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The novel amide linked Angiotensin II potent cyclic analogue, c-[Sar1,Lys3,Glu5] ANG II 19 has been designed and synthesized in an attempt to test the aromatic ring clustering and the charge relay bioactive conformation we have recently suggested for ANG II. This constrained cyclic analogue was synthesized by connecting the Lys3 amino and Glu5 carboxyl side chain groups, and it was found to be potent in the rat uterus assay and in anesthetized rabbits. The central part of the molecule is fixed covalently in the conformation predicted according to the backbone bend conformational model proposed for Angiotensin II. The obtained results using a combination of 2D NMR, 1D NOE spectroscopy and molecular modeling revealed a similar Tyr4-Ile5-His6 bend, a His6-Pro7 trans configuration and a side chain aromatic ring cluster of the key aminoacids Tyr4, His6, Phe8 for c-[Sar1,Lys3,Glu5] ANG II as it has been found for ANG II (Matsoukas, J. H.; Hondrelis, J.; Keramida, M.; Mavromoustakos, T.; Markriyannis, A.; Yamdagni, R.; Wu, Q.; Moore, G. J. J. Biol. Chem. 1994, 269, 5303). Previous study of the conformational properties of the Angiotensin II type I antagonist [Hser(gamma-OMe)8] ANG II (Matsoukas, J. M.; Agelis, G.; Wahhab, A.; Hondrelis, J.; Panagiotopoulos. D.; Yamdagni, R.; Wu, Q.; Mavromoustakos, T.; Maia, H.; Ganter, R.; Moore, G. J. J. Med. Chem. 1995, 38, 4660) using 1-D NOE spectroscopy coupled with the present study of the same type of lead antagonist Sarilesin revealed that the Tyr4-Ile5-His6 bend, a conformational property found in Angiotensin II is not present in type I antagonists. The obtained results provide an important conformational difference between Angiotensin II agonists and type I antagonists. It appears that our synthetic attempt to further support our proposed model was successful and points out that the charge relay system and aromatic ring cluster are essential stereoelectronic features for Angiotensin II to exert its biological activity.  相似文献   
The conformational properties of the pentapeptide Ser-Phe-Leu-Leu-Arg (P5), a human thrombin receptor-derived sequence forming part of a tethered ligand which activates the thrombin receptor, and its more active amide derivative Ser-Phe-Leu-Leu-Arg-NH2 (P5-NH2), have been studied by proton NMR spectroscopy in dimethylsulfoxide. Measurements of nuclear Overhauser effects, performed using two-dimensional rotating frame nuclear Overhauser (ROESY) and one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) spectroscopy, revealed that P5 exists mainly in an extended conformation. However, proton–proton 1D-NOEs between Phe CH and Ser CH, Leu3 CH and Leu3 NH, and Leu4 CH and Leu4 NH, as well as between the Ser and Arg sidechains, also implicated a minor conformer for P5 having a curved backbone and a near-cyclic structure. In contrast to P5, measurements of NOEs and ROEs for P5-NH2 revealed a more stabilized cyclic structure which may account for its higher biological potency. Thus strong interresidue sequential NH (i)–NH (i + 1) interactions, as well as C-terminal carboxamide to N-terminal side-chain interactions, i.e., Arg CONH2 to Phe ring and Arg CONH2 to Ser , observed at lower levels of the ROESY spectrum, supported a curved backbone structure for SFLLR-NH2. Since the higher potaency P5-NH2 analogue adopts predominantly a cyclic structure, a cyclic bioactive conformation for thrombin receptor agonist peptides is suggested.  相似文献   
The conformational properties of the pentapeptide Ser-Phe-Leu-Leu-Arg (P5), a human thrombin receptor-derived sequence forming part of a tethered ligand which activates the thrombin receptor, and its more active amide derivative Ser-Phe-Leu-Leu-Arg-NH2 (P5-NH2), have been studied by proton NMR spectroscopy in dimethylsulfoxide. Measurements of nuclear Overhauser effects, performed using two-dimensional rotating frame nuclear Overhauser (ROESY) and one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) spectroscopy, revealed that P5 exists mainly in an extended conformation. However, proton–proton 1D-NOEs between Phe CαH and Ser CαH, Leu3 CαH and Leu3 NH, and Leu4 CαH and Leu4 NH, as well as between the Ser and Arg sidechains, also implicated a minor conformer for P5 having a curved backbone and a near-cyclic structure. In contrast to P5, measurements of NOEs and ROEs for P5-NH2 revealed a more stabilized cyclic structure which may account for its higher biological potency. Thus strong interresidue sequential NH (i)–NH (i + 1) interactions, as well as C-terminal carboxamide to N-terminal side-chain interactions, i.e., Arg CONH2 to Phe ring and Arg CONH2 to Ser $C_\alpha /C_{\beta \beta '} $ , observed at lower levels of the ROESY spectrum, supported a curved backbone structure for SFLLR-NH2. Since the higher potaency P5-NH2 analogue adopts predominantly a cyclic structure, a cyclic bioactive conformation for thrombin receptor agonist peptides is suggested.  相似文献   
