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Metal coordinating propertiesof DOC (dissolved organic carbon), and henceits influence on heavy metal release andmineral weathering, depend on the compositionand properties of DOC. Tree species producelitter with different chemical composition anddegradability, and these differences mightinfluence the composition and reactivity of DOCin soil solutions. Accordingly, analysis ofcomposition and reactivity of DOC in soilsolution samples collected by centrifugationfrom 16 forest soil O horizons from the fourtree species beech (Fagus sylvatica L.),oak (Quercus robur L.), grand fir (Abies grandis Lindl.), and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) on two clayey and twosandy soils were carried out. The compositionand properties of DOC were determined bycapillary zone electrophoresis, acid-basetitration, Cu ion titration, total elementalanalysis, IR and UV spectroscopy, and metalrelease assays. Concentrations of DOC rangedfrom 20 to 163 mM with pH ranging from 4.6 to7.3. Norway spruce produced the highest DOCconcentration, and the lowest pH. Carbon inlow-molecular-weight aliphatic carboxylic acids(LACA) accounted for less than 6% of DOC withformic and acetic acids as the most abundantLACAs. The DOC was cation exchanged and protonsaturated to obtain comparable forms of DOC.Titratable carboxylic acid and phenolic groupswere in the range 51 to 82 and 20 to64 mmol·mol–1 C, respectively, with fewerphenolic groups in grand fir DOC as the onlysignificant difference. Infrared spectra offreeze-dried DOC samples suggest low contentsof aromatic C in the DOC especially from grandfir stands. Stability constants, log K of Cu-DOC complexes, determined by Cu ion titrationof DOC samples with fitting of the data to atwo-site binding model, were in the range 5.63to 6.21 for the strong binding sites and 3.58to 4.10 for the weak sites, but with nosignificant effects of tree species or site.Freeze-dried DOC samples were found to consistof 41 to 45% C, 38 to 49% O, 4.4 to 5.4% Hand 1.2 to 2.0% N and C/N ratios in the range26 to 42. Reactivity of DOC in terms of releaserates of Cd, Cu and Fe cations from a soilsample (flow cell experiments) showed nosignificant differences among DOC samples fromdifferent tree species and soil types.Apparently, only minor differences occur inchemical composition and reactivity ofequivalent concentrations of DOC in forestfloor soil solutions irrespective of origin,i.e. four tree species and two soil types. Soilsolution pH and the concentration of DOCproduced by various tree species are thecritical parameters when distinguishing amongtree species in relation to heavy metal releaseand mineral weathering.  相似文献   
Fertilization of SRC Willow,I: Biomass Production Response   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Short rotation coppice (SRC) willow is often regarded as one of the most promising crops to increase biomass production and thereby meet the growing demand for renewable energy. This study is based on the hypotheses that biomass production of SRC willow responds positively to increasing doses of nitrogen, and that similar biomass production response can be achieved by use of mineral fertilizer, sewage sludge and animal manure. A 2-year experiment was established with the clone Tordis grown on a sandy soil in northern Jutland, Denmark. The experiment included mineral fertilizer, sludge and manure, and treatments of different doses up to 360 kg nitrogen ha?1. The fertilization led to a modest but significant increase in biomass production. The largest production of 11.9 oven dried tons/ha/year was obtained for the application of 60 kg nitrogen ha?1 annually. Higher doses did not lead to increased biomass production; in fact, production seemed to decline with increasing fertilization application (not significant). We found no difference in production between different types of fertilizers. The limited response of the fertilization may be caused by a high fertility of the soil due to former agricultural fertilization. The number of sagging shoots increased significantly with increasing nitrogen dose.  相似文献   
Knowledge of forest history is crucial for understanding the processes, structures, functions and current status of forest ecosystems. An enhanced understanding of the long history of disturbance factors affecting forest development and thereby the present state of the forest is particularly valuable when working with forest management, conservation and restoration. Integrating the legacies of past disturbances—natural as well as anthropogenic—into conservation and management strategies is likely to favour natural values and ecosystem services. A case-study in Gribskov, Denmark, using palaeoecological data and historical source materials explores the lessons learned from the past and leads to the suggestion of a conceptual model of how information from the past can increase understanding of long-term ecological processes.  相似文献   
