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In the 1990s a sharp decrease in nitrogen loading occurred in Estonian rivers, bringing about a reduction of the nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio (N:P ratio) in the large shallow lakes, Peipsi (3,555 km2, mean depth 7.1 m) and Võrtsjärv (270 km2, 2.8 m). The average mass ratio of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Võrtsjärv (45) was about twice as high as that in Peipsi (22). In Peipsi, the N2-fixing Gloeotrichia echinulata, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Anabaena species prevailed in the summer phytoplankton, while in Võrtsjärv the dominant cyanobacteria were Limnothrix planktonica, L. redekei and Planktolyngbya limnetica, which cannot fix N2; the main N2-fixing taxa Aphanizomenon skujae and Anabaena sp. seldom gained dominance. In May–October the critical TN:TP mass ratio, below which N2-fixing cyanobacteria (Nfix) achieved high biomasses, was ~40 in Võrtsjärv and ~30 in Peipsi. The percentages of both total cyanobacteria (CY) and Nfix (CY% and Nfix%) in Peipsi achieved their maximum values at an N:P mass ratio at or below 20 for both TN:TP and Nmin:SRP. In Võrtsjärv, the TN:TP supporting a high Nfix% was between 30 and 40 and the Nmin:SRP supporting this high percentage was in the same range as that in Peipsi (<20), though the maximum Nfix% values in Võrtsjärv (69%) were much lower than in Peipsi (96%). The Nmin:SRP ratio explained 77% of the variability in Nfix% in May–October. The temperature dependence of Nfix% approximated to the maximum function type, with an upper limiting value at a certain water temperature, and this was most distinct in May–October. The critical TN:TP ratios obtained from our study (roughly 30 for Peipsi and 40 for Võrtsjärv) are much higher than the Redfield N:P mass ratio routinely considered (7). Our results represent valuable guidelines for creating effective management strategies for large shallow lakes. They provide a basis for stressing the urgent need to decrease phosphorus loading and to keep the in-lake P concentration low, and not to implement nitrogen reduction measures without a simultaneous decrease of phosphorus concentration.  相似文献   
A set of six different diastereomeric hexapeptides RRASVA, each with a D-amino acid residue successively in the six positions, was synthesized and tested as substrates of protein kinase A. It was found that the peptide with D-Ser was neither a substrate, nor an inhibitor of the enzyme. The other five peptides were active as substrates with slightly lower kcat values than that of the all-L amino acid peptide. However, the apparent Km values increased by one to two orders of magnitude, especially when the second arginine or the alanine residue preceding the serine was substituted. The results are discussed.  相似文献   
The conversion of fatty acid hydroperoxides to allene epoxides is catalysed by a cytochrome P450 in plants. In contrast, in the coral Plexaura homomalla, a catalase-related hemoprotein fused to the lipoxygenase (LOX) was found to function as an allene oxide synthase. This work reports the homology-based RT-PCR cloning and functional expression of a Gersemia fruticosa analogue of the allene oxide synthase-lipoxygenase (AOS-LOX) fusion protein. The G. fruticosa mRNA codes for a protein with 84% sequence identity to the P. homomalla AOS-LOX. Our data indicate that the AOS-LOX fusion protein pathway is used by another coral and P. homomalla represents no exception.  相似文献   


Genetic engineering with luciferase reporter genes allows monitoring Trypanosoma brucei (T.b.) infections in mice by in vivo bioluminescence imaging (BLI). Until recently, luminescent T.b. models were based on Renilla luciferase (RLuc) activity. Our study aimed at evaluating red-shifted luciferases for in vivo BLI in a set of diverse T.b. strains of all three subspecies, including some recently isolated from human patients.

