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The bacterium Gordonia sp. 647 W.R.1a.05 was cultivated from the venom duct of the cone snail, Conus circumcisus. The Gordonia sp. organic extract modulated the action potential of mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons. Assay-guided fractionation led to the identification of the new compound circumcin A (1) and 11 known analogs (212). Two of these compounds, kurasoin B (7) and soraphinol A (8), were active in a human norepinephrine transporter assay with Ki values of 2575 and 867 nM, respectively. No neuroactivity had previously been reported for compounds in this structural class. Gordonia species have been reproducibly isolated from four different cone snail species, indicating a consistent association between these organisms.  相似文献   
Cigarette smoke (CigS) exposure is associated with increased bronchial epithelial permeability and impaired barrier function. Primary cultures of normal human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to CigS exhibit decreased E-cadherin expression and reduced transepithelial electrical resistance. These effects were mediated by hyaluronan (HA) because inhibition of its synthesis with 4-methylumbelliferone prevented these effects, and exposure to HA fragments of <70 kDa mimicked these effects. We show that the HA receptor layilin is expressed apically in human airway epithelium and that cells infected with lentivirus expressing layilin siRNAs were protected against increased permeability triggered by both CigS and HA. We identified RhoA/Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) as the signaling effectors downstream layilin. We conclude that HA fragments generated by CigS bind to layilin and signal through Rho/ROCK to inhibit the E-cadherin gene and protein expression, leading to a loss of epithelial cell-cell contact. These studies suggest that HA functions as a master switch protecting or disrupting the epithelial barrier in its high versus low molecular weight form and that its depolymerization is a first and necessary step triggering the inflammatory response to CigS.  相似文献   
Submerged macrophytes enhance water transparency and aquatic biodiversity in shallow water ecosystems. Therefore, the return of submerged macrophytes is the target of many lake restoration projects. However, at present, north-western European aquatic ecosystems are increasingly invaded by omnivorous exotic crayfish. We hypothesize that invasive crayfish pose a novel constraint on the regeneration of submerged macrophytes in restored lakes and may jeopardize restoration efforts. We experimentally investigated whether the invasive crayfish (Procambarus clarkii Girard) affects submerged macrophyte development in a Dutch peat lake where these crayfish are expanding rapidly. Seemingly favourable abiotic conditions for macrophyte growth existed in two 0.5 ha lake enclosures, which provided shelter and reduced turbidity, and in one lake enclosure iron was added to reduce internal nutrient loading, but macrophytes did not emerge. We transplanted three submerged macrophyte species in a full factorial exclosure experiment, where we separated the effect of crayfish from large vertebrates using different mesh sizes combined with a caging treatment stocked with crayfish only. The three transplanted macrophytes grew rapidly when protected from grazing in both lake enclosures, demonstrating that abiotic conditions for growth were suitable. Crayfish strongly reduced biomass and survival of all three macrophyte species while waterfowl and fish had no additive effects. Gut contents showed that crayfish were mostly carnivorous, but also consumed macrophytes. We show that P. clarkii strongly inhibit macrophyte development once favourable abiotic conditions for macrophyte growth are restored. Therefore, expansion of invasive crayfish poses a novel threat to the restoration of shallow water bodies in north-western Europe. Prevention of introduction and spread of crayfish is urgent, as management of invasive crayfish populations is very difficult.  相似文献   
In many legume crops, especially in forage legumes, aerial morphogenesis defined as growth and development of plant organs, is an essential trait as it determines plant and seed biomass as well as forage quality (protein concentration, dry matter digestibility). Medicago truncatula is a model species for legume crops. A set of 29 accessions of M. truncatula was evaluated for aerial morphogenetic traits. A recombinant inbred lines (RILs) mapping population was used for analysing quantitative variation in aerial morphogenetic traits and QTL detection. Genes described to be involved in aerial morphogenetic traits in other species were mapped to analyse co-location between QTLs and genes. A large variation was found for flowering date, morphology and dynamics of branch elongation among the 29 accessions and within the RILs population. Flowering date was negatively correlated to main stem and branch length. QTLs were detected for all traits, and each QTL explained from 5.2 to 59.2% of the phenotypic variation. A QTL explaining a large part of genetic variation for flowering date and branch growth was found on chromosome 7. The other chromosomes were also involved in the variation detected in several traits. Mapping of candidate genes indicates a co-location between a homologue of Constans gene or a flowering locus T (FT) gene and the QTL of flowering date on chromosome 7. Other candidate genes for several QTLs are described. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Radiotherapy is one of the most important treatments of primary and metastatic brain tumors. Unfortunately, it can involve moderate to severe complications among which leukoencephalopathy is very frequent and implies cognitive deficits such as memory, attention and executive dysfunctions. However, the incidence of this complication is not well established and the risk factors and process are poorly understood. The main objective of the study is to improve knowledge on radio-induced leukoencephalopathy based on pluridisciplinar approaches combining cognitive, biologic, imagery and dosimetric investigations.


