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Some taxonomic characters may escape observation when only a small part of the vegetative body of the plant is examined. For this reason, these characters are likely to be overlooked. Phyllotaxy varies in most cases from the trunk to branches. Serial buds, when they exist, may be lacking in the axil of some leaves. Syllepsis is easier to see on the trunk than on twigs. Architectural models are established after appropriate observation of the whole plant or, better, with different individuals of the same species. Nevertheless, many of these characters can be readily observed and frequently help to identify a woody plant without its flowers or fruits. Some interpretations concerning systematics and evolutionary biology are also given.  相似文献   
Abstract The origin of Diptera, and the homologies of the dipteran wing, are re-examined in the light of recent studies on the flight biomechanics and functional wing morphology of Diptera and of Panorpa. Significant Diptera apomorphies are identified, relevant fossils discussed, and a hypothetical wing ground-plan figured.
The arculus, the modified clavus and the anteroposterior asymmetry of the fly wing seem to be adaptations to a mode of flight in which instantaneous wing pitch and camber are controlled automatically, rather than by muscular action; probably in association with the development of asynchronous power musculature.
Tillyard's Cu2 (=CUP) is believed to be a secondary pseudo-vein, his 1A to be the true CuP and 2A to be 1A.
The late Permian fossil Permotipula Patricia is almost certainly a member of the Diptera stem-group, possibly even of the crown-group. The Mesozoic Laurentipteridae and the Permian Permotanyderidae are other possible, but not certain, stem-group members.  相似文献   
The gut bacteria of eight tephritid species were isolated and characterized. Larvae of the genus Urophora and Tephritis dilacerata proved to house no microorganisms in their digestive organs. Bacteria were isolated from adults of five fruit fly species. Most of the bacterial strains were enterobacteria. Fruit-infesting tephritid species, flower-head species and gall formers had similar gut floras consisting of bacteria widespread in the soil and on the phylloplane.  相似文献   
Model of the mechanics of uprooting lead to the identificationof ‘optimal’ anchorage systems which can withstanda given upward force at a minimum construction cost. Such systemshave many downward-pointing fibrous roots which are strengthenedprogressively towards the base. A study of the anchorage systemof 7- and 21-d-old wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants showedthat the plants possessed five seminal roots, of which onlythree pointed vertically. Each root was well suited for anchorage,being convered in root hairs and strengthened progressivelytowards the base by lignification of the stele. Strength andstiffiness of roots but not their mass per unit length increasedwith age. There was little interaction between roots when plantswere uprooted; the three vertical roots broke while the twohorizontal ones pulled out, as occurred when roots were pulledout singly, Uprooting forces increased with age and the rootsystem could withstand uprooting forces greater than those requiredto pull out upper leaves, so reducing the chances of the plantbeing uprooted by a herbivore, By 3 weeks a stiff adventitiousroot system, which would later help prevent the wheat lodging,was developing.  相似文献   
The root system of mature wheat Triticum aestivum Marts Doveis dominated by the 7 to 15 adventitious roots which emergefrom the perimeter of the stem base, pointing radially outwardsand downwards. The basal, coronal region of these roots is thickand unbranched, attached to a rhizosheath of earth by a densecovering of root hairs and stiffened in bending by lignificationof outer layers of the cortex. Root lodging of plants involves bending of the coronal rootsat their base and axial movement of leeward and windward rootsthrough the soil; their resistance to these motions providemoments resisting lodging. A model of anchorage was producedby summing the resistance of each root to both forms of motionto give two anchorage components. The model was tested in aseries of mechanical experiments in which simulated lodgingwas followed by loading of individual roots; results supportedthe anchorage model and suggested that in the experimental conditionsthe two components of anchorage were approximately equal inmagnitude. The stem was about 30% stronger than the anchoragesystem. The coronal anchorage roots made up 4.4% of total dry mass;it is suggested that anchorage could be improved either by increasinginvestment in this region or by altering root orientation. Sequentialdevelopment of seminal and adventitious root systems is relatedto the changes in anchorage requirement with age.  相似文献   
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