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Glucosamine-6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase (GNA1) catalyses the N-acetylation of d-glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6P), using acetyl-CoA as an acetyl donor. The product GlcNAc-6P is an intermediate in the biosynthesis UDP-GlcNAc. GNA1 is part of the GCN5-related acetyl transferase family (GNATs), which employ a wide range of acceptor substrates. GNA1 has been genetically validated as an antifungal drug target. Detailed knowledge of the Michaelis complex and trajectory towards the transition state would facilitate rational design of inhibitors of GNA1 and other GNAT enzymes. Using the pseudo-substrate glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6P) as a probe with GNA1 crystals, we have trapped the first GNAT (pseudo-)Michaelis complex, providing direct evidence for the nucleophilic attack of the substrate amine, and giving insight into the protonation of the thiolate leaving group.  相似文献   
Aspergillus fumigatus is the causative agent of invasive aspergillosis, an infection with mortality rates of up to 50%. The glucan-rich cell wall of A. fumigatus is a protective structure that is absent from human cells and is a potential target for antifungal treatments. Glucan is synthesized from the donor uridine diphosphate glucose, with the conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to glucose-1-phosphate by the enzyme phosphoglucomutase (PGM) representing a key step in its biosynthesis. Here, we explore the possibility of selectively targeting A. fumigatus PGM (AfPGM) as an antifungal treatment strategy. Using a promoter replacement strategy, we constructed a conditional pgm mutant and revealed that pgm is required for A. fumigatus growth and cell wall integrity. In addition, using a fragment screen, we identified the thiol-reactive compound isothiazolone fragment of PGM as targeting a cysteine residue not conserved in the human ortholog. Furthermore, through scaffold exploration, we synthesized a para-aryl derivative (ISFP10) and demonstrated that it inhibits AfPGM with an IC50 of 2 μM and exhibits 50-fold selectivity over the human enzyme. Taken together, our data provide genetic validation of PGM as a therapeutic target and suggest new avenues for inhibiting AfPGM using covalent inhibitors that could serve as tools for chemical validation.  相似文献   
1. Resource density can regulate the area that animals use. At low resource density, there is a conflict in terms of balance between costs of foraging and benefits acquired. The foraging of the higher termite Nasutitermes aff. coxipoensis consists of searching throughout trails and a building galleries phase. 2. In this study, a manipulative field experiment was used to test the hypothesis that colonies of N. aff. coxipoensis forage towards a more profitable balance between the establishment of trails and gallery construction at low resource density. 3. The experiment was conducted in north‐eastern Brazil. Seven experimental plots were established with a continuous increase in resource density (sugarcane baits). Entire colonies of N. aff. coxipoensis were transplanted from their original sites to the experimental plot, totalling 35 nests. The number, branches and total length of trails and galleries were quantified. 4. The results show that N. aff. coxipoensis optimises its foraging output, intensifying the establishment of trails at the cost of gallery construction when resource density is low. The number of trails, the number of trail branches and the total length of trails decreased with increasing resource density. Interestingly, at low resource density, the search effort was concentrated on forming longer and a greater number of trails, a small proportion of which were converted into galleries. The opposite relationship was observed at high resource density. 5. These results suggest an optimisation of search efforts during foraging depending on resource density, a mechanism that may help researchers to understand the use of space by higher termite species.  相似文献   
The sugar nucleotide UDP‐N‐acetylglucosamine (UDP‐GlcNAc) is an essential metabolite in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In fungi, it is the precursor for the synthesis of chitin, an essential component of the fungal cell wall. U DP‐N‐a cetylglucosamine p yrophosphorylase (UAP) is the final enzyme in eukaryotic UDP‐GlcNAc biosynthesis, converting UTP and N‐acetylglucosamine‐1‐phosphate (GlcNAc‐1P) to UDP‐GlcNAc. As such, this enzyme may provide an attractive target against pathogenic fungi. Here, we demonstrate that the fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus possesses an active UAP (AfUAP1) that shows selectivity for GlcNAc‐1P as the phosphosugar substrate. A conditional mutant, constructed by replacing the native promoter of the A. fumigatus uap1 gene with the Aspergillus nidulans alcA promoter, revealed that uap1 is essential for cell survival and important for cell wall synthesis and morphogenesis. The crystal structure of AfUAP1 was determined and revealed exploitable differences in the active site compared with the human enzyme. Thus AfUAP1 could represent a novel antifungal target and this work will assist the future discovery of small molecule inhibitors against this enzyme.  相似文献   
Aspergillus fumigatus is the causative agent of aspergillosis, a frequently invasive colonization of the lungs of immunocompromised patients. GNA1 (D-glucosamine-6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase) catalyses the acetylation of GlcN-6P (glucosamine-6-phosphate) to GlcNAc-6P (N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate), a key intermediate in the UDP-GlcNAc biosynthetic pathway. Gene disruption of gna1 in yeast and Candida albicans has provided genetic validation of the enzyme as a potential target. An understanding of potential active site differences between the human and A. fumigatus enzymes is required to enable further work aimed at identifying selective inhibitors for the fungal enzyme. In the present study, we describe crystal structures of both human and A. fumigatus GNA1, as well as their kinetic characterization. The structures show significant differences in the sugar-binding site with, in particular, several non-conservative substitutions near the phosphate-binding pocket. Mutagenesis targeting these differences revealed drastic effects on steady-state kinetics, suggesting that the differences could be exploitable with small-molecule inhibitors.  相似文献   
