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Interleukin 4 (IL-4) is an anti-inflammatory cytokine, which regulates balance between TH1 and TH2 immune response, immunoglobulin class switching and humoral immunity. Polymorphisms in this gene have been reported to affect the risk of infectious and autoimmune diseases.


We have analyzed three regulatory IL-4 polymorphisms; -590C>T, -34C>T and 70 bp intron-3 VNTR, in 4216 individuals; including: (1) 430 ethnically matched case-control groups (173 severe malaria, 101 mild malaria and 156 asymptomatic); (2) 3452 individuals from 76 linguistically and geographically distinct endogamous populations of India, and (3) 334 individuals with different ancestry from outside India (84 Brazilian, 104 Syrian, and 146 Vietnamese).


The -590T, -34T and intron-3 VNTR R2 alleles were found to be associated with reduced malaria risk (P<0.001 for -590C>T and -34C>T, and P = 0.003 for VNTR). These three alleles were in strong LD (r2>0.75) and the TTR2 (-590T, -34T and intron-3 VNTR R2) haplotype appeared to be a susceptibility factor for malaria (P = 0.009, OR = 0.552, 95% CI = 0.356 –0.854). Allele and genotype frequencies differ significantly between caste, nomadic, tribe and ancestral tribal populations (ATP). The distribution of protective haplotype TTR2 was found to be significant (χ2 3 = 182.95, p-value <0.001), which is highest in ATP (40.5%); intermediate in tribes (33%); and lowest in caste (17.8%) and nomadic (21.6%).


Our study suggests that the IL-4 polymorphisms regulate host susceptibility to malaria and disease progression. TTR2 haplotype, which gives protection against malaria, is high among ATPs. Since they inhabited in isolation and mainly practice hunter-gatherer lifestyles and exposed to various parasites, IL-4 TTR2 haplotype might be under positive selection.  相似文献   
"Critical Design Ethnography: Designing for Change" is reviewed in terms of action research under five dimensions: knowledge in practice, participation and democracy, many ways of knowing, emergence, and worthwhile purposes. Particular attention is paid to the tensions between the design agenda and the empowerment agenda.  相似文献   


Meningococcal factor H binding protein (fHbp) is a promising vaccine candidate. Anti-fHbp antibodies can bind to meningococci and elicit complement-mediated bactericidal activity directly. The antibodies also can block binding of the human complement down-regulator, factor H (fH). Without bound fH, the organism would be expected to have increased susceptibility to bacteriolysis. Here we describe bactericidal activity of two anti-fHbp mAbs with overlapping epitopes in relation to their different effects on fH binding and bactericidal activity.

Methods and Principal Findings

Both mAbs recognized prevalent fHbp sequence variants in variant group 1. Using yeast display and site-specific mutagenesis, binding of one of the mAbs (JAR 1, IgG3) to fHbp was eliminated by a single amino acid substitution, R204A, and was decreased by K143A but not by R204H or D142A. The JAR 1 epitope overlapped that of previously described mAb (mAb502, IgG2a) whose binding to fHbp was eliminated by R204A or R204H substitutions, and was decreased by D142A but not by K143A. Although JAR 1 and mAb502 appeared to have overlapping epitopes, only JAR 1 inhibited binding of fH to fHbp and had human complement-mediated bactericidal activity. mAb502 enhanced fH binding and lacked human complement-mediated bactericidal activity. To control for confounding effects of different mouse IgG subclasses on complement activation, we created chimeric mAbs in which the mouse mAb502 or JAR 1 paratopes were paired with human IgG1 constant regions. While both chimeric mAbs showed similar binding to fHbp, only JAR 1, which inhibited fH binding, had human complement-mediated bactericidal activity.


