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The debated identity of a small forest bushbaby in Malawi is resolved by a short-term field study of the animals’ behavior. Locomotor styles, calling patterns, and the structure of advertising calls confirm that the species is Galago zanzibaricusrather than G. demidoffor G. thomasi.A detailed comparison of acoustic structure between the Malawi animals and G. zanzibaricusin Kenya demonstrates a degree of between-population variation, although the calls remain conservative in those parameters expected to aid recognition of conspecifics. Distribution records extend the known geographical range of G. zanzibaricusover most of the northern half of Malawi. Further studies are required to link the animals from this region with either of the previously recognized subspecies: G. z. zanzibaricusfrom East Africa or G. z. grantifrom southern Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.  相似文献   
Informed consent to medical intervention is fundamental in both ethics and law. But in practice it is often not taken seriously in developing countries. This paper provides an appraisal of informed consent practices in Bangladesh. Following a review of the ethical and legal principles of informed consent, it assesses the degree to which doctors adhere to it in Bangladesh. Based on findings of non-compliance, it then investigates the reasons for such non-compliance through an appraisal of informed consent practices in Bangladesh and provides recommendations aimed at improving such practices. The significance of this paper lies in unveiling the interdependence between the ethical and legal traits of informed consent and their ramifications on strengthening the patient-oriented approach of duty to care.  相似文献   
BackgroundSimulium damnosum sensu lato (s.l.) blackflies transmit Onchocerca volvulus, a filarial nematode that causes human onchocerciasis. Human landing catches (HLCs) is currently the sole method used to estimate blackfly biting rates but is labour-intensive and questionable on ethical grounds. A potential alternative is to measure host antibodies to vector saliva deposited during bloodfeeding. In this study, immunoassays to quantify human antibody responses to S. damnosum s.l. saliva were developed, and the salivary proteome of S. damnosum s.l. was investigated.Methodology/Principal findingsBlood samples from people living in onchocerciasis-endemic areas in Ghana were collected during the wet season; samples from people living in Accra, a blackfly-free area, were considered negative controls and compared to samples from blackfly-free locations in Sudan. Blackflies were collected by HLCs and dissected to extract their salivary glands. An ELISA measuring anti-S. damnosum s.l. salivary IgG and IgM was optimized and used to quantify the humoral immune response of 958 individuals. Both immunoassays differentiated negative controls from endemic participants. Salivary proteins were separated by gel-electrophoresis, and antigenic proteins visualized by immunoblot. Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) was performed to characterize the proteome of S. damnosum s.l. salivary glands. Several antigenic proteins were recognized, with the major ones located around 15 and 40 kDa. LC–MS/MS identified the presence of antigen 5-related protein, apyrase/nucleotidase, and hyaluronidase.Conclusions/SignificanceThis study validated for the first time human immunoassays that quantify humoral immune responses as potential markers of exposure to blackfly bites. These assays have the potential to facilitate understanding patterns of exposure as well as evaluating the impact of vector control on biting rates. Future studies need to investigate seasonal fluctuations of these antibody responses, potential cross-reactions with other bloodsucking arthropods, and thoroughly identify the most immunogenic proteins.  相似文献   
Advances in the diagnosis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in wildlife hosts may benefit the development of sustainable approaches to the management of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. In the present study, three laboratories from two different countries participated in a validation trial to evaluate the reliability and reproducibility of a real time PCR assay in the detection and quantification of M. bovis from environmental samples. The sample panels consisted of negative badger faeces spiked with a dilution series of M. bovis BCG Pasteur and of field samples of faeces from badgers of unknown infection status taken from badger latrines in areas with high and low incidence of bovine TB (bTB) in cattle. Samples were tested with a previously optimised methodology. The experimental design involved rigorous testing which highlighted a number of potential pitfalls in the analysis of environmental samples using real time PCR. Despite minor variation between operators and laboratories, the validation study demonstrated good concordance between the three laboratories: on the spiked panels, the test showed high levels of agreement in terms of positive/negative detection, with high specificity (100%) and high sensitivity (97%) at levels of 10(5) cells g(-1) and above. Quantitative analysis of the data revealed low variability in recovery of BCG cells between laboratories and operators. On the field samples, the test showed high reproducibility both in terms of positive/negative detection and in the number of cells detected, despite low numbers of samples identified as positive by any laboratory. Use of a parallel PCR inhibition control assay revealed negligible PCR-interfering chemicals co-extracted with the DNA. This is the first example of a multi-laboratory validation of a real time PCR assay for the detection of mycobacteria in environmental samples. Field studies are now required to determine how best to apply the assay for population-level bTB surveillance in wildlife.  相似文献   
