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Mitochondrial chaperonins are necessary for the folding of newly imported and stress-denatured mitochondrial proteins. The goal of this study was to investigate the structure and function of the mammalian mitochondrial chaperonin system. We present evidence that the 60 kDa chaperonin (mt-cpn60) exists in solution in dynamic equilibrium between monomers, heptameric single rings and double-ringed tetradecamers. In the presence of ATP and the 10 kDa cochaperonin (mt-cpn10), the formation of a double ring is favored. ADP at very high concentrations does not inhibit malate dehydrogenase refolding or ATP hydrolysis by mt-cpn60 in the presence of mt-cpn10. We propose that the cis (mt-cpn60)14.nucleotide.(mt-cpn10)7 complex is not a stable species and does not bind ADP effectively at its trans binding site.  相似文献   
The marine macroalgaUlva sp. can take up HCO 3 - via a process which chemically resembles that of anion exchange in red blood cells (Drechsler et al. 1993, Planta191, 34–40). In this work we explore the possibility that high-pK amino-acid residues could be functionally involved in the binding/transport of HCO 3 - . It was found that the specific arginyl-reacting agents phenylglyoxal and 2,3-butanedione inhibited photosynthesis ofUlva competitively with inorganic carbon at pH 8.2–8.4 (which is close to the pH of normal seawater), where HCO 3 - was the predominant inorganic carbon form taken up. The inhibition by phenylglyoxal was irreversible at 32°C and high pH values, while that of butanedione became irreversible in the presence of borate. These interactions, as well as the protection of the irreversible phenylglyoxal-inhibition by inorganic carbon and by the membrane-impermeant agents 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene 2,2-disulfonate and 4,4-dinitrostilbene-2,2-disulfonate indicate that arginine (and possibly also lysine) are involved in the HCO 3 - uptake process, probably at the plasmalemma level. The photosynthetic affinity ofUlva to external inorganic carbon gradually decreased with increasing pH from 8.2 to 10.5, and this decrease parallels the decline in protonation of amino acids with a pK of around 10. Based on this information, as well as the inhibition studies, it is suggested that arginine and lysine residues are essential proteinaceous constituents involved in anionic inorganic carbon (HCO 3 - and possibly also CO 3 2- ) uptake into theUlva cells.Abbreviations AE1 anion exchanger 1 (of red blood cells) - BD 2,3-butanedione - CA carbonic anhydrase - CI inorganic carbon - DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonate - DNDS 4,4-dinitrostilbene-2,2-disulfonate - PG phenylglyoxal This paper is in partial fulfillment of a Ph.D. study by R. Sharkia. Supported by the Israel Academy of Sciences, grant 441/93 (to S.B.), and by the Fund for Encouragement of Research, Histadrut, Israel (to R.S.).  相似文献   
Type I chaperonins are fundamental protein folding machineries that function in eubacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts. Eubacteria and mitochondria contain chaperonin systems comprised of homo-oligomeric chaperonin 60 tetradecamers and co-chaperonin 10 heptamers. In contrast, the chloroplast chaperonins are heterooligomeric tetradecamers that are composed of two subunit types, alpha and beta. Additionally, chloroplasts contain two structurally distinct co-chaperonins. One, ch-cpn10, is probably similar to the mitochondrial and bacterial co-chaperonins, and is composed of 10 kDa subunits. The other, termed ch-cpn20 is composed of two cpn10-like domains that are held together by a short linker. While the oligomeric structure of ch-cpn10 remains to be elucidated, it was previously suggested that ch-cpn20 forms tetramers in solution, and that this is the functional oligomer. In the present study, we investigated the properties of purified ch-cpn10 and ch-cpn20. Using bifunctional cross-linking reagents, gel filtration chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation, we show that ch-cpn10 is a heptamer in solution. In contrast, ch-cpn20 forms multiple oligomers that are in dynamic equilibrium with each other and cover a broad spectrum of molecular weights in a concentration-dependent manner. However, upon association with GroEL, only one type of co-chaperonin-GroEL complex is formed.  相似文献   
