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Summary Mitochondrial DNA has been isolated from paired lines of pearl millet maintainer and cytoplasmic male sterile plants. Evaluation of the DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis shows that good quality DNA of high molecular weight can be obtained from mitochondria of both maintainer and male sterile pearl millet.  相似文献   
Studies of the patterns of diversification of birds on islands have contributed a great deal to the development of evolutionary theory. In white-winged fairy-wrens, Malurus leucopterus, mainland males develop a striking blue nuptial plumage whereas those on nearby islands develop black nuptial plumage. We explore the proximate basis for this divergence by combining microstructural feather analysis with an investigation of genetic variation at the melanocortin-1 receptor locus (MC1R). Fourier analysis revealed that the medullary keratin matrix (spongy layer) of the feather barbs of blue males was ordered at the appropriate nanoscale to produce the observed blue colour by coherent light scattering. Surprisingly, the feather barbs of black males also contained a spongy layer that could produce a similar blue colour. However, black males had more melanin in their barbs than blue males, and this melanin may effectively mask any structural colour produced by the spongy layer. Moreover, the presence of this spongy layer suggests that black island males evolved from a blue-plumaged ancestor. We also document concordant patterns of variation at the MC1R locus, as five amino acid substitutions were perfectly associated with the divergent blue and black plumage phenotypes. Thus, with the possible involvement of a melanocortin receptor locus, increased melanin density may mask the blue-producing microstructure in black island males, resulting in the divergence of plumage coloration between mainland and island white-winged fairy-wrens. Such mechanisms may also be responsible for plumage colour diversity across broader geographical and evolutionary scales.  相似文献   
Benthic foraminifera are among the most abundant groups found in deep‐sea habitats, including methane seep environments. Unlike many groups, no endemic foraminiferal species have been reported from methane seeps, and to our knowledge, genetic data are currently sparse for Pacific deep‐sea foraminifera. In an effort to understand the relationships between seep and non‐seep populations of the deep‐sea foraminifera Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, a common paleo‐indicator species, specimens from methane seeps in the Pacific were analyzed and compared to one another for genetic similarities of small subunit rDNA (SSU rDNA) sequences. Pacific Ocean C. wuellerstorfi were also compared to those collected from other localities around the world (based on 18S gene available on Genbank, e.g., Schweizer et al., 2009). Results from this study revealed that C. wuellerstorfi living in seeps near Costa Rica and Hydrate Ridge are genetically similar to one another at the species level. Individuals collected from the same location that display opposite coiling directions (dextral and sinstral) had no species level genetic differences. Comparisons of specimens with genetic information available from Genbank (SSU rDNA) showed that Pacific individuals, collected for this study, are genetically similar to those previously analyzed from the North Atlantic and Antarctic. These observations provide strong evidence for the true cosmopolitan nature of C. wuellerstorfi and highlight the importance of understanding how these microscopic organisms are able to maintain sufficient genetic exchange to remain within the same species between seep and non‐seep habitats and over global distances.  相似文献   
Individual variation in achromatic plumage reflectance of male Black‐capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) is correlated with social rank and reproductive success, suggesting it may play an important role in sexual signaling. We asked whether female chickadees could assess male quality based on plumage, in the absence of information about relative social dominance. Sexually mature but inexperienced females captured during the pair formation period in late fall and early winter were presented with a choice of two unfamiliar, sexually experienced males in separate compartments of an outdoor mate choice arena. Following each preference trial, we released the males into a single compartment and scored their pairwise dominance interactions. In 10 of 11 trials, females spent significantly more time with the male subsequently identified as dominant, despite not witnessing the males interact. Spectral analysis of male plumage reflectance revealed that UV‐chroma of dark body regions (bib, cap and mantle) was significantly greater in dominant, preferred males and that dominant, preferred males had significantly brighter white cheek patches. There were no differences in vocalization rates of preferred and non‐preferred males. These results show that female chickadees can rapidly assess unfamiliar males based on visual cues, and suggest that variation in achromatic plumage functions in sexual signaling.  相似文献   
