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The reversibly photochromic pigment, phycochrome c, was extracted from the blue-green alga Nostoc muscorum strain A. Action spectra were determined for in vitro conversions of the pigment from the short wavelength to the long wavelength form and vice versa. The action peak for the absorbance decrease at 650 nm is at 630 nm. During this decrease there is only a slight increase of the absorbance in the green region. Green and yellow light (maximum efficiency at 580 nm) completely restores absorbance at 650 nm. The observations are explained by the existence of three spectrally different forms of phycochrome c: Pc630 and Pc650 which equilibrate in darkness and Pc580 which is reversibly photoconvertible to Pc630. We have also measured the absorbance changes brought about by saturating irradiations with light of various wavelengths (“photostationary state spectrum”). Extreme photostationary states were obtained with about 650 nm and 500 nm light.  相似文献   
Changes in the ultrastructure of Trichoderma viride during growth in shake cultures on cellobiose and cellulose fibres were examined. Electron micrographs of thin sections of germinating conidia, septate hyphae with ascomycete pores and other cell organelles are presented. Extensive autolysis of hyphae was observed after growth for 20 h on cellobiose. The fungus grew in the lumina and within the walls of cellulose fibres. The hyphae followed the directions of the laminar structure but did not grow across them. The observations indicated that the hyphae penetrated the fibres by causing cracks and by dissolving enzymatically the cellulose.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to utilize magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to image structural heterogeneity and mass transport inside a biofilm which was too thick for photon based imaging. MRI was used to map water diffusion and image the transport of the paramagnetically tagged macromolecule, Gd-DTPA, inside a 2.5 mm thick cyanobacterial biofilm. The structural heterogeneity of the biofilm was imaged at resolutions down to 22 × 22 μm, enabling the impact of biofilm architecture on the mass transport of both water and Gd-DTPA to be investigated. Higher density areas of the biofilm correlated with areas exhibiting lower relative water diffusion coefficients and slower transport of Gd-DTPA, highlighting the impact of biofilm structure on mass transport phenomena. This approach has potential for shedding light on heterogeneous mass transport of a range of molecular mass molecules in biofilms.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulins are encoded by a large multigene system that undergoes somatic rearrangement and additional genetic change during the development of immunoglobulin-producing cells. Inducible antibody and antibody-like responses are found in all vertebrates. However, immunoglobulin possessing disulfide-bonded heavy and light chains and domain-type organization has been described only in representatives of the jawed vertebrates. High degrees of nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence identity are evident when the segmental elements that constitute the immunoglobulin gene loci in phylogenetically divergent vertebrates are compared. However, the organization of gene loci and the manner in which the independent elements recombine (and diversify) vary markedly among different taxa. One striking pattern of gene organization is the "cluster type" that appears to be restricted to the chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) and limits segmental rearrangement to closely linked elements. This type of gene organization is associated with both heavy- and light-chain gene loci. In some cases, the clusters are "joined" or "partially joined" in the germ line, in effect predetermining or partially predetermining, respectively, the encoded specificities (the assumption being that these are expressed) of the individual loci. By relating the sequences of transcribed gene products to their respective germ-line genes, it is evident that, in some cases, joined-type genes are expressed. This raises a question about the existence and/or nature of allelic exclusion in these species. The extensive variation in gene organization found throughout the vertebrate species may relate directly to the role of intersegmental (V<==>D<==>J) distances in the commitment of the individual antibody-producing cell to a particular genetic specificity. Thus, the evolution of this locus, perhaps more so than that of others, may reflect the interrelationships between genetic organization and function.   相似文献   
In groundnut rosette diseased groundnut plants collected near Zaria, Nigeria, a luteovirus was detected by ELISA and ISEM. In ELISA only beet western yellows virus antiserum reacted, while in ISEM luteovirus particles were trapped by antisera beet western yellows virus, potato leafroll virus, pea leafroll virus and barley yellow dwarf virus. The data are in agreement with the interpretation that the assistor of groundnut rosette virus is possibly a member of the luteovirus group.  相似文献   
Transient absorption spectroscopy has been applied to investigate the energy dissipation mechanisms in the nonameric fucoxanthin-chlorophyll-a,c-binding protein FCPb of the centric diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana. FCPb complexes in their unquenched state were compared with those in two types of quenching environments, namely aggregation-induced quenching by detergent removal, and clustering via incorporation into liposomes. Applying global and target analysis, in combination with a fluorescence lifetime study and annihilation calculations, we were able to resolve two quenching channels in FCPb that involve chlorophyll-a pigments for FCPb exposed to both quenching environments. The fast quenching channel operates on a timescale of tens of picoseconds and exhibits similar spectral signatures as the unquenched state. The slower quenching channel operates on a timescale of tens to hundreds of picoseconds, depending on the degree of quenching, and is characterized by enhanced population of low-energy states between 680 and 710?nm. The results indicate that FCPb is, in principle, able to function as a dissipater of excess energy and can do this in vitro even more efficiently than the homologous FCPa complex, the sole complex involved in fast photoprotection in these organisms. This indicates that when a complex displays photoprotection-related spectral signatures in vitro it does not imply that the complex participates in photoprotection in vivo. We suggest that FCPa is favored over FCPb as the sole energy-regulating complex in diatoms because its composition can more easily establish the balance between light-harvesting and quenching required for efficient photoprotection.  相似文献   
We present an exact solution to the linearized Nernst-Planck-Poisson equation for spherically symmetric current flow. This solution differs from Levitt's solution (Levitt, D. G. 1992. Biophys. J., Eq. A5) by its dependence on an additional parameter, which is equal to the net ion flux for monovalent ion-selective channels. For ion-selective channels, this solution may provide better boundary conditions to modelling the flow in the channel pore itself, although only at low salt concentrations. We use the solution to estimate the effects of flux interaction between closely packed channels.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases expression is used as biomarker for various cancers and associated malignancies. Since these proteinases can cleave many intracellular proteins, overexpression tends to be toxic; hence, a challenge to purify them. To overcome these limitations, we designed a protocol where full length pro-MMP2 enzyme was overexpressed in E. coli as inclusion bodies and purified using 6xHis affinity chromatography under denaturing conditions. In one step, the enzyme was purified and refolded directly on the affinity matrix under redox conditions to obtain a bioactive protein. The pro-MMP2 protein was characterized by mass spectrometry, CD spectroscopy, zymography and activity analysis using a simple in-house developed ‘form invariant’ assay, which reports the total MMP2 activity independent of its various forms. The methodology yielded higher yields of bioactive protein compared to other strategies reported till date, and we anticipate that using the protocol, other toxic proteins can also be overexpressed and purified from E. coli and subsequently refolded into active form using a one step renaturation protocol.  相似文献   

