-7124 seemed most promising since it was able to utilize all but 7 g/L of 150 g/L xylose supplied aerobically to produce 52 g/L ethanol at a yield of 0.39 g per gram xylose (76% of theoretical yield) and at a rate comparable to the fastest shown byC.shehatae NRRL Y-12878. For all strains tested, fermentation results from aerobic cultures were more favorable than those from microaerophilic cultures.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   
Preparation of cellodextrins using sulfuric acid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A tumor model system of clones of myeloproliferative sarcoma virus (MPV)-transformed rat fibroblasts (NRK) with different growth properties and metastatic potential was studied. The relationship between metastatic behavior and composition of carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) was analyzed by affinity chromatography. The metastatic variant differs qualitatively from its parental clone in the presence of galactoside-binding proteins at apparent molecular weights of 80 kDa, 70 kDa, 22 kDa, 18 kDa and 16 kDa and of a fucose-binding protein at apparent molecular weight of 42 kDa. The -glucosyl-binding proteins at apparent molecular weights of 67 kDa and 53 kDa and a galactoside-binding protein of apparent molecular weight of 34 kDa, however, are not detectable in the metastatic variant in comparison to its parental clone. In this respect the parental clone shows closer resemblance to the clone 5–8#1 with different growth properties and low metastatic potential than to its own metastatic variant. Furthermore, only the parental clone has a melibiose- and a mannan-binding protein of an apparent molecular weight of 64 kDa and 14 kDa, respectively. Rosette formation as model system for intercellular interaction reveals differences in the inhibition pattern with sugar between the two clones 5–8#1 and 5–20#20, whereas the metastatic variant 5–20#20 (s) exhibits drastically reduced capability to form rosettes. Initial experiments demonstrate the feasibility of drug targeting to transformed fibroblasts via carbohydrate-binding proteins.  相似文献   
Human medulloblastoma gangliosides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To establish a model system for the study of ganglioside metabolismof the human brain tumor, medulloblastoma, we have chemicallycharacterized the gangliosides of the Daoy cell line. Thesecells contain a high concentration of gangliosides (143 ±13 nmol LBSA/108 cells). The major species have been structurallyconfirmed to be GM2 (65.9%), GM3 (13.0%), and GDla (10.3%).Isolation of individual gangliosides homogeneous in both carbohydrateand ceramide moieties by reversed-phase HPLC and analysis bynegative-ion fast atom bombardment collisionally activated dissociationtandem mass spectrometry have allowed us to unequivocally characterizeceramide structures. In the case of GM2, 10 major ceramide subspecieswere identified: d18:1-hC16:0, d18:1-C16:0, d18:0-C16:0, d18:1-C18:0,d18:1-C20:0, d18:1-C22:0, d18:2-C24:1, d18: 1-C23:1, d18:1-C24:1,and d18:1-C24:0. Taken together with previous studies, thesefindings in human medullo-blastoma cells support the view thathigh expression and marked heterogeneity of ceramide structureare general characteristics of tumor gangliosides, moleculeswhich are shed by the tumor cells and which are biologicallyactive in vivo. medulloblastoma gangliosides ceramide structure HPLC mass spectrometry  相似文献   
Pichia stipitis NRRL Y-7124 has potential application in the fermentation of xylose-rich waste streams, produced by wood hydrolysis. Kinetic models of cell growth, death, and oxygen uptake were investigated in batch and oxygen-limited continuous cultures fed a rich synthetic medium. Variables included rates of dilution (D) and oxygen transfer (K(1)a) and concentrations of xylose (X), ethanol (E), and dissolved oxygen (C(ox)). Sustained cell growth required the presence of oxygen. Given excess xylose, specific growth rate (micro) was a Monod function of C(ox). Specific oxygen uptake rate was proportional to mu by a yield coefficient relating biomass production to oxygen consumption; but oxygen uptake for maintenance was negligible. Thus steady-state C(OX) depended only on D, while steady-state biomass concentration was controlled by both D and K(1)a. Given excess oxygen, cells grew subject to Monod limitation by xylose, which became inhibitory above 40 g/L. Ethanol inhibition was consistent with Luong's model, and 64. 3 g/L was the maximum ethanol concentration allowing growth. Actively growing cells died at a rate that was 20% of micro. The dying portion increased with E and X.  相似文献   