The EpiBrainRad study is a prospective cohort study including newly diagnosed high grade gliomas patients treated by radiotherapy and concomitant-adjuvant temozolomide chemotherapy. Patients are included between their surgery and first day of radio-chemotherapy, and the follow-up lasts for 3 years after treatment. Cognitive functioning assessments, specific blood biomarkers measures and magnetic resonance imagery are performed at different moment during the follow-up, and a specific dosimetric assessment of organs involved in the beam fields is performed. Firstly, leukoencephalopathy incidence rate will be estimated in this population. Secondly, correlations between cognitive impairments and dosimetry, biomarkers ranges and anomalies on imagery will be analyzed in order to better understand the onset and evolution of cognitive decrement associated with radiotherapy. Furthermore, a new cognitive test, quickly and easily performed, will be studied to determine its sensibility to detect leukoencephalopathy decrement.


With an original multidisciplinary approach, the EpiBrainRad study aims to improve knowledge on radio-induced leukoencephalopathy in order to improve its early diagnosis and prevention. The main challenge is to preserve quality-of-life after cancer treatments which imply to study the incidence of radiation-induced complications and their associated risk factors.

Trial Registration

Neutrophil elastase has been linked to inflammatory lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, adult respiratory distress syndrome, emphysema, and cystic fibrosis. In guinea pigs, aerosol challenge with human neutrophil elastase causes bronchoconstriction, but the mechanism by which this occurs is not completely understood. Our laboratory previously showed that human neutrophil elastase releases tissue kallikrein (TK) from cultured tracheal gland cells. TK has been identified as the major kininogenase of the airway and cleaves both high- and low-molecular weight kininogen to yield lysyl-bradykinin. Because inhaled bradykinin causes bronchoconstriction and airway hyperresponsiveness in asthmatic patients and allergic sheep, we hypothesized that elastase-induced bronchoconstriction could be mediated by bradykinin. To test this hypothesis, we measured lung resistance (RL) in sheep before and after inhalation of porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE) alone and after pretreatment with a bradykinin B(2) antagonist (NPC-567), the specific human elastase inhibitor ICI 200,355, the histamine H(1)-antagonist diphenhydramine hydrochloride, the cysteinyl leukotriene 1 receptor antagonist montelukast, or the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. Inhaled PPE (125-1,000 microg) caused a dose-dependent increase in RL. Aerosol challenge with a single 500 microg dose of PPE increased RL by 132 +/- 8% over baseline. This response was blocked by pretreatment with NPC-567 and ICI-200,355 (n = 6; P < 0.001), whereas treatment with diphenhydramine hydrochloride, montelukast, or indomethacin failed to block the PPE-induced bronchoconstriction. Consistent with pharmacological data, TK activity in bronchial lavage fluid increased 134 +/- 57% over baseline (n = 5; P < 0.02). We conclude that, in sheep, PPE-induced bronchoconstriction is in part mediated by the generation of bradykinin. Our findings suggest that elastase-kinin interactions may contribute to changes in bronchial tone during inflammatory diseases of the airways.  相似文献   
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