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Pollination systems may vary in their degree of specialization from generalist to specialist and this is associated with the frequency and efficiency of pollinators. Self‐compatibility and a generalist pollination system appear to be adaptations that enhance the ability for colonizing new areas, which is typical of mangrove species. Avicennia schaueriana is a western mangrove species included in Acanthaceae, Lamiales, an order known to have specialized pollination. We aimed to describe the floral morphology and analyze the pollination and reproductive systems of A. schaueriana in a mangrove area on the northern coast of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, to analyze the possible adaptations of this species to the environment. Avicennia schaueriana is self‐compatible; however, pollination activity is essential because there is no spontaneous formation of fruit. Reproductive efficacy was high, indicating pollinator efficiency. Some floral attributes of A. schaueriana suggest specialization; however, the broad spectrum of pollinators observed suggests that it has a generalist pollination system. The way in which pollinators interact with flowers and the environmental conditions may have exerted a selective force on the floral attributes of A. schaueriana, characterizing an adaptive generalized pollination system, which is somewhat specialized.  相似文献   
Abstract: A specimen of Curculionidae (Curculioninae) is described as Arariperhinus monnei gen. et sp. nov. The specimen is preserved on a laminated limestone sample of the Crato Formation (Santana Group), Lower Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian), and was collected from a quarry near Nova Olinda, Chapada do Araripe, State of Ceará, Brazil. The genus is placed in the subfamily Curculioninae because of its strongly convex body and relatively slender rostrum, but mainly by its rounded eyes and lack of a prosternal sulcus and tibial spurs. The very prominent eyes in lateral view, a cylindrical rostrum and a straight posterior margin of ventrite II are strong indications that this fossil belongs to the tribe Anthonomini. However, the claws, which would resolve the exact placement of this fossil, are poorly preserved. Arariperhinus monnei gen. et sp. nov. is distinguishable by the combination of several characters and the first record of the family Curculionidae in the Santana Group; it is the oldest record of a member of the subfamily Curculioninae.  相似文献   
A new species of Daptonema is described based upon morphological characters and 18S rRNA sequence. Daptonema matrona sp. nov. was collected in Pina Basin (north‐eastern Brazil). It differs from all other species of the genus by the presence of reduced cephalic setae and straight spicules. These features require an adaptation of the generic diagnosis. Moreover, the females are characterized by intra‐uterine development of the offspring, considered herein as their major autapomorphic feature. Molecular systematic analyses supported Daptonema matrona sp. nov. as a distinct genetic and evolutionary lineage. The data also indicate hypotheses of taxonomic synonymies amongst some related taxa from Xyalidae as well as the paraphyly of Daptonema. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 1–15.  相似文献   
1. The major aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that nutrient enrichment and the introduction of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), an exotic omnivorous filter‐feeding fish, operate interdependently to regulate plankton communities and water transparency of a tropical reservoir in the semi‐arid northeastern Brazil. 2. A field experiment was performed for 5 weeks in 20 enclosures (9.8 m3) to which four treatments were randomly allocated: tilapia addition (F), nutrient addition (N), tilapia and nutrient addition (F + N) and a control treatment with no tilapia or nutrient addition (C). A two‐way repeated measures anova was undertaken to test for time, tilapia and nutrient effects and their interactions on water transparency, total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations, phytoplankton biovolume and zooplankton biomass. 3. Nutrient addition had no effect except on rotifer biomass, but there were significant fish effects on the biomass of total zooplankton, copepod nauplii, rotifers, cladocerans and calanoid copepods and on the biovolume of total phytoplankton, large algae (GALD ≥ 50 μm), Bacillariophyta and Zygnemaphyceae and on Secchi depth. In addition, we found significant interaction effects between tilapia and nutrients on Secchi depth and rotifers. Overall, tilapia decreased the biomass of most zooplankton taxa and large algae (diatoms) and decreased water transparency, while nutrient enrichment increased the biomass of rotifers, but only in the absence of tilapia. 4. In conclusion, the influence of fish on the reservoir plankton community and water transparency was significant and even greater than that of nutrient loading. This suggests that biomanipulation of filter‐feeding tilapias may be of importance for water quality management of eutrophic reservoirs in tropical semi‐arid regions.  相似文献   
The species formerly recognized as Teucrium scorodonia in Madeira is here described as new: Teucrium francoi M. Seq., Capelo, J.C. Costa & R. Jardim. Morphologically close to species of Teucrium gr. scorodonia [ T. scorodonia L., T. pseudoscorodonia Desf., T. siculum (Raf.) Guss. and T. kotschyanum Poech], it exhibits, nonetheless, some distinct diagnostic characters. The indumentum density and type of hairs of T. francoi are clearly distinct from those of related species, as are the shape and dimensions of the leaves and bracts, calyx, and corolla, which are all taken as taxonomically significant diagnostic features. A diagnosis and a distribution map are presented for this new species. Morphology, ecology, biogeography, and conservation issues are discussed. Teucrium francoi , which is an endemic from Madeira (Portugal), is to be found mostly in the scope of the association Teucrio francoi–Origanetum virentis J.C. Costa, Capelo, Jardim, Sequeira, Lousã & Rivas-Martínez, but also occurs in somewhat humid habitats, such as open stands of Rosa mandonii Déségl. associated with small streams.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 639–647.  相似文献   
