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A number of mutant forms of the antirestriction protein ArdA encoded by theardA gene located in a transmissive IncN plasmid pKM101 have been constructed. Proteins belonging to the Ard family are specific inhibitors of type I restriction–modification enzymes. Single mutational substitutions of negatively charged amino acid residues located in the antirestriction motif with hydrophobic alanine, E134A, E137A, D144A, or a double substitution E134A, E137A do not affect the antirestriction activity (Ard) of ArdA but almost completely abolish the antimodification activity (Amd). Mutational substitutions F107D and A110D in the assumed interface ArdA, which determines contact between monomers in the active dimer (Ard)2, cause an approximately 100-fold decrease in the antirestriction protein activity. It is hypothesized that the ArdA protein forms two complexes with the type I restriction–modification enzyme (R2M2S): (1) with a specific region in the S subunit involved in contact with the sK site in DNA; and (2) with a nonspecific region in the R subunit involved in DNA translocation and degradation by restriction endonucleases. The association of ArdA with the specific region inhibits restriction endonuclease and methyltransferase activities simultaneously, whereas the association of ArdA with a nonspecific region inhibits only restriction endonuclease activity of the R2M2S enzyme.  相似文献   
The transmissive plasmid IncI1 R64 contains the ardA gene encoding the ArdA antirestriction protein. The R64 ardA gene locating in the leading region of plasmid R64 has been cloned and their sequence has been determined. Antirestriction proteins belonging to the Ard family are specific inhibitors of type I restriction-modification enzymes. The IncI1 ColIb-P9 and R64 are closely related plasmids, and the latter specifies an ArdA homologue that is predicted to be 97.6% (162 residues from 166) identical at the amino acid sequence level with the ColIb = P9 equivalent. However, the R64 ArdA selectively inhibits the restriction activity of EcoKi enzyme leaving significant levels of modification activity under conditions in which restriction was almost completely prevented. The ColIb-P9 ArdA inhibits restriction endonuclease and methyltransferase activities simultaneously. It is hypothesized that the ArdA protein forms two complexes with the type I restriction-modification enzyme (R2M2S): (1) with a specific region in the S subunit involved in contact with the sK site in DNA; and (2) with nonspecific region in the R subunit involved in DNA translocation and degradation by restriction endonuclease. The association of the ColIb-P9 ArdA with the specific region inhibits restriction endonuclease and methyltransferase activities simultaneously, whereas the association of the R64 ArdA with a nonspecific region inhibits only restriction endonuclease activity of the R2M2S enzyme.  相似文献   
Intraspecific and interspecific nucleotide sequence variations of the mtDNA control region (D-loop) were studied with mtDNAs isolated from tissue specimens of more than 1400 sturgeons of nine species: Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, Persian sturgeon A. persicus, Siberian sturgeon A. baerii, Amur sturgeon A. schrenkii, Fringebarbel sturgeon A. nudiventris, sterlet A. ruthenus, stellate sturgeon A. stellatus, beluga Huso huso, and kaluga H. dauricus. The results were used to analyze the interspecific variation of the mtDNA control region in the given set of species and to develop a test system of ten species-specific primers, which allowed species identification from noninvasive tissue samples, spawn, and food products of eight species. The system proved suitable for multiplex PCR. A method was developed for the first time to reliably differentiate the A. baerii mitotype and the baerii-like mitotype of A. gueldenstaedtii. It was found that, although genetically separate, A. gueldenstaedtii and A. persicus are relatively young species and have common mitochondrial haplotypes, precluding their identification via mtDNA analysis alone. To develop a system for species identification of A. gueldenstaedtii and A. persicus, it is necessary to study the polymorphism of nuclear markers.  相似文献   
