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A quick test has been developed to identify phytopathogenic virus strains by variations in their photoluminescence parameters. When heated, the virus suspension shows a jumpwise drop or rise in fluorescence intensity caused by conformational changes in the macromolecules of the virion protein capsules. The relative value of the jump in fluorescence intensity and the temperature value at which the jump occurs are essentially strain-specific. The minimum time needed for one test is from 15 to 20 minutes.  相似文献   

The ability of a blood clot to modulate blood flow is determined by the clot’s resistance, which depends on its structural features. For a flow with arterial shear, we investigated the characteristic patterns relating to clot shape, size, and composition on the one hand, and its viscous resistance, intraclot axial flow velocity, and shear distributions on the other. We used microfluidic technology to measure the kinetics of platelet, thrombin, and fibrin accumulation at a thrombogenic surface coated with collagen and tissue factor (TF), the key clot-formation trigger. We subsequently utilized the obtained data to perform additional calibration and validation of a detailed computational fluid dynamics model of spatial clot growth under flow. We then ran model simulations to gain insights into the resistance of clots formed under our experimental conditions. We found that increased thrombogenic surface length and TF surface density enhanced the bulk thrombin and fibrin generation in a nonadditive, synergistic way. The height of the platelet deposition domain—and, therefore, clot occlusivity—was rather robust to thrombogenic surface length and TF density variations, but consistently increased with time. Clot viscous resistance was non-uniform and tended to be higher in the fibrin-rich, inner “core” region of the clot. Interestingly, despite intraclot structure and viscous resistance variations, intraclot flow velocity variations were minor compared to the abrupt decrease in flow velocity around the platelet deposition region. Our results shed new light on the connection between the structure of clots under arterial shear and spatiotemporal variations in their resistance to flow.