alpha-Galactosidase from soybean (Glycine max) was purified by a five-step procedure. The enzyme's natural substrates, raffinose and stachyose, have K(m)'s of 3. 0 mM and 4. 79 mM, respectively. The products, galactose and sucrose, were measured after separation by liquid chromatography. Galactose is a competitive product inhibitor of stachyose and raffinose hydrolysis with a K(i) of 0. 12 mM. We determined these parameters by an integral kinetic approach. Stachyose hydrolysis gives a nearly constant level of raffinose shortly after hydrolysis begins. Thus, cleavage of the first alpha-(1,6)-bond in the tetrasaccharide is the rate-limiting step. Since the stachyose hydrolysis yields raffinose, soybean alpha-galactosidase simultaneously hydrolyzes two substrates. We present a novel approach for analyzing simultaneous substrate hydrolysis with competitive product inhibition by a modified integral rate expression. The experimentally found kinetic parameters are confirmed by solving the simultaneous equations which describe the hydrolysis. This technique may be applicable to other hydrolytic enzymes with multiple substrates.  相似文献   
Amphiphilic polymer conetworks (APCNs) are materials with a very large interface between their hydrophilic and hydrophobic phases due to their nanophase-separated morphologies. Proteins were found to enrich in APCNs by up to 2 orders of magnitude when incubated in aqueous protein solutions, raising the question of the driving force of protein uptake into APCNs. The loading of poly(2-hydroxyethyl acrylate)-linked by-poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PHEA-l-PDMS) with heme proteins (myoglobin, horseradish peroxidase, hemoglobin) and lipases was studied under variation of parameters such as incubation time, pH, concentration of the protein solution, and conetwork composition. Adsorption of enzymes to the uncharged interface is the main reason for protein uptake, resulting in protein loading of up to 23 wt %. Experimental results were supported by computation of electrostatic potential maps of a lipase, indicating that hydrophobic patches are responsible for the adsorption to the interface. The findings underscore the potential of enzyme-loaded APCNs in biocatalysis and as sensors.  相似文献   
Soybeans (Glycine max) contain an alpha-galactosidase that makes up a small fraction of the total protein of the seed. The properties of this enzyme are of interest because of its potential to convert the galactooligosaccharides, stachyose and raffinose, in soybean meal to sugars digestible in the human gastro intestinal tract and thereby increase potential uses of this vegetable protein source in human and animal foods. Study of this enzyme required the isolation of milligram quantities of electrophoretically pure protein from ground soybeans and therefore, scaleup of laboratory procedures by a factor of 300 times. Large scale acid precipitation, ammonium sulfate precipitation, and centrifugal recovery of the precipitated protein allowed alpha-galactosidase to be isolated from 45.5 kg soybean meal containing 17.1 kg protein, to obtain an enzyme extract with a specific activity of 90 to 100. A novel combination of strong anion exchange and cation exchange chromatography followed by Concanavalin-A affinity chromatography with a methyl alpha-D mannoside gradient gave alpha-galactosidase with an average specific activity of 56,000. Ion exchange chromatography preceding Concanavalin-A affinity chromatography allowed elimination of a relatively costly melibiose affinity chromatography step (which followed the Concanavalin-A column In the laboratory procedure) thereby making scaleup practical.  相似文献   
To attain Salmonella detection thresholds in spinach suspensions using enrichment media requires at least 24 hr. Separation and concentration of selected microorganisms via microfiltration and microfugation reduce time for sample preparation, especially when working with large volumes of vegetable suspensions. This facilitates accelerated detection of Salmonella in spinach suspensions, and may contribute to effectively monitoring this pathogen before it reaches the consumer. We report a microfiltration-based protocol for accelerated sample preparation to concentrate and recover ≤1 colony forming unit (CFU) Salmonella/g pathogen-free spinach. Store-bought samples of spinach and a spinach plant subjected to two environmental conditions (temperature and light exposure) during its production were tested. The overall procedure involves extraction with buffer, a short enrichment step, prefiltration using a nylon filter, crossflow hollow fiber microfiltration, and retentate centrifugation to bring microbial cells to detection levels. Based on 1 CFU Salmonella/g frozen spinach, and a Poisson distribution statistical analyses with 99% probability, we calculated that 3 hr of incubation, when followed by microfiltration, is sufficient to reach the 2 log concentration required for Salmonella detection within 7 hr. Longer enrichment times (5 hr or more) is needed for concentrations lower than 1 CFU Salmonella/g of ready to eat spinach. The recovered microbial cells were identified and confirmed as Salmonella using both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and plating methods. Different environmental conditions tested during production did not affect Salmonella viability; this demonstrated the broad adaptability of Salmonella and emphasized the need for methods that enable efficient monitoring of production for the presence of this pathogen.  相似文献   
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