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Microbial diversity and distribution are topics of intensive research. In two companion papers in this issue, we describe the results of the Cariaco Microbial Observatory (Caribbean Sea, Venezuela). The Basin contains the largest body of marine anoxic water, and presents an opportunity to study protistan communities across biogeochemical gradients. In the first paper, we survey 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequence diversity using both Sanger- and pyrosequencing-based approaches, employing multiple PCR primers, and state-of-the-art statistical analyses to estimate microbial richness missed by the survey. Sampling the Basin at three stations, in two seasons, and at four depths with distinct biogeochemical regimes, we obtained the largest, and arguably the least biased collection of over 6000 nearly full-length protistan rRNA gene sequences from a given oceanographic regime to date, and over 80 000 pyrosequencing tags. These represent all major and many minor protistan taxa, at frequencies globally similar between the two sequence collections. This large data set provided, via the recently developed parametric modeling, the first statistically sound prediction of the total size of protistan richness in a large and varied environment, such as the Cariaco Basin: over 36 000 species, defined as almost full-length 18S rRNA gene sequence clusters sharing over 99% sequence homology. This richness is a small fraction of the grand total of known protists (over 100 000–500 000 species), suggesting a degree of protistan endemism.  相似文献   
Two different Aspergillus nidulans recombinant strains producing either the Aspergillus nidulans a-L-arabinofuranosidase A or a Candida molischiana b-glucosidase have been constructed. Depending on the growing conditions, the modified strains produce up to 4 or 18 times more b-glucosidase or a-L-arabinofuranosidase activity levels, respectively, than the wild type strain.  相似文献   
The distribution of biomass among phytoplankton and free-livinginvertebrates was analysed in a shallow Mediterranean salt marshsubmitted to fluctuating water level. Among phytoplankton, biomassaccumulated in sizes dominated by mixotrophic species, indicatinga competitive advantage for these species, which also prey onother smaller primary producers. Among invertebrates, biomassaccumulated in the larger sizes, corresponding to species whichpartially exploit other nearby systems, such as the aerial environment(insects), or to those able to exploit particulated organicmatter in marsh-bed sediment (amphipods). Biomass distributionmodels developed for pelagic systems are discussed in relationto fluctuating temporary waters. The integrated spectrum approximated(r2 = 0.96) a Pareto distribution with a slope of c = 1.38.Intense disturbances caused a decrease in r2 and an increasein c. Under stable conditions, two different tendencies wereobserved, depending on the degree of eutrophy of the basins:higher values of c were measured in the more eutrophic basins,and lower values in the less eutrophic ones. We hypothesizethat highly irregular nutrient input could explain these differences.  相似文献   
Focal-animal feeding data obtained from 64 adult baboons during a 3-year period were used together with equivalent data from 46 infants to evaluate hypotheses predicting selection for a birth peak and to study the baboon’s eclectic/selective feeding adaptation, with emphasis on differential feeding by sex, developmental trends, and seasonal use of food classes (fruit, leaf, flower, grass, etc.). The findings suggest that feeding conditions are better in the wet season than in the dry season. Despite large sexual dimorphism, estimates of total amounts eaten were virtually identical for males and females. Infants used all of the same plant-food classes as adults, but proportional differences occurred for some food classes in amounts eaten. Foods eaten proportionately less by infants were probably harder for them to obtain and process or were chosen through inexperience or for exploration. There was considerable between-year variation in amounts of food classes eaten, but the within-year standard deviations were similar, as were also the mean amounts eaten per year. An eclectic/selective feeding adaptation has the advantage of permitting long-run acquisition of adequate nutrition within a context of high feeding variation from season to season and year to year. Mixed results were obtained from hypotheses about selection for a birth peak. Although a peak occurred in the early dry season, this was not the optimal time of birth for survival. Survival was highest for individuals born in the late wet season, when the availability and probably the quality of food for lactating mothers were greatest.  相似文献   
Field trials were conducted in Rheola Forest, Wales, Great Britain, to determine the effectiveness of Steinernema feltiae UK strain in controlling the web-spinning larch sawfly Cephalcia lariciphila. Foliar sprays at the rate of 5,000-20,000 nematodes/100 cm branch resulted in 3.4-29.4% infection of sawfly larvae. Soil application of 200 nematodes/cm² resulted in 61% infection of sawfly prepupae and 17.3% of pupae. Prepupal infection ranged from 4.8 to 14.7% 1 year after nematode application. Soil applications of this nematode show that it has potential for biological control of sawfly prepupae.  相似文献   
