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Based on its proven anabolic effects on bone in osteoporosis patients, recombinant parathyroid hormone (PTH1-34) has been evaluated as a potential therapy for skeletal repair. In animals, the effect of PTH1-34 has been investigated in various skeletal repair models such as fractures, allografting, spinal arthrodesis and distraction osteogenesis. These studies have demonstrated that intermittent PTH1-34 treatment enhances and accelerates the skeletal repair process via a number of mechanisms, which include effects on mesenchymal stem cells, angiogenesis, chondrogenesis, bone formation and resorption. Furthermore, PTH1-34 has been shown to enhance bone repair in challenged animal models of aging, inflammatory arthritis and glucocorticoid-induced bone loss. This pre-clinical success has led to off-label clinical use and a number of case reports documenting PTH1-34 treatment of delayed-unions and non-unions have been published. Although a recently completed phase 2 clinical trial of PTH1-34 treatment of patients with radius fracture has failed to achieve its primary outcome, largely because of effective healing in the placebo group, several secondary outcomes are statistically significant, highlighting important issues concerning the appropriate patient population for PTH1-34 therapy in skeletal repair. Here, we review our current knowledge of the effects of PTH1-34 therapy for bone healing, enumerate several critical unresolved issues (e.g., appropriate dosing regimen and indications) and discuss the long-term potential of this drug as an adjuvant for endogenous tissue engineering.  相似文献   
In a previous paper we reported that arachidonic acid (20:4(n-6] strongly enhances the endothelial cell synthesis of prostaglandin I3 (PGI3) from eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5(n-3], in stimulating the cyclooxygenase rather than the prostacyclin synthase (Bordet et al. (1986) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 135, 403-410). In the present study, endothelial cell monolayers were co-incubated with exogenous 20:5(n-3) or docosatetraenoic acid (22:4(n-6], and n-6 lipoxygenase products of 20:4(n-6) or linoleic acid (18:2(n-6], namely 15-HPETE and 13-HPOD, respectively. Prostaglandins or dihomoprostaglandins were then measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Both hydroperoxides, up to 20 microM, stimulated the cyclooxygenation of 20:5(n-3) and 22:4(n-6), in particular the formation of PGI3 and dihomo-PGI2, respectively. Higher concentrations inhibited prostacyclin synthetase. In contrast, the reduced products of hydroperoxides, 15-HETE and 13-HOD, failed to stimulate these cyclooxygenations, 13-HPOD appeared more potent than 15-HPETE and the cyclooxygenation of 22:4(n-6) seemed to require higher amounts of hydroperoxides to be efficiently metabolized than 20:5(n-3). These data suggest that prostacyclin potential of endothelium might be enhanced by raising the peroxide tone.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequences of the entire gene family, comprising six genes, that encodes the Rubisco small subunit (rbcS) multigene family in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (common ice plant), were determined. Five of the genes are arranged in a tandem array spanning 20 kb, while the sixth gene is not closely linked to this array. The mature small subunit coding regions are highly conserved and encode four distinct polypeptides of equal lengths with up to five amino acid differences distinguishing individual genes. The transit peptide coding regions are more divergent in both amino acid sequence and length, encoding five distinct peptide sequences that range from 55 to 61 amino acids in length. Each of the genes has two introns located at conserved sites within the mature peptide-coding regions. The first introns are diverse in sequence and length ranging from 122 by to 1092 bp. Five of the six second introns are highly conserved in sequence and length. Two genes, rbcS-4 and rbcS-5, are identical at the nucleotide level starting from 121 by upstream of the ATG initiation codon to 9 by downstream of the stop codon including the sequences of both introns, indicating recent gene duplication and/or gene conversion. Functionally important regulatory elements identified in rbcS promoters of other species are absent from the upstream regions of all but one of the ice plant rbcS genes. Relative expression levels were determined for the rbcS genes and indicate that they are differentially expressed in leaves.  相似文献   
Busso, Thierry, Christian Denis, Régis Bonnefoy,André Geyssant, and Jean-René Lacour. Modeling ofadaptations to physical training by using a recursive least squaresalgorithm. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1685-1693, 1997.The present study assesses the usefulnessof a systems model with time-varying parameters for describing theresponses of physical performance to training. Data for two subjectswho undertook a 14-wk training on a cycle ergometer were used to testthe proposed model, and the results were compared with a model withtime-invariant parameters. Two 4-wk periods of intensive training wereseparated by a 2-wk period of reduced training and followed by a 4-wkperiod of reduced training. The systems input ascribed to the trainingdoses was made up of interval exercises and computed in arbitraryunits. The systems output was evaluated one to five times per week byusing the endurance time at a constant workload. The time-invariantparameters were fitted from actual performances by using the leastsquares method. The time-varying parameters were fitted by using arecursive least squares algorithm. The coefficients of determinationr2 were 0.875 and0.879 for the two subjects using the time-varying model, higher thanthe values of 0.682 and 0.666, respectively, obtained with thetime-invariant model. The variations over time in the model parametersresulting from the expected reduction in the residuals appearedgenerally to account for changes in responses to training. Such a modelwould be useful for investigating the underlying mechanisms ofadaptation and fatigue.

