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The present study was carried out on the non-tidal reaches of the River Ely, South Wales, from October 1979 to October 1980. The seasonal variations of the chlorophyll-a content of the phytoplankton was unimodal with one maximum in May and a minimum in December. The chlorophyll-a content varied from 0.277 to 41.259 mg m?3. The primary productivity showed a bimodal seasonal distribution with two maxima in May and September and lower values throughout the remainder of the year, particularly in winter. The value for the primary productivity varied from 0.269 to 24.302 mg C m?3 h?1. A positive correlation was obtained between chlorophyll-a content and primary productivity. The seasonal distribution of the dominant algal species and the saprobity of the River Ely were also studied. The diatom species almost showed a similar seasonal periodicity. Their concentrations were low during the winter months and high during most of the spring and summer months. Many of the dominant diatom species found in the phytoplankton populations were either considered by the other authors as saprobic (Nitzchia palea) or as inhabitants of eutrophic waters (Gomphonema parvulum, Navicula cryptocephala and Synedra ulna). Chlamydomonas spp. were the most abundant green algae followed by Chlorella vulgaris. The effect of sewage effluent disposal and cattle excreta at three of the sampling sites might partly explain the presence of high Chlamydomonas spp. populations at those sites. Physical factors (low flow rates, high transparency and water temperature) and organic pollution at some sampling sites seemed to play an important role in increasing the number of algal species during spring and summer. The non-tidal reaches of the River Ely were found to be β-mesosaprobic above and below Station 5 and α-mesosaprobic at the latter station and therefore, the river can be considered as polluted at Station 5 and mildly polluted at the others.  相似文献   
The 5' nontranslated region (NTR) and the X tail in the 3' NTR are the least variable parts of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome and play an important role in the initiation of RNA synthesis. By using subgenomic replicons of the HCV isolates Con1 (genotype 1) and JFH1 (genotype 2), we characterized the genotype specificities of the replication signals contained in the NTRs. The replacement of the JFH1 5' NTR and X tail with the corresponding Con1 sequence resulted in a significant decrease in replication efficiency. Exchange of the X tail specifically reduced negative-strand synthesis, whereas substitution of the 5' NTR impaired the generation of progeny positive strands. In search for the proteins involved in the recognition of genotype-specific initiation signals, we analyzed recombinant nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) RNA polymerases of both isolates and found some genotype-specific template preference for the 3' end of positive-strand RNA in vitro. To further address genotype specificity, we constructed a series of intergenotypic replicon chimeras. When combining NS3 to NS5A of Con1 with NS5B of JFH1, we observed more-efficient replication with the genotype 2a X tail, indicating that NS5B recognizes genotype-specific signals in this region. In contrast, a combination of the NS3 helicase with NS5A and NS5B was required to confer genotype specificity to the 5' NTR. These results present the first genetic evidence for an interaction between helicase, NS5A, and NS5B required for the initiation of RNA synthesis and provide a system for the specific analysis of HCV positive- and negative-strand syntheses.  相似文献   
BackgroundNatural killer (NK) cells derived from patients with cancer exhibit diminished cytotoxicity compared with NK cells from healthy individuals. We evaluated the tumor response and in vivo expansion of allogeneic NK cells in recurrent ovarian and breast cancerMethodsPatients underwent a lymphodepleting preparative regimen: fludarabine 25 mg/m2 × 5 doses, cyclophosphamide 60 mg/kg × 2 doses, and, in seven patients, 200 cGy total body irradiation (TBI) to increase host immune suppression. An NK cell product, from a haplo-identical related donor, was incubated overnight in 1000 U/mL interleukin (IL)-2 prior to infusion. Subcutaneous IL-2 (10 MU) was given three times/week × 6 doses after NK cell infusion to promote expansion, defined as detection of ≥100 donor-derived NK cells/μL blood 14 days after infusion, based on molecular chimerism and flow cytometryResultsTwenty (14 ovarian, 6 breast) patients were enrolled. The median age was 52 (range 30–65) years. Mean NK cell dose was 2.16 × 107cells/kg. Donor DNA was detected 7 days after NK cell infusion in 9/13 (69%) patients without TBI and 6/7 (85%) with TBI. T-regulatory cells (Treg) were elevated at day +14 compared with pre-chemotherapy (P = 0.03). Serum IL-15 levels increased after the preparative regimen (P = < 0.001). Patients receiving TBI had delayed hematologic recovery (P = 0.014). One patient who was not evaluable had successful in vivo NK cell expansionConclusionsAdoptive transfer of haplo-identical NK cells after lymphodepleting chemotherapy is associated with transient donor chimerism and may be limited by reconstituting recipient Treg cells. Strategies to augment in vivo NK cell persistence and expansion are needed.  相似文献   