Methodology/Principal findings

We transfected T.b. brucei, T.b. rhodesiense and T.b. gambiense strains with either RLuc, click beetle red (CBR) or Photinus pyralis RE9 (PpyRE9) luciferase and characterised their in vitro luciferase activity, growth profile and drug sensitivity, and their potential for in vivo BLI. Compared to RLuc, the red-shifted luciferases, CBR and PpyRE9, allow tracking of T.b. brucei AnTaR 1 trypanosomes with higher details on tissue distribution, and PpyRE9 allows detection of the parasites with a sensitivity of at least one order of magnitude higher than CBR luciferase. With CBR-tagged T.b. gambiense LiTaR1, T.b. rhodesiense RUMPHI and T.b. gambiense 348 BT in an acute, subacute and chronic infection model respectively, we observed differences in parasite tropism for murine tissues during in vivo BLI. Ex vivo BLI on the brain confirmed central nervous system infection by all luminescent strains of T.b. brucei AnTaR 1, T.b. rhodesiense RUMPHI and T.b. gambiense 348 BT.


We established a genetically and phenotypically diverse collection of bioluminescent T.b. brucei, T.b. gambiense and T.b. rhodesiense strains, including drug resistant strains. For in vivo BLI monitoring of murine infections, we recommend trypanosome strains transfected with red-shifted luciferase reporter genes, such as CBR and PpyRE9. Red-shifted luciferases can be detected with a higher sensitivity in vivo and at the same time they improve the spatial resolution of the parasites in the entire body due to the better kinetics of their substrate D-luciferin.  相似文献   
Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (CDPK-1) was purified from maize seedlings, and its substrate specificity studied using a set of synthetic peptides derived from the phosphorylatable sequence RVLSRLHS15VRER of maize sucrose synthase 2. The decapeptide LARLHSVRER was found to be efficiently phosphorylated as a minimal substrate. The same set of peptides were found to be phosphorylated by mammalian protein kinase Cbeta (PKC), but showed low reactivity with protein kinase A (PKA). Proceeding from the sequence LARLHSVRER, a series of cellulose-membrane-attached peptides of systematically modified structure was synthesised. These peptides had hydrophobic (Ala, Leu) and ionic (Arg, Glu) amino acids substituted in each position. The phosphorylation of these substrates by CDPK-1 was measured and the substrate specificity of the maize protein kinase characterised by the consensus sequence motif A/L-5X-4R-3X-2X-1SX+1R+2Z+3R+4, where X denotes a position with no strict amino acid requirements and Z a position strictly not tolerating arginine compared with the other three varied amino acids. This motif had a characteristic sequence element RZR at positions +2 to +4 and closely resembled the primary structure of the sucrose synthase phosphorylation site. The sequence surrounding the phosphorylatable serine in this consensus motif was similar to the analogous sequence K/RXXS/TXK/R proposed for mammalian PKC, but different from the consensus motif RRXS/TX for PKA.  相似文献   
During the study period 1997–2007, the duration of the ice cover of Lake Peipsi, the largest freshwater lake in Estonia, was variable. The ice-break took place in mid-April instead of generally in May. Compared with data from 1960s onwards, a trend of shortening of the duration of ice-cover period is evident. In under-ice phytoplankton, diatoms, cryptophytes and flagellated chlorophytes predominated from March to June. In zooplankton, while thermophobic rotifers dominated in densities, copepods were dominant in biomass. The monthly sum of positive water temperatures correlated with the zooplankton in the following month and duration of the ice cover correlated with the biomass of all different zooplankton groups in May and June. The sum of water temperatures in April, May and June was positively correlated with the biomass of cladocerans and copepods, and negatively with the biomass of winter rotifers. Mild winters affected nitrogen and silica concentration positively and phosphorus concentration negatively.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to screen intestinal lactobacilli strains for their advantageous properties to select those that could be used for the development of novel gastrointestinal probiotics. Ninety-three isolates were subjected to screening procedures. Fifty-nine percent of the examined lactobacilli showed the ability to auto-aggregate, 97% tolerated a high concentration of bile (2% w/v), 50% survived for 4 h at pH 3.0, and all strains were unaffected by a high concentration of pancreatin (0.5% w/v). One Lactobacillus buchneri strain was resistant to tetracycline. None of the tested strains caused lysis of human erythrocytes. Six potential probiotic strains were selected for safety evaluation in a mouse model. Five of 6 strains caused no translocation, and were considered safe. In conclusion, several strains belonging to different species and fermentation groups were found that have properties required for a potential probiotic strain. This study was the first phase of a multi-phase study aimed to develop a novel, safe and efficient prophylactic and therapeutic treatment system against gastrointestinal infections using genetically modified probiotic lactobacilli.  相似文献   
