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Mass spectromelry has been used to investigate the uptake of CO2 by two marine diatoms, Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Cyclotella sp. The time course of CO2 formation in the dark after addition of 100 mmol m?3 dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to cell suspensions showed that external carbonic anhydrase (CA) was not present in cells of P. tricornutum but was present in Cyclotella sp. In the absence of external CA, or when it was inhibited by 5 mmol m?3 acetazolamide, cells of both species preincubated with 100 mmol m?3 DIG rapidly depleted almost all of the free CO2 (3·2mmol m?31 at pH7·5) from the suspending medium within seconds of illumination and prior to the onset of steady-state photosynthesis. Addition of bovine CA quickly restored the HCO3?–CO2 equilibrium in the medium, indicating that the initial depletion of CO2 resulted from the selective uptake of CO2 rather than uptake of all DIG species. Transfer of cells to the dark caused a rapid increase in the CO2 concentration in the medium, largely as a result of the efflux of unfixed inorganic carbon from the cells. The measured CO2 uptake rates for both species accounted for 50% of the total DIG uptake at HCO3?–CO2 equilibrium, indicating that HCOHCO3? was also being taken up. These results indicate that both Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Cyclotella sp. have the capacity to transport CO2 actively against concentration and pH gradients.  相似文献   
Uptake and Accumulation of Inorganic Carbon by a Freshwater Diatom   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Colman, B. and Rotatore, C. 1988. Uptake and accumulation ofinorganic carbon by a freshwater diatom.—J. exp Bot 39:1025–1032. The mechanism of uptake of inorganic carbon and its accumulationhas been studied in the freshwater diatom Navicula pelliculosa.No external carbonic anhydrase could be detected, although itwas detected in cell extracts. The rate of photosynthetic O2evolution, in media in the range pH 7.5–8.5, exceededthe calculated rate of CO2 supply 2- to 5-fold, indicating thatHCO3 was taken up by the cells. At an external pH of7.5, the internal pH, measured by 14C-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione distribution between the cells and the medium, was pH7.6 in the light and pH 7.4 in the dark. Accumulation of inorganiccarbon was determined by the silicone oil centrifugation methodand inorganic carbon pools of 23.5 mol m–3 were found,a concentration 21.6-fold that in the external medium. The resultsindicate an active accumulation of inorganic carbon againstpH and concentration gradients in this diatom, probably by activeHCO3 uptake. Key words: Bicarbonate transport, carbon dioxide, carbonic anhydrase, CO2 affinity, CO2 concentrating mechanism, internal pH, Navicula pelliculosa  相似文献   
Some physiological characteristics of photosynthetic inorganic carbon uptake have been examined in the marine diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Cyclotella sp. Both species demonstrated a high affinity for inorganic carbon in photosynthesis at pH7.5, having K1/2(CO2) in the range 1.0 to 4.0mmol m?3 and O2? and temperature-insensitive CO2 compensation concentrations in the range 10.8 to 17.6 cm3 m?3. Intracellular accumulation of inorganic carbon was found to occur in the light; at an external pH of 7.5 the concentration in P. tricornutum was twice, and that in Cyclotella 3.5 times, the concentration in the suspending medium. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) was detected in intact Cyclotella cells but not in P. tricornutum, although internal CA was detected in both species. The rates of photosynthesis at pH 8.0 of P. tricornutum cells and Cyclotella cells treated with 0.1 mol m?3 acetazolamide, a CA inhibitor, were 1.5- to 5-fold the rate of CO2 supply, indicating that both species have the capacity to take up HCO3? as a source of substrate for photosynthesis. No Na+ dependence for HCO3? could be detected in either species. These results indicate that these two marine diatoms have the capacity to accumulate inorganic carbon in the light as a consequence, in part, of the active uptake of bicarbonate.  相似文献   