Cannabinoid receptor CB1 is expressed abundantly in the brain and presumably in the peripheral tissues responsible for energy metabolism. It is unclear if the antiobesity effects of rimonabant, a CB1 antagonist, are mediated through the central or the peripheral CB1 receptors. To address this question, we generated transgenic mice with central nervous system (CNS)-specific knockdown (KD) of CB1, by expressing an artificial microRNA (AMIR) under the control of the neuronal Thy1.2 promoter. In the mutant mice, CB1 expression was reduced in the brain and spinal cord, whereas no change was observed in the superior cervical ganglia (SCG), sympathetic trunk, enteric nervous system, and pancreatic ganglia. In contrast to the neuronal tissues, CB1 was undetectable in the brown adipose tissue (BAT) or the liver. Consistent with the selective loss of central CB1, agonist-induced hypothermia was attenuated in the mutant mice, but the agonist-induced delay of gastrointestinal transit (GIT), a primarily peripheral nervous system-mediated effect, was not. Compared to wild-type (WT) littermates, the mutant mice displayed reduced body weight (BW), adiposity, and feeding efficiency, and when fed a high-fat diet (HFD), showed decreased plasma insulin, leptin, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, and elevated adiponectin levels. Furthermore, the therapeutic effects of rimonabant on food intake (FI), BW, and serum parameters were markedly reduced and correlated with the degree of CB1 KD. Thus, KD of CB1 in the CNS recapitulates the metabolic phenotype of CB1 knockout (KO) mice and diminishes rimonabant's efficacy, indicating that blockade of central CB1 is required for rimonabant's antiobesity actions.  相似文献   
DNA barcoding, microarray technology and next generation sequencing have emerged as promising tools for the elucidation of plant genetic diversity and its conservation. They are proving to be immensely helpful in authenticating the useful medicinal plants for herbal drug preparations. These newer versions of molecular markers utilize short genetic markers in the genome to characterize the organism to a particular species. This has the potential not only to classify the known and yet unknown species but also has a promising future to link the medicinally important plants according to their properties. The newer trends being followed in DNA chips and barcoding pave the way for a future with many different possibilities. Several of these possibilities might be: characterization of unknown species in a considerably less time than usual, identification of newer medicinal properties possessed by the species and also updating the data of the already existing but unnoticed properties. This can assist us to cure many different diseases and will also generate novel opportunities in medicinal drug delivery and targeting.  相似文献   
The development of an analytical method to quantify the major Cu, Fe and Zn-containing metalloproteins in mammalian plasma has been recently reported. This method is based on the separation of plasma proteins by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) followed by the on-line detection of the metalloproteins by an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). To assess whether the mobile phase buffer can affect the SEC-ICP-AES-derived metalloproteome pattern, thawed rabbit plasma was analyzed using phosphate buffered saline (PBS)-buffer (0.15 M, pH 7.4), Tris-buffer (0.1 and 0.05 M, pH 7.4), Hepes-buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.4) or Mops-buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.4). In contrast to the Cu-specific chromatograms, the Fe and Zn-specific chromatograms that were obtained with Tris, Hepes and Mops-buffer were considerably different from those attained with PBS-buffer. The Tris, Hepes and Mops-buffer mediated redistribution of ~25% plasma Zn(2+) from <100 kDa to >100-600 kDa plasma proteins and to a smaller extent to a <10 kDa (Tris)(2)Zn(2+)-complex can be rationalized in terms of the abstraction of Zn(2+) from the weak binding site on albumin. In contrast, only Hepes and Mops-buffer redistributed ~20% of plasma Fe(3+) from the <100 kDa to the >600 kDa elution range. Based on these results and considering that the utilization of PBS-buffer has previously resulted in the detection of a number of Cu, Fe and Zn-containing metalloentities in rabbit plasma that was most consistent with literature data, this mobile phase buffer is recommended for metallomic studies regarding mammalian blood plasma.  相似文献   