Comparisons of ambient bottom-water geochemistry and stable isotopic values of the tests of living (stained) calcareous benthic foraminifera from the North Pacific (on the Aleutian Margin, water depth 1988 m) and Murray Canyons group in the Southern Indian Ocean (Australian Margin, water depths 2476 m and 1634 m) provide modern environmental analogs to calibrate paleoenvironmental assessments. Consistent with the hypothesis that microhabitat preferences influence foraminiferal isotopic values, benthic foraminifera from both margins were depleted in 13C with respect to bottom-water dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The carbon isotope values of deep infaunal foraminifera (Chilostomella oolina, Globobulimina pacifica) showed greater differences from estimates of those of DIC than shallow benthic foraminifera (Bulimina mexicana, Bolivinita quadrilatera, Pullenia bulloides). This study provides new isotopic and ecological information for B. quadrilatera. The mean Δδ13C value, defined as foraminiferal δ13C values minus estimated ambient δ13C values from the Aleutian Margin, is 0.97‰ higher for G. pacifica than the mean from the Murray Canyon. This difference may result either from genetic or biological differences between the populations or from differences in environmental isotopic influences (such as pore water differences) that were not accounted for in the equilibrium calculations. These analyses provide calibration information for the evaluation of bottom water conditions and circulation patterns of ancient oceans based on fossil foraminiferal geochemistry.  相似文献   
Upon their initial discovery, hydrothermal vents and methane seeps were considered to be related but distinct ecosystems, with different distributions, geomorphology, temperatures, geochemical properties and mostly different species. However, subsequently discovered vents and seep systems have blurred this distinction. Here, we report on a composite, hydrothermal seep ecosystem at a subducting seamount on the convergent Costa Rica margin that represents an intermediate between vent and seep ecosystems. Diffuse flow of shimmering, warm fluids with high methane concentrations supports a mixture of microbes, animal species, assemblages and trophic pathways with vent and seep affinities. Their coexistence reinforces the continuity of reducing environments and exemplifies a setting conducive to interactive evolution of vent and seep biota.  相似文献   
The Atlantic blue crab, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun), lives in a bacteria-rich environment that experiences daily fluctuations in water quality. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that crustaceans with prior or ongoing exposure to bacteria in their hemolymph have an increased susceptibility to subsequent infections, and that acute exposure to low dissolved oxygen (hypoxia) and elevated carbon dioxide levels (hypercapnia) may further confound the ability of blue crabs to counter a subsequent infection. Adult male blue crabs held in well-aerated (normoxic; P O2=20.7 kPA; CO(2)<0.06 kPa; pH 7.8-8.0) or hypercapnic hypoxic (HH; P O2=4 kPa; CO(2)=1.8 kPa; pH 6.9-7.2) seawater received an injection (pre-challenge dose) of 1 x 10(5)Vibrio campbellii g(-1) crab. Control animals were injected with an equivalent dose of HEPES-buffered saline (1 microl g(-1) crab). At 2h or 24h after the pre-challenge injection, both Vibrio and saline-pre-challenged animals were injected with a dose of live V. campbellii (1 x 10(5)g(-1) crab). This second injection will be referred to as a second injection or challenge injection. Degradation in or physical removal of intact bacteria from hemolymph was quantified using real-time PCR; bacteriostasis was quantified as the percentage of intact bacteria that could not be recovered by selective plating. We demonstrated that bacteriostasis occurs in the hemolymph of blue crabs. Furthermore, blue crabs that received a challenge injection 2h after a pre-challenge dose of V. campbellii cleared culturable bacteria from their hemolymph more rapidly when compared to animals that received a pre-challenge dose of saline. This enhanced clearance of culturable bacteria was associated with an increase in antibacterial activity in the cell-free hemolymph. However, the enhanced clearance of culturable bacteria disappeared when the time interval between the pre-challenge and challenge dose was extended to 24h and when crabs were held in HH seawater throughout the experiment. Neither the time interval between the pre-challenge and the challenge dose nor exposure to HH altered the pattern of intact bacterial clearance in blue crabs. These results demonstrate that prior exposure to bacteria does not increase the susceptibility of C. sapidus to a second, sublethal dose of V. campbellii. In fact, a recent exposure to V. campbellii enhances the ability of blue crabs to render bacteria non-culturable and the immune mechanisms/effectors responsible for this are short lived and appear to be sensitive to low dissolved oxygen and high carbon dioxide concentrations in the environment.  相似文献   
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