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1. Starvation tolerance is an important trait for animals, as most will encounter starvation within their lifetime. Sit‐and‐wait predators are better adapted to starvation owing to their naturally low encounter rate with prey. 2. Starvation tolerance was studied under three levels of disturbance of wormlion larvae, a strict sit‐and‐wait predator that constructs pits. 3. Frequently disturbed wormlions constructed pits less often, and larger individuals continued to construct pits more frequently than smaller ones. It was expected that a high disturbance level would lead to a high rate of mass loss, however, surprisingly, the rate of mass loss was not higher for the frequently disturbed group. This suggests that the energetic cost of pit construction and maintenance is not as high as previously suggested for other pit‐building predators. 4. Larger individuals tolerated starvation better, in losing a lower proportion of their initial body mass and having higher chances of survival throughout the experiment. 5. The effect of starvation on the distance to neighbours was also investigated, and starved individuals were expected to maximise this distance in order to avoid interference competition. However, wormlions were usually clumped, and starvation or feeding had no effect on the pits' spatial pattern, suggesting that interference competition plays a minor role in this species. 6. Generally, wormlion larvae demonstrated a high starvation tolerance and low mortality rates even after 9 weeks of starvation.  相似文献   
Parental effort has a direct impact on individual fitness. Theoretical models exploring how parental effort evolves to cope with offspring demand and sexual conflicts may differ in the assumptions they make in respect to the genetic heritability of parental behaviours. Only a few attempts, however, have been made to estimate the heritability of parental behaviours and their possible co‐evolution with offspring solicitation behaviour. Analysing parent and offspring behaviours in four generations of cross‐fostered broods of house sparrows, we found that parental effort (food delivery rate) was repeatable across consecutive broods and heritable across generations. In contrast, parental response to experimentally induced changes in nestling begging was neither repeatable across broods nor heritable across generations or correlated to nestling begging. Thus, the results give no indication for genetic covariance between begging intensity and parental response, but provide the first cross‐fostering‐based evidence for the heritability of parental investment levels across generations.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Polyembryonic wasps provide dramatic examples of intra-specific developmental conflict. In these parasitoids, each egg proliferates into a clonal lineage of genetically identical larvae. If more than one egg is laid in a host (superparasitism), individuals of different clones may compete for food resources.
2. In the polyembryonic encyrtid Copidosoma koehleri , one larva per clone can differentiate into a sterile soldier. It is shown that soldiers are always females, and that they attack intra-specific competitors.
3. Research hypotheses were that (a) clones that develop in superparasitised hosts suffer heavier mortality than clones that develop in singly parasitised hosts, and (b) female clones cause higher mortality to their competitors than male clones, hence larval survival is lower in superparasitised hosts that contain females than in male-only broods.
4. The potential frequency of superparasitism in C. koehleri was manipulated by varying parasitoid–host ratios and exposure durations.
5. As parasitoid densities and exposure durations increased, the frequency of superparasitism rose, brood sizes increased, but the number of hosts that completed development was reduced. The number of offspring per parasitoid female decreased with increasing parasitoid–host ratios. Offspring size and longevity were inversely correlated with brood size. As superparasitism rates increased, fewer all-male broods were produced. Male–female broods were female-biased, suggesting selective killing of males by female soldiers. All-female broods were significantly smaller than all-male broods at high parasitoid densities only, possibly reflecting aggression among soldiers of competing clones.
6. The results support the working hypotheses, and suggest that female larvae outcompete males in superparasitised hosts.  相似文献   
The ability of Perciform fishes to protrude their jaw has likely been critical to the trophic diversification of this group, which includes approximately 20% of all vertebrates. The length of the ascending process of the premaxilla is thought to influence the maximum extent that cichlids and other Perciforms protrude their oral jaw. Using a combination of morphometrics, kinematics, and new phylogenetic hypotheses for 20 Heroine cichlid species, we tested the evolutionary relationship between the length of the premaxillary ascending process and maximum jaw protrusion. In this clade, the length of the ascending process of the premaxilla ranged from 11.6–32.7% with respect to standard length whereas maximum jaw protrusion ranged from 3.5–23.4% with respect to standard length. The evolutionary relationships among the Heroine cichlids obtained from the genetic partitions cytochrome b, S7, and RAG1 showed limited concordance. However, correlations between the length of the ascending process and maximum jaw protrusion were highly significant when examined as independent contrasts using all three topologies. Evolutionary change in the length of the ascending process of the premaxilla is likely critical for determining the amount of jaw protrusion in Perciform groups such as cichlid fishes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 619–629.  相似文献   
Heptageniidae is a species‐rich mayfly family (Ephemeroptera), whose taxonomy and phylogeny have been based almost exclusively on traditional morphological studies. Inconsistent use of diagnostic characters and the general lack of molecular studies have led to vague generic concepts, and the phylogenetic relationships among taxa in the family remain unclear. Afronurus Lestage is an Old World heptageniid genus of 66 species. The generic assignment of two species within this genus, A. kugleri Demoulin and A. zebratus (Hagen), has been the subject of much debate, because they share many apomorphic features that distinguish them from other congeners. We combined a thorough morphological study of all life stages of 28 representative heptageniid species with a molecular phylogenetic analysis of four mitochondrial and nuclear markers to resolve the generic position of A. kugleri and A. zebratus as well as the integrity of Afronurus and related genera. Our results confirm the monophyly of Afronurus and Electrogena and support the assignment of A. kugleri and A. zebratus to a newly described genus, Anapos Yanai & Sartori gen.n . We provide clear, diagnostic morphological characters for the genus and discuss the need for a thorough revision of generic concepts in the subfamily Ecdyonurinae. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:075E40C6-BAFE-4184-A2C2-E3BCFBC0BC15 .  相似文献   
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