Mentha longifolia (Lamiaceae), an aromatic herb yielded a new halogenated chloro-derivative of menthone (longifone), two new derivatives of beta-sitosterol glycoside (longiside-A and -B) and a new flavanone-glycoside (longitin). The beta-sitosterol and flavanone glycosides were purified as their acetate derivatives. Structures of all the isolated constituents were elucidated with the aid of HMBC techniques. However, the structure of longifone was also determined through X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   
The catalytic domain of human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) converting enzyme (TACE) was expressed in a phage display system to determine whether stable and active enzyme could be made for high-throughput screening (HTS). This would address many issues around screening of proteases in this class. The phage-displayed TACE catalytic domain (PDT) properly cleaved the fusion protein of glutathione S-transferase (GST)-pro-TNF-alpha to generate the mature TNF-alpha in vitro. To determine the utility of the PDT in HTS, the authors further demonstrated that PDT was able to generate a strong reproducible fluorescence signal by cleaving a fluorogenic TNF-alpha-specific peptide in vitro. More important, the catalytic activity of the PDT was inhibited by a broad-spectrum matrix metalloprotease (MMP) inhibitor but not by an MMP-I specific inhibitor, illustrating the potential utility of PDT for HTS. The PDT was also compared with baculovirus-expressed TACE (BET) in these assays to establish the relative efficacy of PDT. Both PDT and BET showed a similar specific cleavage profile against the defined substrates. Activity of the BET, however, was stable at 4 degrees C for less than 24 h. In contrast, the PDT exhibited remarkable stability, losing very little activity even after 2 years at 4 degrees C. On the basis of these results, the authors concluded that the phage display system might be a useful tool for expressing proteins that have stability issues related to auto-proteolytic activity. Furthermore, the ease and low cost of large-scale production of phage should make it suitable for assay development and HTS.  相似文献   
The conformational properties of the competitive angiotensin II antagonist sarmesin [Sar-Arg-Val-Tyr(Me)-His-Pro-Phe] and its heptapeptide analogue [des1]sarmesin in dimethylsulphoxide-d6 were investigated by nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) enhancement studies. Assignment of all backbone and side-chain protons was possible by combining information from intraresidue NOE studies with two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy (COSY) studies. Saturation of the His C alpha proton of sarmesin produced essentially the same interresidue NOE enhancement of the two Pro C delta protons, illustrating the presence of the trans His-Pro bond. Saturation of the Sar N-methyl group caused enhancement of one of the His C beta protons, suggesting the presence of a turn in the N-terminal region of the molecule. Saturation of His C2 in sarmesin and [des1]sarmesin enhanced the Tyr(Me) methyl signal. Saturation of the Tyr(Me) methyl protons in [des1]sarmesin produced NOE enhancement of the His C2 and C4 protons, and saturation of the His C2 proton enhanced the Tyr(Me) meta and ortho proton signals. Interresidue interactions between the Tyr(Me) and His protons in sarmesin and [des1]sarmesin illustrate that these two side-chains remain in close proximity even in the absence of the postulated hydrogen bond between Tyr hydroxyl and the His imidazole ring in angiotensin II. The data suggest a preferred conformation for sarmesin in DMSO in which the peptide backbone is S-shaped and similar to that for angiotensin II.  相似文献   
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