Diet of the jaguar Panthera onca in the Cerrado, central Brazil, was investigated based on a sample of genetically identified jaguar scats. At least nine prey species were observed in 35 scat samples. Giant anteaters Myrmecophaga tridactyla contributed more than 75 % of biomass to the observed diet. Tapirs Tapirus terrestris and peccaries Tayassu pecari and Pecari tajacu contributed approximately 6 % to jaguar diet each, and small mammals contributed least to the jaguar diet. At 0.121, dietary niche breadth was narrower than reported in most other studies. Due to their physical characteristics and abundance, giant anteaters are likely the most profitable prey for jaguars in Emas National Park, and as an important prey, they should be included in jaguar conservation efforts.  相似文献   
The evolution of drug resistance, a key challenge for our ability to treat and control infections, depends on two processes: de-novo resistance mutations, and the selection for and spread of resistant mutants within a population. Understanding the factors influencing the rates of these two processes is essential for maximizing the useful lifespan of drugs and, therefore, effective disease control. For malaria parasites, artemisinin-based drugs are the frontline weapons in the fight against disease, but reports from the field of slower parasite clearance rates during drug treatment are generating concern that the useful lifespan of these drugs may be limited. Whether slower clearance rates represent true resistance, and how this provides a selective advantage for parasites is uncertain. Here, we show that Plasmodium chabaudi malaria parasites selected for resistance to artesunate (an artemisinin derivative) through a step-wise increase in drug dose evolved slower clearance rates extremely rapidly. In single infections, these slower clearance rates, similar to those seen in the field, provided fitness advantages to the parasite through increased overall density, recrudescence after treatment and increased transmission potential. In mixed infections, removal of susceptible parasites by drug treatment led to substantial increases in the densities and transmission potential of resistant parasites (competitive release). Our results demonstrate the double-edged sword for resistance management: in our initial selection experiments, no parasites survived aggressive chemotherapy, but after selection, the fitness advantage for resistant parasites was greatest at high drug doses. Aggressive treatment of mixed infections resulted in resistant parasites dominating the pool of gametocytes, without providing additional health benefits to hosts. Slower clearance rates can evolve rapidly and can provide a strong fitness advantage during drug treatment in both single and mixed strain infections.  相似文献   
Predation is the dominant source of mortality for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) <6 months old throughout North America. Yet, few white-tailed deer fawn survival studies have occurred in areas with 4 predator species or have considered concurrent densities of deer and predator species. We monitored survival and cause-specific mortality from birth to 6 months for 100 neonatal fawns during 2013–2015 in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA, while simultaneously estimating population densities of deer, American black bear (Ursus americanus), coyote (Canis latrans), bobcat (Lynx rufus), and gray wolf (Canis lupus). We estimated fawn predation risk in response to sex, birth mass, and date of birth. Six-month fawn survival pooled among years was 36%, and fawn mortality risk was not related to birth mass, date of birth, or sex. Estimated mean annual deer and predator densities were 334 fawns/100 km2, 25.9 black bear/100 km2, 23.8 coyotes/100 km2, 3.8 bobcat/100 km2, and 2.8 wolves/100 km2. Despite lower estimated per-individual kill rates, coyotes and black bears were the leading sources of fawn mortality because they had greater densities relative to bobcats and wolves. Our results indicate that the presence of more predator species in a system is not entirely additive in its effect on fawn survival. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   
