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Yield components and grain quality were investigated on eight cultivars of spring oats with known differences in adult plant resistance to mildew and with different fungicide treatments. Losses in grain yield caused by mildew could be accounted for mainly by reductions in numbers of fertile panicles and thousand grain weights. The proportion of grain yield to total biomass, (harvest index) was also reduced. There were no effects of treatment on the concentration of fatty acids in the grain, the proportions of the component fatty acids, the percentage content of grain protein or the specific weights. However, correlation analysis of the data revealed that percentage protein contents and specific weights were negatively correlated with levels of mildew. There were significant genetic differences between cultivars in all of the yield and quality characteristics but no fungicide treatment/cultivar interactions.  相似文献   
Plants of Chenopodium amaranticolor grown in long photoperiodsfor 26 days were exposed to 0, 2, 6, or continuous short days(SD) and the resultant changes in leaf and stem growth on returnto long days recorded. Growth of the leaves, the main stem,and the axillary branches was initially strongly stimulatedby short days. Continued growth of leaves was inhibited by thedevelopment of flowers to anthesis; strong inhibition was observedafter 6 and continuous SDs, but not in the 2-SD or control groups,neither of which reached anthesis during the investigation. In the groups which flowered strongly, the intensity of inhibitionwas sufficient to mask completely the effect of the initialstimulation on final leaf and stem size. In the 2-SD group,however, lack of inhibition allowed full expression of the effectsof stimulation on the final leaf and stem dimensions. The system of stimulators and inhibitors controlling leaf growthprobably also brings about the changes in leaf shape associatedwith the onset of flowering. The results are discussed in relation to previous findings andit is suggested that similar stimulations of growth correlatedwith the induction of flowering might occur widely in both short-and long-day plants.  相似文献   
Alpine species often have similar demographic responses to Pleistocene climate changes, but exhibit different spatial patterns of genetic diversity. Using a comparative phylogeographical approach, we examined the factors influencing lineage formation in three alpine carabid beetles of the genus Nebria Latreille inhabiting the California Sierra Nevada. These flightless beetles differ in altitudinal zonation and habitat preferences, but overlap spatially, have limited dispersal capacities and share life history characteristics. Species distribution modelling predicted decreasing population connectivity in relation to increasing altitudinal preferences. Diversity patterns at the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene revealed north–south genetic structure and recent population growth in all three species. The high‐elevation‐restricted species, Nebria ingens Horn, exhibited a deep phylogeographical split, morphological divergence and evidence of limited, unidirectional gene flow towards the south. This was supported by additional data from three nuclear genes and isolation with migration analysis. Nebria spatulata Van Dyke, inhabiting an intermediate altitudinal range, exhibited fixed morphological differences between northern and southern populations, but showed limited structure. The broadly distributed Nebria ovipennis LeConte showed less structure and lacked morphological variation. Diversification of these Nebria species supports the role of altitudinal zonation in lineage formation and is consistent with the Pleistocene species pump model. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   
Regression Smoothers for Estimating Parameters of Growth Analyses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of regression smoothers is to obtain predictedvalues of a dependent variable and its first derivative fromempirical data without having to assume any particular functionalrelationship between the dependent and independent variables.An early variant of this type of analysis, specifically naturalB-splines, was first applied to growth analyses by Parsons andHunt in 1981 (Annals of Botany 48 : 341–352, 1981). Theobject of this paper is to describe and evaluate two recentadvances in this area (cubic spline smoothers and loess smoothers)in the context of plant growth analysis and compare them tonaturalB -splines. The accuracies of these methods are evaluatedusing simulated data of a type that normally causes difficultieswith other methods. A bootstrap procedure is described thatimproves the estimate of the optimal smoother parameter. Itis shown that these smoothers can capture even subtle changesin relative growth rate. The method is then applied to growthdata ofHolcus lanatus. B -splines; cubic spline smoothers; growth analyses; Holcus lanatus ; loess; relative growth rate; RGR  相似文献   
The Mediterranean parasitoid Aphidius transcaspicus is currently under investigation as a potential biological control agent for the mealy plum aphid, Hyalopterus pruni, in California. To better understand the biology of this parasitoid, including the potential existence of distinct strains or geographic races, we have developed a set of nine di‐ and trinucleotide repeat microsatellite markers. These markers were examined for variability in individuals from throughout the geographic distribution of A. transcaspicus, and we found between three and 19 alleles per locus. These are the first loci developed for A. transcaspicus and they will be of value in studying the population structure of this potential biocontrol agent and for future diagnostics.  相似文献   
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