Soil solution chemistry, soil acidity andcomposition of adsorbed cations were determinedin two soil profiles developed under a mixedspruce (Picea abies and Piceasitchensis) stand and in one soil profiledeveloped under an oak (Quercus robur)stand. Soils under spruce were classified asSpodosols and soils under oak were classifiedas Inceptisols. All profiles were developed inthe same parent material; a Saahlian sandy tillcontaining less than 2% clay. In the mineralsoil, the contribution from mineral surfaces tothe total cation-exchange capacity (CECt)was estimated to be less than 3%. Soilsolution pH and the percent base saturation ofCECt [%BS = 100 (2Ca + 2Mg + Na + K)CECt –1] were substantially lower inthe upper 35–40 cm of the two Spodosols, ascompared to the Inceptisol. The total amount ofsoil adsorbed base cations (BC) did not differamong the three profiles on an area basis downto 1 m soil depth. Thus, soil acidification ofCECt due to net losses of BC could notexplain differences in soil pH and %BS amongthe soil profiles. A weak acid analogue, takingthe pH-effect of metal complexation intoconsideration, combined with soil solutionionic strength as a covariate, could describeboth the pH variation by depth within soilprofiles and pH differences between theInceptisol and the two Spodosol profiles. Ourresults confirm and extend earlier findingsfrom O and E horizons of Spodosols that theextent to which organic acid groups react withAl minerals to form Al-SOM complexes is a majorpH-buffering process in acidic forest soils. Wesuggest that an increasing Al-saturation of SOMis the major reason for the widely observed pHincrease by depth in acidic forest soils with apH less than approximately 4.5. Our resultsstrongly imply that changes in mass of SOM, theionic strength in soil solution and therelative composition of soil adsorbed Al and Hneed to be considered when the causality behindchanges in pH and base saturation isinvestigated.  相似文献   
To investigate the effect of tree species and soil properties on organic matter accumulation and associated nutrients, an area-based sampling of the forest floor was carried out in a 28 years old species trial including Norway spruce, Douglas fir, beech, and common oak at two sites, a poor and sandy soil, and a fertile loamy soil.The accumulation of C, N and P in the forest floor was significantly higher at the sandy site than at the loamy site under all species. At the loamy site, oak was characterized by lesser accumulation of C, N and P than the other species. Remarkably, the C/N-ratios showed no substantial differences, whereas the C/P-ratios were significantly higher at the sandy site for all species. pH was significantly lower at the sandy site for all species, and among the species, pH was lower in the conifer forest floors than in the broadleave forest floors. The concentration of ammonium, nitrate and phosphate in the soil solution was much higher at the loamy site under all species showing a stronger microbial activity. It is therefore hypothesized that the differences in accumulation rates were, at least partly, caused by differences in the mineralization regimes. Strong root infiltration in the forest floors at the sandy site compared to almost none at the loamy site, is probably responsible for the differences in mineralization rate due to competition between the organic matter decomposers and the tree-roots/mycorrhiza for nutrients.  相似文献   
Short rotation coppice (SRC) willow is an emerging cropping system in focus for production of biomass for energy. To increase production, the willow is commonly fertilized, but studies have shown differing effects of fertilization on biomass production, ranging from almost no response to considerable positive effects. Focus has also been on replacing mineral fertilizer with organic waste products, such as manure and sludge. However, the effect on biomass production and environmental impact of various dosage and types of fertilizer is not well described. Therefore we studied the environmental impacts of different doses of mineral fertilizer, manure and sewage sludge in a commercially grown SRC willow stand. We examined macro nutrient and heavy metal leaching rates and calculated element balances to evaluate the environmental impact. Growth responses were reported in a former paper (Sevel et