Background and Question

The harvesting of medicinal plants from wild sources is escalating in many parts of the world, compromising the long-term survival of natural populations of medicinally important plants and sustainability of sources of raw material to meet pharmaceutical industry needs. Although protected areas are considered to play a central role in conservation of plant genetic resources, the effectiveness of protected areas for maintaining medicinal plant populations subject to intense harvesting pressure remain largely unknown. We conducted genetic and demographic studies of Nothapodytes nimmoniana Graham, one of the extensively harvested medicinal plant species in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India to assess the effectiveness of protected areas in long-term maintenance of economically important plant species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The analysis of adults and seedlings of N. nimmoniana in four protected and four non-protected areas using 7 nuclear microsatellite loci revealed that populations that are distributed within protected areas are subject to lower levels of harvesting and maintain higher genetic diversity (He = 0.816, Ho = 0.607, A = 18.857) than populations in adjoining non-protected areas (He = 0.781, Ho = 0.511, A = 15.571). Furthermore, seedlings in protected areas had significantly higher observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.630) and private alleles as compared to seedlings in adjoining non-protected areas (Ho = 0.426). Most populations revealed signatures of recent genetic bottleneck. The prediction of long-term maintenance of genetic diversity using BOTTLESIM indicated that current population sizes of the species are not sufficient to maintain 90% of present genetic diversity for next 100 years.


Overall, these results highlight the need for establishing more protected areas encompassing a large number of adult plants in the Western Ghats to conserve genetic diversity of economically and medicinally important plant species.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrase enzyme, one of the fastest known enzymes, remains largely unexplored in prokaryotes when compared to its mammalian counterparts despite its ubiquity. In this study, the enzyme has been purified from Bacillus subtilis SA3 using sequential Sephadex G-75 chromatography, DEAE cellulose chromatography, and sepharose-4B-L-tyrosinesulphanilamide affinity chromatography and characterized to provide additional insights into its properties. The apparent molecular mass of carbonic anhydrase obtained by SDS-PAGE was found to be approximately 37 kDa. Isoelectric focusing of the purified enzyme revealed an isoelectric point (pI) of around 6.1 when compared with marker. The presence of metal ions such as Zn2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, and anion SO4 increased enzyme activity while strong inhibition was observed in the presence of Hg2+, Cl, HCO3, and metal chelator EDTA. The optimum pH and temperature for the enzyme were found to be 8.3 and 37°C, respectively. Enzyme kinetics with p-nitrophenyl acetate as substrate at pH 8.3 and 37°C determined the Vmax and Km values of the enzyme to be 714.28 μmol/mg protein/min and 9.09 mM, respectively. The Ki value for acetazolamide was 0.22 mM, compared to 0.099 mM for sulphanilamide. The results from N-terminal amino acid sequencing imply the purified protein is a putative beta-carbonic anhydrase with close similarities to CAs from plants, microorganisms.  相似文献   
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