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Greater sage-grouse populations have decreased steadily since European settlement in western North America. Reduced availability of brood-rearing habitat has been identified as a limiting factor for many populations. We used radio-telemetry to acquire locations of sage-grouse broods from 1998 to 2012 in Strawberry Valley, Utah. Using these locations and remotely-sensed NAIP (National Agricultural Imagery Program) imagery, we 1) determined which characteristics of brood-rearing habitat could be used in widely available, high resolution imagery 2) assessed the spatial extent at which sage-grouse selected brood-rearing habitat, and 3) created a predictive habitat model to identify areas of preferred brood-rearing habitat. We used AIC model selection to evaluate support for a list of variables derived from remotely-sensed imagery. We examined the relationship of these explanatory variables at three spatial extents (45, 200, and 795 meter radii). Our top model included 10 variables (percent shrub, percent grass, percent tree, percent paved road, percent riparian, meters of sage/tree edge, meters of riparian/tree edge, distance to tree, distance to transmission lines, and distance to permanent structures). Variables from each spatial extent were represented in our top model with the majority being associated with the larger (795 meter) spatial extent. When applied to our study area, our top model predicted 75% of naïve brood locations suggesting reasonable success using this method and widely available NAIP imagery. We encourage application of our methodology to other sage-grouse populations and species of conservation concern.  相似文献   
Purified Escherichia coli tRNAAla and tRNALys were each converted to modified species terminating in 2'- and 3'-deoxyadenosine. The modified species were tested as substrates for activation by their cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and for misacylation with phenylalanine by yeast phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase. E. coli alanyl- and lysyl-tRNA synthetases normally aminoacylate their cognate tRNA's exclusively on the 3'-OH group, while yeast phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase utilizes only the 2' position on its own tRNA. Therefore, the finding that the phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase activated only those modified tRNAAla and tRNALys species terminating in 3'-deoxyadenosine indicated that the position of aminoacylation in this case was specified entirely by the enzyme, an observation relevant to the more general problem of the reason(s) for using a particular site for aminoacylation and maintaining positional specificity during evolution. Initial velocity studies were carried out using E. coli tRNAAla and both alanyl- and phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetases. As noted in other cases, activation of the modified and unmodified tRNA's had essentially the same associated Km values, but in each case the Vmax determined for the modified tRNA was smaller.  相似文献   
In order to model the interaction of hemin with DNA and other polynucleotides, we have studied the degradation of DNA, RNA, and polynucleotides of defined structure by [meso-tetrakis(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphinato]manganese(III) (MnTMPP) + KHSO5. The activated porphyrin was shown to release adenine, thymine, and cytosine from DNA; RNA degradation afforded adenine, uracil, and cytosine. The same products were obtained from single- and double-stranded DNA oligonucleotides of defined sequence, and also from single-stranded DNA and RNA homopolymers. The overall yield of bases from the dode-canucleotide d(CGCT3A3GCG) was equal to 14% of the nucleotides present initially, indicating that each porphyrin catalyzed the release of approximately 4 bases. Although no guanine was detected as a product from any of the substrates studied, the ability of MnTMPP + KHSO5 to degrade guanine nucleotides was verified by the destruction of pGp, and by the appearance of bands corresponding to guanosine cleavage following treatment of 32P end labeled DNA restriction fragments with activated MnTMPP. Inspection of a number of sites of MnTMPP-promoted cleavage indicated that the process was sequence-selective, occurring primarily at G residues that were part of 5'-TG-3' or 5'-AG-3' sequences, or at T residues. Also formed in much greater abundance were alkali-labile lesions; these were formed largely at guanosine residues. Also studied was the degradation of a 47-nucleotide RNA molecule containing two hairpins. Degradation of the 5'-32P end labeled RNA substrate afforded no distinct, individual bands, suggesting that multiple modes of degradation may be operative.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Mortality in achondroplasia.   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were determined for a historical cohort of achondroplastic individuals identified through the Medical Genetics Clinics of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. Mortality was increased at all ages, with an overall SMR of 2.27 (95% confidence interval 1.7-3.0). Sudden death accounted for the excess deaths in those less than 4 years of age, and brain-stem compression was identified as the cause in half of these deaths. Central nervous system and respiratory causes were not significantly increased but accounted for half of the deaths in those 5-24 years of age. SMRs were not significantly increased for those greater than 34 years of age. However, deaths attributed to cardiovascular causes were increased in the 25-54-year-old age group, accounting for 10 of 17 deaths. The overall cardiovascular SMR was 5.2 (95% confidence interval 2.5-9.6). Within this group, severe disability resulting from marked spinal canal stenosis was present in a majority of individuals and may have been a contributing factor in these deaths. This study suggests that the bony abnormalities associated with achondroplasia--i.e., foramen magnum and spinal canal stenosis--may have a significant effect on mortality at all ages but particularly in children. Efforts to minimize these complications are recommended.  相似文献   
The nuclei of mouse spermatozoa contain two protamine variants, mouse protamine 1 (mP1) and mouse protamine 2 (mP2). The amino acid sequence predicted from mP1 cDNAs demonstrates that mP1 is a 50-amino-acid protein with strong homology to other mammalian P1 protamines. Nucleotide sequence analysis of independently isolated, overlapping cDNA clones indicated that mP2 is initially synthesized as a precursor protein which is subsequently processed into the spermatozoan form of mP2. The existence of the mP2 precursor was confirmed by amino acid composition and sequence analysis of the largest of a set of four basic proteins isolated from late-step spermatids whose synthesis is coincident with that of mP1. The sequence of the first 10 amino acids of this protein, mP2 precursor 1, exactly matches that predicted from the nucleotide sequence of cDNA and genomic mP2 clones. The amino acid composition of isolated mP2 precursor 1 very closely matches that predicted from the mP2 cDNA nucleotide sequence. Sequence analysis of the amino terminus of isolated mature mP2 identified the final processing point within the mP2 precursor. These studies demonstrated that mP2 is synthesized as a precursor containing 106 amino acids which is processed into the mature, 63-amino-acid form found in spermatozoa.  相似文献   
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