This study investigated the exposure of jaguar populations and domestic animals to smooth Brucella, Leptospira spp. and Toxoplasma gondii in the Cerrado, Pantanal and Amazon biomes of Brazil. Between February 2000 and January 2010, serum samples from 31 jaguars (Panthera onca), 1,245 cattle (Bos taurus), 168 domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and 29 domestic cats (Felis catus) were collected and analysed by rose bengal test for smooth Brucella, microscopic agglutination test for Leptospira spp. and modified agglutination test for T. gondii. Cattle populations from all sites (9.88%) were exposed to smooth Brucella, but only one jaguar from Cerrado was exposed to this agent. Jaguars captured in the Cerrado (60.0%) and in the Pantanal (45.5%) were seropositive for different serovars of Leptospira spp., cattle (72.18%) and domestic dogs (13.1%) from the three sites and one domestic cat from Pantanal were also seropositive for the agent. The most prevalent serotype of Leptospira spp. identified in jaguars from the Cerrado (Grippotyphosa) and the Pantanal (Pomona) biomes were distinct from those found in the domestic animals sampled. Jaguars (100%), domestic dogs (38.28%) and domestic cats (82.76%) from the three areas were exposed to T. gondii. Our results show that brucellosis and leptospirosis could have been transmitted to jaguars by domestic animals; and jaguars probably play an important role in the maintenance of T. gondii in nature.  相似文献   
Reduced pulmonary function and elevated serum cholesterol levels are recognized risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Currently, there is some controversy concerning relationships between cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, serum triglycerides and lung function. However, most previous studies compared patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with healthy controls, and only a small number examined this relationship in population-based cohorts. Moreover, lipoprotein a [Lp(a)], another lipid parameter independently associated with cardiovascular diseases, appears not to have been addressed at all in studies of lung function at the population level. Here, we determined relationships between lung function and several lipid parameters including Lp(a) in 606 older community-dwelling participants (55.1% women, 68±4 years old) from the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II). We found a significantly lower forced expiration volume in 1 second (FEV1) in men with low Lp(a) concentrations (t-test). This finding was further substantiated by linear regression models adjusting for known covariates, showing that these associations are statistically significant in both men and women. According to the highest adjusted model, men and women with Lp(a) levels below the 20th percentile had 217.3ml and 124.2ml less FEV1 and 239.0ml and 135.2ml less FVC, respectively, compared to participants with higher Lp(a) levels. The adjusted models also suggest that the known strong correlation between pro-inflammatory parameters and lung function has only a marginal impact on the Lp(a)-pulmonary function association. Our results do not support the hypothesis that higher Lp(a) levels are responsible for the increased CVD risk in people with reduced lung function, at least not in the group of community-dwelling older people studied here.  相似文献   


The primary objective was to study the antitumor activity of prolonged subcutaneous dosing of systemic 852A, a Toll-like receptor-7 agonist (TLR-7), in recurrent breast, ovarian and cervix cancer. Secondary objectives included assessment of safety and immune system activation.


Adults with recurrent breast, ovarian or cervix cancer failing multiple therapies received 0.6 mg/m2 of 852A subcutaneously twice weekly for 12 weeks. Doses increased by 0.2 mg/m2/week to a maximum of 1.2 mg/m2. Serum was collected to assess immune activation.


Fifteen patients enrolled: 10 ovarian, 2 cervix and 3 breast. Three completed all 24 injections. There were two grade 2 (decreased ejection fractions), nine grade 3 (1 cardiovascular, 1 anorexia, 3 dehydration, 2 infections, 2 renal) and two grade 4 (hepatic and troponin elevation) unanticipated toxicities. Cardiac toxicities included three cardiomyopathies (2 asymptomatic) and one stress-related non-ST elevated myocardial infarction. Five patients discontinued therapy due to possibly associated side effects. One who had stable disease (SD) following 24 doses received 17 additional doses. A cervix patient with SD following 24 doses received chemotherapy after progressing 3 months later, and remains disease free at 18 months. Immune activation, as evidenced by increased IP-10 and IL-1ra, was observed.


In this first human experience of a TLR-7 agonist delivered subcutaneously using a prolonged dosing schedule, 852A demonstrated sustained tolerability in some patients. Clinical benefit was modest, but immune activation was seen suggesting further study of antitumor applications is warranted. Because of cardiac toxicity; 852A should be used cautiously in heavily pretreated patients.  相似文献   
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