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Exocelina manokwariensis sp. n. from West Papua is placed into the Exocelina ekari-group based on the structure of its male genitalia. The new species is described, including its three subspecies, from the mainland of West Papua, Waigeo Island, Batanta and Salawati Islands, and Bomberai peninsula. An identification key to the subspecies as well as data on species distribution are provided.  相似文献   
The origin of biodiversity in the Neotropics predominantly stems either from Gondwana breakup or late dispersal events from the Nearctic region. Here, we investigate the biogeography of a diving beetle clade whose distribution encompasses parts of the Oriental region, the Indo‐Australian archipelago (IAA) and the Neotropics. We reconstructed a dated molecular phylogeny, inferred diversification dynamics and estimated ancestral areas under different biogeographic assumptions. For the Oriental region and the IAA, we reveal repeated and complex colonization patterns out of Australia, across the major biogeographic lines in the region (e.g. Wallace's Line). The timing of colonization events across the IAA broadly coincides with the proposed timing of the formation of major geographic features in the region. Our phylogenetic hypothesis recovers Neotropical species nested in two derived clades. We recover an origin of the group in the early Eocene about 55 million yr ago, long after the break‐up of Gondwana initiated, but before a complete separation of Australia, Antarctica and the Neotropics. When allowing an old Gondwanan ancestor, we reconstruct an intricate pattern of Gondwanan vicariance and trans‐Pacific long‐distance dispersal from Australia toward the Neotropics. When restricting the ancestral range to more plausible geological area combinations in the Eocene, we infer an Australian origin with two trans‐Pacific long‐distance dispersal events toward the Neotropics. Our results support on one hand a potential Gondwanan signature associated with regional extinctions in the Cenozoic and with Antarctica serving as a link between Australia and the Neotropics. On the other hand, they also support a trans‐Pacific dispersal of these beetles toward the Andean coast in the Oligocene.  相似文献   
The habitat template concept applied to a freshwater system indicates that lotic species, or those which occupy permanent habitats along stream courses, are less dispersive than lentic species, or those that occur in more ephemeral aquatic habitats. Thus, populations of lotic species will be more structured than those of lentic species. Stream courses include both flowing water and small, stagnant microhabitats that can provide refuge when streams are low. Many species occur in these microhabitats but remain poorly studied. Here, we present population genetic data for one such species, the tropical diving beetle Exocelina manokwariensis (Dytiscidae), sampled from six localities along a ~300 km transect across the Birds Head Peninsula of New Guinea. Molecular data from both mitochondrial (CO1 sequences) and nuclear (ddRAD loci) regions document fine‐scale population structure across populations that are ~45 km apart. Our results are concordant with previous phylogenetic and macroecological studies that applied the habitat template concept to aquatic systems. This study also illustrates that these diverse but mostly overlooked microhabitats are promising study systems in freshwater ecology and evolutionary biology. With the advent of next‐generation sequencing, fine‐scale population genomic studies are feasible for small nonmodel organisms to help illuminate the effect of habitat stability on species’ natural history, population structure and geographic distribution.  相似文献   
Recent theoretical advances have hypothesized a central role of habitat persistence on population genetic structure and resulting biodiversity patterns of freshwater organisms. Here, we address the hypothesis that lotic species, or lineages adapted to comparably geologically stable running water habitats (streams and their marginal habitats), have high levels of endemicity and phylogeographic structure due to the persistent nature of their habitat. We use a nextRAD DNA sequencing approach to investigate the population structure and phylogeography of a putatively widespread New Guinean species of diving beetle, Philaccolilus ameliae (Dytiscidae). We find that P. ameliae is a complex of morphologically cryptic, but geographically and genetically well‐differentiated clades. The pattern of population connectivity is consistent with theoretical predictions associated with stable lotic habitats. However, in two clades, we find a more complex pattern of low population differentiation, revealing dispersal across rugged mountains and watersheds of New Guinea up to 430 km apart. These results, while surprising, were also consistent with the original formulation of the habitat template concept by Southwood, involving lineage‐idiosyncratic evolution in response to abiotic factors. In our system, low population differentiation might reflect a young species in a phase of range expansion utilizing vast available habitat. We suggest that predictions of life history variation resulting from the dichotomy between lotic and lentic organisms require more attention to habitat characterization and microhabitat choice. Our results also underpin the necessity to study fine‐scale processes but at a larger geographical scale, as compared to solely documenting macroecological patterns, to understand ecological drivers of regional biodiversity. Comprehensive sampling especially of tropical lineages in complex and threatened environments such as New Guinea remains a critical challenge.  相似文献   
Twenty three new species of Exocelina Broun, 1886 from New Guinea are described herein: Exocelina bewaniensis sp. n., Exocelina bismarckensis sp. n., Exocelina craterensis sp. n., Exocelina gorokaensis sp. n., Exocelina herowana sp. n., Exocelina jimiensis sp. n., Exocelina kisli sp. n., Exocelina ksionseki sp. n., Exocelina lembena sp. n., Exocelina mantembu sp. n., Exocelina michaelensis sp. n., Exocelina pinocchio sp. n., Exocelina pseudoastrophallus sp. n., Exocelina pseudobifida sp. n., Exocelina pseudoedeltraudae sp. n., Exocelina pseudoeme sp. n., Exocelina sandaunensis sp. n., Exocelina simbaiarea sp. n., Exocelina skalei sp. n., Exocelina tabubilensis sp. n., Exocelina tariensis sp. n., Exocelina vovai sp. n., and Exocelina wannangensis sp. n. All of them have been found to belong to the Exocelina ekari-group. An identification key to all known species of the group is provided, and important diagnostic characters (habitus, color, male antennae, protarsomeres 4–5, median lobes, and parameres) are illustrated. Data on the distribution of the new species and some already described species are given.  相似文献   
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