al. “Fertilization of SRC Willow, I: Biomass Production Response” Bioenergy Research, 2013). Nitrogen leaching was generally low, between 1 and 7 kg N ha?1 year?1 when doses of up to 120 kg N ha?1 year?1 were applied. Higher doses of 240 and 360 kg N ha?1 as single applications caused leaching of 66 and 99 kg N ha?1 year?1, respectively, indicating N saturation of the system. Previous intensive farming including high doses of fertilizer may be responsible for a high soil N status and the high N leaching rates. However, moderate fertilization input could not compensate P and K exports with the biomass harvest. No elevated leaching of heavy metals was observed for any fertilization treatments and more cadmium than applied with the fertilizer was removed with the biomass from the system.  相似文献   
Plant diversity is an important driver of diversity at other trophic levels, suggesting that cascading extinctions could reduce overall biodiversity. Most evidence for positive effects of plant diversity comes from grasslands. Despite the fact that forests are hotspots of biodiversity, the importance of tree diversity, in particular its relative importance compared to other management related factors, in affecting forest-associated taxa is not well known. To address this, we used data from 183 plots, located in different forest types, from Mediterranean to Boreal, and established along a climatic gradient across six European countries (FunDivEUROPE project). We tested the influence of tree diversity, tree functional composition (i.e. functional trait values), forest structure, climate and soil on the diversity and abundance/activity of nine taxa (bats, birds, spiders, microorganisms, earthworms, ungulates, foliar fungal pathogens, defoliating insects and understorey plants) and on their overall diversity and abundance/activity (multidiversity, multiabundance/activity). Tree diversity was a key driver of taxon-level and overall forest-associated biodiversity, along with tree functional composition, forest structure, climate and soil. Both tree species richness and functional diversity (variation in functional trait values) were important. The effects of tree diversity on the abundance/activity of forest-associated taxa were less consistent. Nonetheless, spiders, ungulates and foliar fungal pathogens were all more abundant/active in diverse forests. Tree functional composition and structure were also important drivers of abundance/activity: conifer stands had lower overall multidiversity (although the effect was driven by defoliating insects), while stands with potentially tall trees had lower overall multiabundance/activity. We found more synergies than tradeoffs between diversity and abundance/activity of different taxa, suggesting that forest management can promote high diversity across taxa. Our results clearly show the high value of mixed forest stands for multiple forest-associated taxa and indicate that multiple dimensions of tree diversity (taxonomic and functional) are important.  相似文献   
Biomass and biomass expansion factor functions are important in wood resource assessment, especially with regards to bioenergy feedstocks and carbon pools. We sampled 48 poplar trees in seven stands with the purpose of estimating allometric models for predicting biomass of individual tree components, stem-to-aboveground biomass expansion factors (BEF) and stem basic densities of the OP42 hybrid poplar clone in southern Scandinavia. Stand age ranged from 3 to 31 years, individual tree diameter at breast height (dbh) from 1.2 to 41 cm and aboveground tree biomass from 0.39 to 670 kg. Models for predicting total aboveground leafless, stem and branch biomass included dbh and tree height as predictor variables and explained more than 97 % of the total variation. The BEF was approaching 2.0 for the smallest trees but declined with increasing tree size and stabilized around 1.2 for trees with dbh >10 cm. Average stem basic density was more than 400 kg m?3 for the smallest trees but declined with increasing tree height and stabilized around 355 kg m?3, at a tree height of about 20 m. Existing biomass functions from the literature all underestimated the measured sample tree biomass. Possible explanations include not only differences in competition among trees in the examined stands and site conditions but also differences in sampling procedures. We observed that basic density increased with height above the ground. This trend may have led to the observed underestimation by existing biomass functions including only few samples from the lower end of the stems.  相似文献   
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