There are numerous PCR-based assays available to characterize bovine fecal pollution in ambient waters. The determination of which approaches are most suitable for field applications can be difficult because each assay targets a different gene, in many cases from different microorganisms, leading to variation in assay performance. We describe a performance evaluation of seven end-point PCR and real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays reported to be associated with either ruminant or bovine feces. Each assay was tested against a reference collection of DNA extracts from 247 individual bovine fecal samples representing 11 different populations and 175 fecal DNA extracts from 24 different animal species. Bovine-associated genetic markers were broadly distributed among individual bovine samples ranging from 39 to 93%. Specificity levels of the assays spanned 47.4% to 100%. End-point PCR sensitivity also varied between assays and among different bovine populations. For qPCR assays, the abundance of each host-associated genetic marker was measured within each bovine population and compared to results of a qPCR assay targeting 16S rRNA gene sequences from Bacteroidales. Experiments indicate large discrepancies in the performance of bovine-associated assays across different bovine populations. Variability in assay performance between host populations suggests that the use of bovine microbial source-tracking applications will require a priori characterization at each watershed of interest.The ability to discriminate between bovine and other sources of fecal contamination is necessary for the accurate evaluation of human health risks associated with agricultural runoff and focused water quality management to make waters safe for human use. Many methods have been proposed to identify bovine fecal pollution using a variety of different microbiology and molecular techniques. One of the most widely used approaches utilizes a PCR to amplify a gene target that is specifically found in a host population. Currently, there are numerous PCR-based assays for the detection and/or quantitative assessment of bovine fecal pollution available for microbial source-tracking (MST) applications (1, 5-7, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 23). These assays target genes ranging from mitochondrial DNA to ribosomal rRNA to other functional genes involved in microorganism-host interactions.The majority of the reported bovine-associated PCR assays target 16S rRNA genes from the order Bacteroidales. This bacterial group constitutes a large proportion of the normal gut microbiota of most animals, including bovines (28), and contains subpopulations closely associated with other animal hosts such as swine, horse, and human (1, 3, 6, 18, 24). Host-associated PCR-based assays targeting Bacteroidales genetic markers have been used to investigate the sources and levels of fecal pollution at a number of beaches and inland watersheds, with variable levels of success (10, 13, 22, 27). Researchers have postulated that differences in host animal age, health, diet, and geographic location may influence bacterial community structures in the bovine gastrointestinal tract (2, 9, 26). Without a priori knowledge of the potential representational bias introduced by such factors, it may be difficult to use these assays with confidence as indicators of bovine fecal pollution.Assay specificity and sensitivity and the prevalence and abundance of genetic marker determinations are typically estimated from the systematic testing of a collection of reference fecal sources collected from known animal sources. However, the characterization of assay performance has been limited, in most cases, to animal sources originating from a particular geographic region or industry, such as dairy or beef. The determination of assay performance across a range of different host populations is essential as the field moves toward the implementation of PCR-based host-associated fecal pollution assessment approaches.We report a performance study of seven PCR and quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays targeting Bacteroidales genes reported to be associated with either ruminant (e.g., bovine, goat, sheep, deer, and others) or bovine feces. Each assay was tested against a reference collection of DNA extracts from 247 individual bovine fecal samples representing 11 different populations. Assay specificity was determined by testing 175 fecal DNA extracts from 24 different animal species. For qPCR assays, the abundance of each genetic marker was measured within each bovine population and compared to quantities of Bacteroidales 16S rRNA genetic markers. These analyses indicated large discrepancies in assay performance across different bovine populations.  相似文献   