Dense-core granules represent an adaptation of specialized secretory cell to facilitate stimulus-regulated release of stored proteins. Such granules are a prominent feature of mammalian neuroendocrine and exocrine cells and are also well developed in the ciliates. In Tet-rahymena thermophila, the ability to generate mutants in dense-core granule biosynthesis and fusion presents a versatile system for dissecting steps in regulated exocytosis. We have previously shown that defective granules in such mutants could be characterized by several biochemical criteria, including buoyant density, which increases during maturation, and the degree of proteolytic processing of the content precursors. We have now used indirect immunofluorescence, taking advantage of a monoclonal antibody directed against a granule protein, to visualize the morphology and distribution of both granules and putative granule intermediates in mutant and wild-type cells. The results are consistent with the biochemical analysis and extend our characterization of the mutants, allowing us to distinguish four classes. In addition, the assay represents a powerful technique for diagnosis of new mutants. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Brief exposure to the protein neurotoxin, β-bungarotoxin, is known to disrupt neuromuscular transmission irreversibly by blocking the release of transmitter from the nerve terminal. This neurotoxin also has a phospholipase A2 activity, although phospholipases in general are not very toxic. To determine if the toxicity of this molecule might result from specific binding to neural tissue, we have looked for high affinity, saturable binding using 125I-labeled toxin. At low membrane protein concentration 125I-labeled toxin binding was directly proportional to the amount of membrane; at fixed membrane concentration 125I-labeled toxin showed saturable binding. It was unlikely that iodination markedly changed the toxin's properties since the iodinated toxin had a comparable binding affinity to that of native toxin as judged by competition experiments. Comparison of toxin binding to brain, liver and red blood cell membranes showed that all had high affinity binding sites with dissociation constants between one and two nanomolar. This is comparable to the concentrations previously shown to inhibit mitochondrial function. However, the density of these sites showed marked variation such that the density of sites was 13.0 pmol/mg protein for a brain membrane preparation, 2.4 pmol/mg for liver and 0.25 pmol/mg for red blood cell membranes.In earlier work we had shown that calcium uptake by brain mitochondria is inhibited at much lower toxin concentrations than is liver mitochondrial uptake. Both liver and brain mitochondria bind toxin specifically, but the density of 125I-labeled toxin binding sites on brain mitochondrial prepartions (3.3 ± 0.3 pmol/mg) exceeded by a factor of ten the density on liver mitochondrial preparations (0.3 ± 0.05 pmol/mg). It is also shown that the labeled toxin does not cross synaptosomal membranes, suggesting that mitochondria may not be the site of action of the toxin in vivo. We conclude the β-bungarotoxin is an enzyme which can bind specifically with high affinity to cell membranes.  相似文献   
In a search for inhibitors of all-trans retinoic acid (RA)-metabolising enzymes as potential agents for the treatment of skin conditions and cancer we have examined 2-(4-aminophenylmethyl)-6-hydroxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalen-1(2H)-one (5). Compound (5) is a moderate inhibitor of RA-metabolising enzymes in mammalian cadaverous tissue microsomes and homogenates as well as RA-induced enzymes in cultured human genital fibroblasts and HaCat cells. Overall (5) was more potent than or equipotent with ketoconazole, a standard inhibitor, in the cadaverous systems but less active towards the RA-induced cell culture systems. Examination of the data suggests that RA-induction generates metabolising enzymes not present in the cadaverous systems, which are more susceptible to inhibition by ketoconazole than (5).  相似文献   
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is associated with pulmonary hypoplasia and respiratory distress, which result in high mortality and morbidity. Although several transgenic mouse models of lung hypoplasia exist, the role of miRNAs in this phenotype is incompletely characterized. In this study, we assessed microRNA expression levels during the pseudoglandular to canalicular phase transition of normal human fetal lung development. At this critical time, when the distal respiratory portion of the airways begins to form, microarray analysis showed that the most significantly differentially expressed miRNA was miR-449a. Prediction algorithms determined that N-myc is a target of miR-449a and identified the likely miR-449a:N-myc binding sites, confirmed by luciferase assays and targeted mutagenesis. Functional ex vivo knock-down in organ cultures of murine embryonic lungs, as well as in ovo overexpression in avian embryonic lungs, suggested a role for miR-449a in distal epithelial proliferation. Finally, miR-449a expression was found to be abnormal in rare pulmonary specimens of human fetuses with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in the pseudoglandular or canalicular phase. This study confirms the conserved role of miR-449a for proper pulmonary organogenesis, supporting the delicate balance between expansion of progenitor cells and their terminal differentiation, and proposes the potential involvement of this miRNA in human pulmonary hypoplasia.  相似文献   
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