Prostaglandins, well-known lipid mediators in vertebrate animals, have also shown to play certain regulatory roles in insects and other arthropods acting on reproduction, immune system and ion transport. However, knowledge of their biosynthetic pathways in arthropods is lacking. In the present study, we report the cloning and expression of cyclooxygenase (COX) from amphipod crustaceans Gammarus spp and Caprella spp. The amphipod COX proteins contain key residues shown to be important for cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activities. Differently from all other known cyclooxygenases the N-terminal signal sequence of amphipod enzymes is not cleaved during protein expression in mammalian cells. The C-terminus of amphipod COX is shorter than that of mammalian isoforms and lacks the KDEL(STEL)-type endoplasmic reticulum retention/retrieval signal. Despite that, amphipod COX proteins are N-glycosylated and locate similarly to the vertebrate COX on the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope. Both amphipod COX mRNAs encode functional cyclooxygenases that catalyze the transformation of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins. Using bioinformatic analysis we identified a COX-like gene from the human body louse Pediculus humanus corporis genome that encodes a protein with about 30% sequence identity with human COX-1 and COX-2. Although the COX gene is known to be absent from genomes of Drosophila sp., Aedes aegypti, Bombyx mori, and other insects, our studies establish the existence of the COX gene in certain lineages within the insect world.  相似文献   
The disruption of intestinal microbiota is an important risk factor for the development of Clostridium difficile caused antibiotic associated diarrhea (AAD). The role of intestinal lactoflora in protection against C. difficile is unclear. Fecal samples (n = 74) from AAD patients were investigated for C. difficile and lactobacilli by culture and real-time PCR. Lactobacilli were identified by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR) and sequencing of 16S rRNA. In C. difficile negative cases we found somewhat higher counts of intestinal Lactobacilli (5.02 vs. 2.15 CFU log10/g; p = 0.053) by culture and more frequently Lactobacillus plantarum (33.3% vs. 9.4%; p = 0.03) as compared with positive ones. Results of total counts of lactobacilli comparing Estonian and Norwegian samples were conflicting by culture and PCR. We found higher colonization of Norwegian AAD patients with L. plantarum (21% vs. 5%, p = 0.053) and Estonians with Lactobacillus gasseri (19% vs. 2%, p = 0.023). Particular lactobacilli (e.g. L. plantarum) may have a role in protection against C. difficile, whereas the meaning of total counts of lactobacilli remains questionable. In different persons and nations, different lactobacilli species may have a protective role against C. difficile.  相似文献   
Several studies have suggested the association of disturbed genital tract microbiota with infertility. Our aim was to clarify the influence of sexual intercourse on partner’s genital tract microbiota in infertile couples. Seventeen couples were studied, and in 5 men inflammatory prostatitis (IP) was diagnosed. Semen samples were collected during menstruation of the female counterpart, two self-collected vaginal samples were taken 3–5 days later – before intercourse and 8–12 h after intercourse. Ureaplasma parvum was found in 59% of women, its prevalence was higher in women whose partner had IP, as well as in half of their male partners. Sexual intercourse caused significant shifts in vaginal microbiota – increase of Nugent score and shifts in cultured microbiota (emergence and disappearance of several species). These changes were less expressed in the presence of normal vaginal microbiota but more prominent in the partners of IP men. These changes may interfere with fertilization.  相似文献   
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