SUMMARY: The classification of protein sequences obtained from patients with various immunoglobulin-related conformational diseases may provide insight into structural correlates of pathogenicity. However, clinical data are very sparse and, in the case of antibody-related proteins, the collected sequences have large variability with only a small subset of variations relevant to the protein pathogenicity (function). On this basis, these sequences represent a model system for development of strategies to recognize the small subset of function-determining variations among the much larger number of primary structure diversifications introduced during evolution. Under such conditions, most protein classification algorithms have limited accuracy. To address this problem, we propose a support vector machine (SVM)-based classifier that combines sequence and 3D structural averaging information. Each amino acid in the sequence is represented by a set of six physicochemical properties: hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity, volume, surface area, bulkiness and refractivity. Each position in the sequence is described by the properties of the amino acid at that position and the properties of its neighbors in 3D space or in the sequence. A structure template is selected to determine neighbors in 3D space and a window size is used to determine the neighbors in the sequence. The test data consist of 209 proteins of human antibody immunoglobulin light chains, each represented by aligned sequences of 120 amino acids. The methodology is applied to the classification of protein sequences collected from patients with and without amyloidosis, and indicates that the proposed modified classifiers are more robust to sequence variability than standard SVM classifiers, improving classification error between 5 and 25% and sensitivity between 9 and 17%. The classification results might also suggest possible mechanisms for the propensity of immunoglobulin light chains to amyloid formation.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Advances in DNA microarray technology and computational methods have unlocked new opportunities to identify 'DNA fingerprints', i.e. oligonucleotide sequences that uniquely identify a specific genome. We present an integrated approach for the computational identification of DNA fingerprints for design of microarray-based pathogen diagnostic assays. We provide a quantifiable definition of a DNA fingerprint stated both from a computational as well as an experimental point of view, and the analytical proof that all in silico fingerprints satisfying the stated definition are found using our approach. RESULTS: The presented computational approach is implemented in an integrated high-performance computing (HPC) software tool for oligonucleotide fingerprint identification termed TOFI. We employed TOFI to identify in silico DNA fingerprints for several bacteria and plasmid sequences, which were then experimentally evaluated as potential probes for microarray-based diagnostic assays. Results and analysis of approximately 150 in silico DNA fingerprints for Yersinia pestis and 250 fingerprints for Francisella tularensis are presented. AVAILABILITY: The implemented algorithm is available upon request.  相似文献   
We developed a metabolism-based systems biology framework to model drug-induced growth inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in murine macrophage cells. We used it to simulate ex vivo bacterial growth inhibition due to 3-nitropropionate (3-NP) and calculated the corresponding time- and drug concentration-dependent dose-response curves. 3-NP targets the isocitrate lyase 1 (ICL1) and ICL2 enzymes in the glyoxylate shunt, an essential component in carbon metabolism of many important prokaryotic organisms. We used the framework to in silico mimic drugging additional enzymes in combination with 3-NP to understand how synergy can arise among metabolic enzyme targets. In particular, we focused on exploring additional targets among the central carbon metabolism pathways and ascertaining the impact of jointly inhibiting these targets and the ICL1/ICL2 enzymes. Thus, additionally inhibiting the malate synthase (MS) enzyme in the glyoxylate shunt did not produce synergistic effects, whereas additional inhibition of the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD) enzyme showed a reduction in bacterial growth beyond what each single inhibition could achieve. Whereas the ICL1/ICL2-MS pair essentially works on the same branch of the metabolic pathway processing lipids as carbon sources (the glyoxylate shunt), the ICL1/ICL2-G3PD pair inhibition targets different branches among the lipid utilization pathways. This allowed the ICL1/ICL2-G3PD drug combination to synergistically inhibit carbon processing and ultimately affect cellular growth. Our previously developed model for in vitro conditions failed to capture these effects, highlighting the importance of constructing accurate representations of the experimental ex vivo macrophage system.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The annotation of genomes from next-generation sequencing platforms needs to be rapid, high-throughput, and fully integrated and automated. Although a few Web-based annotation services have recently become available, they may not be the best solution for researchers that need to annotate a large number of genomes, possibly including proprietary data, and store them locally for further analysis. To address this need, we developed a standalone software application, the Annotation of microbial Genome Sequences (AGeS) system, which incorporates publicly available and in-house-developed bioinformatics tools and databases, many of which are parallelized for high-throughput performance. METHODOLOGY: The AGeS system supports three main capabilities. The first is the storage of input contig sequences and the resulting annotation data in a central, customized database. The second is the annotation of microbial genomes using an integrated software pipeline, which first analyzes contigs from high-throughput sequencing by locating genomic regions that code for proteins, RNA, and other genomic elements through the Do-It-Yourself Annotation (DIYA) framework. The identified protein-coding regions are then functionally annotated using the in-house-developed Pipeline for Protein Annotation (PIPA). The third capability is the visualization of annotated sequences using GBrowse. To date, we have implemented these capabilities for bacterial genomes. AGeS was evaluated by comparing its genome annotations with those provided by three other methods. Our results indicate that the software tools integrated into AGeS provide annotations that are in general agreement with those provided by the compared methods. This is demonstrated by a >94% overlap in the number of identified genes, a significant number of identical annotated features, and a >90% agreement in enzyme function predictions.  相似文献   
We present a new method for developing individualized biomathematical models that predict performance impairment for individuals restricted to total sleep loss. The underlying formulation is based on the two-process model of sleep regulation, which has been extensively used to develop group-average models. However, in the proposed method, the parameters of the two-process model are systematically adjusted to account for an individual's uncertain initial state and unknown trait characteristics, resulting in individual-specific performance prediction models. The method establishes the initial estimates of the model parameters using a set of past performance observations, after which the parameters are adjusted as each new observation becomes available. Moreover, by transforming the nonlinear optimization problem of finding the best estimates of the two-process model parameters into a set of linear optimization problems, the proposed method yields unique parameter estimates. Two distinct data sets are used to evaluate the proposed method. Results of simulated data (with superimposed noise) show that the model parameters asymptotically converge to their true values and the model prediction accuracy improves as the number of performance observations increases and the amount of noise in the data decreases. Results of a laboratory study (82 h of total sleep loss), for three sleep-loss phenotypes, suggest that individualized models are consistently more accurate than group-average models, yielding as much as a threefold reduction in prediction errors. In addition, we show that the two-process model of sleep regulation is capable of representing performance data only when the proposed individualized model is used.  相似文献   


Protein structures are critical for understanding the mechanisms of biological systems and, subsequently, for drug and vaccine design. Unfortunately, protein sequence data exceed structural data by a factor of more than 200 to 1. This gap can be partially filled by using computational protein structure prediction. While structure prediction Web servers are a notable option, they often restrict the number of sequence queries and/or provide a limited set of prediction methodologies. Therefore, we present a standalone protein structure prediction software package suitable for high-throughput structural genomic applications that performs all three classes of prediction methodologies: comparative modeling, fold recognition, and ab initio. This software can be deployed on a user''s own high-performance computing cluster.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The pipeline consists of a Perl core that integrates more than 20 individual software packages and databases, most of which are freely available from other research laboratories. The query protein sequences are first divided into domains either by domain boundary recognition or Bayesian statistics. The structures of the individual domains are then predicted using template-based modeling or ab initio modeling. The predicted models are scored with a statistical potential and an all-atom force field. The top-scoring ab initio models are annotated by structural comparison against the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) fold database. Furthermore, secondary structure, solvent accessibility, transmembrane helices, and structural disorder are predicted. The results are generated in text, tab-delimited, and hypertext markup language (HTML) formats. So far, the pipeline has been used to study viral and bacterial proteomes.


The standalone pipeline that we introduce here, unlike protein structure prediction Web servers, allows users to devote their own computing assets to process a potentially unlimited number of queries as well as perform resource-intensive ab initio structure prediction.  相似文献   


Pathogen diagnostic assays based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology provide high sensitivity and specificity. However, the design of these diagnostic assays is computationally intensive, requiring high-throughput methods to identify unique PCR signatures in the presence of an ever increasing availability of sequenced genomes.  相似文献   
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