Mass spectrometry has been used to investigate the transportof CO2 in the freshwater diatom Navicula pelliculosa. The timecourseof CO2 formation in the dark after addition of 100 mmol m–3dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to cell suspensions showedthat no external carbonic anhydrase (CA) was present in thesecells. Upon illumination, cells pre-incubated at pH 75 with100 mmol m–3 DIC, removed almost all free CO2 from themedium at an initial rate of 285 µmol CO2 mg–1Chl h–1. Equilibrium between HCO3 and CO2 in themedium occurred rapidly upon addition of bovine CA, showingthat CO2 depletion resulted from a selective uptake of CO2 ratherthan an uptake of all inorganic carbon species. However, photosyntheticO2 evolution rate remained constant after CO2 had been depletedfrom the medium indicating that photosynthesis is sustainedprimarily by active HCO3 uptake. Treatment of cells with2-iodoacetamide (83 mol m–3) completely inhibited CO2fixation but had little effect on CO2 transport since initialrates of CO2 depletion were about 81% that of untreated cells.Transfer of iodoacetamide-treated cells to the dark caused arapid increase in the CO2 concentration in the medium largelydue to the efflux of the unfixed intracellular DIC pool whichwas found to be about 194 times the concentration of that inthe external medium. These results indicate that Navicula pelliculosaactively takes up molecular CO2 against a concentration gradientby a process distinct from HCO3 transport. Key words: Dissolved inorganic carbon, carbonic anhydrase, bicarbonate transport, CO2 transport, mass spectrometry  相似文献   
Abstract. Mass spectrometry has been used to measure the rates of CO2 uptake of acid- and alkali-grown cells of the green algae Chlorella ellipsoidea (UTEX 20) and C. saccharophila (UTEX 27). The time course of CO2 formation on addition of 100mmol m−3 K2CO3 to cells in the dark was used as an assay for external carbonic anhydrase (CA). No external CA was detected in acid-grown cells of either species or in alkali-grown cells of C. ellipsoidea but was present in alkali-grown C. saccharophila . In the absence of external CA, or when it was inhibited by 5mmol m−3 acetazolamide, cells of both species, on illumination, rapidly depleted the free CO2 in the medium at pH 7.5 to near zero concentrations before maximum photosynthetic O2 evolution rates were established. Addition of bovine CA rapidly restored the equilibrium CO2 concentration in the medium, indicating that the cells were selectively taking up CO2. Transfer of cells to the dark caused a rapid increase in the CO2 concentration in the medium largely due to the efflux of inorganic carbon from the cells as CO2. This rapid light-dependent CO2 uptake takes place against pH and concentration gradients and, thus, has the characteristics of active transport.  相似文献   
Abstract. The uptake and accumulation of inorganic carbon has been investigated in Chlorella ellipsoidea cells grown at acid or alkaline pH. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) was detected in ceil extracts but not in intact cells and CA activity in acid-grown cells was considerably less than that in alkali-grown cells. Both cell types demonstrates low K1/2 (CO2) values in the range pH 7.0–8.0 and these were unaffected by O2 concentration. The CO2 compensation concentrations of acid- and alkali-grown cells suspended in aqueous media were not significantly different in the range of pH 6.0–8.0, but at pH 5.0, the CO2 compensation concentrations of acid-grown cells (57.4cm3 m−3) were lower than those of alkali-grown cells (79.2cm3 m−3). The rate of photo-synthetic O2 evolution in the range pH 7.5–8.0 exceeded the calculated rate of CO2 supply two- to three-fold, in both acid- and alkali-grown cells, indicating that HCO3 was taken up by the cells. Accumulation of inorganic carbon was measured at pH 7.5 by silicone-oil centri-fugation, and the concentration of unfixed inorganic carbon was found to be 5.1 mol m−3 in acid-grown and 6.4mol m−3 in alkali-grown cells. These concentrations were 4.6- and 5.9-fold greater than in the external medium. These results indicate that photorespiration is suppressed in both acid- and alkali-grown cells by an intracellular accumulation of inorganic carbon due, in part, to an active uptake of bicarbonate.  相似文献   
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