In this study, we have investigated the relationship between chaperonin/co-chaperonin binding, ATP hydrolysis, and protein refolding in heterologous chaperonin systems from bacteria, chloroplast, and mitochondria. We characterized two types of chloroplast cpn60 oligomers, ch-cpn60 composed of α and β subunits (α7β7 ch-cpn60) and one composed of all β subunits (β14 ch-cpn60). In terms of ATPase activity, the rate of ATP hydrolysis increased with protein concentration up to 60 μM, reflecting a concentration at which the oligomers are stable. At high concentrations of cpn60, all cpn10 homologs inhibited ATPase activity of α7β7 ch-cpn60. In contrast, ATPase of β14 ch-cpn60 was inhibited only by mitochondrial cpn10, supporting previous reports showing that β14 is functional only with mitochondrial cpn10 and not with other cpn10 homologs. Surprisingly, direct binding assays showed that both ch-cpn60 oligomer types bind to bacterial, mitochondrial, and chloroplast cpn10 homologs with an equal apparent affinity. Moreover, mitochondrial cpn60 binds chloroplast cpn20 with which it is not able to refold denatured proteins. Protein refolding experiments showed that in such instances, the bound protein is released in a conformation that is not able to refold. The presence of glycerol, or subsequent addition of mitochondrial cpn10, allows us to recover enzymatic activity of the substrate protein. Thus, in our systems, the formation of co-chaperonin/chaperonin complexes does not necessarily lead to protein folding. By using heterologous oligomer systems, we are able to separate the functions of binding and refolding in order to better understand the chaperonin mechanism.  相似文献   
We demonstrate in this work that HCO inf3 sup– uptake in the marine macroalga Ulva sp. features functional resemblances to anion transport mediated by anion exchangers of mammalian cell membranes. The evidence is based on (i) competitive inhibition of photosynthesis by the classical red-blood-cell anion-exchange blockers 4,4-dinitrostilbene-2,2-disulfonate and 4-nitro-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonate under conditions where HCO inf3 sup– , but not CO2, was the inorganic carbon form taken up; (ii) inhibition of HCO inf3 uptake by pyridoxal phospate, indicating the involvement of lysine residues in the binding/translocation of HCO inf3 sup– ; and (iii) inhibition of HCO inf3 sup– (but not of CO2) uptake by exofacial trypsin treatments, indicating the functional involvement of a plasmalemma protein. It is suggested that HCO inf3 sup– uptake mediated by such a putative anion transporter can be a fundamental step in providing inorganic carbon for the CO2-concentrating system of marine marcoalgae in an environment where the HCO inf3 sup– concentration is high, but the CO2 concentration and rates of uncatalyzed HCO inf3 sup– dehydration are low.Abbreviations CI ionorganic carbon - DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonate - DNDS 4,4-dinitrostilbene-2,2-disulfonate - NIDS 4-nitro-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonate - PLP pyridoxal phosphate - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase  相似文献   
Polypeptides present in a membrane fraction of the marine macroalga Ulva sp. were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and tested for cross-reactivity with antibodies raised against the human red-blood-cell anion exchanger (AE1). A polypeptide of ca. 95 kDa was identified with a monoclonal, as well as two polyclonal (one against the C-terminus and one against the whole protein) antibodies, indicating that it shares homologous domains with AE1. These findings complement an earlier study which indicated that a plasmalemma-bound, disulfonic stilbenesensitive, protein was functionally involved in HCO 3 - transport into the photosynthesizing cells of Ulva (Z. Drechsler et al. 1993, Planta 191, 34–40). It is thus suggested here that a similar protein has evolved, and has been conserved, in marine photosynthetic organisms and mammalian red blood cells for the purpose of HCO 3 - transport.Abbreviations AE1 anion exchanger 1 (of red blood cells) - CI inorganic carbon This paper is in partial fulfillment of a Ph.D. study by R. Sharkia. Supported by the Israel Academy of Sciences, grant 441/93 (to S.B.)  相似文献   
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