The lack of human complement-mediated bactericidal activity by anti-fHbp mAb502 appeared to result from an inability to inhibit binding of fH. These results underscore the importance of inhibition of fH binding for anti-fHbp mAb bactericidal activity.  相似文献   
Human secretory component has seven putative sites for N-linked glycosylation. From tryptic and Glu-C digests we have isolated peptides encompassing asparagines 65, 72, 117, 168, 403, 451 and 481. Analysis by on line HPLC-electrospray mass spectrometry indicated that these residues were fully glycosylated and that the major carbohydrate moieties were far less diversified in composition than expected. Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry performed on oligosaccharides released by peptide-N-glycosidase F treatment of fractionated and unfractionated SC digests showed the following glycan compositions: Fuc(2)Hex(5)HexNAc(4), Fuc(3)Hex(5)HexNAc(4), NeuAcFucHex(5)HexNAc(4), NeuAcFuc(2)Hex(5)HexNAc(4), NeuAc(2)Hex(5)HexNAc4 and NeuAc(2)FucHex(5)HexNAc(4). Three of these oligosaccharides are the major carbohydrate moieties in human lactoferrin. A possible biological role of the secretory component glycans in the protection of mucosal surfaces is discussed.  相似文献   
Extracellular vesicles released from pathogens may alter host cell functions. We previously demonstrated the involvement of host cell‐derived microvesicles (MVs) during early interaction between Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclic trypomastigote (META) stage and THP‐1 cells. Here, we aim to understand the contribution of different parasite stages and their extracellular vesicles in the interaction with host cells. First, we observed that infective host cell‐derived trypomastigote (tissue culture‐derived trypomastigote [TCT]), META, and noninfective epimastigote (EPI) stages were able to induce different levels of MV release from THP‐1 cells; however, only META and TCT could increase host cell invasion. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy revealed that THP‐1‐derived MVs can fuse with parasite‐derived MVs. Furthermore, MVs derived from the TCT–THP‐1 interaction showed a higher fusogenic capacity than those from META– or EPI–THP‐1 interaction. However, a higher presence of proteins from META (25%) than TCT (12%) or EPI (5%) was observed in MVs from parasite–THP‐1 interaction, as determined by proteomics. Finally, sera from patients with chronic Chagas disease at the indeterminate or cardiac phase differentially recognized antigens in THP‐1‐derived MVs resulting only from interaction with infective stages. The understanding of intracellular trafficking and the effect of MVs modulating the immune system may provide important clues about Chagas disease pathophysiology.  相似文献   
Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) infrared absorbance spectroscopy of proteins in aqueous solution is much easier to perform than transmission spectroscopy, where short path‐length cells need to be assembled reproducibly. However, the shape of the resulting ATR infrared spectrum varies with the refractive index of the sample and the instrument configuration. Refractive index in turn depends on the absorbance of the sample. In this work, it is shown that a room temperature triglycine sulfate detector and a ZnSe ATR unit can be used to collect reproducible spectra of proteins. A simple method for transforming the protein ATR spectrum into the shape of the transmission spectrum is also given, which proceeds by approximating a Kramers‐Krönig–determined refractive index of water as a sum of four linear components across the amide I and II regions. The light intensity at the crystal surface (with 45° incidence) and its rate of decay away from the surface is determined as a function of the wave number–dependent refractive index as well as the decay of the evanescent wave from the surface. The result is a single correction factor at each wave number. The spectra were normalized to a maximum of 1 between 1600 cm?1 and 1700 cm?1 and a self‐organizing map secondary structure fitting algorithm, SOMSpec, applied using the BioTools reference set. The resulting secondary structure estimates are encouraging for the future of ATR spectroscopy for biopharmaceutical characterization and quality control applications.  相似文献   
We studied the impacts of eland density on the physiognomy of Combretum apiculatum . We divided the study area into two zones: high eland density zone (≤8 km from watering point) and low eland density zone (≥8 km from watering point). Eland density was determined in each zone using walking transects. Combretum apiculatum height and diameter and levels of eland damage were measured in each zone. Eland density was 1.92 and 0.86 km−2 for high and low-density zones respectively. We recorded 239 C. apiculatum trees, 138 in low-density zone and 101 in high-density zone. Mean C. apiculatum height was 2.88 ± 0.67 m and 5.05 ± 1.04 m for high and low eland density zones respectively. High eland density prevented the recruitment of C. apiculatum from the 2.6–5.5 m height class to the >5.6 m height class. Although extensive tree damage occurred at <2.5 m height stratum, C. apiculatum showed resilience as recruitment into the 2.6–5.5 m height class continued. We concluded that high eland density prevents recruitment of C. apiculatum to higher height classes while at the same time causing extensive tree damage at lower height strata.  相似文献   
The N-linked oligosaccharides of frog (Rana pipiens) rhodopsinwere analysed by sequential exoglycosidase digestion and gelfiltration chromatography, following reductive tritiation. Inaddition, selected tryptic glycopeptides obtained from frogretinal rod outer segment membranes were examined by electrospraymass spectrometry (ES-MS), fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry(FAB-MS), amino acid sequence and composition analysis, andcarbohydrate composition analysis. The amino acid sequence datademonstrated that the glycopeptides were derived from rhodopsinand confirmed the presence of twoN-glycosylation sites, at residuesAsn2 and Asn15. The predominant glycan (60% of total) had thestructure GlcNAcß1–2Man1–3(Man1–6)Manß1–4GlcNAcß1–4GlcNAc-(Asn),with the remaining structures containing 1–3 additionalhexose residues, as reported previously for bovine rhodopsin.Unlike bovine rhodopsin, however, a sizable fraction of thetotal giycans of frog rhodopsin also contained sialic acid (NeuAc),with the sialylated oligosaccharides being present exclusivelyat the Asn2 site. FAB-MS analysis of oligosaccharides releasedfrom the Asn2 site gave, among other signals, an abundant quasimolecularion corresponding to a glycan of composition NeuAc1Hex6HexNAc3(where Hex is hexose and HexNAc is N-acetylhexosamine), consistentwith a hybrid structure. The potential biological implicationsof these results are discussed in the context of rod outer segmentmembrane renewal. glycoforms oligosaccharide structure rhodopsin  相似文献   
N-Type glycans containing phosphorylcholine (PC-glycans), unusual structures found in the important human pathogens filarial nematodes, represent a novel target for chemotherapy. Previous work in our laboratories produced compositional information on the PC-glycan of ES-62, a secreted protein of the rodent parasite Acanthocheilonema viteae. In particular, we established using fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (MS) analysis that PC was attached to a glycan with a trimannosyl core, with and without core fucosylation, carrying between one and four additional N-acetylglucosamine residues. In the present study, we demonstrate that this structure is conserved among filarial nematodes, including the parasite of humans, Onchocerca volvulus, for which new drugs are most urgently sought. Furthermore, by employing a variety of procedures, including collision-activated dissociation MS-MS analysis and matrix-assisted laser desorption MS analysis, we reveal that surprisingly, filarial nematodes also contain N-linked glycans, the antennae of which are composed of chito-oligomers. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such structures in a eukaryotic glycoprotein.  相似文献   
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