Modern concepts on mechanisms of DNA-dependent enzyme regulation involving specific DNA-mimicking proteins are considered. There are proteins that share structural resemblance with DNA duplexes. These include inhibitors of type I restriction-modification enzymes (Ocr and ArdA), inhibitors of DNA gyrase MfpA and QnrABS, etc. We describe here structural features of these proteins and mechanisms responsible for their interaction with DNA-dependent enzymes and then discuss perspectives of use of DNA-mimicking proteins in analysis of replication, repair, recombination, mechanisms underlying resistance to antibiotics, and also fields of applied biotechnology.  相似文献   
The T7 antirestriction protein Ocr, encoded by 0.3 (ocr), specifically inhibits ATP-dependent type I restriction-modification systems. T7 0.3 (ocr) was cloned in pUC18. Ocr inhibited both restriction and modification activities of the type I restriction-modification system (EcoKI) in Escherichia coli K12. The Ocr F53D A57E mutant was obtained and proved to inhibit only restriction activity of EcoKI. The 0.3 (ocr) and Photorhabdus luminescens luxCDABE genes were cloned in pZ-series vectors with the P ltetO-1 promoter, strongly controlled by the TetR repressor. The bioluminescence intensity and luciferase content varied up to 5000-fold in E. coli K12 MG1655Z1 tetR+ (pZE21-luxCDABE) cells, depending on the environmental concentration of the inductor anhydrotetracycline. The antirestriction activity of Ocr and Ocr F53D A57E was studied as a function of their concentration in the cell. The dissociation constant K d, characterizing the binding with EcoKI, differed 1000-fold between Ocr and Ocr F53D A57E (10?10 M versus 10?7 M).  相似文献   
Proteins of the Ard family are specific inhibitors of type I restriction-modification enzymes. The ArdA of R64 is highly homologous to ColIb-P9 ArdA, differing only by four amino acid residues of the overall 166. However, unlike ColIb-P9 ArdA, which inhibits both the endonuclease and the methylase activities of EcoKI, the R64 ArdA protein inhibits only the endonuclease activity of this enzyme. The mutant forms of R64 ArdA—A29T, S43A, and Y75W, capable of partially reversing the protein to ColIb-P9 ArdA form—were produced by directed mutagenesis. It was demonstrated that only Y75W mutation of these three variants essentially influenced the functional activity of ArdA: the antimodification activity was restored to approximately 90%. It is assumed that R64 ArdA inhibits formation of the complex between unmodified DNA and the R subunit of the type I restriction-modification enzyme EcoKI (R2M2S), which translocates and cleaves DNA. ColIb-P9 ArdA protein is capable of forming the DNA complex not only with the R subunit, but also with the S subunit, which contacts sK site (containing modified adenine residues) in DNA. ArdA bound to the specific sK site inhibits concurrently the endonuclease and methylase activities of EcoKI (R2M2S), while ArdA bound to the nonspecific site in the R subunit blocks only its endonuclease activity.  相似文献   
A number of mutant forms of the antirestriction protein ArdA encoded by the ardA gene located in a transmissive IncN plasmid pKM101 have been constructed. Proteins belonging to the Ard family are specific inhibitors of type I restriction--modification enzymes. Single mutational substitutions of negatively charged amino acid residues located in the "antirestriction motif" with hydrophobic alanine, E134A, E137A, D144A, or a double substitution E134A, E137A do not affect the antirestriction activity (Ard) of ArdA but almost completely abolish the antimodification activity (Amd). Mutational substitutions F107D and A110D in the assumed interface ArdA, which determines contact between monomers in the active dimer (Ard)2, cause an approximately 100-fold decrease in the antirestriction protein activity. It is hypothesized that the ArdA protein forms two complexes with the type I restriction--modification enzyme (R2M2S): (1) with a specific region in the S subunit involved in contact with the sK site in DNA; and (2) with a nonspecific region in the R subunit involved in DNA translocation and degradation by restriction endonucleases. The association of ArdA with the specific region inhibits restriction endonuclease and methyltransferase activities simultaneously, whereas the association of ArdA with a nonspecific region inhibits only restriction endonuclease activity of the R2M2S enzyme.  相似文献   
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