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A method is described for the histochemical detection of horseradish peroxidase in Paraplast Plus embedded brain sections. The procedure uses 150-micron-thick Vibratome-cut slices of glutaraldehyde-paraformaldehyde-fixed brain tissue. Tetramethylbenzidine stabilized by diaminobenzidine/cobalt/H2O2 is used as chromogen. The Vibratome-cut slices are dehydrated through a graded series of acetone, cleared in toluol and flat-embedded in Paraplast Plus embedding medium. Serial sections can be cut as thin as 5-7 micron. The method is universal in its application and permits optimal visualization of labeled neurons with great morphological detail at the light-microscopic level.  相似文献   
Lens regeneration in adult salamanders occurs at the pupillary margin of the mid-dorsal iris where pigmented epithelial cells (PEC) re-enter the cell cycle and transdifferentiate into lens. It is not understood how the injury caused by removal of the lens (lentectomy) in one location is linked to initiating the response in a different spatial location (dorsal iris) and to this particular sector. We propose that the blood provides a link between the localised coagulation and signal transduction pathways that lead to regeneration. A transmembrane protein (tissue factor) is expressed in a striking patch-like domain in the dorsal iris of the newt that localises coagulation specifically to this location, but is not expressed in the axolotl, a related species that does not show thrombin activation after lentectomy and cannot regenerate its lens. Our hypothesis is that tissue factor expression localises the initiation of regeneration through the activation of thrombin and the recruitment of blood cells, leading to local growth factor release. This is the first example of gene expression in a patch of cells that prefigures the location of a regenerative response, and links the immune system with the initiation of a regenerative program.  相似文献   
A machine for sawing 80-micrometer slices of carious enamel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Design and construction of a machine that cuts 80-microns slices of sound and carious dental enamel and other calcified tissues is described. These slices can be used for quantitative microradiographic studies. Preparation takes minutes. Thickness for a given slice is uniform within 2 microns, mean thickness is within 4 microns of the intended value and roughness is about 0.1 micron. Commercial components have been used where possible. Information is provided to permit purchase of the components of the machine and its construction in the average university workshop.  相似文献   
Following a brief period of heat stress, the two highly conserved mammalian stress proteins, hsp68 and 70, were examined with respect to their intracellular locations. In four independent cell lines, hsp68 and 70 were found to partition into both Triton X-100-soluble and insoluble fractions as assessed by two-dimensional gel analysis of newly synthesized polypeptides, whereas a fifth cell line showed these proteins only in the Triton X-100-insoluble fraction. In addition, a previously described cell fractionation technique was utilized to gain information regarding the segregation of the two major mammalian stress proteins, hsp68 and 70, into distinct biochemically and morphologically characterized subcellular compartments of PtK2-epithelial cells. Two cytoskeletal-specific agents, taxol and colchicine, were also probed for their effects on the disposition of these polypeptides. Under our conditions of acute heat exposure, hsp68, 70 and their isoforms were globally distributed in all subcellular fractions examined, with a few notable exceptions in drug-treated cells. Colchicine, a microtubule-depolymerizing drug, inhibited the association of hsp68 and its variants with the double-detergent-extractable labile "cytoskeleton," whereas taxol, a microtubule-stabilizing agent, in some manner, facilitated the transit of hsp68 and its isovariants from a cytoplasmic to nuclear domain. Degree of cell density is a factor which influences the synthesis of various cytoskeletal proteins; therefore, we studied the effect of cell confluency on the disposition of mammalian stress proteins hsp68 and 70 in human FS-4 fibroblasts. In confluent cultures, where cell-cell contact was maximal, we observed the appearance of a previously undetected polypeptide which was not found in sparsely populated cultures. This protein may represent a post-translationally modified isoform of a preexisting heat shock protein, or perhaps, a novel stress protein.  相似文献   