In the order Lipotyphla (Insectivora), certain reproductive features differ quite distinctly from the eutherian norms, and are of interest with regard to the evolution of mammalian gamete function and perhaps for questions of lipotyphlan phylogeny. As seen in one or more members of five lipotyphlan families (shrews, moles, hedgehogs, golden moles, tenrecs), these features can involve the configuration of the male tract including the penis, the morphology of the sperm head, the anatomy of the oviduct and the patterns of sperm transport within it, the character of the cumulus oophorus, and the way in which fertilising spermatozoa interact with the eggs. However, the picture is by no means uniform within the order. Reproductive idiosyncrasies occur variously in the different lipotyphlan families, and appear consistently and strikingly in shrews--the group studied most extensively. Compared to the patterns in most Eutheria, the most interesting anomalies in soricids include (a) the regulation of sperm transport to the site of fertilisation by oviduct crypts, whose arrangement can vary even according to species, (b) a circumscribed matrix-free cumulus oophorus that appears essential for fertilisation as the inducer of the acrosome reaction, (c) barbs on the acrosome-reacted sperm head by which it may attach to the zona pellucida. With regard to the bearing such reproductive traits might have on lipotyphlan systematics, the African mouse shrew (Myosorex varius) displays a mix of traits that characterize either crocidurine or soricine shrews, consistent with the proposal that it belongs in a more primitive tribe, Myosoricinae, or subfamily, the Crocidosoricinae, from which the crocidurine and soricine lines probably evolved. Moreover, although elephant shrews are assigned now to a separate order (Macroscelidea), they display several of the unusual reproductive features seen in lipotyphlans, particularly in chrysochlorids and tenrecs. On the other hand, if used as a phylogenetic yardstick, none of the reproductive features described serves to define the Lipotyphla as classically constituted within one order, nor necessarily all the relationships suggested by recent sequencing studies of nuclear and mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   
Although recent technological advances in DNA sequencing and computational biology now allow scientists to compare entire microbial genomes, comparisons of closely related bacterial species and individual isolates by whole-genome sequencing approaches remains prohibitively expensive for most laboratories. Here we report the development and testing of a biochemical approach for targeted sequencing of only those chromosomal regions that differ between two DNA preparations. The method, designated GFE (genome fragment enrichment) uses competitive solution hybridization and positive selection to obtain genomic DNA fragments that are present in one pool of fragments but not another. Repeated comparisons of the genomes of Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium led to the identification of 225 putative genome-specific DNA fragments. Species and strain variations within these fragments were confirmed by both experimental and bioinformatic analyses. The E. faecalis genome-specific sequences identified included both a preponderance of those predicted to encode surface-exposed proteins, as well as several previously described unique marker regions embedded within highly conserved rrn operons. The GFE strategy we describe efficiently identified genomic differences between two enterococcal genomes, and will be widely applicable for studying genetic variation among closely related bacterial species.  相似文献   
The coalescence of next-generation DNA sequencing methods, ecological perspectives, and bioinformatics analysis tools is rapidly advancing our understanding of the evolution and function of vertebrate-associated bacterial communities. Delineation of host-microbe associations has applied benefits ranging from clinical treatments to protecting our natural waters. Microbial communities follow some broad-scale patterns observed for macroorganisms, but it remains unclear how the specialization of intestinal vertebrate-associated communities to a particular host environment influences broad-scale patterns in microbial abundance and distribution. We analyzed the V6 region of 16S rRNA genes amplified from 106 fecal samples spanning Aves, Mammalia, and Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish). We investigated the interspecific abundance-occupancy relationship, where widespread taxa tend to be more abundant than narrowly distributed taxa, among operational taxonomic units (OTUs) within and among host species. In a separate analysis, we identified specialist OTUs that were highly abundant in a single host and rare in all other hosts by using a multinomial model without excluding undersampled OTUs a priori. We show that intestinal microbes in humans and other vertebrates display abundance-occupancy relationships, but because intestinal host-associated communities have undergone intense specialization, this trend is violated by a disproportionately large number of specialist taxa. Although it is difficult to distinguish the effects of dispersal limitations, host selection, historical contingency, and stochastic processes on community assembly, results suggest that intestinal bacteria can be shared among diverse hosts in ways that resemble the distribution of “free-living” bacteria in the extraintestinal environment.  相似文献   
The sanitary quality of recreational waters that may be impacted by sewage is assessed by enumerating fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) (Escherichia coli and enterococci); these organisms are found in the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and many other animals, and hence their presence provides no information about the pollution source. Microbial source tracking (MST) methods can discriminate between different pollution sources, providing critical information to water quality managers, but relatively little is known about factors influencing the decay of FIB and MST genetic markers following release into aquatic environments. An in situ mesocosm was deployed at a temperate recreational beach in the Mississippi River to evaluate the effects of ambient sunlight and biotic interactions (predation, competition, and viral lysis) on the decay of culture-based FIB, as well as molecularly based FIB (Entero1a and GenBac3) and human-associated MST genetic markers (HF183 and HumM2) measured by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). In general, culturable FIB decayed the fastest, while molecularly based FIB and human-associated genetic markers decayed more slowly. There was a strong correlation between the decay of molecularly based FIB and that of human-associated genetic markers (r2, 0.96 to 0.98; P < 0.0001) but not between culturable FIB and any qPCR measurement. Overall, exposure to ambient sunlight may be an important factor in the early-stage decay dynamics but generally was not after continued exposure (i.e., after 120 h), when biotic interactions tended to be the only/major influential determinant of persistence.  相似文献   