Recent years have seen the development of molecular‐based methodologies to investigate hybridization and its impact on the evolutionary process. However, morphological characterization of hybrid zones has only scantily been considered, especially in zootaxa. Thus, the level of congruence between molecular and morphological characters when attempting to detect hybrids remains a poorly tackled area. The genets (genus Genetta) provide an ideal case study for further investigation of the respective contribution of morphology and DNA in hybrid zone characterization because (1) their morphology has recently been exhaustively explored and (2) the existence of hybrid zones in southern Africa was proposed in the literature. We assessed levels of hybridization among the southern African genets, and questioned the role of ecological factors on the hybridization patterns detected. We used an integrative approach involving nine discrete morphological characters and a diagnostic discriminant function, geometric morphometrics and sequences of cytochrome b including collection specimens. The combination of independent materials allowed us to accurately reassess the level of hybridization in southern African genets, and revealed cryptic, interspecific gene flows. Morphology unambiguously detected a low number of G. maculata × G. tigrina hybrids and rejected the hypothesis of a large intergradation zone in KwaZulu‐Natal, thus supporting the species status of the two genets. Cytochrome b analyses revealed: (1) cryptic, massive hybridization between G. tigrina and the sympatric G. felina, and (2) a trace of reticulation (one sequence) between G. tigrina and the allopatric G. genetta. The type specimen of G. mossambica Matschie, 1902 is considered to be a morphological hybrid between G. maculata and G. angolensis. Remarkably, the morphological approaches (discrete characters and morphometrics) proved complementary to conclusions derived from cytochrome b sequences. Whilst morphometrics was generally unable to accurately identify all putative hybrids, this approach revealed diagnostic cranial shape differences between recognized species as well as the cryptic G. ‘letabae’ (included in the super‐species G. maculata). Morphometrics also confirmed the diagnostic value and age dependency of discrete characters. Our integrative approach appeared necessary to the detection of cryptic hybridizations and to the comprehensive characterization of hybrid zones. The recurrent detection of hybrids exhibiting tigrina‐like coat patterns may suggest (1) asymmetric hybridization of G. tigrina males to females of other species and (2) positive selection for tigrina‐like phenotype in South African habitats, but these hypotheses will have to be further tested using other sources of evidence. Despite the precise mosaic of hybrid zones identified in southern African genets, the environmental factors that shape patterns of distribution of hybrids remain unclear. Nevertheless, in the light of our range reassessment, it appears that seasonality of precipitation and periods of annual frost may play stringent roles in the distribution of genets. The complementarity of our results based on morphology and molecules is regarded as encouraging for the further development of integrative approaches in order to better understand the complex phenomena that underlie hybridization processes. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 11–33.  相似文献   
The uncoupled electron flux and the influence of adenine nucleotides on this flux in mitochondria isolated from hypocotyls of Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi cv. Seridó were examined. In order to avoid the functioning of other enzymes capable of utilizing adenine nucleotides the reaction medium was free of Mg2+. When an oxidizable NADH -linked substrate such as L-malate was used, a stimulatory of adenosine-5′-monophosphate (AMP) and adenosine-5′-diphosphate (ADP) on uncoupled respiration was manifested. The stimulatory effect of AMP and ADP could not be shown when succinate was the substrate. Atractyloside and carboxyatractyloside had no effect on the stimulatory role played respectively by AMP and ADP in the presence of carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone (FCCP).  相似文献   
We investigate the evolution of an individual's willingness to invest in a public good (what we call, helping) in a patch‐structured population with limited natal dispersal. We assume that an individual's decision to invest is informed by its dispersal status: an individual makes one decision given it is native to the patch on which it breeds, and is free to make a different decision given that it is not native to the patch on which it breeds. Unlike previous work, we assume that investment in the public good, and the public good, itself, both have a large effect on individual fecundity. Kin selection analysis reveals that only extreme investment decisions (i.e. ‘always invest’ or ‘never invest’) can be evolutionarily stable. Numerical results suggest that the evolutionary instability of the ‘never invest’ phenotype (what we call, complete nonhelping) implies the evolutionary stability of ‘always invest’ (what we call, complete helping). In addition, numerical results show that bistability of extreme phenotypes is possible, indicating that the adaptive significance of altruism, in this context, is greater than has been previously recognized. Numerical results are supported by computer simulation, and results, themselves, are briefly discussed in a concluding section.  相似文献   
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