Post-translational modification of intracellular proteins with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) catalysed by O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) has been linked to regulation of diverse cellular functions. OGT possesses a C-terminal glycosyltransferase catalytic domain and N-terminal tetratricopeptide repeats that are implicated in protein–protein interactions. Drosophila OGT (DmOGT) is encoded by super sex combs (sxc), mutants of which are pupal lethal. However, it is not clear if this phenotype is caused by reduction of O-GlcNAcylation. Here we use a genetic approach to demonstrate that post-pupal Drosophila development can proceed with negligible OGT catalysis, while early embryonic development is OGT activity-dependent. Structural and enzymatic comparison between human OGT (hOGT) and DmOGT informed the rational design of DmOGT point mutants with a range of reduced catalytic activities. Strikingly, a severely hypomorphic OGT mutant complements sxc pupal lethality. However, the hypomorphic OGT mutant-rescued progeny do not produce F2 adults, because a set of Hox genes is de-repressed in F2 embryos, resulting in homeotic phenotypes. Thus, OGT catalytic activity is required up to late pupal stages, while further development proceeds with severely reduced OGT activity.  相似文献   
1. Termites are important ecosystem engineers that improve primary productivity in trees and animal diversity outside their mounds. However, their ecological relationship with the species nesting inside their mounds is poorly understood. 2. The presence of termite cohabitant colonies inside 145 Cornitermes cumulans mounds of known size and location was recorded. Using network‐theoretical methods in conjunction with a suite of statistical analyses, the relative influence of biotic and abiotic drivers of termite within‐mound diversity on the composition and species richness of the termite community was investigated, specifically builder presence and physical aspects of the mound. 3. We found that richness inside the mound increases with mound size, and the species similarity between mounds decreases with distance. The physical attributes (abiotic drivers) of termite mounds (size and relative distance to other mounds) are the strongest predictors of termite species richness and composition. The biotic driver (presence of a builder colony) has an important, though smaller, negative effect on within‐mound termite species richness. 4. The findings suggest that the termites' physical manipulation of their environment is an important driver of within‐mound community diversity. More generally, the approach taken here, using a combination of statistical and network‐theoretical methods, can be used to determine the relative importance of abiotic and biotic drivers of diversity in a wide range of communities of interacting species.  相似文献   
The oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of atmospheric CO2 is among a very limited number of tools available to constrain estimates of the biospheric gross CO2 fluxes, photosynthesis and respiration at large scales. However, the accuracy of the partitioning strongly depends on the extent of isotopic disequilibrium between the signals carried by these two gross fluxes. Chamber‐based field measurements of total CO2 and CO18O fluxes from foliage and soil can help evaluate and refine our models of isotopic fractionation by plants and soils and validate the extent and pattern of isotopic disequilibrium within terrestrial ecosystems. Owing to sampling limitations in the past, such measurements have been very rare and covered only a few days. In this study, we coupled automated branch and soil chambers with tuneable diode laser absorption spectroscopy techniques to continuously capture the δ18O signals of foliage and soil CO2 exchange in a Pinus pinaster Aït forest in France. Over the growing season, we observed a seasonally persistent isotopic disequilibrium between the δ18O signatures of net CO2 fluxes from leaves and soils, except during rain events when the isotopic imbalance became temporarily weaker. Variations in the δ18O of CO2 exchanged between leaves, soil and the atmosphere were well explained by theory describing changes in the oxygen isotope composition of ecosystem water pools in response to changes in leaf transpiration and soil evaporation.  相似文献   
Autosomal recessive mutations in the PINK1 gene are causal for Parkinson''s disease (PD). PINK1 encodes a mitochondrial localized protein kinase that is a master-regulator of mitochondrial quality control pathways. Structural studies to date have elaborated the mechanism of how mutations located within the kinase domain disrupt PINK1 function; however, the molecular mechanism of PINK1 mutations located upstream and downstream of the kinase domain is unknown. We have employed mutagenesis studies to define the minimal region of human PINK1 required for optimal ubiquitin phosphorylation, beginning at residue Ile111. Inspection of the AlphaFold human PINK1 structure model predicts a conserved N-terminal α-helical extension (NTE) domain forming an intramolecular interaction with the C-terminal extension (CTE), which we corroborate using hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry of recombinant insect PINK1 protein. Cell-based analysis of human PINK1 reveals that PD-associated mutations (e.g. Q126P), located within the NTE : CTE interface, markedly inhibit stabilization of PINK1; autophosphorylation at Serine228 (Ser228) and Ubiquitin Serine65 (Ser65) phosphorylation. Furthermore, we provide evidence that NTE and CTE domain mutants disrupt PINK1 stabilization at the mitochondrial Translocase of outer membrane complex. The clinical relevance of our findings is supported by the demonstration of defective stabilization and activation of endogenous PINK1 in human fibroblasts of a patient with early-onset PD due to homozygous PINK1 Q126P mutations. Overall, we define a functional role of the NTE : CTE interface towards PINK1 stabilization and activation and show that loss of NTE : CTE interactions is a major mechanism of PINK1-associated mutations linked to PD.  相似文献   
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