A microculture system for mouse cerebellar cells has been used to identify an immune activity, raised in rabbits against postnatal cerebellar cells, that blocks neuron-glial interactions in vitro. In the presence of blocking antibodies, stable neuron-glial contacts did not form and neuronal induction of glial process outgrowth did not occur. Subsequently, neurons were randomly arranged in the cultures rather than organized along the arms of astroglia. We have named the immune activity that blocks neuron-astroglial interactions anti-astrotactin. Partial purification of the anti-astrotactin blocking antibodies was obtained by cellular absorption with PC12 cells, a clonal cell line which expresses both the N-CAM and NILE (Ng-CAM, L1) glycoproteins. Subsequent absorption with purified cerebellar granule cells, but not with astroglial cells, removed the blocking activity, suggesting that the antigen(s) bound by blocking antibodies are neuronal. Immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine- or [3H]fucose-radiolabeled Triton extracts of early postnatal cerebellar cells showed that the unabsorbed antiserum recognized a large number of proteins. Among these were bands with apparent molecular masses of N-CAM (180 and 140 kD) and NILE (230 kD). After absorption of the immune serum with PC12 cells, the number of bands recognized by the antiserum was reduced to a prominent band at 100 kD and a diffuse smear of material between 80 and 90 kD. The prominent band at 100 kD was removed by subsequent absorption of the immune serum with granule cells, a step which removed the blocking activity in the cerebellar microculture assay. Further evidence suggests that the astrotactin activity is missing or defective on granule cells from the neurological mutant mouse weaver, an animal that suffers a failure of glial-guided neuronal migration. When anti-astrotactin Fab fragments were pre-absorbed with weaver cerebellar neurons and then tested in the functional assay of neuron-glial interactions, the immune blocking activity was not removed. In contrast, wild-type cerebellar neurons removed the anti-astrotactin blocking activity under the same conditions. Subsequently, when [3H]fucose-radiolabeled Triton extracts of weaver and normal cells were immunoprecipitated with whole or PC12-absorbed anti-astrotactin antiserum, the intensity of the band at 100 kD was reduced by 95% in weaver cells.  相似文献   
Neurofilaments in mammalian nervous tissues have three subunit proteins. These subunit proteins have apparent molecular masses of 200 (NF200), 150 (NF150) and 68 (NF68) kD. Biochemical assembly studies have indicated that the NF68 protein forms the core of the filament and that the other two proteins are associated proteins. Electron microscopy immunolocalization studies have been performed previously on isolated filaments and on filaments from neurons in culture, and have confirmed the localization of NF68 as a core filament protein and NF200 as a peripheral protein. We have raised two monoclonal antibodies to the NF200 components. Using immunogold labelled protein A, we have been able to localize these antibodies to tissue sections of adult cerebellum at the EM level. With this method, we have found that one of the monoclonal antibodies (NF2) shows a linear arrangement of gold particles directly on the filament, whereas the second monoclonal antibody (NF111) reacts with the filaments to give a periodic arrangement of gold particles. By immunoblotting against chymotryptic fragments of the NF200 protein, we have found that the mAB-NF111 reacts solely with a 160 kD piece, whereas the other monoclonal antibody reacts with both the 160 kD piece and the 40 kD piece. The latter piece was shown to be associated to the filament by binding studies with iodinated NF68. Thus the EM localization studies and the biochemical studies indicate that the two monoclonal antibodies react with different parts of the NF200 molecule, one binding to a part of the molecule which is located closer to the filament, and one to a more peripheral part of the molecule.  相似文献   
A soluble isoelectric variant of the 150,000-dalton neurofilament protein was isolated from bovine brain by treating a partially purified filament preparation with a low-ionic-strength high-pH buffer. The protein (S150) had similar peptide maps to the neurofilament component of the same molecular weight (NF150) and was recognized by a polyclonal antibody made against the NF150 polypeptide. However, only half the anti-NF150 activity could be removed with the S150 protein. In addition, the S150 protein had a higher isoelectric point than the NF150 protein. Phosphate analysis indicated that the S150 protein was considerably lessened in phosphate content, which could account for the higher isoelectric point of the protein. It appears, therefore, that the S150 protein may be a precursor of NF150 or the result of phosphatase activity during the isolation procedure. Assembly studies showed that the S150 protein, unlike the NF150 protein, could not assemble with the 70-kDa neurofilament protein, indicating that the phosphate groups which were removed are important in the association of this protein to the neurofilament. When filaments containing all three triplet neurofilament polypeptides or those composed of the 70- and 150-kDa neurofilament proteins were subjected to acid phosphatase, a soluble fraction was obtained, which contained isoelectric variants with higher pI values than the NF150 polypeptide. Only unmodified NF150 protein was found in the insoluble fraction. These results support the argument that removal of phosphate groups results in the dissociation of this protein from the filament.  相似文献   
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