Significant differences in the thermal stability of benzodiazepine receptors were found in cerebral cortical membranes prepared from the long-sleep (LS) and short-sleep (SS) selected mouse lines. Thus, benzodiazepine receptors from LS mice were heat inactivated (55 degrees C) at a significantly faster rate than those from SS mice. Although gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) reduced the rate of heat inactivation in both lines, the more rapid rate of inactivation in the LS line was maintained. Furthermore, the potency of GABA to enhance [3H]flunitrazepam binding decreased threefold in membranes from LS mice as the incubation temperature was increased from 0 degrees to 37 degrees C, but was unaltered in membranes from SS mice. These differences in the biophysical properties of the benzodiazepine/GABA receptor chloride channel complex ("supramolecular complex"), together with a higher KD for t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate in membranes from LS compared to SS mice, suggest that the supramolecular complex may modulate the differential sensitivity to some depressants and convulsants in these lines.  相似文献   
Recently, we have shown that an untrained respiratory system does limit the endurance of submaximal exercise (64% peak oxygen consumption) in normal sedentary subjects. These subjects were able to increase breathing endurance by almost 300% and cycle endurance by 50% after isolated respiratory training. The aim of the present study was to find out if normal, endurance trained subjects would also benefit from respiratory training. Breathing and cycle endurance as well as maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and anaerobic threshold were measured in eight subjects. Subsequently, the subjects trained their respiratory muscles for 4 weeks by breathing 85-160 l.min-1 for 30 min daily. Otherwise they continued their habitual endurance training. After respiratory training, the performance tests made at the beginning of the study were repeated. Respiratory training increased breathing endurance from 6.1 (SD 1.8) min to about 40 min. Cycle endurance at the anaerobic threshold [77 (SD 6) %VO2max] was improved from 22.8 (SD 8.3) min to 31.5 (SD 12.6) min while VO2max and the anaerobic threshold remained essentially the same. Therefore, the endurance of respiratory muscles can be improved remarkably even in trained subjects. Respiratory muscle fatigue induced hyperventilation which limited cycle performance at the anaerobic threshold. After respiratory training, minute ventilation for a given exercise intensity was reduced and cycle performance at the anaerobic threshold was prolonged. These results would indicate the respiratory system to be an exercise limiting factor in normal, endurance trained subjects.  相似文献   
Occurrence of a capsule in Aeromonas salmonicida   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aeromonas salmonicida grown in a medium with excess glucose as carbon source produces both capsular and exocellular polysaccharides. The capsular polysaccharide is composed of glucose, mannose, rhamnose, N-acetylmannosamine and mannuronic acid in the molar ratios of approximately 5:3:0.75:2:1. The extracellular polysaccharide is similarly constituted, but in the molar ratios of approximately 4.75:10.5:1.5:2:1. The capsular and exocellular polysaccharides did not cross-react with monoclonal antibodies against the A-layer or the O-antigen lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   
Developing pods of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska no 7) were used to study the enzymes of sucrose metabolism. Acid and neutral invertase (EC sucrose synthase (SS, EC and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS, EC have been localized in the soluble fraction. Acid invertase activity was also present in the insoluble fraction and in pea ovary apoplast. In pea pods, sucrose breakdown was dominated by the invertase pathway. SS specific activity only increased at late stages of parthenocarpic pod development, while SPS did so in pods obtained by pollination. Changes in time course of invertase activities have been correlated with the growth rate of fruits induced to develop either by fertilization or by exogenous application of giberellic acid (GA), 2,4-dichloro-phenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) or 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP). The soluble neutral activities might be associated with pod elongation, while the acid ones were rather related to assimilate import by the induced fruits. Application of gibberellic acid to non-pollinated ovaries significantly enhanced the soluble neutral invertase activity before any ovary outgrowth was detected (up to 2 h after treatment). Within the same period of time. GA-treated ovaries showed a decrease in the acid invertase activity of the soluble fraction and an increase of the acid invertase activity in the apopiast. preceding in time the increment of the acid invertase activity associated with the insoluble fraction. Our results suggest that the early GA response may be mediated through a promotion of processes of protein secretion.  相似文献   
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