Assessment of health risk and fecal bacterial loads associated with human fecal pollution requires reliable host-specific analytical methods and a rapid quantification approach. We report the development of quantitative PCR assays for quantification of two recently described human-specific genetic markers targeting Bacteroidales-like cell surface-associated genes. Each assay exhibited a range of quantification from 10 to 1 × 106 copies of target DNA. For each assay, internal amplification controls were developed to detect the presence or absence of amplification inhibitors. The assays predominantly detected human fecal specimens and exhibited specificity levels greater than 97% when tested against 265 fecal DNA extracts from 22 different animal species. The abundance of each human-specific genetic marker in primary effluent wastewater samples collected from 20 geographically distinct locations was measured and compared to quantities estimated by real-time PCR assays specific for rRNA gene sequences from total Bacteroidales and enterococcal fecal microorganisms. Assay performances combined with the prevalence of DNA targets in sewage samples provide experimental evidence supporting the potential application of these quantitative methods for monitoring fecal pollution in ambient environmental waters.Waterborne diseases that originate from human fecal pollution remain a significant public health issue. As a result, a large number of methods have been developed to detect and quantify human fecal pollution (10, 12, 18, 20). The majority of these methods are based on real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays designed to estimate the concentrations of 16S rRNA gene sequences from various subpopulations within the order Bacteroidales. This bacterial order constitutes a large proportion of the normal gut microbiota of most animals, including humans (3, 15, 27). Bacterial 16S rRNA genes are useful as markers because they have relatively low mutation rates (7) and are typically present in multiple operons, increasing template DNA levels available for detection (2, 11, 17, 29). While several studies have demonstrated the value of Bacteroides 16S rRNA gene-based qPCR assays, currently available assays cannot discriminate between several animal sources closely associated with humans, including cats, dogs, and/or swine (10, 12, 18, 20). Alternative qPCR assays targeting genes directly involved in host-specific interactions may be capable of increased discrimination of fecal pollution sources (22, 23) and are needed to complement existing qPCR-based approaches used to identify sources of human fecal pollution.A recent metagenomic survey of a human fecal bacterial community using genome fragment enrichment has led to the identification of hundreds of candidate human fecal bacterium-specific DNA sequences (23). PCR assays targeting two gene sequences encoding a hypothetical protein potentially involved in remodeling of bacterial surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides (assay 19) and a putative RNA polymerase extracytoplasmic function sigma factor (assay 22) from Bacteroidales-like microorganisms exhibited a high level of specificity (100%) for human fecal material (23). However, it remained to be determined whether these reported chromosomal DNA sequences are abundant and uniform enough within human populations to be detected once diluted in the environment. On the basis of these considerations, the next steps toward the application of these gene sequences for water quality monitoring applications were to design qPCR assays for their detection and then to use these assays to evaluate the overall abundance and distribution of these sequences in human populations relative to those of rRNA gene sequences from different currently recognized fecal indicator bacterial groups.Here, we report the development of two qPCR assays for quantification of the human-specific DNA sequences targeted by previously reported PCR assays 19 and 22 (23). Method performance characteristics, including specificity, range of quantification (ROQ), limit of quantification, amplification efficiency, and analytical precision, were defined for each assay. An internal amplification control (IAC) was designed to monitor for the presence of inhibitors commonly associated with environmental sampling that can confound DNA target copy number estimations. Finally, the abundance of each DNA target in primary effluent wastewater samples representative of 20 geographically distinct human populations was measured by qPCR analysis. In addition, the abundances of these human-specific DNA genes in wastewater were compared to those of rRNA genes of Bacteroidales and enterococci, two general fecal indicator bacterial groups that have been widely used for water quality testing.  相似文献   
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